I think Singaporeans especially those well educated need to understand there is no press freedom in Singapore, the MSM has become a state media with political agenda and objective in forming opinions from their news, reports and surveys. Recently there was this FT survey saying almost all Singaporeans are very happy and open to foreigners, trying to put into our minds we should be happy with more foreigners imported towards their 9.9M population plan perhaps? Then there is this news that foreign company decided to go Shanghai because of FT issue. I think all of us need to understand that to achieve their political objective and agenda, the state will keep churning out these fake news and even sponsoring articles on foreign media to keep brainwashing citizens. Citizens need to up their ante by thinking deeper and analysing the trend or investigating facts or logic. If FT policy does not affect locals or they create more jobs for locals, why there is so much needs for social media, ministers and news to keep repeating the answers to locals? The logic here is if it is in good condition, why fix?
We locals have become very dependent on govt on news and answers, we have actually lost instincts to think, we have become sheep. There are people who still keep insisting there is no evidence or statistics to prove but from what you see around you, can’t you feel it in your heart? This explains why most statistics are made complex and hidden from citizens, so when there is no real proof, citizens always happy to accept rubbish. This FT policy since 2011, they said they will curb FT population, now the population grew from 4M to 6M, isn’t this the logic that they continue to bluff locals?
Use more of your brains, instincts, investigate or whatever, just do not believe all that is printed on MSM or on foreign media (probably sponsored).
Michelle Teo
The above is the second half of an article y Michelle Teo in the TRE. The first half was about the lawful or unlaw arrest of Lim Tean by CAD officers and how the people perceived the arrest from the truth or half truth they read in the main media. It is all about conditioning the minds of the readers to read and then think what the media want you to think and to think that that is the truth.
How many of you agree or disagree with Michelle Teo on her comments above and how many of you are victims of the media, made to think what the media want you to think or made not to think and accept the media as the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
The next big point is about thinking Singaporeans or unthinking Singaporeans? Why are Singaporeans not thinking, unthinking, and accepting the realities or fake realities in their face? Is this because life is too good, everything is there, food, clothing and housing and money to spend, that there is no need to think anymore, no need to worry about the future. Let the govt or the media think for you?
The surveys about Singaporeans loving to have more foreigners here despite many losing their jobs and become PHVs and delivery boys and girls, said a lot about the intent of such surveys. No?
No need to think is best.