
Covid19 - Are we better off after 80% vaccinated

 ...Dr Gabriel Oon, a retired oncologist and pioneer in cancer research who played a major role in Singapore’s hepatitis B program in the 70s, wrote a letter to the MTF essentially telling them that mRNA vaccines are useless against the Delta variant and we should instead use the Chinese vaccines like Sinovac, but Professor David Lye, anA expert advising the MTF, chided him for spreading misinformation. But look at the graph showing infections for China? After a huge peak at the beginning, it’s generally a straight line near the bottom of the graph, while that of Israel, UK and US, among the many countries that used mRNA, have been seeing an exponential spike in infections.

The MTF was just hell-bent on vaccinating the population with mRNA, and now we have the results to show. Did the government sign a contract with Pfizer and Moderna that tied its hands? Or does it have a commercial interest in mRNA vaccines?

Either way, the MTF and the government played a major role in this fiasco, and possibly jabbed the people with little benefits to show.

Foong Swee Fong

The above is posted in TRE in an article titled 'We are worse off than before the vaccination drive'. From the number of cases in the community and the number of unlinked cases detected in random test, the situation does not look good. The statistics provided by the govt cannot be lying.

The big question now is whether we have been injecting our people with dud vaccines. It was once expected to be the silver bullet to allow the people to go back to their normal lives, but this is not the case. More than 80% vaccinated by a once touted to be 95% efficacy vaccines, the best white men vaccines, superior to the Chinese vaccines, the result is not a wee bit convincing.

The truth that the sceptics were waiting for, for time to reveal the truth and expose the lie, is staring at everyone right in the face. Why is the number cases growing instead of smaller? Our people are quite discipline in wearing masks and not out there frolicking and merry making without the masks, unlike what the Americans, Brits and Israelis are doing. There is no good reason to see infected cases going up when the world best vaccines are being used.

Would anyone admit that the mRNA vaccines are not working and all the efforts are wasted?  Still in a state of denial? Would the third booster going to make any difference? Would anyone brave enough to face up with the new reality, the new truth?

If we keep blindly charging ahead, and bringing in more visitors from God knows where, do not be surprised that other countries may put a fence around us, not to be visited, and not allowed to visit them.

Are we better off or worse off today? We want to open up to the world like the crazy Americans? We may end up with the rest of the world closing down on us.

What do you think?

The Only Remedy To The Perennial CECA Issues

 From all available facts and information, it is clear that CECA is detrimental to individuals and groups of Singaporeans in the short and medium terms (within 10 to 20 years) and a strategic blunder to Singapore as a nation in the long-term (20-30 years). This is one of the biggest blunders that requires urgent and immediate remedy without any more delays.

If Singapore's highly-paid Ministers cannot see that, then they have failed in their individual and collective responsibilities. Therefore, they are not fit to be paid such high salaries.

Whether they know it but deliberately deny it, or they really are unable to see it, either way, they must be considered counter-productive, dangerous and a threat to the development and progress of Singapore as a nation and to the future generations of Singaporeans. Nothing can be worse than this.

As such, in our national interests, those money-minded pseudo leaders must be replaced with really patriotic Singaporeans as soon as possible. Academic excellence does not automatically make good leaders. On the contrary, only one out of a million had made it to the top leadership.

Singaporeans must wake up, rise up, without delay, to weed out all the undesirable elements in our country in the next General Elections. This is the only solution left. There is no other way out.

Doing nothing, remaining as status quo, is not a solution, not a remedy, not an option anymore. Removing the undesirables from power can only be for the better of Singapore and Singaporeans. In fact, it could be too little too late already!



Covid19 - The truth of the effectiveness of mRNA vaccines surfacing, cannot lie anymore


The numbers don't lie when the one presenting the numbers chose not to lie.

Israel uses mRNA vaccines! Not Chinese vaccines. And here is the astounding result.

Anyone still has faith in a 3rd booster to work wonders? Still refusing to wake up to the white lies?

The bad, bad evil Americans

   Everyday in the media you will read about the trouble making and warmongering Americans accusing China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and the tribal chiefs in the mountains of Afghanistan as a threat to the Americans.

Everyday you will read about the warmongering Americans fighting wars here and there, destroying economies and the lives of thousands of innocent people.

