The Ukraine crisis is not just about Ukraine, not just about Europe, it is about the whole world. The Americans are staging this for a big come back as the only uncontested, unchallenged Empire, and more ruthless and deadly. All its allies and lackeys have been told to tow the line and condemned Russia, must speak up and take actions, no sitting on the fence. This applies also to the so called neutral states in Europe like Switzerland and the Nordic countries. There is no room for neutrality. This is WW3 in the making.
Russia is the first cat to be skinned. The edict has been out, Russia, Russians and assets belonging to Russia and Russians are free to rob and loot. The European countries, allies and lackeys have started a robbery spree, snatching Russian assets, lands, properties, ships, private yachts belonging to rich Russians, and money in the banks. Just go and grab them. And they callously went as ordered by the Americans.
Is this lunacy at the highest level? Are the leaders of these countries mad or stupid? Do they think they could get away with these crimes against Russia and Russians in broad daylight scot free? There will be no repercussion, the Russians would take it quietly, to be robbed, looted and arrested, without hitting back? Russia and the Russians would be wiped out and dismissed into the wilderness of history?
There is a price, a heavy price for such thoughtless lunacy. The war has just begun. Anyone committing such heinous lunacy against Russia and Russians must know that the acts are as good as declaring war on Russia. They are now full combatants in this American war against Russia and cannot claim innocence, that they are not involved. They are in, with Russian assets and properties and Russian citizens in their hands, and slipping out of their pockets. They are behaving no better than lawless rioters robbing and looting a supermarket and shopping complex, no respect for rule of law and human decency.
When Russia hits back, Russia is morally right to hit back when attacked unprovoked by these thoughtless hooligans. They cannot expect any self pity, any forgiveness, any restraint from the Russians in their unilateral actions against Russia in an undeclared war. They are all at war with Russia.
Why would countries that have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, nothing to do with Russia, have no quarrels with Russia, want to plunge in to declare war on Russia? Yes, the arresting of Russians and robbing of Russian assets are hostile acts, acts of war against Russia. They have taken sides.
The warmongering Americans have started this world war against Russia, and China is next on the list. The stakes have been raised and it is too late to pull back from the brink of WW3. All the chips are being poured into this cauldron of fire.
Ukraine will change the face of the earth. Ukraine will change the history of mankind. There will be no Ukraine to talk of about this massive conflict on Ukrainian soil. The winners have yet to be decided.