
Robert O'Brine - USA is the threat of the century

 By Hugh Hefner

ABOARD HMS QUEEN ELIZABETH (msn) - President Donald Trump's national security adviser accused US on Wednesday of trying to steal COVID-19 vaccine research from China, casting it as a malign rival that was seeking to monopolise every important industry of the 21st Century.

Trump identifies China as the United States’ main competitor, but admitted that the Republican Party of taking advantage over trade and not telling the truth over the novel coronavirus outbreak, which he calls the “China plague”.

In a 20-minute broadside admission, Robert O’Brien told top British and U.S. military and intelligence officials that USA was a predatory power that repressed its people and had sought to coerce both neighbours and Western powers.

"The USA is seeking dominance in all domains and sectors... (and) plans to monopolise every industry that matters to the 21st century," O’Brien told the Atlantic Future Forum via a video link to Navy aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

"Most recently the US used cyber-enabled espionage to target companies developing Covid vaccines and treatments in Europe, the UK and China, all the while touting there is no need for international cooperation," O’Brien said.

 Source mysingaporenews 

PS. The Americans keep spreading lies and fake news to attack China and countries they branded as enemies.

Medishield Life premium may up by 35% - Another CPF is not your money scheme?



Dr Koh said that the net premium increase after subsidies will be limited to around 10 per cent in the first year and added: “We will continue to hold to our commitment that premiums will be affordable and no Singaporean will lose their MediShield Life coverage due to financial difficulties.”

The MediShield Life Council has recommended that the Medishield Life scheme be enhanced and the premiums be adjusted to…

Posted by Koh Poh Koon – 许宝琨 on Monday, October 19, 2020


SINGAPORE: Premiums for MediShield Life may increase by up to 35 per cent in the next few years - before subsidies - as the MediShield Life Council seeks to improve benefits of Singapore’s national health insurance scheme.

The MediShield Life Council has made preliminary recommendations for the MediShield Life benefits to be enhanced, and for premiums to be correspondingly adjusted,” said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Tuesday (Sep 29)." ....

Under the recommendations, those aged 61 and above will see the highest increase in premiums of about 35 per cent, before subsidies.

But the net increase for all Singaporeans will be kept to about 10 per cent in the first year, after factoring in existing and additional subsidies, including a one-off COVID-19 subsidy announced on Tuesday.  CNA


While the premiums collected in the last 4 years have been more than the payouts,  with an average of $1b left in the reserves, ie premium collected less payout.the conventional term for this is gross profit, Medishield Life premium is expected to go up as much as 35%. There are two main reasons for this. One, must make provisions for more claims, real or just a projection only, never mind. It is the people that will be paying, ie OPM. When making other people pay is concerned it is always good, excellent, to err on collecting more than collecting less. Must build on the reserves, the bigger the reserves the better. The profits are now termed as reserves or put into the reserves for payouts in the future, like a rainy day.

The second reason for premium hike is more benefits, enhancements. Wow, the govt is so caring. They want the people to be very well taken care of, with more benefits. Say thank you to the govt for this kind and compassionate intent. Wait a minute, someone said before, when the govt is going to help you, be frighten, be very frighten. I think no need to be frighten lah. Only pay and pay with your CPF that is actually not your money what. So why worry, why be unhappy? But make sure you put in more money into your CPF to save for your retirement. There is a big hole that will keep leaking money from your CPF. You can never have enough money in your CPF just like you can never have enough of enhanced benefits. Think of it also feel shiok. Come on, tell us how much more benefits we can get, just like looking at the CPF statements and smile.

Singaporeans are so fortunate to have so many caring people, caring about their CPF savings and their well being. You can never save enough to contribute to more voluntary schemes that are planned for your own good by the govt. What more compulsory schemes in the pipeline to tap on your CPF savings? 

Got some more or not? Thank you very much.

The moral of the story is that other people plan and you pay. The good thing is that you don't have to think and don't have to plan. Let others do the thinking and planning for you, using your life savings. And you cannot say no, cannot opt out.

