
The morality of being paid and being overpaid

It is most immoral and most unethical for politicians who are elected to parliament to serve the people but instead they take it as opportunities to serve themselves in every way and in all ways. It's time the people demand the ministers and politicians cut down their salaries to a more realistic level instead of paying themselves overbloated salaries of millions of dollars. Is there any wonder when people say the big time robbers are found in parliaments and small little robbers are found in the streets? Also those directors and CEOs in GLC - Government Linked Companies and statutory boards or government departments have no basis or rights to be paid in the millions. Why is the foreigner made instant Singapore citizen and CEO of DBS paid more than ten to fifteen million dollars every year. It is very illogical to be paid sky high salary while the average citizens are paid pittance and still have to pay all kinds of rubbish taxes including income tax and peoperty tax.

The scenario must change before it is too late or else The Mandate of Heaven must show its anger and displeasure in violent revolution. Politicians and ministers better wake up and do the right thing instead of indulging in meaningless demagoguery to justify their high pay and increase of taxes.

We demand socialist governance for Singapore and a more fair and equitably share of the national pie for all citizens.

A Singapore socialist.

Eagles Eyes


The Evil that Man does for power and money

In the past few centuries might conquer the world, Alexander the great, the Ottoman empire.

Then came fire arms where the whitemen raided the rest of the world.

There were some wise men when they invented the atomic bomb, the super power stop their maurading ventures as the trigger of nuclear weapons will demolish the whole planet earth.

The US still continued to raid the world by printing fiat money tied to petroldollars. However they refused to fund the FDA and let the Pharma do the funding. They and set up so call panel of committees to approve patented new drugs, the approval is obtained by paying huge fees to the FDA.

However as the Pharmas get bigger and obscenely wealthy, they start to capture these committees and also the medias (advertising money) They are using the same tactics that Big Tobacco used.

One very filthy rich man discarded his software business and invest into pharma and Big Food. In Big Food all the GMOs grains and fake proteins are invented to control food to the rest of the world. In Big Pharma the most profitable business is vaccines which has no liability when approved by the FDA.

They also use relative risk reduction (RRR) to con the politicians that the vaccines are >95% effective using fraud. The panels approving the vaccines are more or less captured by Big Pharma. When the vaccines don't work just change the narrative. They can even get the CDC to change the definition of vaccine. As the politicians are already riding the tiger or were capture with big payoff they need to wayang along.

There are many sheeples who will believe and obey the so called mandates from the politicians. These politicians used their beholden medical teams to use the phrase "the benefits outweighs the risks" to exaggerate the benefits and play down the risks.

So what can the few wise man do when there are so many captured and corrupted people and sheeple. Main stream medias and the big social medias are all captured by Big Pharmas.

Humanity is going down the tubes, if you can see and think through all these, just take care of yourself. If you can afford not to work, there is no need to take the Vax.
If you need to work to put food on the table take the SinoVac or Novavax when it is available.

A man does not need billions or millions to have a happy and healthy life. if you look at that dirty old man Bill Gates who had visited sex pervert Jeffery Epstein - he looks crumpled with liver spots although he has hundreds of billions in the bank and he will be getting more billions. However karma is a bitch you would not know when the bite will come!


Julian Assange Journalistic Freedom Award

 Plus, UK politician and former PM Tony Blair of the Labour Party has been knighted in recognition of his service to the British state. This comes despite growing calls for his prosecution for war crimes related to his country’s involvement in the ill-fated invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan by the US, UK and allied states.

Meanwhile, WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange continues to spar with those who’d like to see him imprisoned for life over his role in the publication of damning evidence that exposed the conduct of the US military in these same invasions. RT

War criminal Tony Blair knighted. This is the moral values of the Brits and Americans. They lied, cheated and killed, and got knighted caused killing Arabs and Muslims is their normal. Arabs, Muslims and coloured people are subhumans and it is ok to kill them. But sometimes when useful can cry crocodile tears for them to serve their political agenda, like Muslims in Xinjiang.

China, please set up an award in the name of Julian Assange and make him the first recipient of this honour.  Call it Julian Assange Journalistic Freedom Award. Better still, Asean can also do it.

