
Bilahari Kausikan - Finally Singapore has a very brave man

 Mr Bilahari Kausikan went on attack mode on Cooling Off Day, ferociously questioning Mr Lee’s intentions in standing with the opposition. Sharing a news article covering Mr Lee’s final election campaign comments, the retired diplomat wrote:

“I have two comments/ questions: first, you are a beneficiary of the ‘privilege’ you now eloquently attack. Why? Because you were prevented from monetising the property your brother sold you?

“Second, if you are really so upset, why faff around the margins, trying to cause trouble without responsibility? Your excuse for not standing for election, that there need not be another Lee in politics is hollow: what are you doing if it is not politics? Cowardly!”

Above is from www.theindependent.sg. No one in Singapore has yet to attack the sons or daughter of Lee Kuan Yew in this way. It was direct and point blank. What Bilahari was saying amounts to saying how could Hsien Yang, a 'beneficiary of the "privilege"' if you know what that means, 'attack' when he could not make money from the property Hsien Loong sold to him. Could he be sued for making such a statement? He is a smart guy and knew what he was saying and whether it was safe to say so.

Secondly, Bilahari called out the excuse by Hsien Yang for not participating in the GE as hollow and cowardly. Wow, this is a straight punch into the face, calling Hsien Yang a coward.

Now Hsien Yang would have to respond, or would he not or take it like what Bilahari called him? Another show coming up and this one is going to be hot. Even Tommy Koh also cannot tahan. Why would Bilahari take such a pot shot which is not much different from the pot shots he took against China in the South China Sea episode, speaking on grounds of high principles I supposed. In that incident he got off unscathed. He was very brave then. Now he is showing his braveness once again as the undiplomatic diplomat that he proudly called himself.

It is rare to find such a brave man, speaking out loud, in his own capacity, without any backing from anyone. He is his own man, a very brave man indeed.


From The People By The People For The People, OR From The PAP By The PAP For The PAP?

In every election, without fail, the various political parties involved in the hastings and campaigning are bound to project to the unthinking and lazy-to-think and brain-dead voters that they are part of them, belong to them, and will represent them in parliament, and work for them tirelessly, and sacrifice for them, blah blah blah.

In reality, in all practical intents and purposes, inked in historical records in the Hansard, the PAP ministers and members of parliament are controlled by the PAP's WHIP. The Holder of the PAP's WHIP will dictate to all the PAP's ministers and members of parliament to VOTE ACCORDING TO THE DECISION ALREADY MADE by the PAP's Central Executive Committee headed by the Secretary-General of the PAP, who happened to be, by design not by coincidence, the Prime Minister - the Supreme Power of the Land!

There is a dire need for political education in Singapore. After 55 years of Independence, at least 70% to 80% of voters are still politically naive, backwards or pathetically apolitical. This is a clear reflection of the serious neglect and blatant irresponsibility on the part of the education system in tandem with the political system of the country.

Essentially and responsibly, all students and eligible voters must be made to understand and wake-up their long-slumbering, hazy-fazy ideas that "PAP ministers and members of parliament DO NOT represent YOU" in the Parliament when come to voting for any motion, law, change to the sacred Constitution, or anything of importance to the people.

When the time comes to take sides, PAP ministers and members of parliament will, without qualms nor hesitation, side with and represent the Supreme Leadership of the PAP. They will definitely NOT represent YOU or vote on your behalf nor for your interests. This fact has been established again and again and again for the past 55 years.

So, is it "From the people by the people for the people,
or is it from the PAP by the PAP FOR the PAP?


PS. Posted on behalf of SSO.

COE up ah, si beh ho ah! Make a lot of money ah!

"I am relieved that the COE market did not crash, as that would cause a lot of misery to secondhand dealers and existing car owners who may need to sell their cars," Said Khaw Boon Wan

SINGAPORE: Certificate of Entitlement (COE) premiums closed higher across the board on Wednesday (Jul 8) in the first bidding exercise since tenders were suspended because of COVID-19 restrictions.

For Category A cars, or those 1,600cc and below with horsepower not exceeding 130bhp, premiums closed at S$33,520, up from S$31,210 in the last exercise in March.

Premiums for larger and more powerful cars in Category B rose to S$35,889 from S$30,012.

Open category COEs, which can be used for any vehicle type but end up being used mainly for large cars, rose to S$34,989 from S$32,500.

COEs for commercial vehicles, which include goods vehicles and buses, rose to S$24,502 from S$22,002 in the previous bidding exercise.

