
White men's art - A visual treat

Great works of white men - Less you forget, less you did not know, less it was not told, less you think these were fake news. This is a visual treat on how creative and artistic the white men can be. And with the recent killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud and fellow blacks in the hands of their police men, anyone of a clear mind and conscience would not think of asking these white murderers to be the policemen of the world. White cruelty against the blacks and the coloured people is in their bones and is not going away.


White man's law or outlaws in land seizure - White lies or white hypocrisy?

With China throwing its weight around in the South China Sea, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rightly declared this month that the country’s aggressive claims to offshore resources in the area were “completely unlawful.” The message aligned the United States with international law in one of the world’s most critical waterways and showed support for the smaller coastal states threatened by Chinese bullying. NYT

The above NYT comment appears that the Americans are taking a high moral and legal ground to challenge China's claim to the islands in the South China Sea. On the same matter, on what legal basis did the Americans have to claim the island of Guam, Diego Garcia and many islands in the Pacific Ocean? To push the issue further, on what basis did the white Americans claimed the continent of North America as theirs? On what basis did the Australians, Canadians and New Zealanders claimed the lands they are occupying today as theirs? 

What laws justified their legal rights to these lands? Law of Conquest? Or is it based on the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, made in the Vatican and claimed to be a law from heaven? Are these legal in any way? God said the non Christian natives are sub humans and have no rights to their lands and the white men, Christians, have the right to seize their land and to butcher them, to genocide them?

Yes, on what basis did the white men claimed the land of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand as theirs? Where is the legal basis?

Oh, they found it.  The white men found these lands and claimed as theirs!

Covid19 - Vaccine, China's Weapon of Peace

SINGAPORE: Singapore is "quite proactively" in discussion with vaccine developers, pharmaceutical companies and research institutions to make sure it can have "early access" to future COVID-19 vaccines, said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong on Friday (Jul 24).  CNA

Singapore is snooping around to find its way into the most favoured nations to be among the first to receive this vaccine when ready. Being the friends of every country, being friends of the USA and China, Singapore is in the best position to benefit from such a strategic relationship with the two superpowers.  China would love to share its vaccine with Singapore. And the USA, no need to say anything. Singapore is the favourite country, the number one friend of the USA in Asia. If the USA is able to produce a reliable and effective vaccine, Singapore would be the first to be given this vaccine.  Thanks to the years of cultivating good relations with the Americans and inviting the Americans to be the policeman of South East Asia and offering Changi for their warships to be a menace in the region.

Today, out of 4 countries in the world that are in the final stages of mass trial of the vaccine, 3 are Chinese and one is British.  None of the great American companies are even near to Stage 2 trial, meaning they are at least 9 months to a year before these 4 companies, optimistically, could be even longer.

What would China do when its vaccine is ready for the masses? China would definitely have its own most favoured nations list, with its friends and allies on top with top priority to be given the vaccine. The most hostile and belligerent USA would definitely be at the bottom of China's list of favoured nations. And the 6 countries of the five eye nations would also be lumped together with the Americans as the last to be given the vaccine. They can only hope that the Oxford vaccine passes through at the same time as China's 3 vaccines. If not, they would only be spectators watching China distributing its vaccine to its friends first.

China would be damn stupid to offer its vaccine to the Americans and five eyes countries and American cronies first. The Americans have launched an undeclared war with its allies against China. This hostile act cannot be ignored by China. The Covid19 vaccine will be China's Weapon of Peace, to be shared with friendly countries around the world. Only when the rest of the world have been given their share of this vaccine would the unfriendly countries be considered. And this would probably take years as the production process may not have the capacity to produce so many doses of the vaccine so quickly.

Being friends of China has its privileges.  Being enemies of China, hostile and unfriendly to China, taking sides with the Americans against China's interest, would have to wait. Tan Ku Ku.

Covid19 vaccine will be like the BRI, China's Weapons of Peace. While the warmongering evil Empire is racing to build more deadly nuclear weapons and biological weapons for wars, inciting wars, China is racing ahead in developing vaccine to save the world.

PS. Rich Americans need not worry about not having their vaccine. The lawless Americans would send their soldiers to hijack supplies meant for other countries just like the way they hijacked medical equipment for France, Germany and Brazil and other countries. They would behave like bandits and robbers to get their hands on vaccine they needed for their rich and powerful. Blacks can wait.

Thank God they are not going to have their own vaccine or they would keep it only to themselves. America First, remember that.


Tyranny of the Evil American Empire - To hell with the tyranny of the evil Americans!

The Evil American Empire, led by a bunch of liars, crooks and blood thirsty trouble makers are accusing China of all kinds of things, China is aggressive, expansionist, bully etc etc when the truth is that the Evil Americans are the worse and vicious beasts in oppressing and suppressing the people of the world, in wars and destruction, and killings of the innocents in the millions.

Among the cruel and wicked deeds of the evil Americans include economic sanctions and isolation of countries for 50 or more years to impoverish the people of these countries.

