
White devils, go mind your own business - China said

 China threatens to 'poke the eyes' of Five Eyes nations over HK

China has hit back at a joint statement from Five Eyes partners condemning its actions in Hong Kong, accusing the security alliance of threatening its internal affairs.

The Five Eyes foreign ministers from Australia, Canada, the US, Britain and New Zealand on Thursday said opposition MPs who were disqualified by Beijing from Hong Kong's legislature for not being patriotic enough should be immediately reinstated.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on Thursday night said China would not flinch if trouble came its way.

"No matter how many eyes they have, five or 10 or whatever, should anyone dare to undermine China's sovereignty, security and development interests, be careful not to get poked in the eye," he said.


Covid19 vaccines - The Great White Hopes

When the manufacturer of a car claimed that it could run 18km on 1 litre of petrol the buyer could say, wow, damn fantastic claim, but never believe that it could be achieved on the road when the car is used normally. The 18km per litre may be achieveable under very special conditions, and driven specifically just for that purpose. It may not have been achieved at all but just a sales claim for all you know.

Such claims are very common even in medicine or health supplements. The producers of the products would make all the claims they wanted, often never to be met by the users. The users are also realistic, not to expect too much, as long as it works somewhat, has some positive effects. 

My car initially gave me 14.1km per litre and now hovering about 13.5km. I never expect to get 18km and would be very happy to get anything more than 14km per litre of petrol.

The Great White Hopes of Covid19 are two vaccines, one by Pfizer and one by Moderna. Pfizer initially claimed that it was 90% effective. Moderna claimed to be 95% effective. Now Pfizer is reported to have changed its claim to be also 95% effective in producing antibodies against Covid19 when vaccinated. 

As these are manufacturers' claims, let's take it with a pinch of salt and wish them well. If they are really as good as they claimed to be, it would be good for everyone and we can say goodbye to Covid19 and the discomfort of so many restraints in our daily life.

What is unusual or expected is that these two vaccines are the Great White Hopes, to be out earlier than other countries, especially to beat Chinese vaccines in approval for public use. For being the Great White Hopes, they must be good, no need to question or challenge their claims. So far no one is posing any question or doubt about the claims and the efficacy of the two vaccines. Fauci also accepted the claims at face value, no need to verify like Gov Cuomo wanted to do. This is how the white men have been telling the world about their products for donkey years as the best. They only tell the truth, just like men landing on the moon until 5 years ago when they knew that they could not do it and decided to close down the moon landing programme in NASA, to produce rockets to put man on the moon. Now they are so pleased and excited that Elon Musk, a private entrepreneur, could save them the embarrassment of having to pay for a ride to the International Space Station on board Russian built rockets because they don't have the technology to do so.

The Americans have made great strides, backward, in their space programme, from claiming that going to the moon, landing on the moon, were cake walks, to paying a private rocket taxi just to get to the ISS. Ok, I digress. The two Great White Hopes are all they are banking on to save themselves, saving a lot of embarrassment, and a lucky few coloured people that are able to pay for them and are on their good books. In their state of desperation and delirium, they chose to believe and accept all the claims of the two vaccines, totally, completely, as the elixirs they have been waiting for, just like remdesivir, hydrochloroqine and disinfectants that were once their Great White Hopes. Not a single white man or scientist has raised a word of doubt or caution about the claims of the 2 Great White Hopes.

They have totally ignored and written off the vaccines that the Chinese and other non white countries are developing and well ahead of them in the final third stage of public trials and going on smoothly without major hiccups. It is silence all the way. In a way it is good that the two Great White Hopes appeared at this time to take their attention off and heat away from the Chinese vaccines.  Otherwise they would be smearing and ridiculing the Chinese vaccines in every word they spout to discredit them. They may even sabotaged their trials and testings. They have been casting aspersion and doubts everyday since the Chinese started to test their vaccines and nothing good has been said. That is only to be expected. How can the Chinese do better than the great white men? The low number of infections in China must be fake. How could there be barely 85,000 cases in China? The 11m and shooting to the sky numbers in the US must be real, no under reporting, no under testing, no bluff. 

It is good to question and have doubts and a bit of reservations about a new vaccine that has yet to be approved for use for the public. Science is built on this foundation.  It is another thing to blindly believe in what the manufacturers claimed wholesale and taking them as the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and willing not only to pay millions or billions for them, but to throw caution to the winds, and rushing to approve and apply them with no hesitation and apprehension. The price is death if the claims turn out bad.

