
The Blame Game - The Game Of Political Irresponsibility


Playing the blame game is a reflection of self-guilt and the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. It suggests the inability to act for the welfare of the common good. It degrades your political conviction, commitment and action. In other words, it is basically a game of your political irresponsibility!

It is human nature to blame someone when things go wrong. Sometimes, you blame correctly. Sometimes, you blame wrongly. But most of the time, you seldom or never will blame your good selves.

Actually, this blame game has been with us since God created man. God blamed Adam for eating the God Forsaken Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge (GFFFK). Adam blamed his Eve for influencing him to eat the GFFFK. Eve in turn blamed the Serpent for instigating her to eat that GFFFK. The cunning Serpent blamed God for creating the Tree that produced the GFFFK and for purposely labeling its fruits as "Forbidden". Taking the cue from the Serpent, Adam and Eve blamed God for creating the Serpent, the Tree of Knowledge and themselves. In addition, Eve also blamed God for his lack of foresight, carelessness and total negligence by putting them near the two highly dangerous creations of His. God got so angry with Eve that he cursed all women to be afraid of serpents and to suffer the pain of childbirth forever.

From the illustration, who was at fault? Actually, all were at fault and all were not at fault. It depends on who you are and how you perceive and interprete things. It depends on your up-bringing and how you were taught. It also depends on many other factors, e.g. cultural background, historical precedence and personal belief.

Singaporeans are also good in the blame game, without exception.

Blaming the Majority Voters

In the last 4 to 5 years, some people kept blaming the 69.9% who gave the PAP a super majority mandate in GE2015, mainly due to the passing of the 1st Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew..

Prior to GE2015, some people blamed the majority voters who "voted" to return the PAP again and again without fail.

For next 5 years, some people are bound to blame the 61% of voters who supported the PAP again. In fact, it has already started the moment the results for GE2020 were announced!

Maybe, you have been blaming the wrong people, barking up the wrong tree? That's why it won't work? Maybe you should be blaming someone else?

Blame Someone Else

1. Blame that someone who masterminded the whole political system?

2. Blame that someone masterminded the whole election process?

3. Blame that someone who wield so much power that a climate of subtle fear of being "sodomize" or sued has existed to deter anyone from speaking out?

4. Blame that someone who keep shifting the the goal posts of the number of constituencies and candidates?

5. Blame that someone who kept increasing the candidacy deposits.

6. Blame that someone who engineered the Group Representation Constituencies?

7. Blame that someone who engineered the redrawing of constituencies boundaries?

8. Blame that someone who took away your right to vote if you chose not to vote or absented yourself from voting? And also penalized you with a fine if you want to be reinstated into the eligible voters register. The right to vote must be a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. The choice to vote should also be a fundamental right. No government people or organization should deny any citizen these fundamental rights to vote and to choose not to vote.

9. Blame that someone who monopolized the use of the People's Association and its grassroots organizations for his own selfish political aim and objectives?

10. Blame that someone who monopolized the trade unions and mobilised them for own political interests?

11. Blame that someone who made use of taxpayers' money as carrots to dangle in front of voters just before the elections were called in order to entice and "bribe" them for own political gains?

12. Blame that someone who engineered the whole legal system that is "subordinated to" the Ministry for Law and also "subordinated by" the Parliament?

13. Blame that someone who engineered the whole educational system to discourage students from political awareness, from participation in political activism and political activities?

Maybe, blaming that someone else is counter-productive? How about blaming yourself for a change?

Blaming Your Good Self

1. Blame yourself for not cultivating an inquisitive mind with discernment and political awareness?

2. Blame yourself for not supporting the Opposition/Alternative Parties enough, wholeheartedly, actively?

3. Blame yourself for not influencing others to support the Opposition/Alternative Parties?

4. Blame yourself for not participating actively and strongly as Opposition activists, moral, financial and Logistics sipporters, and backers?

5. Blame yourself for not coming out to be counted - to stand for elections?

6. Blame yourself for being Kiasu and kiasi to offend the PAP in order to safeguard your businesses and livelihood?

7. Blame yourself for being too greedy for the carrots thrown at you, for that chicken wings dished out to you to buy your hearts just in time for the GE?

