
GE2020 - Who created this mess, 90% of employees are foreigners?

Anonymous said...
Why are there so many foreigners in companies operating here? Who allowed this to happen and who is pretending to be creating jobs for Singaporeans when so many Singaporeans are now unemployed or under employed?  Why wait until the GE to talk about creating jobs for Singaporeans? Is this a case of wanting to 'pang sai' then looking for jamban?  What have they been doing all these years, the last 20 years? Why were they not creating jobs for Singaporeans but jobs for foreigners? Do we need these companies here?  Oh, if they are not here, the 10% Singaporeans would not be employed, be thankful!

This is what is happening to Singaporeans, a minority in a sea of foreigners. It happened, no one knows how it happened, when it happened? It just happened lah. Itt cannot be controlled lah!
No one is responsible for this kind of shit. Cannot blame anyone. Please vote the ruling party to help change the situation.  They are saying they want to change the situation, to provide more jobs for Singaporeans. But some are still saying want to bring in more foreigners to work here.

What to believe? What is the truth?

Vote wisely if you do not want 90% of staff employed are foreigners with 10% Singaporeans, probably in the low level positions just for show.

Vote wisely or you will regret for the next 5 years when more foreigners will come in to take your jobs and the jobs of your children. Do not believe in lies. Believe in what you see.

Singaporeans must not be daft and save themselves from being ostracised and sidelined in their own country. Do not let your country become the country of everyone that comes here. Lose your country, you lose your right to survive, lose your right to good jobs. Some may even tell you to go somewhere if you are not happy here.

Singaporeans only have themselves to blame for ending up in the shit holes in their own country.

Are you better off or the foreigners better off in your own country?

Who is looking after the foreigners, protecting the foreigners, giving jobs to foreigners?

Why are you jobless? Why can't you get a decent job? Why are your children finding it so difficult to get a decent job, a permanent job? Your children become temps while foreigners have permanent jobs!

Your future and your children's future are in your hand.  Vote wisely. This is your last chance to right the wrongs against you and your children.

As the wise saying goes, do not put all your eggs in one basket. In politics, do not give any one party absolute power. Only fools will do such a stupid thing. In democracy, it is all about checks and balance. You need a strong opposition to check the abuses of absolute power. Failing to do this is your own stupidity and you shall pay for it. Think of your CPF, your jobs, your children's jobs, think of the foreigners taking over this country, your country.


Covid19 - No Americans allowed

The Americans have for the last 70 years been using sanctions and isolation to control, suppress and oppress countries that it regards as enemies. Many countries have been made poor, very poor and their people suffered generations of poverty because of the evil and wicked American policies of isolating these countries from the rest of the world, no trade, no cultural or whatever exchanges. Countries like Cuba, North Korea, Myanmar, Iran, Venezuela and many countries in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia are still in grave poverty not because their govts were incapable of raising their standard of living, to improve their economies and the lives of their people, but because of the oppression and suppression by the evil Empire using the useless UN to do the killings.

The evil men and women in Washington and the White House are celebrating everyday in luxury while their victims, hundreds of millions of people, are suffering under their oppressive isolation policies. And the rest of the world could not do anything about it. China, by a stroke of accident, was set free from this containment and isolation policies and quickly made up for loss time to become rich and prosperous. But China is still relatively weak vis a vis the evil Empire and could not break the chains of isolation placed on the rest of the world. It would take time and for the rest of the world to join force with China to put an end to the oppression of the evil Empire.

But the world need not despair.  No country at this point in time, or in the near future, could bring down the evil Empire while they dominate, dictate and oppress the rest of the world. The ONE up there will bring justice and fairness to all and set the world free from the evil Empire. HE has sent a clown called Donald Trump to destroy this evil Empire by making the evil Americans thinking that Trump was their saviour from going down into the abyss. And they rallied behind this clown to facilitate and speed up the pace of the decline of the evil American Empire.

Sending clown Trump is not enough. HE sent in his invisible army of viruses, in Covid19, to eat up the evil Empire. They cannot run, cannot hide from this virus.  They are hapless and could not fight back. Better still, don't fight back. And that is what Trump is doing and telling the Americans and the evil Americans blindly followed him without question.  They keep on celebrating and partying as if their world would never end.

Now the infection rate of the evil Empire is the highest in the world, hitting nearly 3m and nearly 200,000 death and growing rapidly at 50,000 daily across the USA. The infection rate is the highest in the world and growing exponentially in a reckless way, uncontrollable, for HE is in control and setting up the Americans for destruction.

Europe has started the ball rolling by keeping the Americans out of Europe from fear of more infection by the diseased Americans. No Americans allowed! This new trend, 'No Americans Allowed' will spread across the world. No Americans will be allowed in foreign soils. The Americans are worse than lepers, diseased and must be isolated and die in their homeland, once untouchable by any country. No one can think of invading and defeating the Americans militarily. HE has his plan, to exterminate the Americans in American soil and save the rest of the world from being fried by the American nuclear arsenal. The enemies of the Americans are invisible, sent by HIM to take out this evil Empire for good.

No Americans allowed, in any corner of the world. The American Dream is dead. That was what Trump said in his run up to the White House. He will make American Great Again, but not before burning it down to the ground, turned to ashes and to reemerge as a new country, free from its sins of the past. America will be great again, after it is destroyed for the good of the world. Only then can a new America rise again, a multi racial America, not a white evil America.

No Americans allowed. Stay in your homeland. The Americans will be locked down, isolated from the rest of the world by HIM.

