
Trump Biden Debate - The worst of Democracy on display to the world

 The worse of democracy was put on display on the world stage by a President the Americans popularly called a clown, a liar, a conman and the kindest, a con artist against a presidential candidate the clown President called Sleepy Joe or a dunce. And these two men are supposed to be the best the Americans are offered to pick to be their president, the most powerful state on earth.

Is this meant to be a joke with the two men quarrelling like two uncouth brats in the market, both just wanting to lash out at the other and refusing to listen or to give the other man a chance to talk? Is this the best of democracy, the best of American values and the best men Americans deserved?

With such men at the top of the American political office, the decline of the American Empire is coming sooner and earlier than forcast. Shall the world clap and say 'good show' Trump and Biden?

Below is an article in the Straits Times commenting about the decline and decay of everything Americans. Many Singaporeans could not believe what they saw on TV, a nation they once admired, a world leader but putting up a show that is so rich in bad taste.

On the contrary, the CCP of China, so hated by the Americans and being denounced and smeared daily by the Trump Administration led by the big lump of lard called Pompeo, is only accepting the best brains China could produce into the party. Only the best would be admitted to the CCP and eventually rise to the top to run the country. No clowns would be admitted into the CCP. No liars or conmen as well. 

And when the leader of China, led by the best, meets the leader of the USA, elected for being the best clown, what good can the world expect to come out from it?  Would there be a decent conversation of the best minds, or a disaster like the Trump Biden debate?

No wonder Putin is putting Trump in his pocket. Xi would just play along with the clown and clap and praise the clown along the way.

Does Trump really think and believe that he is doing all the attacks against China and Xi could not do anything about it, just be his punching bag, not retaliating, unable to retaliate, not doing anything? The measure of a man, especially a country's top leader, is not in the rubbish he uttered but what he is planning and doing to get even and to get ahead.

China is now free of Covid19 and its economy is recovering and growing at about 6%. The American economy for the months of July and August fell by 32.9% and 31.4% respectively. At these rates, China's economy would soon be overtaking the American's in real terms. This is the best way to beat Trump and his America instead of wasting breath talking nonsense, lying and blaming everyone else. 

This is also the way to show the world the failings of a democratic system and the efficiency of a central govt doing the planning and execution of policies. The CCP is the most respected party in China. Only the cream ala cream of each cohorts are admitted to the Party. Not liars, conmen, dunces, cheats, pussy grabbers, crooks, gangsters etc etc.


Are Singaporeans anti foreigners or victims of foreigners stealing their lunch?

The Singapore Business Federation is so worried about “the recent rise in anti-foreigner sentiments” that it hosted a dialogue on October 1 with Chan Chun Sing. Representatives from 16 foreign chambers, including the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, voiced their concern to the Trade and Industry Minister. Quite a gathering of corporate lions....

Minister Chan assured participants that Singapore remains committed to being open and connected to the world, and continues to welcome foreign investments and global talent to build the best team to play for Singapore in the global arena.”....

 The above is from an article by Tan Bah Bah on the fear of foreign companies that Singaporeans have turned against foreigners. Now why should these companies be so ire or disturbed by this presumed predicament? This is far from the truth. Singaporeans, put it crudely, loved foreigners and like to be 'screwed' by foreigners and would say thank you for it, especially the bananas that are plenty among the daft Singaporeans.  There are unhappiness among Singaporeans, for sure, but more because the economy is not doing well and many are losing their jobs and finding it tough in this expensive city to get by without an income. And when they see the ease in which foreigners are getting employed while they getting sacked or retrenched, as citizens, it would be stupid if they are not angry with govt policies that put them in a very disadvantageous position.

By the way, why should foreign companies be unhappy just because Singaporeans are asking to be treated fairly and to be employed, to get a good job? Why are these foreigner companies here in the first place? They cannot be relocating here just to employ foreigners and not Singaporeans. If they come here just to employ Indians, Pinoys, Australians or westerners, then they should not locate their businesses here. They can go to India, the Philippines, Australia, Europe etc etc where they can get all their foreigners easily, no need to employ Singaporeans. Did they know that Singaporeans are the best educated, from the best universities, no cheating, no degree mills, no fake degrees and very hard working? 

