
Zelensky, acting too big for his shoes, now eating humble pie

"Good Lord, what do you want? Leave our land. If you don't want to leave now, sit down with me at the negotiating table. But not from 30 meters away, like with [French President Emmanuel] Macron and [German Chancellor Olaf] Scholz,” Zelensky said, according to a translation from journalist Max Seddon, the Financial Times’ Moscow bureau chief. The “30 meters” line appears to be a reference to the lengthy table Putin uses for meetings with foreign leaders and his own advisers.

“Sit down with me and talk. What are you afraid of? We're no threat to anyone,” Zelensky added.

The above is from Yahoo News. This boy President is the perfect example of a clown, not there but thinking he was there, or he thought it was a circus. After listening to the sweet talks, will promises of grandeur from the Americans, he believed that he was really in a position to talk tough and act tough with Putin. He thought with the Americans behind him, he could attack Donbass and Lugansk at will and Putin would not hit back. He thought he could join Nato, a military alliance against Russia and no one could stop him, because he had the Americans behind him. He thought he is a hero, a legend in the making, to defy Putin, to ignore the security interest of the Russians and could do whatever he wanted, with Americans encouragement. He thought he could get away with all his unfriendly and hostile acts against Russia.

Now the truth smashed down on him like a lightning rod. Help, where is everyone? I need help. This is real. Putin is real. What have I done? Please talk to me, please, I am no threat to anyone. I am just a comedian, just joking.

A small, country relative to Russia, though almost as big as India, thinking too big for his own good without knowing how heavy he is. Wanting to punch above his weight, taking on a super power like Russia. Now reality bites. He is feeling the pain and all alone to face the music for his own stupidity.

Where have all the toughness gone? 

Taiwan's Tsai Ing Wen better wise up and learn from the foolishness of Zelensky or she would be in the same shoe when Xi takes action to reunite Taiwan with China. Taiwan is even more precarious as there is no immediate neighbouring country to supply Taiwan with all its needs, all surrounded by sea and water. The sea and air would be fully under the control of China. Not a fly can get through without being swapped down.

MSM - The biggest culprit in providing fake news and disinformation

 I could not believe the amount of fabrication that is coming out of the MSM about the Ukraine standoff. War crimes, rape, bravery of civilians, Zelensky standing his ground and ready to be the last man standing etc etc etc. Believe in them if you will.

The spin is matching the fabrication trotted out before the Iraq War. Then, trucks carrying pipes were said to be carrying materials for making nuclear missiles and bombed. Any and all facilities making white powders were touted as evidence of chemical weapons manufacturing sites, blamed on Chemical Ali and were bombed. The story of the fabricated WMD and chemical weapons was so convincing that the doggies were conned and dragged into the invasion, using the UN rubber stamp to legalse the illegal war based on fabrication and lies. The USA knew it was illegal because the evidence were fabricated.

When inspectors and investigators entered Iraq to search for WMD, they found not even a shred of evidence of the existence of WMD. A fabricated chemical weapons factory, bombed during the war was found to be a milk powder factory, depriving millions of Iraqi children their feed. This is not a war crime? Washing powder was probably used by the USA to mislead the UN and to accuse Saddam Hussein of possessing chemical weapons. All proven fabricated, misleading and outright lies to invade Iraq.

Why is the USA still in Iraq today when no WMD existed? It was all about the oil from the beginning and regime change. The deaths of millions of innocents are just collateral damage as long as the benefits outweigh the loss of credibility. The Iraqi citizens supported the invasion at the beginning and now have to live in regret. They now have democracy? More like living hell.

And the ICC was deep asleep under the rug at the right time, and supposedly 'Principled' countries suddenly became blind and deaf. Standing up for justice my foot! 



Ukraine - The greatest robbery on earth, sanctioned by the American Empire

 The Ukraine crisis is not just about Ukraine, not just about Europe, it is about the whole world. The Americans are staging this for a big come back as the only uncontested, unchallenged Empire, and more ruthless and deadly. All its allies and lackeys have been told to tow the line and condemned Russia, must speak up and take actions, no sitting on the fence. This applies also to the so called neutral states in Europe like Switzerland and the Nordic countries. There is no room for neutrality. This is WW3 in the making.

Russia is the first cat to be skinned. The edict has been out, Russia, Russians and assets belonging to Russia and Russians are free to rob and loot. The European countries, allies and lackeys have started a robbery spree, snatching Russian assets, lands, properties, ships, private yachts belonging to rich Russians, and money in the banks. Just go and grab them. And they callously went as ordered by the Americans.