Then they are overt and covert wars, terrorism and threats against countries all over the world. The worse victims of American tyranny and cruelties are the middle eastern states, the African and Latin American states, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. The people of these countries have been suffering from poverty because of the tyranny and bullying of the Evil Empire.

The evil Americans spread lies, fabricated lies and use threats against these countries and forced the rest the of the world not to trade with these countries. The innocent people of these countries have suffered for decades because of the evil Americans.

The Americans have thousands of military bases and chemical and biological labs around the world to threaten and intimidate countries to obeisance.

The evil Americans are everywhere supporting terrorist organisations and ratcheting tensions to start wars and destruction.

The crimes of the evil Americans against humanity are so plentiful that it would need a whole library to fill them, but the western media refused to talk about them or write about them, instead painting the evil Americans as angels.

The intimidation and threats of force by the evil Americans have cowed the rest of the world into submission. No country dares to speak up or stand up against the tyranny of the evil Americans.

Only HE can stop the evil Americans from more killings and destruction, to free the world from the oppression and suppression of the evil Americans. HE has sent in the virus to destroy the evil Americans for the good of the people of the world.

The tyranny of the evil Americans must be put to an end for world peace and prosperity. Their cruelty and defiance against goodness and righteousness are being brought to bear by the ONE above. The Covid19 virus is the nemesis of the evil American Empire.

To hell with the American tyranny and evil Empire.

The silence about immigration in Singapore...about foreigners taking over this country

Professor Seah calls it a “fraught issue that deserves closer study,” and adds that it is one that divides Singaporeans, with those in favor of it saying immigration keeps costs low, attracts international business, which ends with more jobs for citizens. Those in favor of immigration have said that fewer migrants would mean increased prices, as well as less competitive companies.

However, those opposed to an overly large migrant community argue that immigrants end up in competition with locals for jobs, that the quotas for work permit and S Pass holders are too generous, and that no levies or quotas are imposed on Employment Pass holders....

Professor Seah writes, “But even this endeavour has not yielded conclusive findings. To be sure, many empirical studies done internationally have found immigration to have only small and insignificant effects on wages and employment of native workers.” from theindependent.sg

This is a generalisation that is being washed over by not wanting to face the truth. Everyone responsible for this mess is looking away. Immigration in other countries made up only a small percentage of their population. In Singapore, immigrants made up more than 50 percent of the population and is displacing the local population and would soon become the majority of the population if it is not already the case. Is this what daft Singaporeans want, to be displaced by foreigners in their own country?  Singaporeans not only deserve to lose their jobs, but also their country.

The crux of the matter is in this statement:

More research, he says is needed in Singapore. “Empirically, what do we know about the labour market impact of immigration in Singapore? Not much. One reason for this is the lack of high-quality peer-reviewed Singapore-based empirical research addressing this, owing possibly to the lack of publicly available data.”

The scarcity of data is part of the problem, as this leads to speculation from both sides concerning the effects of immigration, as well as brings about uncertainty and insecurity among people.

Undoubtedly, there are benefits and costs to immigration, and it brings about changes in any country’s economy.  But in order to determine the extent of these changes, “a comprehensive assessment would need to consider all these effects and to assess how different groups in society are impacted by immigration – both in the short and in the long run,” he writes, saying that how we presently comprehend the situation is “woefully inadequate.”

The professor also calls this troubling, as it prevents Singaporeans “from knowing exactly what the trade-offs associated with immigration are and to improve upon public decision-making.”

Additionally, the lack of research puts Singapore at risk of policies being implemented for the good of certain lobbying groups, and not the nation as a whole.

“More data and research on the impact of immigration in Singapore will serve to enlighten the public debate and allow more effective immigration policies to be designed,” writes Professor Seah. —/TISG

The whole article in theindependent.sg is about a deliberate act not to want to know the bad consequences of extreme immigration problems in the Singapore case. No one wants to talk about it. It is not that we don't have the people, the academics to do a proper study on this. There is a fear, a perception that the serious problems of immigration is best not to be spoken. So there is an eerie silence in the academia about this and also in Parliament.  Any MP that treasures his big MP allowance and the privileges of differential access to money, to make millions, knows very well to stay out of the immigration quagmire Singapore has intentionally walked into.

This short sighted and irresponsible behaviour of those that could stop this reckless immigration policy by putting their selfish interest first than the interest of Singaporeans would lead to the marginalisation of the original Singaporeans in Singapore.  This is an unforgiveable crime that the future generations of Singaporeans would have to live with at their expense. But because of the good of a minority that is benefitting from this crime against Singaporeans it is allowed to happen.

Lack of data, lack of research, lack of fund, NOT in Singapore. It is a deliberate act not to whisper a word about it. Talking about irresponsibility and integrity, talking about the good of Singaporeans?

This is a case of the Emperor has no clothes and no one is willing to step forward to point this out. The Singaporean masses will pay for it, heavily in their future well being.  It is pawning away their future, their country and home to be taken over by foreigners without putting up a fight, but resigned to their fate of losing their own country.