
Day of Reckoning for Sinkies soon

Sinkies are conceited due to the Hard-work and Achievement attained by the Pioneer and Merdeka Generations built on the Strategic Location of Sin. However, the Advancements in the Last Decades and more so in the Future has and fast diminish the Importance of Sin as an entrepot port. 

Due much to its' barren-ness and compactness, the Survival of Sin is going to be highly dependent on other countries. This is highly challenging to the People living in Sin. Unless one is a soughted talent, one is useless in Sin. And as far as Sin itself is concern, it is even much worse off than the lndividual Sinkies. 

The Tiny Barren Rock is so insignificant that whether or not it exists bothers nobody.

Yes, currently Sin is at its' last leg of glory. Once the Wealth made in the Past is spent, Sin shall be abandoned and shunned.

There are just simply many better places for others to choose from, than a tiny crowded barren rock that is too expensive in. Worse, it is hot, humid, boring with many diseases such as COVID, Tuberculosis, Dengue etc to contend with.

Day of Reckoning for Sinkies soon.


China's initial response to US deliberate attack, using its own self-made law as a weapon of war against China and the Chinese People

The US attack on the human rights situation in China's Xinjiang is in disregard of facts and truth.

It seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations and grossly interferes in China's internal affairs.

China strongly deplores and firmly rejects this.

The so-called allegations of "forced labor" and "genocide" in Xinjiang are nothing but vicious lies concocted by Anti-China forces.

Xinjiang's economic development and social stability is recognized by the whole world. The fact that residents of all ethnic groups there enjoy happy and fulfilling lives is witnessed by all.

The US side keeps concocting Xinjiang-related issues to create rumors and make troubles for China and the Chinese people. Essentially it is engaging in political manipulations and economic coercion, and seeking to undermine Xinjiang's prosperity and stability and contain China's development under the pretext of human rights.

It is preposterous for the US, a country with a huge and extended deplorable track records of abuses of human rights, to accuse and smear China.

Even today, the US has serious problems of human trafficking and forced labor. Up to 100,000 people have trafficked into the US for forced labor annually over the past five to ten years. Crimes against humanity, especially against the Native Americans in the past constitute de facto blatant genocides.

The US should save the labels of "forced labor" and "genocide" for itself. These are well-known and well-documented facts the whole world knows.

Xinjiang-related issues are not human rights issues at all, but in essence about countering foreign-influence and infiltrated terrorism and violent separatism.

The Chinese government sternly warns the US government that crafting conspiracies and plots with Xinjiang-related issues will not stop the pursuit of a better life by people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang or hold back China's development.

The US' acts totally violate market principles and commercial ethics. Such moves will only undermine global industrial and supply chains, disrupt international trade order and hurt the US' own interests and credibility.

The rock they are pretending to lift will end up dropping on their own feet. 

To stress once again, Xinjiang-related issues are purely China's internal affairs. The Chinese government and the Chinese people are firmly resolved in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests. We strongly admonish the US to correct the mistake immediately, and stop using Xinjiang-related issues to spread lies, interfere in China's internal affairs and contain China's development.

China reserves the right to make further response with regard to this serious situation.



Why buy F35s?

I m very concerned about the Liberal Canadian government's plans to buy American F35 fighter jets - what for ? Do they want to attack or defend against Russia or China - that is laughable! Why do we waste our taxpayer's; money to support the American "defense" industry? And I am a member of the Canadian Liberal party and not the only member being upset! -  Horst Klaus 

Canada is a member of Five Eyes and when the big brother US tells you to stand you will dare not sit! - richardkam   

Above are two comments in RT on why Canada has to buy F35s from the Americans.  The question is what for, why waste so much money.  And the reply, when the US said buy you buy. There is no room to say no to the Empire. 5 eyes members or unofficial 5 eyes members, all the same. The gangsters just say pay up for protection money, and it is not cheap. It is in the billions.

No freedom of choice, no free trade.  The Indonesians also have to cancel their order for Russian SU 35s because the gangsters would not allow them to buy, or else face American sanctions.

The Americans did not interfere with any country's domestic affairs or coerced them to buy. They just sent Blinken to whisper to the heads of countries and they would not dare to refuse, like the colonial days of Malaya when the District Officer would just whisper to the Sultans what to do. The Sultans could not say no.

The US is a free country, a democratic country, believing in the principles of democracy, freedom of choice, freedom of trade, freedom to obey the Empire.

And all their crony countries would have to buy F35s, to fight China. Oops, not for Indonesia. Muslim countries can at most get obsolete F15s. This is already a big concession. The Americans have been at war with many Muslims countries and they cannot risk Muslim countries buying F35s to turn around to fight the Americans. 

Indonesia is so lucky. If not they would only be getting F5Es. Maybe if Indonesia is nicer, can hope for F35s in 2055.

Thoughts of Virgo49

Wow thought wasting our breaths in further commenting on the Daft and Selfish and Self interests Singaporeans.

