
4th July, is observed by the Native Americans as a National Day of mourning.

It cannot be denied that the birth of the rogue state the United States has not only brought curse to the American native Indians but also subsequently to the rest of the world. This terrible white American curse is still going on non-stop all over the world. But some day this curse has to be stopped and destroyed by the combine power of Russsia and China together with most non-white countries like Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

   Every year on this day the 4th of July, native Americans will observe this day as a National Day of mourning when white men from England and Europe invaded their lands and wantonly killed and genocided their people. Within a period of over four hundred years white Christian European invaders had killed and genocided over one hundred million north American natives.

When the first immigrants from England arrived in 1620 in Massachusetts they were only able to survive the harsh first winter on the alien continent due to the kind and selfless assistance of the native American Indians. Then in subsequent years as more and more white immigrants came from England and Europe they began to treat the native Americans with contempt calling them wild savages undeserving of the rich resourceful land which they claimed that their Christian God had reserved for the white people. Before long white invaders adopted a systematic policy of terminating the natives through genocide. The defenseless natives  were killed and destroyed through military might and by the use of germ warfare when the natives were purposely infected with small pox, chicken pox, measles, typhus, TB and cholera.   This is how white men repay for the kind  generosity and the selfless self sacrificing natives.

In 1776 when the thirteen colonies revolted against their forbears England they got their independence on 4th of July and named their new nation as the United States of America. But the American Revolution meant nothing to the native Americans who were totally ignored and treated as non-existent sub-humans. In fact their fate and lives got even worse after the Revolution.

Under the British imperial rule at least the imperial British allow a hundred or so native tribes to have some form of self government. But now with British out of the way the savage white Americans of the United States began the inexorable process of pushing the native Indians out of their lands killing and genociding them with wanton brutality. This was the beginning of their own imperialism against the natives in all America.

Then under the doctrine of the 'Manifest Destiny of America' and with their  militant Christian doctrinal hymn 'Onward Christian Soldiers Marching As To War' as inspiration the white Americans continued their march of aggression and expansion. This new aggression and expansion resulted in the conquest of over one million six hundred and sixty-five thousand square miles of Mexican lands. The operation of the 'Manifest Destiny of American' continued across the seas of the Pacific Ocean to a violent conquest of Hawaii. More than three hundred thousand native Hawaiians were slaughtered in their resistance to American aggression.

American quest for territorial expansion and world domination and hegemony continue to this day all over the world in the Middle East, in Africa, Asia and in Central and South America. This American curse has brought much untold suffering, death and destruction to people everywhere and need to be stopped.

May be the curse of Karma in the form of Coronavirus or Covid-19 is now working in mysterious ways to destroy the evil empire of the United States. The United States is gambling too much on its fate to take on China, Russia and Iran simultaneously. In doing so, it is definitely sounding the death knell of the Evil Empire and the end of its curse.


Saturday, 4th July,2020.

GE - playing with numbers

In the political debate on CNA, several numbers were thrown up with the PAP using the 10m population red herring to attack Chee Soon Juan. The accusation is that Chee is 'attempting to mislead Singaporeans by claiming that the Govt planned to increase the country's population to 10 million, and further twisting facts when his falsehood was caught out'. And with this, SDP's integrity is now in question. Accepting that this is how politicians attacked each other and grabbing on any statement made to score a point, there are more to come in the campaigning and politiking for the next few days. Cheng Bock called this as political ploy.  Some may call it papsmear or personal attack.

What did Chee said during the debate? Was he asserting that the Govt is planning a 10m population or was he asking Vivian if the Govt was planning for a 10m population? By the way, where did these numbers come from? Who originated these numbers? There is no smoke without fire. I thought I heard Chee asking Vivian to confirm if this is true. Those who watched this programme, please confirm my understanding. If Chee was asking Vivian to confirm, then what was so wrong about it? Cannot ask question meh? Cannot ask the Govt to confirm if it is or it is not meh? Asking a question like that also got integrity problem meh? Children in school better stop asking questions.

