After decades of exploiting the world with war as a convenient tool to destabilise, cripple and to impoverish nation states, to dominate and control the world under the American Empire, the Americans could not think of any better trick to hold on to their dominance. Look across the world and in every trouble spot you cannot miss the presence of the Americans or their behind the scene pulling the string of wars.
Wars and making weapons of wars have been so lucrative that the Americans outsources all their manufacturing capabilities except manufacturing weapons of mass destruction. They don't make anything else of value, no consumer goods, even mobile phones like Apples and laptops like Dells were made outside the USA.
The car industry, the pride of the American middle class, was hollowed out by the Japanese and Koreans. The little bits of the industry left is the truck market. The huge Chinese car market gives the Fords and GMs a reprieve to manufacture in China or they would have gone the way of the dodo birds. But they should not be too happy as this would not last. The EVs from China would extract the last breath out of the Ford, GM and Chrysler and bury them for good.
Maybe the Americans know that this their fate, that is where they are heading, partly self inflicted, partly intentional to take advantage of cheap labour elsewhere. Now the only thing left that is worth making is weapons of mass destruction. And this needs the support of tension and wars everywhere outside their homeland. This is the last trick left for the Americans to live by, other than printing paper money.
And the Americans are spoilt for choices to start wars. They have made all their moves and ground preparations and could choose wherever they like to start another big war. Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq were very profitable, a lot of opportunities to drop as many bombs as they want. The benefits are worth the costs of wars and supporting a big occupation force. Unfortunately as the wars and war activities wind down, the costs to maintain the soldiers outweigh the revenue from bombings and replacing more bombs. New and bigger theatres of wars must be found to justify the expenditure and the revenue to maintain a huge military force, hundreds of foreign bases and a US$778b military budget.
Venezuela may not be big enough or would not last long enough. So is Cuba. North Korea is too dicey to play with. What's left is Iran, or perhaps Eastern Europe or the South China Sea and Taiwan, if only the wars could be limited and isolated to just conventional wars, where a lot of bombs can be dropped, a lot of weapons could be deployed and used and a lot of money to be made. And they would also need to pray a lot that it would not go nuclear.
For the moment Europe looks more promising and ideal for a limited conventional war when both sides could deploy a lot of weapons, machinery and foot soldiers like before, like WW2 and sit on the ground or fight on the ground in a see saw game. South China Sea does not provide such opportunities and fighting far away in the sea did not give the Americans any advantage.
For a country that could no longer produce anything competitively, war is now the only means to stay afloat. And this is what the white savages have decided to do, by hook or by crook. Wars in any forms, trade war, high tech war, propaganda war, chemical war, biological war, military war, as long as it is war, Covid war, vaccine war....war on fake human rights, war on fake freedom and democracy, war on terrorism by supporting and funding terrorist organisations and becoming the number one terrorist nation.
The world is so blessed to have the white savages creating instability, tension and wars. You can see how many of the unthinking regimes willing to support this war business. Count the attendance at the fake democracy summit by Biden, an invitation to be part of an international gangster group to start more wars. And the rest of the world love it without knowing why, who is the mastermind behind all the wars all over the world.