The Americans have for the last 70 years been using sanctions and isolation to control, suppress and oppress countries that it regards as enemies. Many countries have been made poor, very poor and their people suffered generations of poverty because of the evil and wicked American policies of isolating these countries from the rest of the world, no trade, no cultural or whatever exchanges. Countries like Cuba, North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, Venezuela and many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia are still in grave poverty not because their govts were incapable of raising their standard of living, to improve their economies and the lives of their people, but because of the oppression and suppression by the evil Empire using the useless UN to do the killings.
The evil men and women in Washington and the White House are celebrating everyday in luxury while their victims, hundreds of millions of people, are suffering under their oppressive isolation policies. And the rest of the world could not do anything about it. China, by a stroke of accident, was set free from this containment and isolation policies and quickly made up for loss time to become rich and prosperous. But China is still relatively weak vis a vis the evil Empire and could not break the chains of isolation placed on the rest of the world. It would take time and for the rest of the world to join force with China to put an end to the oppression of the evil Empire.
But the world need not despair. No country at this point in time, or in the near future, could bring down the evil Empire while they dominate, dictate and oppress the rest of the world. The ONE up there will bring justice and fairness to all and set the world free from the evil Empire. HE has sent a clown called Donald Trump to destroy this evil Empire by making the evil Americans thinking that Trump was their saviour from going down into the abyss. And they rallied behind this clown to facilitate and speed up the pace of the decline of the evil American Empire.
Sending clown Trump is not enough. HE sent in his invisible army of viruses, in Covid19, to eat up the evil Empire. They cannot run, cannot hide from this virus. They are hapless and could not fight back. Better still, don't fight back. And that is what Trump is doing and telling the Americans and the evil Americans blindly followed him without question. They keep on celebrating and partying as if their world would never end.
Now the infection rate of the evil Empire is the highest in the world, hitting nearly 3m and nearly 200,000 death and growing rapidly at 50,000 daily across the USA. The infection rate is the highest in the world and growing exponentially in a reckless way, uncontrollable, for HE is in control and setting up the Americans for destruction.
Europe has started the ball rolling by keeping the Americans out of Europe from fear of more infection by the diseased Americans. No Americans allowed! This new trend, 'No Americans Allowed' will spread across the world. No Americans will be allowed in foreign soils. The Americans are worse than lepers, diseased and must be isolated and die in their homeland, once untouchable by any country. No one can think of invading and defeating the Americans militarily. HE has his plan, to exterminate the Americans in American soil and save the rest of the world from being fried by the American nuclear arsenal. The enemies of the Americans are invisible, sent by HIM to take out this evil Empire for good.
No Americans allowed, in any corner of the world. The American Dream is dead. That was what Trump said in his run up to the White House. He will make American Great Again, but not before burning it down to the ground, turned to ashes and to reemerge as a new country, free from its sins of the past. America will be great again, after it is destroyed for the good of the world. Only then can a new America rise again, a multi racial America, not a white evil America.
No Americans allowed. Stay in your homeland. The Americans will be locked down, isolated from the rest of the world by HIM.