GE2020 - I can't breathe...by SSO

Below post is by SSO on the fear and helplessness of Singaporeans. Singaporeans are strangled, stifled, suffocated by what is going on around them. Money in their life savings can see cannot touch, watching their backs for fear of Sue, lost their jobs but lan lan have to accept the hundreds of thousands of foreigners stealing their lunch and screwing them as losers in their own country, their children after spending a small fortune to get a university education ended up as part timers in fast food shops or as Grab drivers, can find a permanent job while foreigners flying in from God knows where could easily find a job with their funny or fake degrees....Can't breathe, no jobs, no money to live on...and facing the threats of more foreigners coming in to steal their lunch....

It's Time To End PAP's Monopoly Of Power And Strangulation Upon The Citizenry!

PAP has been in unfettered, total command and control of our country and people, our constitution and laws, our parliament and representations, our economy, trade and industries, our education and social engineering, our ministries and statutory boards, our institutions and infrastructures, our politics and political power, and our lives and livelihoods for far too long.

In other words, the PAP has an extremely powerful grip upon all of us - our children, families, our future. This state of strangulation is not only very undemocratic, unhealthy, ungentlemanly, unhelpful and undesirable but also very extremely stifling and precariously dangerous. It cannot and must not be allowed to go on and on indefinitely. It has to be checked and stopped. NOW!

PAP has been converting foreigners to become New Citizens, who are most likely grateful to being accepted by the PAP and therefore invariably will be beholden to the PAP. These "beholdenly grateful" New Citizens are bound to vote for the PAP, the ruling political party. This action of getting new pro-PAP voters must be seen as a sinister move that undermines the moral fabric, unity, integrity, and sovereignty of our nation. The people are totally powerless to do anything to stop this subversive and divisive strategy of the PAP to prolong its political and economic powers forever. There is only one hope that we can depend on.

This one hope is for every voter to realize the present predicament that we are in, that the PAP has manoeuvred and fixed us in.

This hope is to, therefore, for every voter to turn their vote into the pen that is mightier than the PAP's lightning sword at the polling stations on 10th July 2020.

It is time to stop the PAP's Monopoly Of Power, Absolute Power and Strangulation! The time is NOW!


GE2020 - What a place to put an election poster

A picture tells a thousand words. Is this pic is a premonition of things to come, or things going forward? Who put this pic up against dead end sign? Foreign workers are likely to be guilty of this act.  Another possibility is that it is photoshop, someone put the two together.  Today's technology can do a lot of good and also a lot of harm in the wrong hand.

Anyone happened to see this poster at this dead end? If this is true, it would probably have been taken down long ago as it has been floating all over the place.

In a GE, a lot of lies and truths would be told, would be pushed out.  The people must judge for themselves and decide for themselves what is good for them.  Do not vote for a party that brings you harm, brings harm to the community, bring harms to them. Think of your own well being and which party can serve you better. Think, do not be a blind believer and surrender your right to think.

Think about the jobs and the competition coming in in plane loads, a few hundred thousand of them are already here and the negative impact has hurt many Singaporeans in many ways.  Think about your CPF and why at 70 or 80 year old, you are still expected to contribute to your CPF savings when you are about to drop dead the next day. If you are self employed, you would not get a licence to practise if you don't pay up, like paying protection money in the 50s and 60s to the gangsters. They don't care what is the purpose of CPF, they just want to collect regardless of how old you are, when the original agreement was to return at 55. Now at 85 or more, if you happen to be still working, you contribute, you pay.

Vote wisely. A leopard cannot change its spots.

Sino Indian border - Modi spoke the truth

With so much heat generated after the border brawl leaving 20 Indian soldiers dead, Modi spoke the painful truth that the Chinese did not intrude into Indian territory. This incensed the Indians further with their social media and main news calling for revenge and boycotting of Chinese goods. The Indians boiled in national anger could not tolerate anything other than putting down on China and blaming China.  China is in the wrong, the soldiers must not die for nothing.

Modi agreed, the soldiers must not die for nothing. But how to attack China when the Chinese did not cross the Line of Actual control? The facts on the ground said that 50 Indian soldiers led by a cocky colonel went across the LAC and dismantled Chinese tents. This was confirmed by the Indian side. Such wild and mindless action could not be done without tough reaction from the Chinese soldiers. They hit back, pushed the Indian soldiers into the river, killed a number of them, arrested a number of them in retaliation. Hey Indians, you cannot do such foolish and aggressive thing against enemy soldiers. The Indian soldiers were absolutely out of their mind.

But knowing the Indian psyche, the Chinese must be blamed no matter what. So now they are furious and crying for blood. The Chinese tried not to add fire to flame by not disclosing how many Chinese soldiers were wounded or killed to cool things down. Reporting more Chinese dead than the Indians was simply untrue. Reporting the truth that only a handful of Chinese soldiers were killed, meaning they kicked the ass of the Indians would only incensed the Indian mobs. It was lesser said the better. But this did not appeased the hot headed Indians who wanted to hear that more Chinese soldiers died than the Indians to sooth their egos and pride. The Chinese leaders in Beijing also chose not to say anything about this brawl to lower the temperature.

No way. Indian nationalistic pride was hurt. They burnt and destroyed Chinese made goods, boycotted Chinese goods. As a result the whole of Indian went into silent mood. The Indians destroyed all their mobile phones that were made in China and ended with no mobile phones to talk to each other. And there were no TV broadcast to listen too as they smashed all their Chinese made TV sets. There were no more deities and gods to pray too as these were also made in China and were smashed to pieces.

Apple, Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola saw a good opportunity to sell their mobile phones, shipped a few millions into India. After a week, no sales were made. The Indians could not afford to pay for them. Too expensive. For the moment, other than the screaming and shouting on the streets, the airwaves of India is on a virtual lockdown. No TV broadcast, no mobile phones to use. India is now on silent mode.

Maybe they will come to their senses and start to buy cheap and good Chinese mobile phones and TV sets again. And life will be back to normal in India.