8. Blame yourself for having kpkb one way but voted the other way?

9. Blame yourself for behaving like a well-trained obedient dog, oops sorry, I mean obedient soldier?

10. Blame yourself for not thinking for your children's future and future generations?

11. Blame yourself for not speaking out when it is your duty and responsibility to do so inside and outside Parliament?

12. Blame yourself for not protesting when needed but prefer to suffer in silence as a coward would be?

13. Blame yourself for thinking that it is none of your business to meddle with the political equation, and the status quo, because you were having a good time making money and enjoying life?


Every citizen has the individual as well as collective responsibility to ensure that there is fair play in the country's political system. Why? Because the political system curves out the political leaders who will govern the country and these leaders' decisions directly influence your life and livelihood. Not only to you. But also to your loved ones and to your future generations.

The state of affairs in Singapore's political culture today is a direct result of the political irresponsibility of most Singaporeans - those in power, those with power and those without power alike.

It's time to do a thorough and deep soul-searching. It's time to take responsibility. It is time to stop blaming others but yourselves. This game of political irresponsibility must stop!

Wishing all Singaporeans a bright and progressive future!


SSO - 25 July 2020.

Postedon behalf of SSO

Gupta Clan owns 16 private properties in Singapore

In thenewpaper it was reported that the family of Guptas owned 16 private properties in district 10, 3 units in Lush on Holland Hill, 12 units at YGK Gardens in Belmont Road and 1 unit in Holland Road. This was reported because the Gupta family was involved in a crime probe in USA and Australia. But that is besides the point. 

What is important is that such rich people should be welcomed in Singapore and we can sell a lot of private properties to them. If one clan or family can buy up 16 choiced properties, imagine how many properties could be bought if 1,000 such families are allowed to migrate here, or 100,000 such families, meaning 16,000 or 1.6m properties could be sold to them. The whole of Paya Lebar and Tanjong Pagar would not be enough. Our property developers would be so busy building more properties and more foreign workers can be brought in to contribute more to worker's levy. Singapore could reclaim more forested or unused land to build more properties to sell to such high net worth people. No need to waste land to build more shopping centres or hawker centres or factories. Just build high end condos to sell will do.

I think if our luck is good, we can sell the whole island away too. Isn't this a nice thought, building more and more properties to be sold to foreigners/PRs and making more money?  Singapore Inc would be really rich and the two sovereign funds would have a lot of money to invest, to buy up the whole world.

What do you think?


Pompeo - the modern day Frankenstein

Pompeo or Pompee, this big lump of lard is the most evil man in the Trump Administration. He is the modern day Franskenstein, the butcher, the number one trouble maker. He is going everywhere to bully countries and wanting to start a war. He deserves to be roasted in the oven and served to the hyenas.

He proudly claimed in Congress that he lied, he cheated and he stole!

'Predatory Loan' versus Colonialism and Imperialism

The Americans have been waving the flag of predatory lending and debt traps to attack China's investment and infrastructure building in the BRI Project. Predatory loans or lending as defined by Investopedia is 'Predatory lending imposes unfair, deceptive, or abusive loan terms on a borrower.' And many states, including those states that joined the BRI, have their own anti-predatory lending laws.' How valid is this American allegation or white lie on debt trap and predatory lending against China?

Most of the countries that have infrastructure building agreements with China are poor countries, many victims of western Imperialism and Colonialism.  The white men came, robbed them of their wealth and left them to do with whatever that was left of their countries, or not to do and live or die in perpetual poverty. Nearly a hundred years after the white imperialists and colonialists have left the colonised countries, many of these countries are still struggling to make ends meet and need money, technology to rebuild their economies, infrastructure and countries. The countries that should be doing this, for free, should be the former invaders, the imperialists and colonial masters that enriched themselves from the loots of these countries. But no, they would not do anything. They would not even provide loans with strings attached unless these countries could pay back.

This is an impossible dream to these poor countries. Who could they turn to for money and technology? Who could provide them with cheap loans to rebuild their infrastructure, to raise the standard of living of their people and to revive their economies? Not the West, not the white men, not the imperialists and colonial masters.

