
Covid19 - You want the truth? You can't handle the truth!

 The silly and evil Americans are braying for the truth in the origin of the Covid19 pandemic. And they stupidly think, so convenient, that the virus came from a leak in Wuhan Lab.

They have several facts that they knew, even before the outbreak in Wuhan. They knew it was coming when Trump said he was going to send a present for China. Fauci also hinted about it.  Bill Gates and the American intelligence and military were preparing for exactly such a pandemic, starting from a wet market in Wuhan, months before it started. And the military games when American soldiers were in Wuhan a month just before the outbreak, with several of them found sick and quickly bungled home.

Yes, the Americans knew about the origin of this pandemic in Wuhan long before it started and by all means would want to make it as if it was a leak from Wuhan Lab, which was given the Covid19 virus by Fauci, with funding to conduct gain of function research in the Wuhan Lab.

These are factual and the Americans are relying on them to want to fix China and put the blame on China.

There are several facts that the Americans knew but did not want to acknowledge, did not want to talk about, of the origin of this pandemic. Several prominent Americans, including governors had came out in the open to say that they had been infected by Covid19 months before Wuhan, in America homeland. 

The numerous deaths in a village around Fort Detrick months before Wuhan, were wrongly classified as common flu or deaths caused by vaping. The head of CDC had admitted that those deads could be caused by covid19, but wrongly diagnosed as something else.

The closing down of Fort Detrick for cleansing then, because of a leak that the Americans did not want to talk about was becoming more suspicious.  Why so afraid of letting WHO to investigate the facility like they are demanding to investigate Wuhan Lab?

Why not investigate the soldiers that went to Wuhan, their sickness etc? How could Covid19 infect American soldiers in their warships in the Pacific Ocean, with no contact with Wuhan, far far away from Wuhan, before the virus was detected in Wuhan?

And many European countries have come up with evidence that Covid19 were already spreading in their countries long before Wuhan. 

All these damning evidence and facts could point to one source, the origin of the pandemic, Fort Detrick, USA. Why not conduct the investigation to prove to the world that there is nothing to hide, be transparent and come clean? By ignoring the evidence of the source of Covid19 coming from the USA and selectively choosing facts that came much later, after happening in Wuhan, to prove the origin of the virus from Wuhan, is pure mischief.

The truth is obvious. When finally confirmed and exposed, the evil scheming Americans would have no where to hide. But hiding is the last thing on their mind.  They are exceptional, American Exceptionalism means they could tell lies, invade countries, conduct massacres and genocides and look straight into the eyes of the world as if nothing has happened.

These lies about leak from Wuhan Lab, when it was most likely planted by the Americans, a very vicious and evil act, would likely to end up like the WMD lies in Iraq. No consequences. The liars would get away with murders and destruction of Iraq and many other countries, and the death of millions of people worldwide because of this intentional leak of Covid19 bioweapon in Wuhan, in the wet market, and wanting to pin the blame on Wuhan Lab as the source of the leak.

Fauci is now the devil exposed and would be buried alive. Before that happened, Fauci should just spill the beans and tell the truth, tell the world that it all started in Fort Detrick. It was all planned to decimate the Chinese people but the plan failed and everything got out of control. The finger pointing at China was just a diversion to deflect the attention from coming back to the true origin of the virus, ie Fort Detrick, USA. 

What are you waiting for, Fauci? There is nothing to hide anymore. Keep lying you would still be killed as the villain. Why not expose all the evil men and women and drag them along and not be crucified alone?

Evil Americans would be severely punished by heaven for this crime against humanity. This is the bridge too far and all hell will break loose to destroy this evil Empire.

The evil white Anglo-Saxon Americans & the Europeans are confident:Their plans to decimate the non-white populations in Asia, Africa and Latin America seem to be working.

Monday, 31st May,2021.

 At last the evil White Race, the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxon White Americans seem to be quite happy and satisfied that their plans to decimate the populations of non-white populations in Asia, Africa and Latin America through their biological Labs created and engineered Coronavirus pandemic seem to be working as planned. This American engineered Coronavirus of Fort Detrick, North Carolina is only the latest deadly addition to their evil designs to genocide the non-white peoples or the non-white races in this world through their toxic fertilisers, chemical germicides and insecticides as well as fluid or liquid medicines mixed with  cumulative toxic elements manuafactured by the gigantic pharmaceutical and chemical companies of America and Europe mainly England, Germany, France and Holland. But ironically the Coronavirus seem to obey the Mightier One above and return with a vengeance to destroy the senseless and evil  white men in Europe and the Anglo-Saxon white Americans in the United States and Canada.

Below is  the story written by Southernglory1 on 29th April, 2016, telling on how the Evil Empire in conjunction with its Western European countries planned to carry out their diabolical evil designs.

The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo-Saxon  Americans, The Europeans and the Jewish Zionism to decimate the non-white populations of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

                              The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo-Saxon Americans, the Europeans and the Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Illuminatis.