The question by Chee brought Vivian to give an affirmative answer that the Govt did not intend to go to 6.9m or 10m. In fact Vivian also said that the Govt did not set such a target. Anyway it would take time to reach 6.9m or 10m. Even if 6.9m is reached by 2030, no one is wiser. Many would be dead by then and no one would be around to settle the score. It is thus a moot point whether the Govt is working towards 6.9m, 10m or 20m. There were some educated clowns talking about 20m is a good target.  Oops, cannot call them clowns. Apologies, educated professionals, experts are better descriptions of such people.

This whole issue is about whether the Govt is planning to grow the population to 6.9m, 10m or more. There is no time frame to it and the Govt can say anything. What is important is that Vivian has spoken on behalf of the Govt that it is not planning to do so to assure those who are against this idea. What if the Govt said before the GE there was no such plan but after GE there is?

Another interesting number that was quoted by Vivian was that 60,000 foreign PMETs have lost their jobs in the first 5 months of this year. I hope I did not hear this wrongly. Please correct me if I am wrong. I take this as a fact for the moment. If 60,000 foreign PMETs lost their jobs in the first 5 months of 2020, then how many Singaporeans PMETs would have lost their jobs in the same period? If the ratio is 1:1, then 60,000 Singaporean PMETs must have also lost their jobs, bringing the total to 120,000 in 5 months, ie 14,000 job losses per month. This is just a guess, it could be 1 Singapore PMET to 2 foreign PMETs or a different variation of this. What is the true number of Singaporean PMETs losing their jobs in the same period?

Take another ratio that was put up by Vivian. He said for every foreign PMET working here, there are 7 Singapore PMETs to match. If we use this ratio of 1:7 in a simplistic manner, for 60,000 foreign PMETs losing their jobs, then 420,000 Singaporean PMETs would have lost their jobs, ceteris pari bus. But this is not true definitely.  But this 1:7 ratio could also lead to the estimate total number of PMET positions in Singapore. PSP used a number of 400,000 foreign PMETs here. So the number of Singaporean PMETs working must be 2.8m, giving a total population of PMETs at 3.2m. The number does not seem right. 3.2m is about the total working population of Singapore. Then how to account for the 2m or so non PMETs working here, ie the workers? Adding the two numbers together, it would mean the whole population of Singapore, young and old, Singaporeans and foreigners, must all be working.

It is easy to throw out numbers out of the blue and not many would have the full set of numbers in hand to dispute what is true or false. Anyway, if 60,000 foreign PMETs have lost their jobs, are they still here or gone home? Such a big number must have made its presence or absence felt. I don't feel a thing.

On the other hand, how many foreign PMETs were brought in during the last 20 years, with many converted to citizens and PRs. By the way, 60,000 foreign PMETs refers to what, locals, PRs or what? Without knowing the combination, it can be misleading when used in different situations.  Are Singaporeans supposed to feel better knowing that 60,000 foreign PMETs have lost their jobs when there are still 340,000 working here, using the 400,000 number quoted by PSP? Or another 60,000 already brought in to replace them? I am just asking questions for discussion only ah, I am no asserting anything.

Then MOM is disputing the 100,000 Singaporean PMETs unemployed figure, coming out with a figure of 39,000 unemployed as at June last year. Trying to make sense or arguing with such numbers can be very tiring and misleading. The figures would only tell one part of the story at a particular time. What about those not counted, like retired after losing their jobs, or underemployed by taking up any job that came by? Using a static number like that is misleading too in many ways. No one is wiser and it is foolish to insist that one is right or wrong just by quoting a number.

What do you think?


Elections in Western Democracies and pseudo democracies.

Do elections in western countries really demonstrate that they are democratic. No, never, elections in western democracies and pseudo democracies have exposed their cancerous corruptions.

When elections are around all the rogues, shits, scums and rag tags will take the opportunity to stand for election. When elected they will plunder the country for personal gains and self-interests. All promises to the people during elections are hogwash and soon forgotten. Their behaviour at election time is like wild dogs, hyenas and wolves in heat always barking and howling at each other.