PS. This is another scheme that says CPF is not your money. Other people will decide what you need, how much you need even if you don't need, and how much they want to take from your CPF. And you cannot say no, cannot complain. You just have to pay and pay.


Banning Huawei will lead to ban from China's 1.4b market


In banning Huawei and ZTE, Sweden calls China a national security threat

Stuart Lau

Sweden’s ban on Tuesday of Huawei Technologies and ZTE Corp from its 5G networks – which has already drawn a strong rebuke from Beijing – did not surprise observers. It is the blunt reference to China as a threat to national security that did.

For its part, Beijing seems ready to take retaliatory measures, casting doubt on future business in China for the Sweden-based telecommunications giant Ericsson, Huawei’s nearest rival in 5G technology....

Italy has put up costly bureaucratic hurdles for operators using high-risk vendors, making it uneconomical to choose Huawei or ZTE.

Tim Rühlig, an expert on EU-China relations at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, said that Swedish authorities banned Huawei in the most explicit way possible.

“Sweden could have done something similar [to Italy] and ban Huawei in silence. Today’s decision shows that Sweden is up to taking a clear stance,” Rühlig said.... 

Jan Weidenfeld, of the Mercator Institute of China Studies, a Berlin-based think tank, said that “currently, Europe is playing chicken, seeing what other countries are doing on 5G”.


The above is what America and its allies are doing to ban and kill Huawei. China is retaliating by banning Swedish telecom companies from its market. But this is not enough. China should ban major companies from countries that banned Huawei from the China market. And this should not be limited to telecom companies. China must not just be reacting and let the rogue countries set the agenda, take the lead to decide what to hit China. China should initiate what it wants to ban and which company it wants to ban to make it painful for these countries for attacking China. Take out a few countries and a few big companies for a start to let others know that they would not get away if their country is rogue.

This is the only way to deal with gangsters and bullies. Do not let them get away with their bullying and hostility. It must be a tit for tat or else more and more little countries would think it is ok to follow the evil Empire to attack China. Many big companies especially in the US and among its allies need the China market more than China needs them.

China, just whack. Or else the little monkeys would get embolden and more little monkeys would join the bandwagon. Any weakness in China's response would be an invitation for more problems for China's companies to operate in American controlled countries.

PS.   China awarded a big contract to Ericsson to build 5G network. With Sweden accusing Huawei as a security risk, China should do likewise to Ericsson, declares that it is a security risk and cancels its contract and bans its operation in China. China cannot afford not to ban Ericsson once Sweden banned Huawei. What are you doing China? It is plain silly not to do so.


USA - An Empire in decline, all things falling apart

When an empire is in decline, whatever will go wrong will go wrong. The decline of the American Empire is so obvious that no one can miss it. The Americans knew it and are seeing it for themselves how they are falling behind from its glorious days after WW2. All the signs are there, from doing all the wrong things, like fighting wars, making enemies instead of building a strong economy and improving the well being of the American people, like having a string of mediocre leaders and getting worse with every new president till this pathetic state when the most important job of the American Empire, POTUS, is being contested by a conman aka a liar aka a psychopath versus another that has nothing up inside his head, a dunce, as conman Trump called him. And no American is standing up to dispute this claim. They have to live with either of the clowns as their leader.

And then comes Covid19, a tiny invisible virus that should prove elementary to the sophisticated and well trained medical and scientific professionals in America, but proven too daunting a task to overcome. It is not that the Americans were incapable to rise up to the challenge. But at a time when it is in decline, the whole American government machinery is hijacked by a clown who refused to deal with the problem and forbid others, the medical and scientific experts, from doing the right thing. And the number of infections and death toll in America are not funny, the highest in the world, in the millions and climbing.