China was also a victim of the white scourge, having been invaded by the white men through wars, and nearly colonised. China had to pay war reparations and indemnities that resulted in bankrupting the whole country. The whites came, started a war, invaded and semi colonised China and made China pay for their war expenses and damages and compensation for their war effort.  This is the rule of the white imperialists and colonialists.

China has recovered from the ravages of white imperialism and colonialism and has extended a helping hand to the poor countries of the world, the victims of white imperialists and colonialists. China would help them with cheap loans and the technology to rebuild their countries. What is so wrong and so bad about these? China did not invade these countries, did not march in with guns and point at their heads to sign these infrastructure rebuilding projects. China went in to offer what China could do at a price they agreed, cheaper than the loans the white men would offer at high interest rates and strings attached.

The leaders of these countries have limited choices. Continue to live in their underdeveloped countries forever, with no money, no technology, they could not rebuild themselves. China offers them hope and they could negotiate on what they want, what they need, at a mutually agreeable price and terms. They have no money, but some have resources and raw material for exchange. Some could rent out their land and become rentiers like Djibouti. Whatever, the final terms of repayment are signed after tough negotiations and bargaining and agreed by both parties. These countries would have to work out the sums, what they could afford to have from their lists of wants and what they could afford to pay from their resources or national income. Period.

China and these countries signed economic, trade and infrastructure agreements on the basis of equality with both sides putting their negotiators to work out the deals. Unlike the days of imperialism and colonialism when the white men just marched in and took everything, yes everything, with their guns. Any resistance or objection would lead to massacres and mass imprisonment.

How bad and how false were the white men's allegations and lies about debt traps and predatory lending? These, when compared to imperialism and colonialism, were like being invited to a free party with food and booze. Imperialism and colonialism were banditry, daylight robbery, peppered with killings, massacres and slavery of the natives. Now the evil white men are calling a business contract signed by two willing partners, negotiated without duress, as bad, as cheating, as unfair.

Who were the unfair cheats? Who were the robbers, the murderers, the rapists of countries and nations? Who impoverished these countries, robbed them of their national wealth and now crying crocodile tears to want to defend them and their wealth, if any was still left for them?

Stop the white lies and repent and cough out whatever you robbed from these poor countries. Go and rebuild these countries for free! Yes, you owed it to them. You white invaders and warmongers also owe it to China, to repay the war debt, war reparation, war compensation and indemnities paid for invading China and other countries. This debt must be repaid one day, with interest for more than 150 years, and the amount marked to present value.

This is the white debt the West, the imperialists and colonial masters owed to the rest of the world. Stop your hypocrisy and start paying back in kind and in kindness. Stop your wars of destruction, stop killing the Muslims and Arabs NOW. Stop all your abusive sanctions against other countries and let them move out of poverty. And stop spreading more white lies.

America is not a democracy but a dictatorship run by gangsters and warmongers, by liars and cheats. There is no equality and human rights as preached by white men speaking in fork tongues. Equal rights and human rights are only for the white men, not for the blacks, not for the Latinos, Asians and coloured people. Stop the lies, stop the deceit. Look at the mirror, peel off your masks of white supremacy and white dominance.

No one is going to believe in your white lies and hypocrisies anymore. See the real devil in you, the white men, the trouble makers, the murderers, the devils in disguise!


The new Singapore heading towards oblivion

The Situation Surrounding Foreign Talents

The foreign talent program started since 1980s have imported more than 3M foreigners into Singapore and converted about 1.5M largely from Malaysia, India and regional neighbours. The government has further endorsed their foreign talent program by using a new Singapore from Indonesia to sing our NDP. Whether the new Singaporean served NS or not, this is beside the point, the govt’s underlying intent is quite clear, the foreign talent program will continue and they will import and convert. I believe Singapore population will breach 6M before 2025 and heading towards 6.9M. As you can see, Hyflux’s was told to prepare for 8M.

My uncle had worked in MNC for 40 years and recently moved to a SME funded private venture and govt. More than 50% of the workforce are foreigners, a large portion are new Singaporeans or PRs. The management all non-local bornt. The issue is that they mostly do not hire Singaporeans, they hire foreigners. In one example, they hired someone from NTU engineering, they chose a Vietnamese scholar funded by govt and already a new citizen. So the whole company from middle to high management are mostly foreign bornt foreigners or PRs or new citizens.