This will be the biggest slap on the American and western hypocrisy on press freedom and human rights. They are going to murder Assange in prison, just like how they killed Jeffrey Epstein.

China still has time to honour Assange alive. And that publicity might save his life. Any delay in the Award would have to be delivered posthumously.

Assange's days are numbered in the hands of war criminals and murderers.

Top 20 Predictions in 2022 Part 1 – 3

MIT’s economic historian Charles Kindleberger developed the well-known Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) where a prevailing hegemon maintains stability in the world order in an otherwise anarchic international system.

He attributed the inter-war years 1929 – 1939 as the period where there was an international power vacuum in terms of the lack of a leading hegemon fulfilling the role of a global policeman, inevitably resulting in a treacherous period of untenable international instability.

The dismaying conclusion by many learned political scientists and others alike is that a hegemonic war eventually breaks out under such scenario to determine the next hegemon, be it the original hegemon or the rising power. This script seems to emanate since the time of Thucydides’ account of the Peloponnesian War in ancient Greece between two powerful city states Athens and Sparta during 431 BC to 405 BC.

The KEY question is NOT:

Is it rational for the disequilibrium in the international system to be resolved via military conflicts?

The KEY question is:

Since the two atomic bombs dropped in 1945 over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, can the world afford for the disequilibrium in the international system to be resolved via military conflicts to determine the next hegemon to maintain a stable world order?

Would there be any hegemon left standing after another hegemonic war?

Is it rational (in conducting foreign policies) to go by the narrative of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War or Thucydides Trap (TT) and Charles Kindleberger’s HST or Kindleberger’s Trap (KT)?

Would a hegemonic war resolve anything (in the end)?

As chess pieces are being moved (globally) step by step, piece by piece, is the world inching closer towards the unthinkable by accident or otherwise?

When events get out of control, is it very real that the unthinkable taking place has a non-zero probability?

What makes political leadership assumes military conflicts rather than cooperation &/ or peaceful coexistence would restore disequilibrium in the world order?


Leo 81


Covid19 - What a vaccine is not

 The experts on what a vaccine is or is not are either not telling the truth or those that were telling the truth were silenced.

A vaccine is not a drug.

A vaccine does not fight the virus.

A vaccine does not keep the antibodies in the body high all the time.

A vaccine literally does not protect a person from being infected or developing serious illnesses.

What is a vaccine?

A vaccine is actually the virus, dead virus, that is injected into a body to elicit a reaction from the body against the virus. The body has a better chance to fight a dead and ineffective virus during vaccination, and thus be trained to produce the respective antibodies to do the job when attacked by the life virus.

Once the body has learnt to recognise the virus and able to produce the antibodies to fight it, the body will have ability in the memory, and be trained to fight a similar virus when it enters the body, faster and more effective. This is the whole purpose of vaccination, to prepare the body to fight the virus.

When the virus has been removed from an infected body, entered during vaccination or an infection, the body will stop producing antibodies. The function of producing antibodies would stand down and very little traces of antibodies would be left in the body. But this does not mean that the body has become less effective or unable to fight the virus if it enters the body again. This lower antibody count is now being used to justify injecting more pseudo vaccines to raise antibody level. It is a lie. The higher antibody count immediately after vaccination is a normal reaction as the body is producing the antibodies to fight the virus present.

When the virus reenters the body, the body will then be all ready and prepared to produce the necessary antibodies to fight the virus. The body would immediately pump up the antibody level to counter the virus. 

It is the body's ability to produce the antibodies that is protecting the person from being infected. Not the vaccine.

Below is a statement from the Israeli PM. Is he stupid, a liar, or paid to make such a statement? Anyone that got a booster jab, be it second, third, fourth or more, would see his antibodies shot up many times from his pre booster stage. This is normal, expected.  What is the big deal? 

And, after a few months, if he is not infected, his antibodies would drop significantly to where he was before the booster shot. And this is also normal.

In a Facebook post on Jan. 4, Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett said on Jan. 4 local studies have found that a fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine boosts antibodies five-fold.

PS. When are they going to stop this antibody level lie to make more money by forcing people to go for boosters to raise the antibody level?