
Wars are only evil when Westerners are victims

There's a deep-seated belief in the Western public's psyche that white lives are more precious than those of others living in countries considered to be unpleasant. Wars are justified and tolerated if led by the West. The hypocrisy and racism of reporting on Russia-Ukraine has made this abundantly clear when the tragedies of the 21st century, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya and Yemen did not elicit the pious posturing of Europeans and Americans as Russia-Ukraine has.

For the first time, this duplicity has been exposed to the global majority by social media and other tech-enabled forms of communication. Hundreds of thousands of videos and messages have reached every corner of the world, as Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Africans, South Americans have the scale of this hypocrisy made crystal clear.

This is helping to combat centuries of Western propaganda, which portrayed white Westerners as superior, righteous, civilizing and the natural leaders of the world -- a perpetuation of white privilege stemming from brutal colonial exploits.

The sheer influence of this system was previously only recognized by some, but now there is a global conversation taking place about why the West is depicting the civilian tragedy of this conflict as somehow incomparable to other conflicts. This discourse is leading hundreds of millions to new understandings of current events and to not simply accept the one-sided Western version.

Russia winning the Russia-Ukraine conflict is good because it will lead to a world with more equal power-sharing that will no longer be dictated by the narrow interventionist interests of the West. America and Europe will be aligned on one side, and Russia and China aligned on the other. 



Random facts and truth in brief:Wherever and whenever white-men appear it bodes evil and danger.

       Every human being has an appendix. A disease appendix - appendicitis must be surgically removed or else it may cause you your life. 

Europe peninsula is the appendix of continental Asia. It has diseased for a long time. Asia did not remove this disease appendix and therefore it has been causing endless troubles in this world. To save this earthly world it is necessary to surgically remove Europe.

Europe is the birth place of white-men. It is the birth place of all sins, false religions, suffering and death in this world. It is the birth place of all wars and aggressions. It is the birth place of all lies, deceits, racial hatreds, killings, murders and genocide. In short it is the birth place of all that is evil and abominable. And this white men's disease is the curse of mankind. And it has been the curse of non-white people and non-white countries for the last over 500 years. 

For a long time it has turned canceros and the disease cancerous European appendicitis  ( I will call it Europendicitis ) had spread far and wide into the Americas, Africa, Australia and New Zealand killing hundreds of millions of natives in the course of over 500 years.

Now is the time to stop Europeandicitis from causing any further wars and aggression. Russia and China will take the lead to do the job of eradicating Europeandicitis. Russia has started the cleansing in Europe by stopping Western - US aggression in Ukraine. But the Europeandicitis cancer has taken deep roots in Anglo-Saxon United States and Canada in North America, and has indeed become more toxic and poisonous. I will call this mutation of Europeandicitis as Americandicitis. For the last almost one hundred years this Americandicitis has superceded the Europendicitis by many fold in dispensing aggressive wars of conquest , brutal atrocities, killings and genocide of non-white people and countries everywhere in Middle East, Africa, Asia, Central America and South America. In fact the present Ukraine crisis and war is caused by the Americandicitis of the United States through its hegemonic control of NATO which it founded in 1949 to hold European countries under its hegemony. France former President De Gaulle was so disgusted with the self-condescending Americans that he would pull France out of NATO in 1966 to preserve France sovereignty as he refused to let France lose its self-respect and dignity as a subservient colony of the diabolical American empire. At least Predsident De Gaulle was more humble and did command quite a great deal of respect from China and other non-white countries.

Since the end of De Gaulle's era European countries were held in subservience to America's interests. The United States and NATO had since then up to today imposed more than 70 wars on many other countries  causing many millions of deaths and maiming further millions. The most outrageous and disgusting thing is that after starting all wars and crisis the Americans and NATO would turn around and reversely accused their victims of aggression. The same thing is happening now in the Middle East, East China Sea and South China Sea, in Central America and South America. The United States is just a big unrepenting mafia bully in the international stage. God willing America and NATO should be justly destroyed.

Time is of the essence and so all non-white countries must come together and unite in unison and solidarity to stop the white people's menace before they cause any further toxic wars, pains suffering and death to the non-white people and countries.


Saturday, 19th March,2002.

Ukraine - Ridiculous and hypocritical UN calling for investigation of war crimes

 When did this UN suddenly appear to call for an investigation of war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine, for causing the death of a few hundred civilians? Where was the UN when the Americans and Europeans were bombing the daylight out of the Arabs and Muslims in Iraq, Syria, Libya. Afghanistan and Yemen?  Was the UN created yesterday, or was the UN in hibernation? Did the UN know that hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims were killed ruthlessly by the Americans and the Europeans when they invaded these countries? What about the war crimes against the Palestinians in the Gaza strip and West Bank? 