All Great White Hopes are always well received by the white believers like believing in their white God, must be good, until they fell flat one after another. Thanks to Muhammed Ali, Mike Tyson and many other great black fighters that stubbornly would not allow a Great White Hope to stand up tall and the Hope turning into reality.

Maybe these 2 Great White Hopes are different and will be the real things, or at least one of them will be. Even if they would not be 95% effective as claimed, 80% would be good, even 70% or 50% would be good enough a reason to celebrate. At least there is a Great White Hope standing and money to be made.

Chinese vaccines, a no no, a non starter to the whites. Never trust the Chinese! OK, OK, just stick to your Great White Hopes. Please don't come back. Please don't call Xi.

PS. The latest report, the Sinopharm vaccine has been tested on 60,000 volunteers and the result, 100% success. And the vaccine can be stored at temp between 2C to 8C, temperature in a home fridge. How's that for a start? Bear in mind that the Chinese vaccines were tested and put on trials in Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia and several other countries, some with very strong anti China elements waiting to discredit the Chinese. These countries also have vested interest to want to make sure the tests and trials are done correctly, no rigging, no faking, no fixing as they are using them on their own population.  

The tests and trials of Sinopharm vaccine were done by third parties and under careful scrutiny and came out with flying colours. Who did the trials for Pfizer and Moderna's vaccines?


Why is DBS India coughing money to save a failing Indian bank and not the govt of India?

Anon 2:10 pm posted this comment.

'India CECA News:

Is Singapore's DBS Being Forced by India to Inject Capital Into Troubled Indian Bank?....

Given the “ absence of any credible plan for infusion of capital ”, therefore, the amalgamation with DBS Bank India is necessary in the name of “(Indian) public interest and particularly in the interest of the (Indian)depositors,” RBI notes.

According to DBS, it will inject INR 2,500 crore ($463 million) into DBS Bank India if the scheme goes through. This will be fully funded from DBS’ existing resources.

“The proposed amalgamation will provide stability and better prospects to Lakshmi Vilas Bank’s depositors, customers and employees following a time of uncertainty,” says DBS. November 18, 2020 2:10 pm '


Below is from The Economic Times of India

'DBS is well-known for its culture of efficiency. We can keep our fingers crossed on how that will fit in with the culture of the old private sector bank, says R Gandhi, Former Deputy Governor, RBI.

It was expected that a public sector bank would step in down and save Lakshmi Vilas Bank NSE -19.94 %. The RBI has put out a draft amalgamation scheme with DBS India as the possible bank that will take over. Any comments on the choice of DBS India?

First of all, there has been a long standing expectation from the market and others that whenever there is a problem in a bank, the public sector should come to the rescue. It is good that the premise is gone. Whether the market likes this arrangement, whether it is a public sector or a private sector or a foreign bank that should not be the criteria. The bank which will be able to take over the failing bank and which can bring in additional capital should be the primary consideration. That has been demonstrated and that is good for the future. The normal expectation that a PSU bank should always come to the rescue whenever a bank fails is gone and that is a first. Number two, whether there will be a cultural fit or not is a natural question people will entertain because DBS is well-known for its culture of efficiency. We can keep our fingers crossed on how that will fit in with the culture of the old private sector bank but that would also have been factored in by DBS. This is a local bank now, it is a subsidiary of DBS, it is not DBS per se.'


A few pertinent questions. Why is DBS India bailing out a failing Indian bank. 2. What is it in for DBS? 3. Is DBS doing charity? 4. What is the return for the $463m paid? 5. Who is this $463m paid to? 6. In addition DBS India would have to pay the depositors what they deposited. How much would this be and is it in addition to the $463m? 7. What would be the full sum that DBS India would have to pay eventually? 8. Does DBS has a choice to say no? 9. Presumably the Singapore govt was consulted and agreed to it?

In the last sentence above in bold was added by me. What does it mean that DBS is a local bank now and not DBS per se? 

What is going on? Anyone able to clarify what is going on? Is DBS India now own by the Indian govt and the Indian govt can order DBS India, a bank owned by Singapore, to bail out failing Indian bank?

As an analogy, supposing a local Singapore bank is failing, can the Singapore govt order a foreign bank like an American or European bank to bail out the bank?

livemint.com reported this,

'The equity holders of Lakshmi Vilas Bank will find their value written down to nil. “On and from the Appointed date, the entire amount of the paid-up share capital and reserves and surplus, including the balances in the share/securities premium account of the transferor bank, shall stand written off," the RBI said. The fact that the bank had a negative networth would mean that shareholders do not stand a chance to make money.