Now who have been spreading the notorious lies that Singaporeans are untalented, lazy and not interested in their jobs? People spreading these lies are traitors to Singaporeans and ought to be shot. These silly lies against Singaporeans, that foreigners are talents and Singaporeans are not have gone too far that even fake foreign talents from third world dysfunctional countries, with funny degrees and fake degrees, believed they are more talented than Singaporeans.

It is time that our silly leeders stop belittling and discrediting Singaporeans and praising fake foreign talents with dubious degrees and qualifications to destroy the confidence in the ability of Singaporeans as the best workers in the region. Our first world city cannot be built by daft Singaporeans. Oooh, now silly fake foreigners from dysfunctional third world countries are claiming that they built this first world city and without them Singapore will fail. Can you believe that? 

Stop the silly myth and lies that we need foreign talents and Singaporeans are all daft and useless!

Now what is the problem with unhappy Singaporeans? Tan Bah Bah put up several questions that have nothing to do with Singaporeans being anti foreigners. It is all because Singaporeans also want good jobs and a good life in their own country. And Singaporeans rightly feel betrayed and rightly feel angry when they are being disadvantaged, discriminated and marginalised in their own country and finding getting a good job very difficult.

The questions below by Tan Bah Bah are very pertinent and basic to what being a Singaporeans is all about.

'What exactly is this anti-foreigner sentiment that is constantly being hurled at poor Singaporeans by its own government? 

Is it anti-foreigner to question whether CECA or any other trade agreement has put the job security and expectations of Singaporeans at risk? Is it anti-foreigner to question whether double standards are being practised in ensuring laws are being followed? Is anti-foreigner to highlight the misbehaviour of some expatriates? Is it anti-foreigner for Singaporeans, especially non-Chinese ones, to want our bus captains to able to communicate with non-Chinese Singaporeans?

Is it anti-foreigner for NS-serving male Singaporeans (and their affected family members) to ask what exactly it is that they are serving to protect – the interests of PRs and others? Would they be wasting two years of their lives (and more, doing reservist training) so that they may end up being at a massive disadvantage in their careers and everything else in life? Is it anti-foreigner if they totally resent being told at the same time that they are too cautious and unwilling to “take risks” (such as seek careers outside Singapore), implying they are not competitive enough, compared to risk-taking and hungrier foreigners?

How has it come to past that the victims of an unfair system are being cast as the villains by an establishment – government and business elite – too used to taking its citizens for granted?'


Only imbeciles cannot understand these and still think it is necessary to appease the foreigners and foreign companies setting up business here but not wanting to employ Singaporeans. It is time to tell these foreign companies to wake up their ideas. If they want to employ Indians, go to India. If they want to employ Australians, go to Australia. If they want to employ Pinoys go to the Philippines. In Singapore, employ Singaporeans. We are the best. 

Oh, Singaporean companies and GLCs that think Indian workers are the best should relocate to India, cheap and good and very talented.

Another myth, we need foreigners to help us fight against the world. Unfortunately the foreigners here are the rejects of their countries and the US or European countries. Even they join us would not make much difference as the best would not be here, would be in the US or Europe or in their own countries. Those that came here, to be in our team, are the mediocres, the unwanted, the unemployed, the jobless, the not good enough. How to compete with the better ones that are not here? Get that?


A wake up call before the house is brought down


'Moving forward it will be seem that (should read, seen. excuse the grammar and typos in the original comment) True Born Singaporeans who forefathers help to build the nation will be deprived of more opportunities than the new citizens. The new citizens will gain wealth and have better status and enjoy better qualities of lives than those true born Singaporeans. In fact is so obvious now that new citizens are living better as compared to true born Singaporeans. Even the new citizens’ ageing parents are better off than the local aged who are still working.'

Above is a comment to an article in TOC by Singapore academics saying 'the government is practising “protectionism”.' This comment may seem very mundane, nothing sophisticated or high brow, but it touches the very basic meaning of what a country is all about before it becomes a cuntry. And this second part is best, though crudely put by another commentator.

Ben Toh

'What protectionism are these jokers talking about?

Singapore is like one fucking big cb, always 24/7, 7-eleven open to all to wank.

If even sg trained foreign free riding students have difficulties finding jobs and competing against the ceca imports, then it shows something is wrong with our tertiary education system.

