Every human being has an appendix. A disease appendix - appendicitis must be surgically removed or else it may cause you your life.
Europe peninsula is the appendix of continental Asia. It has diseased for a long time. Asia did not remove this disease appendix and therefore it has been causing endless troubles in this world. To save this earthly world it is necessary to surgically remove Europe.
Europe is the birth place of white-men. It is the birth place of all sins, false religions, suffering and death in this world. It is the birth place of all wars and aggressions. It is the birth place of all lies, deceits, racial hatreds, killings, murders and genocide. In short it is the birth place of all that is evil and abominable. And this white men's disease is the curse of mankind. And it has been the curse of non-white people and non-white countries for the last over 500 years.
For a long time it has turned canceros and the disease cancerous European appendicitis ( I will call it Europendicitis ) had spread far and wide into the Americas, Africa, Australia and New Zealand killing hundreds of millions of natives in the course of over 500 years.
Now is the time to stop Europeandicitis from causing any further wars and aggression. Russia and China will take the lead to do the job of eradicating Europeandicitis. Russia has started the cleansing in Europe by stopping Western - US aggression in Ukraine. But the Europeandicitis cancer has taken deep roots in Anglo-Saxon United States and Canada in North America, and has indeed become more toxic and poisonous. I will call this mutation of Europeandicitis as Americandicitis. For the last almost one hundred years this Americandicitis has superceded the Europendicitis by many fold in dispensing aggressive wars of conquest , brutal atrocities, killings and genocide of non-white people and countries everywhere in Middle East, Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. In fact the present Ukraine crisis and war is caused by the Americandicitis of the United States through its hegemonic control of NATO which it founded in 1949 to hold European countries under its hegemony. France former President De Gaulle was so disgusted with the self-condescending Americans that he would pull France out of NATO in 1966 to preserve France sovereignty as he refused to let France lose its self-respect and dignity as a subservient colony of the diabolical American empire. At least Predsident De Gaulle was more humble and did command quite a great deal of respect from China and other non-white countries.
Since the end of De Gaulle's era European countries were held in subservience to America's interests. The United States and NATO had since then up to today imposed more than 70 wars on many other countries causing many millions of deaths and maiming further millions. The most outrageous and disgusting thing is that after starting all wars and crisis the Americans and NATO would turn around and reversely accused their victims of aggression. The same thing is happening now in the Middle East, East China Sea and South China Sea, in Central America and South America. The United States is just a big unrepenting mafia bully in the international stage. God willing America and NATO should be justly destroyed.
Time is of the essence and so all non-white countries must come together and unite in unison and solidarity to stop the white people's menace before they cause any further toxic wars, pains suffering and death to the non-white people and countries.
Saturday, 19th March,2002.