But actually for certain categories of lower and vulnerable Singaporeans, they have really no choice but to vote and have the PAP in power as they are helpless and feared whether if the Opposition were to be the Ruling Government were they given a beggar lifeline to survive.

Firstly the unfortunate lower income and destitute Singaporeans who thru their years of hard work and slots had no real savings to tide them over in cases of need and emergency.

Our high cost of livings and their meagre incomes especially our old generations when our time if you are not holding any executive or managerial jobs you cannot have much savings in cash and CPFs.

Even though our cost of livings and holdings are not so high at that time. But most also living from hand to mouth as have to support their younger families.

So the Papies using the taxpayers monies to once a while thrown some scraps for them to catch their breaths had them no choice but to keep them in power.

Also, many of them are under the mercy of various Government departments for favours and fears that they be not granted further assistance.

For instance those needed every now and then to renew their vocational licences and tenancies.

Also, some no choice scorned and spurred by our Singaporean womenfolk who are too high class and demanding of their men had many of the lesser endowed men took Foreign spouses or girlfriend.

They have to beg and be under the balls and mercy to obtain approvals even now and then for them in long term stays.

So no choice have to vote the Papies in power. If their constituency were to be under the Opposition then heavens have to bless them to get all these favours and approvals.

The PAP in power for so long since LKY's time had already tighten the nooses and leashes on all Singaporeans.

Every damn vocations and professions needed licensing. Tighten the noose if you go against them. Pulled the leashes if you dared go astray.

Next, we have the middle class Singaporeans who made good mostly with executive and managerial positions.

They with still immigrant behaviours had ideas that as long as we are okay and am confident that our children are also on a way okay with full advantages over the other Singaporeans children why upset the boat.

Why worry and concern about other's plights?

Since LKY's time, been drummed into their heads and psyche that's "NO ONE OWES YOU A LIVING" mantra.

So most Sinkies already lost their souls with this hardened thinking. Too bad, you are just no good and useless as processed by LKY. So even hide in hypocrisy that we are Singaporeans. Singing We Are One and even served together in National Service.

In fact Sinkies feared their own more than the Foreigners.
Also ad I said we are so comfortable and most had good connections either with their peers or even their alumni that have special and reservations choices for their children and kins so just kept mum and enjoy the benefits.

Then we come to the worst class of Singaporeans. The so called Elites who made good on the sweat, blood and tears of their fellow Singaporeans.

These are the most comfortable and well paid of all the lots. Aiya stay on top what's the fark look down for what's?

We had all the connections and are the privileged lots for any benefits. Let the peasants fight and killed themselves.

What's Singaporeans and Comrades in arms ah?

Most even in civvy streets just because they are appointed as Officers in their Service with their fellow Singaporeans still want to pull ranks on their subordinates in their work places.

Just like that how lian Keppel or Sembawang guy who are chosen to run in the last election.

Many had criticised of his arrogant and crude behaviours of bullying and scoring his peers and

Shud be bullying and scorning his peers and colleagues.

These Imbeciles never think that they are just salaried men as defined by the Japanese. What's do great even you are just an Exec CEO of an organisation. You are still a salaried man.

You are not your own boss even for a small time kachang puteh stall. In fact he is more capable as he needed to run his stall well as ups and downs on his business

Your company collapsed and you just patted your backsides and off you go still with the millions that you are paid with.

So all these so called Elites are the worst and most selfish lots NOT to rock and sink their boat of treasures and luxuries.

So do you think they open their golden mouths to speak on behalf of their fellow less fortunate Singaporeans..?

SinkiesLAND is just a myth in Nation Hood.

All these loose and indifferent and selfish beans the PAP will rule forever.



Let's work together?

We have been working for you, while you sit on expensive cushy designer chairs high up in the ivory towers looking pretty, surrounded by an entourage of advisers, consultants, researchers, and bodyguards. Not work together.

You never have to lift a finger but only use your brain and mouth.

You use your brain not to think of how to make our lives better, but to think:

1. How to tax us more and more,

2. How to pay us less and less,

3. How to make our labour unions become your minions

4. How to import more and more foreigners to come and rob of our lucrative-paying jobs

5. How to make us work in low-paying and/or menial jobs. Many of us have to work for very long hours or work in two jobs in order to survive.

6. How to draw out billions of dollars from our national reserves but distributed the bulk to GIC, Temasek, PA, SIA, SPH, NTUC, Ministries and to buy the dangerous disaster-prone Boeing 737-Max and the useless pretty toy F35s military aircraft for showing-off, but dished out the crumbs to us.

7. How to make yourself more and more powerful but reduce us to totally powerless digits for your look-good statistics.

You use your mouth, not to tell the truth but

1. To praise yourself, even if you make huge blunders in a crisis.

2. To pay lips service to all of us once in a blue moon, whenever you feel like it.

3. To tell us to do your biddings.

4. To confuse and deceive us, making us go round and round in circles.

5. To go to parliament to wash yourself clean of any accusation of wrong doings.

6. Most disgusting of all, to cover up all your sins.

That is what your "Let's work together" is all about in a nutshell.

Hypocrisy is the name of your game!