The robber barons in western democracies, the crooks, scoundrels and rogues in parliament, Senate, Congress and House of Representatives have always been robbing the people and the country freely with impunity. Unfortunately this western political disease has spread far and wide to pseudo democracies all over Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Western democracies mean legalise robbery by crooks and scoundrels in Congress, Senate, parliament or House of Representatives and other high places of power and authority like the US judiciary, CIA, Pentagon and The Federal Reserve Bank. The citizens are numbed and intimidated and cannot do anything . Corruption is rife and very extensive in all or most western democracies and pseudo democracies, yet it is never easy to pin down a rogue politician on corruption.

The American politicians have  developed a systematic " Political Lobby" a very powerful corrupted system whereby politicians who are supported by rich millionaires or billionaires in big corporations and companies will represent them to lobby the government to do things at their bidding for their own selfish interests, aggrandizement and enrichment. In the meantime the interests of the  over 95 percent  ordinary American citizens are ignored.

Thus western democracy is clearly used by the rich and powerful as a tool and instrument to defraud and control the populace and the country. Indeed the Americans use 'Democracy' as a tool and medium to rob and control the whole world especially the poor third world countries through defrauding them by subterfuge.


Friday, 3rd July, 2020

GE2020 posters - intrigue, mischiefs or tiada apa

Above 3 PSP posters from www.theindependent.sg showing them being torn down. Seemed like deliberate acts and PSP had made police report about the incidents.
Police are investigating torn election posters of PAP and PSP.  A 51 year old man is under investigation for the damage PSP posters in Bukit Batok.  PSP posters were also found strewn on the ground in Choa Chu Kang.  A 13 year old is helping investigation in the torn PAP posters in Hougang.

Obviously there are heat generated in this GE on both sides of the political divide. There are anger and frustration for and against the ruling party and the opposition camp as well.

Now everyone is calling for calm. Not to worry, it would not become like, 'Black Lives Matter' even if the campaign cry is turning to 'Singaporean Lives Matter'. Suddenly everyone seems to be very concern about the well being of Singaporeans, about finding jobs for Singaporeans, and to be serious, they are now talking about good jobs, not drivers, security guards and cleaners.  Is this just part of the political gerrymandering, good enough for one week of campagning and everything back to normal after the GE? Then the official calls will be again for more foreign talents and more population growth? And be happy if you have a job, any job, done be choosy. Be grateful? Cannot use any numbers, very sensitive now.  The official position expounded by Vivian is that the govt has no official target for population growth, not even thinking of 6.9m and definitely not 10m.

Should Singaporeans fearing more job losses to foreigners, higher cost of living and more squeeze and having to make sex in small places be feeling better now, more assured that things would not go down that slippery road of no return?

These are pre election days. Everyone is saying nice things that the people want to hear. After the GE the people can start to see who are the liars and who would disown every word they said.


No trust in white Australian govt acting responsibly

According to a poll conducted by RISS, the trust in white Australian govt is diminishing and in some cases hitting 0 percent. The native Australians have 0 trust in the white Australian govt for the centuries of abuses, ill treatment and racial discrimination after invading and seizing their land. The non white population of Australians have little trust in being treated fairly by the white Australian govt and at best as second or third class citizens.

Regionally the trust by the nations in the region of white Australia and their white policies has never been lower. In most instances the trust is less than 30 percent. None of the countries in the region believe that the white Australian govt is a part of the region, none see the white Australian govt as part of the region. Most of the countries see white Australian govt as a continued legacy of European colonialism and should have no place in the history and affairs of the region. The white Australians are foreigners to the region.

Very few countries in the region have trust that the white Australian govt would act responsibly for the interest of the people of the region. Some regard the white Australians as behaving like white colonialists walking around carrying a big stick as if they are the warlords of the region.

The poll also found that most white Australians viewed favourably their relationship with the USA than with China or countries in the region.

PS. RISS is the Redbean Institute of Strategic Studies, an authoritative regional think tank.