Motorcycle premiums closed at S$7,702, up from S$4,489 in the last exercise.

Above is from CNA.

What shall I say? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? About 10 bidding sessions were held back, meaning 19,490 quota were accumulated and only to be released over the next 12 months. Sure the second car dealers would be happy.  Really? Sure, those wanting to sell their cars would be happy. Really ah?  Who do you think would be the happiest? More money to collect.  This is for sure.  Those that have to buy new cars and new motor cycles are crying. Who cares? You die your business.

When all the businesses are down, when people are losing jobs or fear of losing their jobs, the COE is the only thing that went up. Is this a sign of prosperity, or as someone might have said, the economy must be good or else people where got money to pay so much for a piece of paper? And some parties are happy. But silence on those people adversely affected by it. This is called telling half truth, or telling the alternative truth. Depends on which side you are on the fence, you can be happy or crying.

COE up ah, si beh ho ah. Everyone making money ah. You know who made the most money?  And who hurt the most? The poor buggers that need a car or motorcycle for a living.  Is this good or not? We are with you, for you and also makan you until your pocket empty.


Trump - the worst American dictator alive

He cheats, he lies, he steals, he bullies, he threatens, he sanctions, he breaks the laws, he commits crimes against humanity, he is a white supremacists and he surrounds himself with the same kind in Navarro, Pompeo, Barr, Bannon, Bolton, etc etc to rule like a lawless dictator of the Disunited State of America.

In this plane of life he is invincible, he is above the law, he is the law. He is untouchable! And he thinks he can get away with it. He is replacing any attorney that dared to investigate him by asking them to go on leave and then sent in his team of cronies to remove all the files on him. He followed up by pardoning and commuting his allies and criminals of serious crimes and set them free. He even fired science and medical experts that did not agree with him in this Covid19 pandemic.

Quietly, HE hs sent in his invisible soldiers that no amount of threats, bullying, abuses of power, cheats and lies can defeat them. These soldiers cannot be defeated by his white supremacist police nor his biggest armed forces, aircraft carriers and nuclear weapons. The invisible soldiers are gnawing at his bones, at his guts, and he is powerless. Trump cannot do anything against the soldiers of the Almighty. Only HE can deal with this evil dictator and his equally evil rogues in their own ways, force and power, to destroy them.

Trump may be screaming MAGA. The truth is that the USA is breaking up and will be turning into dust.  Everything will turn to dust, by the virus. And Trump would, in his silly ways, help this process, to accelerate the destruction of the USA. No one in the USA is able to stop him from doing what he is destined to do, the destruction of the Evil American Empire.

The invisible soldiers are marching on. Millions are now victims of these soldiers of the Almighty, and growing daily, in every state of the USA.

Amen. There is no where to hide, no where to run. Resistance is futile.

Well done, Trump.

Inclusion of mysingaporenews.blogspot.sg Website in the Library of Congress Web Archives

Hi, this is what I received in my mail. For several weeks, the visitors to my site from the USA at times were more than Singaporeans and always ranked number one or two. This is the amount of interest in this blog by Americans.

Inclusion of your Website in the Library of Congress Web Archives

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Fri, Jul 10 at 2:08 AM

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The United States Library of Congress has selected your website for inclusion in the historic collection of Internet materials related to the Singaporean General Election 2020 Web Archive. We consider your website to be an important part of this collection and the historical record.

The Library of Congress preserves important cultural artifacts and provides enduring access to them. The Library's traditional functions, acquiring, cataloging, preserving and serving collection materials of historical importance to foster education and scholarship, extend to digital materials, including websites. Our web archives are important because they contribute to the historical record, capturing information that could otherwise be lost. With the growing role of the web as an influential medium, records of historic events could be considered incomplete without materials that were "born digital" and never printed on paper.

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The Library may also make the collection available more broadly by hosting the collection on the Library's public access website no earlier than one year after our archiving has been completed. The Library hopes that you share its vision of preserving Internet materials and permitting researchers from across the world to access them. 

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Learn more about the Library's Web Archiving program goals at https://www.loc.gov/programs/web-archiving/. Also, find our information for site owners at https://www.loc.gov/programs/web-archiving/for-site-owners/. Finally, view our web archives at https://www.loc.gov/websites/. If you have questions, comments or recommendations concerning the web archiving of your site, please email the Library's Web Archiving Team at webcapture@loc.gov at your earliest convenience.

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