Is this lunacy at the highest level? Are the leaders of these countries mad or stupid? Do they think they could get away with these crimes against Russia and Russians in broad daylight scot free? There will be no repercussion, the Russians would take it quietly, to be robbed, looted and arrested, without hitting back? Russia and the Russians would be wiped out and dismissed into the wilderness of history?

There is a price, a heavy price for such thoughtless lunacy. The war has just begun. Anyone committing such heinous lunacy against Russia and Russians must know that the acts are as good as declaring war on Russia. They are now full combatants in this American war against Russia and cannot claim innocence, that they are not involved. They are in, with Russian assets and properties and Russian citizens in their hands, and slipping out of their pockets. They are behaving no better than lawless rioters robbing and looting a supermarket and shopping complex, no respect for rule of law and human decency.

When Russia hits back, Russia is morally right to hit back when attacked unprovoked by these thoughtless hooligans. They cannot expect any self pity, any forgiveness, any restraint from the Russians in their unilateral actions against Russia in an undeclared war.  They are all at war with Russia. 

Why would countries that have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, nothing to do with Russia, have no quarrels with Russia, want to plunge in to declare war on Russia? Yes, the arresting of Russians and robbing of Russian assets are hostile acts, acts of war against Russia. They have taken sides.

The warmongering Americans have started this world war against Russia, and China is next on the list. The stakes have been raised and it is too late to pull back from the brink of WW3. All the chips are being poured into this cauldron of fire. 

Ukraine will change the face of the earth. Ukraine will change the history of mankind. There will be no Ukraine to talk of about this massive conflict on Ukrainian soil. The winners have yet to be decided.

Singapore Has Made Russia Its Number One Enemy

Singapore spells out the details of its arbitrary sanctions against Russia and the Russian people as follows:

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said Singapore will impose sanctions on Russia “in concert with other like-minded countries (meaning arm-twisted by USA and EU)”, and cited the “unprecedented gravity” of the Russian invasion.

“While we continue to value good relations with Russia and the Russian people, we cannot accept the Russian government’s violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another sovereign state,” said the ministry. (This is double-talk with fork tongue just like the Whitemen)

“For a small state like Singapore, this is not a theoretical principle, but a dangerous precedent. This is why Singapore has strongly condemned Russia’s unprovoked (Russia has been provoked and threatened for past 7 long years, you see the tree and miss the wood) attack on Ukraine.”

The restrictions are aimed at constraining Russia’s capacity to conduct war against Ukraine and undermine its sovereignty.

It detailed the sanctions and measures Singapore will take in response to the Ukraine invasion.


The Singapore Strategic Goods Control System regulates the transfer - export, transit, and transhipment - of strategic goods which are generally military weapons or their parts as well as high technology goods that could be used for both commercial and military purposes.

Items subject to strategic goods control are listed in the Strategic Goods (Control) Order (SGCO) 2021.

In order to “constrain Russia’s capacity to conduct war in Ukraine and cyber aggression”, all permit operations to Russia involving all items on the list of military goods under the SGCO will be rejected.

All category codes under Category 3 (Electronics), Category 4 (Computers) and Category 5 (Telecommunications) and Information Security on the List of Dual-Use Goods under the SGCO will also be rejected.


Singapore will impose financial measures targeted at Russian banks, entities and activities in Russia, as well as fundraising activities for the Russian government.

Digital payment token service providers are specifically prohibited from facilitating transactions that could help to circumvent these financial measures.

Financial institutions in Singapore will be prohibited from entering into transactions or establishing business relationships with four Russian banks: VTB Bank Public Joint Stock Company, The Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs Vnesheconombank, Promsvyazbank Public Joint Stock Company and Bank Rossiya.

Where there are existing business relationships, financial institutions must freeze any assets and funds of these four banks.

Financial institutions in Singapore will also be barred from providing financing or financial services relating to the export from Singapore or any other jurisdiction of goods subject to Singapore’s export controls on Russia.

These goods comprise all items on the Military Goods List and specified categories in the Dual-Use Goods List in the SGCO.

Financial services in relation to designated Russian non-bank entities that are involved in such activities will also be prohibited by Singapore.

Where there are existing business relationships, financial institutions must freeze any assets and funds of these designated entities. Details on the designation of non-bank entities will be provided subsequently.

