NEW YORK: The United States on Monday (Jun 15) confirmed a Reuters
report that it will amend its prohibitions on US companies doing
business with China's Huawei to allow them to work together on setting
standards for next-generation 5G networks....
US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross confirmed the action in a statement to Reuters.
United States will not cede leadership in global innovation," Ross
said. "The department is committed to protecting US national security
and foreign policy interests by encouraging US industry to fully engage
and advocate for US technologies to become international standards."
Commerce Department publicly announced the move later on Monday. It
noted that US participation in standards-setting "influences the future
of 5G, autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence and other
cutting-edge technologies."...
"Confusion stemming from the May 2019 entity list update had
inadvertently sidelined US companies from some technical standards
conversations, putting them at a strategic disadvantage," said Naomi
Wilson, senior director of policy for Asia at the Information Technology
Industry Council, which represents companies including Inc,
Qualcomm Inc and Intel Corp.
"This much-needed clarification will
allow companies to once again compete and lead in these foundational
activities that help enable the rollout of advanced technologies, such
as 5G and AI, across markets," she said. "We look forward to reviewing
the rule once posted and working with the administration on
Reuters exclusively reported last month that the amendment had been drafted and was awaiting approval.
Can you believe it, the Americans are trying to claim leadership in 5G technology when they have none, and wanting to set the standards and specifications for this technology? After banning Huawei from the American market they suddenly realised their stupidity by excluding themselves from being a player in 5G technology, no speaking rights, and quickly rushed in to want to be the leader and to set the agenda! This is like a blind man crashing into a meeting to tell the group that he is there to show them the way, on what can be done, what cannot and how it should be done.
5G is a revelation on how backward the Americans have fallen behind the Chinese and desperately grabbing at straws trying to thwart the progress made by Huawei, China, and even wanting to lead the conversation.
When you are behind, backward, you are behind and backward. Stop pretending otherwise. Huawei China is the pipe piper in this race and setting the standards. There is no need for someone who did not know what is 5G to gatecrash into a meeting to call the shot.
And stop spreading the lie that China is stealing American technology when there is nothing to steal in the first place. It is the Americans that will be stealing Chinese technology on 5G.
PS. And Singapore awarded 5G infrastructure building to Nokia and Ericsson. Do these companies have 5G technology? If not, would Huawei, out of contention for whatever reasons, become the subcontractor to these companies to finish the jobs for them if they can't? Why not give job to Huawei who is world leader in 5G technology? Would this become an expensive mistake for awarding the contract to companies that are far behind Huawei in 5G technology? Singapore not going for the best and cheapest? Funny, funny, funny.
It is like letting the Americans to dictate the regulations on 5G technology when they did not know what 5G is all about.
This brings back to the time when contracts were given to foreign companies who then subcontracted to Singapore companies to do the job and got paid the giant share of the contract while Sinkies did all the work and got peanuts.