Previously I had written on how the West  (  The Europeans' )  foreign
policy and blue print for conquests and world domination was based on their
Doctrine of Christian Discovery and subsequently over the years expanded by
White Americans into the more evil Doctrines of American Manifest Destiny and
the monstrous  American Exceptionalism. I will not delve into these
doctrines in detail . Briefly white men inclusive
of White Americans claim their God has given them the divine right to take
and conquer non-Christian lands and to kill all the natives of these lands
if they refused to be converted to their faith. American Manifest Destiny
deprives all native Americans of their rights and title to their lands and
properties and claims Americans have the right to expand its  frontiers
both on land and sea without limits. American Exceptionalism empowers White
Americans  -  USA  to assassinate foreign leaders who don't toe the
American line and to carry out regime change. 

But now an even more horrendous Anglo-Saxon American and American Jewish Zionism
policy is in the offing.  This satanic group is headed by the
Rothschilds,the Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and well known American
bankers in the Citi Bank , J.P Morgan , Well Fargo Bank ,Bank of America
and the Free Masons. They are working in collusion with the rogues and
scoundrels in the US government, the CIA, The Pentagon, Congress, The
Senate and the House of Representatives as well as the billionaires in the high tec industries of the internet.

Why is this group so frightening and scary?  They say the world is  now
overpopulated  with Seven Billion people and there will not be enough
resources to serve everyone. They asserted that the world population should
be reduced come what may  to just about one and a half billion people.
They argued that majority of the world's population is found in Asia, Africa and Latin America and it is time to find ways and means to reduce the number of these non-white or coloured people. They have decided that it is only  through a combination of
methods but largely through wars that  the Asian  and African population
can be reduced drastically. For the wars to accomplish its results they
must be fought in Asia and Africa and they always have plans for perennial
wars in Asia and Africa.

Their strategic new plans call for  (1) impoverishment of Asian, African and Latin American
countries (2) Clinically and genetically manipulated changes of fluid or liquid medicine as well as the  DNA of rice
seeds so that the  growing of rice will result in infertility of  rice
eaters. (3) Control of  pharmaceutical products for Asia, Africa and Latin America
designed to a slow but long process of poisoning Asians, Africans and ingenous native Latin Americans
resulting in sickness like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, infertility and
other related diseases. ( 4  )  Chemical fertilizers that poisoned food
crops and the soil cumulatively over a long period,  ( 5 )  Insecticides
that poisoned the food crops and the soil like DDT.  ( 6) Wars of

The impoverishment of Asians, Africans and Latin or South Americans are carried out  through two
distinct direct but related methods. One is to attack and weaken the
financial and economic structure and well being  of the countries of the
three continents. The other is to create instability and destability of the
Asian, African and Latin American countries by provoking hostilities and wars among the
countries in the three  continents.

In the financial and economic front the attack is frontal through the
manipulation of the American Petrol Dollar as a standard of international
exchange. Every country which wants to buy or sell products to America or trade round the world must
use the Petrol Dollar to trade. There is a clear disadvantage to Asian, Latin American and
African countries because US is always manipulating the currency to its
advantage at whatever circumstances  it determines. US rogue bankers and
stock brokers will always cheat and swindle unsuspecting Asians, Latin Americans and
Africans by selling them toxic financial products like mini-bonds . Be wary, 
of European and American private bankers who will use the billions of
dollars entrusted to them for sound investments by the  Asians, Latin Americans and
Africans but instead they will always misuse it  to deal with endless
trading in derivatives and hedge funds which  is nothing but pure gambling. In such cases either
win or lose the bankers will always first award themselves by the millions
or billions as service charges. Derivative trading and hedge funds is nothing but a super
casino which together with the Petrol Dollar and the financial toxic
products are a form of American financial terrorism  on unsuspecting Asians, Latin Americans
and Africans. These financial loses will result in the decline and
weakening of  the Asian, Latin American and African economies and will ultimately deal a fatal blow to
human survival.

Creating wars , instability and destability is the bench mark of American
foreign policy which derive from their doctrines of the American Manifest
Destiny  and American Exceptionalism. The Americans will always sow
suspicion , descension and create instability and hostility among the Asian, South American
and African countries. It will then carry out endless propaganda of
misinformation and disinformation with a lot of  lies, half truths and
insinuations carried to a crescendo before it starts the wars among the
unsuspecting Asian, Latin American and African countries. The Americans are the masters of
sheding blood behind the scenes. They have succeeded in making the Arabs in
the Middle East going after each others throats. The Americans will just
reap the harvest and enrich themselves by selling obsolete weapons to the
warring factions and at the same time test their new weapons in attacking
the factions which do not toe the American line. America is trying to
create the same scenario in Asia. It is trying to create civil and
international  wars among the Asian countries like divided Koreas, divided
China - Mainland China and Taiwan, foment wars between Japan and China,
between India and Pakistan, between India and China and between China and
the Viets and Pinoys. In this way the Anglo-Saxon Americans,the  Europeans and American Jewish
Zionism  led by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Illuminatis, Freemasons and
other big American bankers as well as the rogues in the American government
inclusive of the President, Senate, Congress , CIA and the Pentagon will
have succeeded to see how Asians will have died by the billions in a great
nuclear wars among the Asians. This will definitely decimate Asian
populations by the billions and fit into the ruthless plans of the evil Anglo-Saxon Americans, the
Europeans and American Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the
Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and the rogue and scoundrels of the American