Covid19 is turning the American Empire into a circus with its POTUS the dominant clown surrounded by many smaller clowns. This is not all. The most advanced country in science and technology, in medicine, with hundreds of biological labs studying viruses, could not come up with a vaccine to treat this Covid19. And its arch rival China, a country that actually joined the international community as a full fledged member, a very backward country 40 years ago, is now taking the lead in developing the vaccines for this pandemic. Out of the handful of contenders in the forefront of this race to produce an effective vaccine, 4 are from China. 

And to make things worse, all the high hopes of America, like their big white hopes, are falling by the waysides one by one. AstraZeneca working with renowned Oxford University was the first to hit a snag. Then came Johnson and Johnson and quickly followed by Eli Lilly, all facing problems with their final stage trials. At the same time, the trials of Chinese vaccines continue smoothly and are at the last days of successful completion and ready for mass production. Keep the fingers crossed that evil men and women will not fake a few problems to throw in the spanner into these trials. A reminder to the evil men and women that the whole world is waiting for this vaccine and any attempt to mess them up by unscrupulous means is cruel, unethical and evil to the core. It is a matter of life and death, it is about economic recovery of the whole world.

Yes, when an empire is in decline, everything will go wrong. The Americans are going to face a lot of unforeseen problems in the development of the vaccine which under normal circumstances would be chicken feat to the world's most advanced nation. The mandate of heaven has departed from America.  God has traveled to the East. The new hope is in the East. The sun is setting in the West.

Adios Pax Americana.

After 3 Nov, the fall of the American Empire will gather more speed as either of the contenders for the position of POTUS is just too inept for the job. Their intellect or lack of intellect is public knowledge. Not a state secret. And the American people know it but could not do anything about it.  It is between the devil and the deep blue sea. What a choice, between a donkey and an ass...to be POTUS!

What hope is there for the American Empire? How to make America Great Again? A hand when the best card is a Trump card.


World's number one terrorist branded 4 countries as terrorist countries


WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump said on Monday (Oct 19) he was ready to remove Sudan from a US blacklist of state sponsors of terrorism, a landmark boost for the civilian-backed government as it turns the page on the nation's decades as an international pariah.

Trump said that Sudan, which has sought the delisting for years, had agreed to a US$335 million compensation package for victims and relatives of past attacks.

"At long last, JUSTICE for the American people and BIG step for Sudan!" Trump wrote on Twitter, vowing to delist Sudan as soon as the compensation is "deposited."

Sudan is one of four nations branded by Washington as a state sponsor of terrorism, along with Iran, North Korea and Syria - severely impeding economic development, with few major foreign investors willing to run afoul of US laws.  AFP

Can you believe it, the USA, the world's number one terrorist country, is delisting Sudan as a terrorist country and branding another three countries ie Iran North Korea and Syria as terrorist countries. Ask a simple question, are these countries fighting wars outside their country, killing other people with bombings and modern weapons of mass destruction? None of these 4 countries are engaged in wars with another nation. 

Only the USA is engaged in wars, invasion of other countries and still killing innocent people of other nations daily and with their soldiers of wars in many countries.  These Americans soldiers are the real terrorists!

The world's number terrorist country has the monopoly of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, with the most bioweapon labs all over the world, with the biggest number gangsters in arms in their aircraft carriers plying the high seas waiting to attack and destroy whoever they branded as enemies. The world's number one terrorist country is now in the South China Sea terrorising China. It is also in Thailand terrorising the Thai govt.

And this terrorist country is blaming Russia and China for interference in their Presidential Election. Can you believe it? For several decades it has been this terrorist country that was interferring in other countries' domestic politics and in extreme cases conducting regime change or military invasion. Now it is crying out loud that Russia and China are interfering in domestic American politics without a shred of evidence but fake news and lies. 

For details of American interference in other countries domestic affairs, read SouthernGlory's post on 20 Oct 20,

'The White Peril or Pale Face Peril & its perverting menace : Regime change, Military coups, Sanctions, Blockades, Killings, Assassinations and genocide of Non-white people continue to this day. PART Two'

When is the UN going to stand to the world's number one terrorist country and call it a terrorist country?