Here comes some illustrations of the issues at the company. The Vietnamese new Singaporean was made head of design and paid near $10,000 a month was tasked to design new product. After two years, nothing was produced. The Indian PR a manager doesn’t much skills, wasting a lot of money buying materials in excess, there is something fishy there but no one cares. The Pinoy supervisor speaks very well but slacks at work most of the time and he hires his friends. The company was taking a lot of orders but could not deliver as this whole bunch of people were not really working, they are not focused and did not care if the company collapsed. So the investors and govt sent a team to investigate why the company was losing money, they sent another team of foreigners which are in totally different field. So this team without the expertise was smoked by the new Singaporean management. And till nothing had improved, they laid off people to save cost, largely local bornt Singaporeans.

My uncle said this has been the new normal in most companies, even the MNC he was working. Same issue, they import all kind of foreigners and the foreign population has increased to more than 50%. When this happens, they hire mainly foreigners or foreign bornt Singaporeans. As they have good jobs and pay, they convert to PRs or Singaporeans. Most of these foreigners are from third world, they are ill equipped with knowledge and skills, of course they are some good ones but rarely the case. This explains why the quality of work in Singapore companies has deteriorated to such extent. And if you call into Singapore call centres, you can probably tell the difference since they are manned by foreigners from India, Philippines or even some remote countries.

I believe this foreign talent branding is a cover to import third world foreigners and convert them to GDP growth and votes. Remember a third world Uptron Diploma not recognised in Singapore and the school had shut down was making $53000 a month and owning two condos. I had found so many foreigners who are having good jobs with either non existent schools or inferior qualifications. The question is why NTU, NUS and local degree holders were asked to retrain to be security guards or do low level menial jobs while these third world inferior work force are given good jobs?

The import of third world foreigners will never stop, the numbers will continue to grow, PR base will grow, PR is grouped as locals because having a big pool of PR will neutralise the exponential growth of local PMETs replaced by foreigners or unable to land jobs. The discrimination at work force is now becoming a norm and I had seen new Singaporeans fighting local bornt online and defending PAP. Some are getting very aggressive since their heads swelled due to the praises the govt heaped on them, they really believe they are talents and above locals. Of course they call these fighting as xenophobia but this is expected. If this has happened to other countries, people would have rebelled and walked on the streets.

Some foreigners are understanding the issue of non local bornt, even changed their names or remove their nationality from facebook profiles to pretend they are locals. We had a politician changing his Indonesian name to sound like local in recent election. We also had Internet Brigade has been promoting that Malaysians look and sound the same like locals. Yes. This is why more than 2M are in Singapore and 1M has converted to new Singaporeans.

The conclusion is there isn’t enough jobs for so many, this is why we are seeing many local PMETs plying PHV or self employed trades, forced out of their trades relatively young as 30s. This whole foreign talent scheme is just a camouflage, there is not much value except they brought massive people that fed GDP growth and the declining vote base of PAP. Foreigners are served local lunches and their forefathers did not toil and sweat like locals. Singapore workforce productivity and quality are in decline because of these massive third world semi skilled or unskilled labour, it is quite clear as things are failing more frequently than back in 1980s or 1990s. Looking at the floods, you know why floods are not once in 50 years but regularly now. The friction between locals and foreigners will grow exponential as more and more locals are discriminated, cannot find meaningful work or forced to retire prematurely from their career at young age.

As much as I will say, this scheme since 1980s will not stop, it will continue and the situation will get worst. Singaporeans need to mentally prepare to bite the dust since you voted for them.

DuGu QiuBai

The above article is posted in TRE. As a pioneer generation Singaporean, it is so painful to read what is happening to the Singapore we helped to build and now to be given away to foreigners in a silver platter. This is the new reality in Singapore.  The future of the original Singaporeans is bleak. This is what you voted for. At the rate it is going, it is too late for change. Now another 5 new years to increase the damage. Stupidity has no cure Singaporeans deserve this fate they bestowed on their children.

No body knows what is happening? Any MP raise this in Parliament or they are complicit to this state of affair?  Who is responsible for this shit?  The daft Singaporeans of course.

I have shouted until my voice is hoarse, lost my voice. Vote them out!  Alas, it is too late.