The Anglo-Saxon United States should get out of Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guantanamo, Guam and Diego Garcia and give back these lands to the indigenous natives instead of hypocritically talking and preaching hubris about democracy and human rights in which they commit the worst criminal travesties. They should henceforth give back Guantanamo to Cuba instead of holding it as a torture slave camp whereby political victims who fought against American aggressions are brought there to face intolerable incarceration and most brutal inhuman torture.
The world has long known how the Anglo-Saxons used dirty intrigues, deception, subterfuge and military might to wrest away Hawaii from the indigenous Hawaiians. Now they are trying to use the same deceptive tactic on the Chinese island of Taiwan. For decades the US has interfered in the Chinese internal affairs and in the Chinese civil war. The despicable Americans have openly supported Chinese separatists and secessionists in Taiwan claiming they are supporting and protecting democracy and human rights in Taiwan. But Taiwan is an inalienable Chinese territory and it brooks no foreign interference more so from the evil empire. The Chinese and the world know that US purported claim to support democracy and human rights in Taiwan in which they have no business to poke their nose in is actually their diabolical objective to ultimately occupy Taiwan for setting up their military base and bulwark for aggression against China. The evil empire has constantly villified the meaning of democracy and human rights for all the countries in which it claims to support democracy and human rights eventually end up being swallowed by the evil empire in regime change under the full control of the United States.
As per usual sinister performance of their traditional modus operandi, their intrigues started with sending Christian missionaries to Hawaii in the early 1800s to convert the native Hawaiians to Christianity. This was soon followed by merchants and businessmen who went to exploit the native Hawaiians. This fit in with the American politicians, the military and the USA government objective of carrying out the New Manifest Destiny of expanding the American empire overseas.
From the 1820s American settlers, traders and businessmen began to descend on Hawaii in droves. They began to buy up all the good fertile lands at a give away price for their fruit and sugar plantations. They plundered and grabbed hundreds of thousands of hectares of land at no more than ten cents per acre. They were really robber barons, bandits, brigands and plundering buccaneers who robbed and killed without mercy.
The arrival of these newcomers, the missionaries, merchants and planters was devastating to native Hawaiian society. They brought in infectious diseases which decimated the native Hawiian population as what had happened earlier to the indigenous native American Indians.
By the 1840s American planters had spread throughout the islands of Hawaii. The missionaries and the American decadent way of life introduced into Hawaii had eroded the traditional character of Hawaiian society who live a peaceful life very close to nature.
A deceitful American businessman and settler G.P. Judd soon worked his way into the confidence of King Kamehammeha I. Judd was a secretive representative of the US government. The US was able to con King Kamehameha III, to establish a constitutional monarchy with Judd as the prime minister. Judd was a defacto ruler of Hawaii and he ruled Hawaii on behalf of the United States for over a decade.
In 1887 US established a naval base at Pearl Harbour. In the meantime trouble and injustice was brewing in American fruit and sugar plantations. Sugar had become Hawaii's main economy and main sources of income. The American planters had treated the thousands of Hawaiian plantattion workers like slaves who lived in depravity with the most minimal slave labour wage while they the planters reaped all the profits. When the Hawaiian workers protested they were beaten up and replaced with workers from the Philippines, Japan and other slave labours from USA, the Caribbeans and Central America.
Native Hawaiians protested against these arbitrary changes. In 1891 the Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani , a staunch nationalist strongly opposed the illegal usurpation of the Hawaii government by the Americans and challenged the growing American control of the islands. But her government which was under American control came under siege from the white rulers in her government. In 1893 the American planters staged a revolution and soon Queen Liliuokalani was dethroned by the American military from the American marines in Pearl Harbour. The United States then established a provisional government dominated by the Americans. This government then sent a delegation to Washington to persuade the United States to annex Hawaii . So ultimately the Evil Empire managed to acquire Hawaii through subterfuge and military force and coercion. The same scenario of aggression, coercion and occupation was to be repeated time and again in other parts of Central America, South America and the vast Pacific Ocean native island kingdoms like Guam, Samoa, Marshall Islands, Wake Islands and a few more others.
The US officially annexed Hawaii and incorporated it into the US as the 50th State on 4th July,1964. However diehard native Hawaiian nationalists have always flown the US flag upside down as a way of protest to show to the world their painful distress.`Then over the years endless streams of white settlers, the Anglo-Saxons and the caucasions swarmed into Hawaii and overwhelmed the native Hawaiians. Though the native Hawaiians are now a minority in their own lands they have never given up hope to drive out the American white invaders to achieve independence and form their own indigenous native government. This noble objective is where the world and the United Nations Organisation must pitch in seriously to help the native Hawaiians to achieve their goal of an independent indigenous Hawaiian nation and country. If the evil empire, the Anglo-Saxons are sincere about democracy and human rights they must help the native Hawaiians to fulfill their wish and not just hang the two words of democracy and human rights in their lips.
As for Taiwan if the evil empire persists to interfere it would ultimately mean war with China in which they will without an iota of doubt face their nemesis and utter destruction.
Tuesday, 26th October, 2021