Meaning Tan and Walter should shut up their cb mouths, stop giving pap BJs and start thinking how to improve their teaching.'


The above two comments are the latest manifestation of pain and hurt in Singaporeans being marginalised in their own country by govt policies that blindly professed about how good and important foreign talents are and bringing them in mindlessly, recklessly and irresponsibly without a care about how badly Singaporeans are affected by these foreigners stealing their jobs. But some twits would say, no, the foreigners are not replacing or stealing the jobs of Singaporeans and demanding proof for it.

The insensitivity and callousness of policy makers are unbelieveable. Call them stupid they are not happy. Say they are smart, they are not. Basically a bunch of imbeciles that did not know what a country means, what citizenship means, what is a nation and the purpose of building a nation for its own people. To these idiots, foreigners are not foreigners, and if people complained, just give the foreigners a pink IC and all the problems are solved, no more foreigners, all become Singaporeans already. So easily done. They did not know that they are having it so good, with million dollar salaries, is because of the pioneer Singaporeans that built this country and made it so good for them.

Back to this rage of being citizens and losing out to foreigners and demanding the govt to act for the interest of citizens, ie true blue Singaporeans, the builders of this country, the children of the builders of this country.  They are feeling betrayed. Can understand this or not?

It is not too much, not wrong for citizens to want to have a better life in their own country and feeling aggrieved, violated, raped and marginalised when foreigners are coming here and having a better life than citizens. This is not simply envy. And spare the stupid comments that the foreigners are better and Singaporeans that are losing out deserved to lose out to the foreigners.

If political leaders cannot differentiate between foreigners and citizens and think it is alright to have foreigners in huge numbers employed in good jobs while Singaporeans have to be sidelined and downgraded to low paying jobs, then these political leaders do not deserved to be voted to power. Come to think of it, Clown Donald Trump is brighter than these imbeciles. They must be voted out if they think the interest of Singaporeans is not important and the well being of their darling foreigners are more important than Singaporeans. 

The anger and rage will continue to grow and will blow away anti Singaporean leaders and politicians in a matter of time. And in a matter of time the anger will be directed at these politicians and leaders. Let's hope the imbeciles are able to sense the anger and unhappiness in the two comments above. And the two writers are not alone. 

Below are a few profiles from Yahoo News of so called foreign talents that are/were working in Singapore. Just take note of their age and what kind of experience they could bring to make Singapore a better place.

1. After 13 years in Singapore, 22-year-old Callum Dunne was forced to leave in May. He lost his job, his visa expired and he couldn’t find new employment, leaving him with no option but to return to the UK. 

“My entire life is in Singapore,” he said. “My family, my friends, my colleagues. It’s hard to be given a couple weeks to pack up your life and go.”....

 “Even getting that S-Pass was so hard,” he said. “I worked as a football coach for about a year and a half. They didn’t have the quota to keep me so I lost that job. Then a bar in Boat Quay wanted to hire me but they also didn’t have a quota for foreigners. I finally found a job which could sponsor me in December last year, but I lost it because of the pandemic.”

2.  “The industry in Singapore thrives because expats are ready to work here,” explained Rohit Bhattacharya, a 27-year-old who recently moved to Singapore for a consulting job. ... Rohit was managing a team in Singapore, and he trained them to apply many of the skills he acquired abroad. Now that he has lost his job, he plans to return to Australia where he was living before.

Can anyone really believe these kids are the talents that we need, that they have a wealth of experience that we don't have and can become football coach, consultants to teach our people, that they create jobs for Singaporeans?  

Who are the sick people in Singapore that held these foreigners in high regards in preference for Singaporeans?


Commenting about world events without the privilege of history is idiotic

'The worsening geopolitical climate, driven by what Japan perceives to be Chinese military expansionism, is a major factor behind Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision to pave the way for the country to acquire first-strike capabilities, analysts here have said.

 The above is the first paragraph of an article in the ST titled, 'The China factor behind Japan's defence moves' by Walter Sim. Any casual reader without the knowledge of history would think that China is an expansionist power and Japan is a poor and frighten little mouse. It is very sad that unthinking correspondents would write such an article typical of the American narrative to smear China as a rogue nation with expansionist design and ambition. Why would Asians be so empty in the head to just look at the present, with the American anti China vibes as the basis to comment about China and depicting China as a threat to other countries?

