
Covid19 - Vaccine Gate - Imminent Collapse of the Vaccine Narrative

The SIGNS are all there. CDC Director Rochelle Paula Walensky has conceded the Vaccines aren’t as effective as they claimed and they were too optimistic while too little cautious in approving these Vaccines.

On the other hand, Dr Fauci is missing from News Network since 18 Feb 2022!

All these happen when FDA was forced and ordered by Federal Court to release ALL the Pfizer documents by this year and first batch of documents are already causing Earthquake with 9 pages of Adverse Side Effects!

For those who are interested in the Pfizer documents, you can download from the following links.

The Collapse of the Vaccine narrative and agenda is pretty Imminent.

Goh Meng Seng

The above piece posted by Goh Meng Seng in TRE is looking ominous. The biggest scam in history is about to be exposed. The American judicial system may have been corrupted and abused by Trump in the recent past, but there are enough Americans with good reasons to bring it to bear on the abusers when they fell from power. 

The Pfizer documents would have all the hard evidence in black and white to prove the lies that have been concealed and untruth or half truths being spread as the truths to con the Americans and the people of the world of a dangerous and pseudo vaccine. The truth is about to be exposed and many people are going to jail or lose their reputation as eminent scientists or public administrators. 

The Vaccine Gate is going to drag down many many people for chanting how good the pseudo vaccine was and for making hundreds of millions of people wondering why they were so foolish to allow themselves to be conned and coerced into jabbing themselves with something that could harm them for life but with little benefits. The harm does not justify the risk.

Professionalism. integrity, credibility, personal reputation etc etc would be put under the chopping block when the dust settles.

PS. I received a copy of a form whereby Pfizer was applying for delisting in the NYSE. If this is true, something big is coming up and Pfizer could be no more after the Vaccine Gate.


Ukraine - After the war, Ukraine would be in debt forever

 For  a country to be led by a pretentious boy President is a sure formula for disaster. A peaceful country, he allowed foreigners, ie the Americans to con him into behaving like a ruthless mafia, to attack and kill eastern Ukrainians as if it was a football game. He could kick them around, kill them at will. And to defy a neighbouring nuclear power in Russia, thinking he could get away with him because he has a bigger devil behind him. Now that he has been cajoled and goaded into a war with Russia, and thinking that he is a brave man, without knowing that he is an absolute idiot, he has single handedly destroy Ukraine as a country.

Ukraine would not only be bankrupt after the war, win or lose, but also deep in debt. Ukraine would have to suffer the fate of dynastic China, got invaded, defeated in a war and made to repay indemnity to the invaders.

In the case of Ukraine, the debt would be humongous. Ukraine not only have to pay Russia for the expenses Russia incurred in the war, Ukraine has to pay the Americans and all the European countries for their aids, weapons, ammunitions etc etc. The aids are not for free.  There is no free lunch. Now they are all promising aids and pouring them in. The trick is that these generous countries would be writing the bills, setting the price and sending the bills to Ukraine once the war is over. They would charge whatever they want as Ukraine would not be in any position to dispute the bills especially after it is defeated.

Ukraine would simply have to pay just like the Europeans and Japanese that invaded China in the 19th Century. Losers paid for everything the winners demanded. 

Did the boy President know these, that the aids are not for free? Did he know that Ukraine would be a pauper country for the next century paying war debt?

Yes, Zelensky can feel great that he is a war hero, so brave to stand up to Russia, a country many times bigger than Ukraine, strong enough to take on the American Empire plus Nato. From another perspective, he is anything but a hero. He is a stupid ass. Period. He has committed unforgiveable crime against his country and the people of Ukraine for his little ego and pride. The people of Ukraine would have to pay for his sins and crimes for this war and for destroying Ukraine. The next few generations of Ukrainians would have to pay and pay.

The only thing good coming out from Zelensky is that he is the perfect example of what a foolish leader should not do, never to do what he did, to take on an enemy that is too big for him, that he could never win or to beat. This is a free lesson for all the silly little countries to learn from. Do not bite what they could not chew. Know your place, stay away from big power conflict, and live in peace, or be a silly hero like Zelensky, to be remember forever in history for leading a country into an unnecessary war, fighting a proxy war for a foreign power.

American Military Biolabs Discovered in Ukraine

Russian forces during their special military operation in Ukraine uncovered a network of about 30 biological laboratories that was formed in the country at the request of the United States.

On Monday, the chief of Russia's radiation, chemical and biological protection force Igor Kirillov, reported a network of more than 30 biological labs was formed on Ukrainian territory at the instruction of the U.S. Department of Defense's Threat Reduction Agency.

The discovery raised great concern as the biological laboratories were storing large quantities of dangerous viruses which the U.S. were using for its biomilitary projects.

