The experts on what a vaccine is or is not are either not telling the truth or those that were telling the truth were silenced.
A vaccine is not a drug.
A vaccine does not fight the virus.
A vaccine does not keep the antibodies in the body high all the time.
A vaccine literally does not protect a person from being infected or developing serious illnesses.
What is a vaccine?
A vaccine is actually the virus, dead virus, that is injected into a body to elicit a reaction from the body against the virus. The body has a better chance to fight a dead and ineffective virus during vaccination, and thus be trained to produce the respective antibodies to do the job when attacked by the life virus.
Once the body has learnt to recognise the virus and able to produce the antibodies to fight it, the body will have ability in the memory, and be trained to fight a similar virus when it enters the body, faster and more effective. This is the whole purpose of vaccination, to prepare the body to fight the virus.
When the virus has been removed from an infected body, entered during vaccination or an infection, the body will stop producing antibodies. The function of producing antibodies would stand down and very little traces of antibodies would be left in the body. But this does not mean that the body has become less effective or unable to fight the virus if it enters the body again. This lower antibody count is now being used to justify injecting more pseudo vaccines to raise antibody level. It is a lie. The higher antibody count immediately after vaccination is a normal reaction as the body is producing the antibodies to fight the virus present.
When the virus reenters the body, the body will then be all ready and prepared to produce the necessary antibodies to fight the virus. The body would immediately pump up the antibody level to counter the virus.
It is the body's ability to produce the antibodies that is protecting the person from being infected. Not the vaccine.
Below is a statement from the Israeli PM. Is he stupid, a liar, or paid to make such a statement? Anyone that got a booster jab, be it second, third, fourth or more, would see his antibodies shot up many times from his pre booster stage. This is normal, expected. What is the big deal?
And, after a few months, if he is not infected, his antibodies would drop significantly to where he was before the booster shot. And this is also normal.
In a Facebook post on Jan. 4, Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett said on Jan. 4 local studies have found that a fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine boosts antibodies five-fold.
PS. When are they going to stop this antibody level lie to make more money by forcing people to go for boosters to raise the antibody level?