DBS India will pay depositors of Lakshmi Vilas Bank fully if they do not wish to continue to remain with the lender post merger. Employees too are expected to be swallowed completely by DBS Bank India without big layoffs.'

Is DBS India doing national service for India or is this a commercial decision whereby DBS will gain or benefit somewhat in the long run? Or is it money down the drain?

Is it Christmas in India?

Anon 2:53pm said, 'Effectively, the India government is getting a foreign investor to bail out a local financial institution which is in trouble - to protect Indian depositors - instead of using taxpayers' money as was done in Western countries.

Why not save Hyflux and protect the uncles and aunties minority shareholders who would have lost their life savings or a big chunk of their little savings?


Parti Liyani jailed for 6 months for stealing counterfeit watches and fashion accessories worth $300

180 For the above reasons, I find that more than a reasonable doubt exists as to whether May had in fact discarded these two counterfeit watches. I believe Parti’s evidence and find it more likely than not that she found the Vacheron Constantin watch and the Swatch watch in May’s trash. I do not believe May’s testimony that she had not discarded the two counterfeit watches that she had purchased. Accordingly, I overturn Parti’s conviction on the 3rd charge in relation to the theft of the two counterfeit watches.” (Justice Chan Seng Onn's judgement)

Ms Liyani was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment for allegedly stealing the two counterfeit watches together with a ring, earrings and some fashion accessories valued at the total sum of $300. She was acquitted on appeal.

I would like to know what Minister K Shanmugam has to say about Justice Chan Seng Onn’s acquittal of Ms Liyani on this charge.

As an ordinary person, I wonder why the prosecutor chose to proceed with the charge of theft of counterfeit watches.

Poor people may find it a thrill to possess a counterfeit watch but for the wealthy, well, maybe they too find it a thrill to do so. But why do the police and prosecutor bother to charge a poor domestic worker with stealing counterfeit watches?

Shouldn’t they consider saving the time of judges and defence counsel? Don’t they have a duty to save taxpayers’ money and act in the interest of the public?...

Teo Soh Lung 

Above is Teo Soh Lung's comment about the need to charge a maid for stealing counterfeit watches and fashion accessories worth $300. Parti was acquitted by Justice Chan from these charges on grounds of reasonable doubts as to whether the cheap fake items were discarded by the owner.

Teo Soh Lung questioned the need to waste the court's time on something so trivial. But some may say a crime is a crime, big or so does not matter. In this case there is the additional aspect of doubts raised by Justice Chan that the owner, very rich people, with high social status, discarding cheap counterfeits.

Oh, during the earlier trials, owner admitted buying fake from roadside vendor and watch expert also attested that the watches were fakes. Why didn't the owner of the fake watches withdraw the charges? Would it not be very embarrassing and petty to buy fake watches and accused a maid of stealing cheap and broken down fake watches?  Fake watches are practically worthless, broken fake watches?

Some may find it too harsh to jail Parti for 6 months over this $300 theft even if it is a proven fact.  Some may agree with Teo Soh Lung that this case should not go to court.

What do you think?

Below is a comment in Teo Soh Lung's article in the TRE that pointed to the deficiencies of this case with the district judge and the prosecutors coming under questions.


There are lawyers and there are LAWYERS……….and of course there are idiots and there are idiots………….not knowing that they as lawyers AND idiots have been taken in by Law & Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam in his so called Parliament Statement which I hv said was a FARCE.

I suggest sinkies who want to understand better the FAILURE of the judicial system in delivering justice go through Shanmugam’s Parliament Statement found on the Home Affairs Ministry website or the Parliamentary Reports.