The U.S. Department of Defense has absolute control over the biological laboratories in Ukraine. All dangerous viruses in Ukraine must be stored in these laboratories, and all research activities are led by the U.S..

The U.S.' biological military activities in Ukraine are just the "tip of the iceberg," said Zhao Lijian, spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, noting that the U.S. Department of Defense controls a total of 336 biological military laboratories in 30 countries.

For two decades, the U.S. has exclusively blocked the establishment of the verification mechanism of the Biological Weapons Convention and refused to accept multilateral inspections of U.S. biological facilities within and outside its borders.

- RB News


PS. As usual, the thief shouting thief. Remember Iraq. With so many offensive biowarfare lab in another name, the Americans are placing them in strategic locations all over the world in preparation of a bio chemical attack on neighbouring countries. Russia and China must raise this in the UN to have all such labs close down. Insist on an inspection in all the labs.

Covid-19 Singapore: The Scanty MOH New Normal Report 8 March, 2022

INGAPORE: Singapore reported 22,201 new COVID-19 cases plus 15 deaths, as of noon on Tuesday (Mar 8), comprising 21,986 local cases and 215 imported infections.

This is the sixth consecutive Tuesday that case numbers have gone up from the day before. Health Minister Ong Ye Kung had previously referred to such a pattern, writing on Facebook in October 2021 that numbers would "always spike after the weekends" and he has been doing nothing about it at all. Just talk talk only, same as NATO.

There were also 15 fatalities added to the escalating death toll that the health ministry could have prevented but let the infections led to coronavirus complications, and brought the total to 1,099 dead people. Every death is a heartache to some family members and relatives. Some of them are sole bread-winners, who may have to leave they young, still schooling, dependentless children behind. This is the cruel reality of life in the richest city on Earth, where ministers make themselves multi-millionaires at the stroke of a pen.

According to MOM statistics, there are 1,499 patients in the hospitals, and a total of 190 patients require oxygen supplementation.

Forty-nine patients are in the intensive care unit, fighting for their life.



Wolfowitz Doctrine - American Imperialism

Wolfowitz Doctrine is an unofficial name given to the initial version of the Defense Planning Guidance for the 1994–99 fiscal years (dated February 18, 1992) published by US Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Paul Wolfowitz and his deputy Scooter Libby. Not intended for public release, it was leaked to the New York Times on March 7, 1992,[1] and sparked a public controversy about U.S. foreign and defense policy. The document was widely criticized as imperialist, as the document outlined a policy of unilateralism and pre-emptive military action to suppress potential threats from other nations and prevent dictatorships from rising to superpower status. Wikipedia

This imperialist doctrine formulated by Wolfowitz is the underlying assumption of American policy since the Bush Administration and privately promoted and put to practice by both the Bush and Obama Administration. It was all about the American Empire and no country is allowed to challenge that position. Once a potential challenger is identified, it would be put down at all cost. China, Russia and the EU are all considered as potential challengers to the dominance of the American Empire and must be put down. Japan used to be the target and was put down for good.

This hawkish policy means that the Americans would attack any country that comes near to challenging their number position, and war, destabilising countries and the use of might are what the Americans would do to protect their dominance. The American Empire will only be peaceful and accommodating if they remain sitting on top of the world but would swing the club when threatened.

The unceasing flow of anti China and anti Russia invective coming from the Americans are daily bread of the American Empire. The current crisis in Ukraine is engineered and conceived by the Americans to secure their number position. The Americans are the biggest beneficiary of this war. With one stroke, Russia and EU would be stuck in a war that would weaken if not, destroy both countries.  China too would be targeted and demonised for not lending a hand to support the devious American scheme to bring down Russia and Europe. In the process, China would be labelled as non cooperative, not supportive and an enemy of the American Empire. It would be China's fault though China is thousands of miles away and has nothing to do with it while the Americans, the mastermind in this war stood up as above the fray, the innocent party but the biggest winner in this crisis.

The European and Russians would be direct casualties of this war. Ukraine is just a pawn to make it happened. Thanks to the stupidity of Zelensky for making it so easy. When this war is over, China would be left alone to fend itself against the next onslaught from the Americans. China would be fighting the Americans in a much weaker position without the Russian backing. The dominance of the American Empire is assured. All 3 potential contenders would be knocked out in the cold.

PS. This scheme is so brilliant. The Americans started this war, dragging the whole of Europe into it, Ukraine and Russia, but no need to risk any American life. Everyone in Europe gonna die for the American Empire.

Clinton's top secret speech to Congress after the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999.

'The goal of the new strategy I am going to describe will be that from now on, the United States will become the last and only empire of mankind. 

We have set a detailed goal: the first step: NATO's eastward expansion. You have seen that in the Kosovo war, we originally had lingering fears about him(Russia), Now, he has almost become a naked beggar....The purpose of our eastward expansion is to control the entire Eurasian plate....'