Putin told the Americans that they were unfit to talk about war crimes when they had massacred so many Arabs and Muslims in the last 20 years of occupation and wars. Putin should also tell the UN to stop its hypocrisy and pretending to be working and wanting to investigate Russia for war crimes. The UN is also unfit for such a task when it failed or turned a blind eye to the atrocities and war crimes committed by the Americans and Europeans in the Middle East, and also refusing to investigate Fort Detrick as a likely source of the Covid19 virus.

In the case of Ukraine, the Ukrainians on the ground, on the site being bombed, were saying that the bombs came from Ukrainian soldiers. And Ukrainian soldiers have been donning Russian uniforms to attack them, attacking civilian Ukrainians and passing the buck to the Russians.

The UN has lost its credibility to represent the world as a world body on such issues. It failed miserably to investigate the crimes of the Americans and Europeans when all the evidence were there. Till today, it has still been unable to lift up its backside to bring Bush and Blair to face charges of war crimes for spreading lies about WMD to invade Iraq and destroyed that country and killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. It has still got to investigate the fake justification of fighting terrorists to invade Afghanistan and destroying that country as well and killing the poor tribesmen that had nothing to do with 911.

Stop your hypocrisy and charge Zelensky for crimes against the Ukrainians, in Donbass and Lugansk and also for plunging Ukraine into a war that needed happened. This is the least that the UN should do to redeem some credibility instead of being led by the nose by the evil Americans all the way.

For goodness sake, do something right, stand on your own two feet, to represent the rest of the world, not the American interest and defending American lies, disinformation and crimes against humanity.

Same on you, the UN, for being a stooge of the American Empire, shamelessly persecuting the victims of American naked aggression at the behest of the American gangsters and murderers.

China has no reason to want to be an Empire

The role of a superpower is fraught with problems. Why would China want to become a superpower? China could have been there already, centuries ago, when Admiral Cheng Ho went around visiting other countries as far as East Africa.

Even Mahathir knows that China had little ambition to dominate when Admiral Cheng Hos visited Malacca, but did not return to colonise it. The Portuguese, on the other hand, came, saw and returned with an army to colonise Malacca.

Trying to rule the world is easier said than done. Countries doing so need military and economic power that will eventually bankrupt them. Little Britain is a perfect example. China has both attributes, economic and military power, but decides it is better to improve their own people's lives than spend their wealth on unproductive wars and needing massive resources to hold on to the land seized by them.

China is even doing better by trying to improve the lives of others living around the world. And that has not gone unreciprocated by those countries now reaping the rewards of China's infrastructure projects. Dare I say, even more countries will refrained from voting against China at the UN should war with Taiwan erupt.

China and Russia would have done the world a great service by ending the USA hegemony of wars and destruction. That alone is a job well done.


PS. The Empire thing is a red herring, a mischievous allegation created by the Americans to raise China as a target to be feared and attacked. The Empire is the American Empire that they are desperately trying to hold on to. The Americans and the West needed empires to plunder and loot.

China has become rich by hard work ethics and trade, making goods and services for the world. There is no need for China to want to loot and plunder weaker countries. Building empires is never in the DNA of China but in the vicious savages of the West. 

Today the American Empire thrives on starting wars and selling weapons. They need a strong Empire to control the world and to protect themselves from criminal charges and war crimes.  And they need to keep themselves very, very busy fixing this country or that country just to protect the empire, wasting a lot of time, manpower and resources making enemies everywhere.

China sells consumers goods and services to prosper.


Amaravati Project revived. Good news?

 The failed Amaravai project in Andhra Pradesh is being revived with the India court overturning the earlier ruling, that the project should be built as originally planned. Singapore Amaravati Investment was the main developer and had poured in some millions into the project until it was cooked and abandoned by the Indian state.

So, is this news meant to be good news or bad news? Singapore's investment and money had gone under the bridge. Would the super talents in Singapore think it is a good opportunity, with the door opens up again, to dump in more good money after bad money? Would the conventional wisdom of once bitten twice shy be ignored as the super talents have more super wisdom to chase after bad money with more good money?

Who would be the advisors to use more OPM to dump into this nefarious state that one day is all bright and sunny and the next could be dark as hell?

What do you think? Would Singapore continue to see the golden opportunity waiting for them in Andhra Pradesh and regroup another team to bring bags of dollars to India again? Or would someone say, enough is enough. Or would some wise crack say, the benefits outweighs the risk. After all it is OPM. If it fails again, it is ok, not from my pocket. If potluck strikes jackpot, can claim credit and ask for bigger bonuses? Then announce to the world how clever it is to make such a smart decision, when angels would not dare to tread, but we dared and we did, and we won? We told you. My guess is right. My gamble pays off.

After collecting so much money from the people, hiring so many million dollar experts and talents, they must be seen doing something, and the money must invest somewhere right?