Everyday you will read about the Americans conducting provocative military incursions into other countries' airspace, territorial waters for spying activities and threatening these countries.

Everyday you will read about the Americans threatening countries with wars, destructions and sanctions.

Everyday you will read about how many nuclear missiles and weapons of mass destruction, including chemical and biological weapons, that the Americans have, many times more than the combined arsenals of the whole world.

Everyday you will read about lies fabricated by the Americans about other countries.

The bad, bad evil Americans are the biggest liars, the biggest threat to the safety and security of every country in the whole world, trying to pick a fight with everyone, but accusing everyone, including small harmless and weaponless countries and hill tribes as a threat to the Americans,  and then launching wars against them to destroy them using these fabricated threats and lies.

How bad can the evil and obnoxious American bullies be before the world is willing to tell them that they are bad?

How bad and hypocritical can the Americans be before they own up themselves to admit that they are the baddest people on earth?

Who dares to threaten the Americans? Who has the ability to threaten the Americans, the mightiest military power in the world with no equals?

The big, bad, ugly and obnoxious Americans still think they are the good guys and being threatened by other smaller and weaker countries, some on the far side of the earth with no means to reach the American shores.

No country is going to believe these evil and blood thirsty monsters called Americans anymore. They are evil to the core. Now that they have gone tired of killing Afghans, where would they turn their guns to? Who would be their next victim?

COVID-19 Singapore: Self-Deception Is The Worst Enemy In Any War

Whether it is Pandemic or Endemic, the fact remains that the COVID-19 coronavirus is still COVID-19 coronavirus. You can change the terminology to anything but the fact remains that the COVID-19 coronavirus does not become less contagious, less infectious, less deadly or less mutatable. By simply changing the nomenclature or terminology, if you expect to be able to live with the coronavirus, you are only deceiving yourself and your fellow countrymen.

To win any war, be it a military confrontation or a pandemic, one needs to know oneself, one's enemy and the environment. In addition, one needs to deceive the enemy instead of deceiving oneself. Self-deception is the worst enemy in any war. One can only fall into self-deception when one does not know oneself, does not know the enemy and does not know the environment - all the three main ingredients of knowledge. It's like a blind man fighting with an invisible ghost in the dark.

Singapore's poorly conceived strategy of "Living with the Coronavirus, like flu", despite numerous warnings by concerned citizens, is a self-deceiving, self-defeating suicidal strategy that is doomed to fail miserably right from the word go. In just three weeks into is commencement, this self-indulgent deception of a strategy that is no strategy, is now revealing its kamikaze suicidal reality, exponentially.

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic last January, starting with the ill-conceived advice of "Don't wear a mask if you are well, wear a mask only if you are unwell", there is no shortage of such blunders. At every stage of turning in this Pandemic, whenever the spread of infections subsided, the smart alecs (fools) are quick to rush in to show Singaporeans and the world how smart (foolish) they can be. This is really baffling!

Now, with infections hitting more than 230 per day, and hospital beds getting crowded, the healthcare system is again being challenged and the medical facilities and staff are being over-stressed. The hindsight-dependent Multi-Ministry Task Force (MTF) has no choice but to react in its normal flip-flopping fashion again. Arrogance, stubbornness and foolhardy have no place to stand but must collapse to give way to prudence and propriety.

When will the "Experts Committee" resign instead of hiding behind a stonewall of silence of late, after giving all the un-expert experts' advices to the MTF? Their continuous failures, one after another, is really appalling. They clearly show that the coronavirus is in many ways and many times smarter than their expertise and serious lack of initiative, foresight and professionalism.

The lesson to learn here is that the National Vaccination Program has failed to prevent widespread infections. In fact, it has achieved the reverse. It has proven that those who have been fool-ly vaccinated have been fooled and lulled into a lucid state of Mental Complacency, harbouring a false sense of safety and security, thereby exposing themselves carelessly and needlessly to the COVID-19 coronavirus, and becoming infected and spreading the infection everywhere they go.

Instead of trying to outsmart the COVID-19 coronavirus by mere reactive actions (after closely monitoring), why not, for goodnes sake, start to take proactive actions?

I hope they don't need me to tell them what those proactive actions are.

Can fools ever learn?

LIPS At Your Service.