Playing the blame game is a reflection of self-guilt and the lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. It suggests the inability to act for the welfare of the common good. It degrades your political conviction, commitment and action. In other words, it is basically a game of your political irresponsibility!
It is human nature to blame someone when things go wrong. Sometimes, you blame correctly. Sometimes, you blame wrongly. But most of the time, you seldom or never will blame your good selves.
Actually, this blame game has been with us since God created man. God blamed Adam for eating the God Forsaken Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge (GFFFK). Adam blamed his Eve for influencing him to eat the GFFFK. Eve in turn blamed the Serpent for instigating her to eat that GFFFK. The cunning Serpent blamed God for creating the Tree that produced the GFFFK and for purposely labeling its fruits as "Forbidden". Taking the cue from the Serpent, Adam and Eve blamed God for creating the Serpent, the Tree of Knowledge and themselves. In addition, Eve also blamed God for his lack of foresight, carelessness and total negligence by putting them near the two highly dangerous creations of His. God got so angry with Eve that he cursed all women to be afraid of serpents and to suffer the pain of childbirth forever.
From the illustration, who was at fault? Actually, all were at fault and all were not at fault. It depends on who you are and how you perceive and interprete things. It depends on your up-bringing and how you were taught. It also depends on many other factors, e.g. cultural background, historical precedence and personal belief.
Singaporeans are also good in the blame game, without exception.
Blaming the Majority Voters
In the last 4 to 5 years, some people kept blaming the 69.9% who gave the PAP a super majority mandate in GE2015, mainly due to the passing of the 1st Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew..
Prior to GE2015, some people blamed the majority voters who "voted" to return the PAP again and again without fail.
For next 5 years, some people are bound to blame the 61% of voters who supported the PAP again. In fact, it has already started the moment the results for GE2020 were announced!
Maybe, you have been blaming the wrong people, barking up the wrong tree? That's why it won't work? Maybe you should be blaming someone else?
1. Blame that someone who masterminded the whole political system?
2. Blame that someone masterminded the whole election process?
3. Blame that someone who wield so much power that a climate of subtle fear of being "sodomize" or sued has existed to deter anyone from speaking out?
4. Blame that someone who keep shifting the the goal posts of the number of constituencies and candidates?
5. Blame that someone who kept increasing the candidacy deposits.
6. Blame that someone who engineered the Group Representation Constituencies?
7. Blame that someone who engineered the redrawing of constituencies boundaries?
8. Blame that someone who took away your right to vote if you chose not to vote or absented yourself from voting? And also penalized you with a fine if you want to be reinstated into the eligible voters register. The right to vote must be a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution. The choice to vote should also be a fundamental right. No government people or organization should deny any citizen these fundamental rights to vote and to choose not to vote.
9. Blame that someone who monopolized the use of the People's Association and its grassroots organizations for his own selfish political aim and objectives?
10. Blame that someone who monopolized the trade unions and mobilised them for own political interests?
11. Blame that someone who made use of taxpayers' money as carrots to dangle in front of voters just before the elections were called in order to entice and "bribe" them for own political gains?
12. Blame that someone who engineered the whole legal system that is "subordinated to" the Ministry for Law and also "subordinated by" the Parliament?
13. Blame that someone who engineered the whole educational system to discourage students from political awareness, from participation in political activism and political activities?
Maybe, blaming that someone else is counter-productive? How about blaming yourself for a change?Blaming Your Good Self
1. Blame yourself for not cultivating an inquisitive mind with discernment and political awareness?
2. Blame yourself for not supporting the Opposition/Alternative Parties enough, wholeheartedly, actively?
3. Blame yourself for not influencing others to support the Opposition/Alternative Parties?
4. Blame yourself for not participating actively and strongly as Opposition activists, moral, financial and Logistics sipporters, and backers?
5. Blame yourself for not coming out to be counted - to stand for elections?
6. Blame yourself for being Kiasu and kiasi to offend the PAP in order to safeguard your businesses and livelihood?
7. Blame yourself for being too greedy for the carrots thrown at you, for that chicken wings dished out to you to buy your hearts just in time for the GE?
8. Blame yourself for having kpkb one way but voted the other way?
9. Blame yourself for behaving like a well-trained obedient dog, oops sorry, I mean obedient soldier?
10. Blame yourself for not thinking for your children's future and future generations?
11. Blame yourself for not speaking out when it is your duty and responsibility to do so inside and outside Parliament?
12. Blame yourself for not protesting when needed but prefer to suffer in silence as a coward would be?
13. Blame yourself for thinking that it is none of your business to meddle with the political equation, and the status quo, because you were having a good time making money and enjoying life?
Every citizen has the individual as well as collective responsibility to ensure that there is fair play in the country's political system. Why? Because the political system curves out the political leaders who will govern the country and these leaders' decisions directly influence your life and livelihood. Not only to you. But also to your loved ones and to your future generations.
The state of affairs in Singapore's political culture today is a direct result of the political irresponsibility of most Singaporeans - those in power, those with power and those without power alike.
It's time to do a thorough and deep soul-searching. It's time to take responsibility. It is time to stop blaming others but yourselves. This game of political irresponsibility must stop!
Wishing all Singaporeans a bright and progressive future!
SSO - 25 July 2020.-
Postedon behalf of SSO