In the last 200 years, China had/has been the victim of western invasion and colonisation and with Japan as the most vicious and barbaric invader of China, expanding the Japanese Empire into China. When did China send its troops out of its territory in the last 200 years to justify the smear that China is an expansionist power, and poor Japan, the most aggressive and expanisionist power of the 19th and 20th Century being portrayed as a possible victim of Chinese expansionism, and its military buildup is justifiable and defensive in nature? The only reason for Japan to fear China, and for that matter Korea, is its devious record of invading both countries and colonising them and thus conscious that a day would come when the two victims of Japanese cruel military invasion would be avenged. The millions of people massacred in China and Korea by the Japanese, and their brutal and humiliating rule in both countries would never be forgotten, and the score would be settled one day.

How many silly Asians still accept the smear that China is an expansionist power when it was a victim of western and Japanese invasion and colonisation? The real expansionist powers were the Japanese and the West and with the Americans expanding all the way across the Pacific Ocean to the coast of China and with hundreds of military bases in Asia and the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Are the Asians so blind and so stupid not to see who is the expansionist power, the Evil American Empire in their midst, controlling their every move? Japan was the threat to China and Korea. Japan was and still is the threat, not the other way. Japan invaded both China and Korea, and the latter have not step foot into Japan. I really hope they will one day to avenge the massacres and cruelties inflicted against the people of the two countries.  The beastly and hypocritical Japanese got the cheek to call China a threat! The Americans should have dropped a few more atomic bombs in Japan during the end of WW2 to avenge Pearl Harbour and the millions of death in China and Korea and the rest of Asia.

The dispute in the South China Sea island claims is a distorted truth. Historically all the islands were discovered by China and part of China under the finder's keepers doctrine of discovery. The islands in the South China Sea were uninhabited when China discovered them and occupied them.  This is unlike the evil Christian Doctrine of Discovery of the West when they invaded lands that were occupied by natives eg the Americas, Australia and New Zealand, massacred the natives and claimed the land as theirs, the present America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and many islands in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Ocean. 

The claims by some Asean countries on the Chinese islands is the reversal of Chinese expansion but expansionism of the Asean countries involved.  They are claiming Chinese islands as theirs under a new UNCLOS law and applying it retrospectively against the historical claims of China on these islands. Get the facts right, these Asean countries only became countries after WW2.

When would silly Asians start to look at history a bit further and not history at the tip of their nose, ignoring what had happened 50 years ago, 100 years ago, a few centuries ago? The western truth and narratives are loaded to make the West appears to be right and China as the demon. The natives of countries seized by the white men from Europe have all the rights to reclaim their land from the whites stolen from them.

When would Asians start to think and not made to think by the white men and believe in their one sided narratives?


US Library of Congress Web Archives include mysingaporenews Website in their collection of news

 Below is a mail I received from the US Library of Congress to include mysingaporenews in their collection of historic news from the Internet. They want to know what we are talking about. It is an opportunity for us to educate the Americans of their evil behaviour and threats to peace and that what they are doing are unacceptable and they would lose a lot of support and credibility if they did not change their warmongering behaviour and going around agitating and inciting wars.  

Singapore is a neutral country and our govt are very pro Americans. So they better take note of what we are saying. If Singapore as their close ally does not approve of their wild behaviour, wild accusations and gangsterism, the views of their enemies or non allies would be worse. 

Hope the Americans would understand the changing world, changing perceptions and narratives of the world, especially in SE Asia.


To Whom It May Concern:

The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to the Singaporean General Election 2020 Web Archive. We consider your website to be an important part of this collection and the historical record.

The Library of Congress preserves important cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including websites. Our web archives are important because they contribute to the historical record, capturing information that could otherwise be lost. With the growing role of the web as an influential medium, records of historic events could be considered incomplete without materials that were "born digital" and never printed on paper.

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The Library may also make the collection available more broadly by hosting the collection on the Library's public access website no earlier than one year after our archiving has been completed. The Library hopes that you share its vision of preserving Internet materials and permitting researchers from across the world to access them. 

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