Financial institutions in Singapore cannot enter into transactions, arrangements or provide financial services that facilitate fundraising by: The Russian government; the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; any entity owned or controlled by them or acting on their direction or behalf.Singapore spells out the details of its arbitrary sanctions against Russia and the Russian people as follows:

Earlier, Foreign Affairs Minister Vivian Balakrishnan said Singapore will impose sanctions on Russia “in concert with other like-minded countries (meaning arm-twisted by USA and EU)”, and cited the “unprecedented gravity” of the Russian invasion.

“While we continue to value good relations with Russia and the Russian people, we cannot accept the Russian government’s violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of another sovereign state,” said the ministry. (This is double-talk with fork tongue just like the Whitemen)

“For a small state like Singapore, this is not a theoretical principle, but a dangerous precedent. This is why Singapore has strongly condemned Russia’s unprovoked (Russia has been provoked and threatened for past 7 long years, you see the tree and miss the wood) attack on Ukraine.”

The restrictions are aimed at constraining Russia’s capacity to conduct war against Ukraine and undermine its sovereignty.

It detailed the sanctions and measures Singapore will take in response to the Ukraine invasion.


The Singapore Strategic Goods Control System regulates the transfer - export, transit, and transhipment - of strategic goods which are generally military weapons or their parts as well as high technology goods that could be used for both commercial and military purposes.

Items subject to strategic goods control are listed in the Strategic Goods (Control) Order (SGCO) 2021.

In order to “constrain Russia’s capacity to conduct war in Ukraine and cyber aggression”, all permit operations to Russia involving all items on the list of military goods under the SGCO will be rejected.

All category codes under Category 3 (Electronics), Category 4 (Computers) and Category 5 (Telecommunications) and Information Security on the List of Dual-Use Goods under the SGCO will also be rejected.


Singapore will impose financial measures targeted at Russian banks, entities and activities in Russia, as well as fundraising activities for the Russian government.

Digital payment token service providers are specifically prohibited from facilitating transactions that could help to circumvent these financial measures.

Financial institutions in Singapore will be prohibited from entering into transactions or establishing business relationships with four Russian banks: VTB Bank Public Joint Stock Company, The Corporation Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs Vnesheconombank, Promsvyazbank Public Joint Stock Company and Bank Rossiya.

Where there are existing business relationships, financial institutions must freeze any assets and funds of these four banks.

Financial institutions in Singapore will also be barred from providing financing or financial services relating to the export from Singapore or any other jurisdiction of goods subject to Singapore’s export controls on Russia.

These goods comprise all items on the Military Goods List and specified categories in the Dual-Use Goods List in the SGCO.

Financial services in relation to designated Russian non-bank entities that are involved in such activities will also be prohibited by Singapore.

Where there are existing business relationships, financial institutions must freeze any assets and funds of these designated entities. Details on the designation of non-bank entities will be provided subsequently.

Financial institutions in Singapore cannot enter into transactions, arrangements or provide financial services that facilitate fundraising by: The Russian government; the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; any entity owned or controlled by them or acting on their direction or behalf.

The prohibitions apply to buying and selling new securities, providing financial services that facilitate new fundraising, and making or participating in the making of any new loan to the entities owned or controlled by the Russian government and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Singapore Government and Monetary Authority of Singapore will also cease investing in newly issued securities of the above entities.

The ministry added that financial institutions in Singapore will be prohibited from entering into transactions or providing financial services in the breakaway regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, in the sectors of: Transport; telecommunications; energy; and prospecting, exploration and production of oil, gas and mineral resources.

They also cannot enter into or facilitate any transactions involving cryptocurrencies, to circumvent any of the prohibitions.

The prohibited cryptocurrency transactions cover all transactions that involve cryptocurrencies and extend to the payment and settlement of transactions that relate to digital assets, such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), said MFA.

These measures apply to all financial institutions in Singapore, including banks, finance companies, insurers, capital markets intermediaries, securities exchanges and payment service providers.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore will issue directions to all financial institutions, setting out the details of the measures.

Singapore is a consistent and staunch supporter of international law and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter. Not true. What about the invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Yemen by USA and EU? They are also independent states. Hypocrisy of the highest order. 



Avatar Collection: NFT - Portraits of Women


These are 6 of 27 portraits in my Portraits of Women Collection available in NFT. Framing them up and lined in a corridor would make an impressive sight. All the portraits are the back views of women donning some headdresses.

The portraits were done using the Art of RAR technique ie created from pictures taken of light reflecting and refracting from water. They are the creation of Mother Nature. 

The full collection can be viewed at https://opensea.io/collection/rarart-portraits-of-women or click at the top right picture of the blue woman portrait on this blog.