The issue of TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE was NEVER dealt with……….the BASIS for High Court appeal judgment by Justice Chan for which Shanmugam had implied was deficient, was ACTUALLY in accordance with the Court of Appeal judgments which he had cited in his Parliament Statement [232] Mohamed Affandi bin Rosli v PP & anor [2019] 1 SLR 440 and [233]PP v GCK [2020] SCGA 2, the latter should have been Public Prosecutor v GCK and another matter [2020] SGCA 2, where at [12] of the summary of the judgment, inter alia, stated thus:

The principle of proof beyond a reasonable doubt could be conceptualised in two ways:

a. …..Once the court had identified the flaw internal to the Prosecution’s case, weaknesses in the Defence’s case could not ordinarily shore up what was lacking in the Prosecution’s case to begin with because the Prosecution had simply not been able to discharge its overall legal burden (at [134], [137], [142], [149(e)] and [149(f)]).

b. ….In order to find a reasonable doubt in the Prosecution’s case on the totality of the evidence, the court had to articulate the specific doubt that had arisen in the Prosecution’s case and ground it with reference to the evidence (at [143], [144], [147], [149(g)], [149(h)] and [149(j)]).

So the Minister toking cok about his Ministry & AGC’s investigation after the HC judgment bears NO impact on Justice Chan’s judgment.

I, for one, did not even harbour any notion that Liew Mun Leong had exerted any influence on the outcome of the case, nor, in my opinion, did SMU law Assoc Professor Eugene Tan (in the TODAY newspaper) nor Mr Harpreet Singh Nehal SC in the Straits Times…….nor I think most sinkies. I believe our common concern was the conduct of District Judge Olivia Low for failing to discharge her judicial duties FAITHFULLY, in contravention of her oath of office under the First Schedule of the State Courts Act………….as I hv posted, even the CJ has implicitly criticised Olivia Low in the CJ’s judgment allowing Ms Liyani’s application to have the two DPPs who prosecuted her to face a Disciplinary Tribunal.

Neither of the legal issues pertaining to District Judge Olivia Low nor the 2 DPPs was dealt with in Shanmugam’s Parliament Statement………a point NOT raised by the wayang party’s MP, PSP’s NCMPs nor the white monkeys…..at least I have not read of it.


The 5 Big Unexpectations on China by the West

 Professor Martin Jacques in his recent lecture talked about the western expectations of China that led to its rise in the short span of 40 years from poverty to world supremacy. There were two assumptions that the West made and expected of China. It was too poor and backward to catch up with America and the West in economic well being and everything. Secondly, if China were to become richer and more successful, it would become more democratic or be like the Americans. Both turned out to be false and by 2014 China's economy was already bigger than the Americans on parity purchasing power terms and also, China is still China and not an inch closer to the American democratic system. The Americans regard the latter as bad and China's rise must be put to and end. But it is not going to be easy and not going the American and western way.

The disappointments were manifested in 5 big 'unexpectations' in the West. For years and decades, the Americans have been singing their favourite song written by a Gordon Chang, claimed to be a Chinese but looked like a Japanese and hating everything Chinese, that China is about to implode and collapse, broken up and become a failed state. This sad story did not happen and China is growing stronger and stronger by the day. But this Japanese looking Chinese is still a hot favourite to be invited to badmouth  China even after his silly expectation of China failed to materialise. He is still hoping that it will, one day.

The next unexpectation of the West, according to Martin Jacques, is that China would suffer a financial crisis. It did not, it was America and the West that was hit by the financial crisis and some went bankrupt, with some gone and some teethering to topple over in Europe.

Another unexpectation is political crisis. It did not happen in China but in the West. The American manipulated mass protests on the streets of Hong Kong is now history. The mass protests are now daily occurrence in many American cities and in some European cities and getting worse by the day. And the biggest political crisis, expecting and hoping for Xi Jinping and his CCP to be toppled turned into a rude shock when Xi has extended his leadership for life while the CCP is getting more than 90 per cent support from the Chinese people. On the other hand, America is sunk into a political crisis that threatens to break up the United States into a Disunited States with Trump claiming that the American democratic election process is flawed, corrupted, easily rigged and cannot be trusted. Trump is now planning to conduct a coup against president elect Biden. The political crisis in the US is now an international joke.

And then came Covid19, a virus planted in China and China was expected to crumbled with millions of Chinese dead by the pandemic. The unexpectation, the virus left China after being effectively curbed and controlled and flew over to Europe and the USA, ravaging every city and state and with the number of infections and deaths on top of the world and growing and growing rapidly, unstoppable.

And the trade war launched by Trump to cripple China's economy is turning out to become another painful unexpectation for the Americans. China's economy is as good as back on its feet and growing, back to normal. The American economy and the economies of the West are still under lockdown and in negative territory. How come, how can?  Did not Trump said he won?

The rise of China is unstoppable. The decline and fall of the West, especially America, is the final unexpectation that they did not see coming, refuse to see it coming, in a numb state of denial.