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The silence about immigration in Singapore...about foreigners taking over this country
Professor Seah calls it a “fraught issue that deserves closer study,” and adds that it is one that divides Singaporeans, with those in favor of it saying immigration keeps costs low, attracts international business, which ends with more jobs for citizens. Those in favor of immigration have said that fewer migrants would mean increased prices, as well as less competitive companies.
However, those opposed to an overly large migrant community argue that immigrants end up in competition with locals for jobs, that the quotas for work permit and S Pass holders are too generous, and that no levies or quotas are imposed on Employment Pass holders....
Professor Seah writes, “But even this endeavour has not yielded conclusive findings. To be sure, many empirical studies done internationally have found immigration to have only small and insignificant effects on wages and employment of native workers.” from theindependent.sg
This is a generalisation that is being washed over by not wanting to face the truth. Everyone responsible for this mess is looking away. Immigration in other countries made up only a small percentage of their population. In Singapore, immigrants made up more than 50 percent of the population and is displacing the local population and would soon become the majority of the population if it is not already the case. Is this what daft Singaporeans want, to be displaced by foreigners in their own country? Singaporeans not only deserve to lose their jobs, but also their country.
The crux of the matter is in this statement:
More research, he says is needed in Singapore. “Empirically, what do we know about the labour market impact of immigration in Singapore? Not much. One reason for this is the lack of high-quality peer-reviewed Singapore-based empirical research addressing this, owing possibly to the lack of publicly available data.”
The scarcity of data is part of the problem, as this leads to speculation from both sides concerning the effects of immigration, as well as brings about uncertainty and insecurity among people.
Undoubtedly, there are benefits and costs to immigration, and it brings about changes in any country’s economy. But in order to determine the extent of these changes, “a comprehensive assessment would need to consider all these effects and to assess how different groups in society are impacted by immigration – both in the short and in the long run,” he writes, saying that how we presently comprehend the situation is “woefully inadequate.”
The professor also calls this troubling, as it prevents Singaporeans “from knowing exactly what the trade-offs associated with immigration are and to improve upon public decision-making.”
Additionally, the lack of research puts Singapore at risk of policies being implemented for the good of certain lobbying groups, and not the nation as a whole.
“More data and research on the impact of immigration in Singapore will serve to enlighten the public debate and allow more effective immigration policies to be designed,” writes Professor Seah. —/TISG
The whole article in theindependent.sg is about a deliberate act not to want to know the bad consequences of extreme immigration problems in the Singapore case. No one wants to talk about it. It is not that we don't have the people, the academics to do a proper study on this. There is a fear, a perception that the serious problems of immigration is best not to be spoken. So there is an eerie silence in the academia about this and also in Parliament. Any MP that treasures his big MP allowance and the privileges of differential access to money, to make millions, knows very well to stay out of the immigration quagmire Singapore has intentionally walked into.
This short sighted and irresponsible behaviour of those that could stop this reckless immigration policy by putting their selfish interest first than the interest of Singaporeans would lead to the marginalisation of the original Singaporeans in Singapore. This is an unforgiveable crime that the future generations of Singaporeans would have to live with at their expense. But because of the good of a minority that is benefitting from this crime against Singaporeans it is allowed to happen.
Lack of data, lack of research, lack of fund, NOT in Singapore. It is a deliberate act not to whisper a word about it. Talking about irresponsibility and integrity, talking about the good of Singaporeans?
This is a case of the Emperor has no clothes and no one is willing to step forward to point this out. The Singaporean masses will pay for it, heavily in their future well being. It is pawning away their future, their country and home to be taken over by foreigners without putting up a fight, but resigned to their fate of losing their own country.