The American pivot towards Asia especially in the East China Sea and the
South China Sea is just a cover for American covert and overt plans for
wars and destruction among Asians .  In the aftermath of these wars America
hope to seize the opportunity to dominate and control both the East China
Sea and the South China Sea and together the rich oil and other mineral
resources under the sea bed  and to dominate the whole of Asia under
American hegemony. It will be a hopeless dream for America for under such
scenario there is no guarantee that Russia and China will not carry out
full scale nuclear attack on America and thus resulting in not only mutual
destruction but ultimate total destruction of the entire humanity on earth.

A desperate bankrupt America must not be allowed to destroy the world under
whatever guise and pretext.


Friday, 29th April, 2016

Can Singapore bar Singaporeans from returning to Singapore?


 On 22 May 2021, Assistant Professor of Law BENJAMIN JOSHUA ONG wrote in Today Online that it is Unconstitutional not to allow SG citizens & PR to enter SG.

He wrote:

Under Article 13(1) of the Constitution, Singapore citizens have an absolute right to enter Singapore, no matter where in the world they are travelling from.

It would be unconstitutional to deny Singapore citizens entry into Singapore for any reason.

Further, under section 9(1A) of the Immigration Act, it would be unlawful for the Government to bar a Singapore PR with a valid re-entry permit from entering Singapore (except on the narrow grounds of public security).


The answer from the above in an article posted in TRE is definitely yes, but on grounds of public security.

Singapore has finally barred Singaporeans from returning from high risk countries unless they have proof of a pre departure Covid19 test. This will be effective only on Sunday 30 May. For now until this early Sunday morning, Singaporeans and PRs can still come back with no conditions or requirement for such a test.  The reason given, in case the situation is bad and the Singaporeans did not have time to get the Covid19 test and thus unable to return, is a valid explanation. The flaw is that after their return, they should be tested immediately and put under SHN. Were this done.

And now the change, two questions, why so late? Second question, is Singapore going to let Singaporeans stayed out of Singapore in a pandemic if they could not get tested, when the test is not available etc, etc? 

I think the original position is right except the follow up was bad. Now this new requirement is bad as it overlooked the valid concerns of the first.

Yes, Singaporeans should be barred from returning if there is a public security risk. In the current case, if proper safety procedures are in place to isolate the returning Singaporeans from becoming a public security risk, why not put the procedure in place to bring home our Singaporeans?

Singaporeans should not be allowed to return if they become a public security risk, not to return to infect or put the rest of the Singaporeans at risk when the risk cannot be managed or isolated. As a country we cannot simply and conveniently abandon our citizens by simply laying out some rules and that's it. Let me quote MOH in thenewpaper, 'it did not want to make it difficult for them to return home, should they be caught unprepared by rapidly deteriorating pandemic conditions abroad'. The change should apply when taking a test is possible. In many places, including South Asia, taking a test is not an issue, caveat, beware of fake certificates, the new requirement should apply.

What do you think?


Xinjiang - the dreams and aspirations of the young people of Xinjiang


This 1 hr 20min documentary is about the changing lives, dreams and aspirations of the young people of Xinjiang. They are the new adventurers and would chart the future of what life would be like for the people of Xinjiang in the future. The young are breaking into new grounds from their traditional and conservative parents. Quite touching stories of ordinary blue collar workers, to craftsmen, entrepreneurs and young people daring to change, to venture into the cities, to leave their beloved and serene and beautiful green fields, to become city dwellers.

A good introduction to Xinjiang that many in the West would not see, would not know.

Canadian genocide - Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school site in Canada

The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, were found at the site of a former residential school for indigenous children.

The children were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978, according to the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation, which said the remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist.

"We had a knowing in our community that we were able to verify," Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir said in a statement. "At this time, we have more questions than answers."

Canada's residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families, constituted "cultural genocide," a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015.

The report documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches on behalf of Ottawa from the 1840s to the 1990s.

It found more than 4,100 children died while attending residential school. The deaths of the 215 children buried in the grounds of what was once Canada's largest residential school are believed to not have been included in that figure and appear to have been undocumented until the discovery. 


PS. I have another 2 pieces from Anonymous and one from Queen of Hearts to post in the following week.