
Forget about Covid19 - GE is more important

Given the current situation, Mr Lee said Singapore has two choices – to hold elections after things stabilise or to call elections early.
“We have two choices. Either hope and pray that things will stabilise before the end of the term so that we can hold elections under more normal circumstances – but we have no certainty of that,” he wrote.
“Or else call elections early, knowing that we are going into a hurricane, to elect a new government with a fresh mandate and a full term ahead of it, which can work with Singaporeans on the critical tasks at hand.”  CNA

I think we should go for early election. Who cares about Covid19? Who cares about big gatherings of people, and need for social distancing? And better still, no need to attend election rally as there will be no crowds. Who is so stupid to want to risk being infected attending election rallies?  OK, OK, TV time will be allocated to the parties standing for election. The more candidates a party has, the more TV time will be given, very fair. Long time practice, cannot be wrong.

I think the govt will come up with many anti Covid19 regulations to make the election is safe like social distancing and sanitation. For one, very likely no political rallies, or maybe limited to 100 attendance and people attending rallies must be standing 2 metres apart, with face masks on.

The next most dangerous place would be the polling stations. The long queue of voters would have to be managed, like 2 metre distancing. So the election could be held over two days because this would slow down the process and the queue will be very very long. The pen or pencil in the polling booths would have to be sanitised after every voter used it. Perhaps all voters are encouraged to bring in their own pens to be safe. Or better still, free pen for every voter to take home. Nice, like free chicken rice. And don't forget to disinfect the voting booth after every voter walks in.

There are many things to do to keep the voting station clean and free of Covid19 virus. Temperature taking would be compulsory and people with a temperature cannot vote, go home immediately.

I am not sure how effective would these measures be. While every govt is asking people to stay home, to avoid crowds, an election is doing the opposite. Don't blame me if there is a big surge of infected cases after the election. Don't make me responsible for it. I did not make the decision to have a GE amid the Covid19 crisis. I merely said the politically correct thing. And there is a very good reason for an early GE. We need to have a govt in place to tackle this virus crisis which is going to last a long time. No one can argue against this reason. Clever.

What do you think? Is it a wise thing or stupid thing to have a GE now? SDP called it the height of stupidity. Some may call it the cleverest thing to do. Can wait for another 6 months?


Covid19 - God sent to trigger the reset button

The Evil American Empire has been living in fear of losing its power and control over the world. It has secretly and openly been indulging in warfare against the next super power that would replace them due to their incompetence and evil ways. Though China is not about to launch a military war with this evil Empire, doing so would practically destroy the whole world and bring everything down with it, the Evil American Empire has no qualms in preparing to start a war with China. They have done it covertly with biological agents and openly in the trade war. They are pressurising their allies to take sides against China economically, technologically, in trade and in everything, short of open warfare. This would come eventually to bring human civilisation to Stone Age.

The world is in a very precarious position and the future looks grim as a war between China and the USA seems inevitable. China is not for it and is avoiding it, taking blows under the belt daily with the evil Americans on the offensive. Daily, the Americans and the western media are attacking and demonising China, to con the world that China is the evil one and needs to be destroyed. With their control of the main media, supposing authoritative media like the WSJ has shown its evil and biased side by taking potshots at China in the most despicable ways.

China is not going to take these attacks anymore. To be meek is only to invite trouble and hostility from the Evil Empire. China is ramping up its defences and countering punch for punch with the evil Americans. If this goes on a little longer, the world would be pushed to the brink of a world war and mutual and total destruction.

While the evil Americans continue with their evil and warmongering ways, the One up there is watching. It would not allow a world war to destroy human civilisation. It would not allow the Americans to start a world war. But it would have to put a stop to the evil ways and intent of the Americans. The Americans must be stopped at all cost without destroying the rest of the world.

Who would imagine a tiny invisible virus in the name of Covid19 was all it takes to bring this Evil American Empire to its knees? Who would expect that all the nuclear weapons, aircraft carriers, military bases and Space Force would be hapless against his tiny virus thrown at the evil Americans?

Look at the chart below and you will see why the western European domination of the world is coming to an end.

United States53,740706
South Korea9,037120
United Kingdom8,077422
As of 8:47am Mar 25, 2020 CNA

The end of the evil West is nigh.  Hear the voices of the One above. You cannot keep on doing evils and think you could get away with it. When evilness and wickedness are your way of life, your only means to dominate and control the world, to keep your Empire together, it must be destroyed. And while destroying the Evil American Empire, it must not lead to the destruction of the rest of the world. 

Pray evil Americans, your time to pay for your evil deeds has come. You will be history by the time this pandemic is over. Covid19 is your nemesis, God sent to punish you for your deceit and pretences about human rights and protecting the good lives of human beans. Down you evil ones, for He shalt have no mercy on the evils and the devils. What you sow you shalt reap. There is no Exceptionalism in the eyes of the One above. It is time to terminate the evil ones before they terminate others.

The Evil American Empire will crumble to dust by this little God sent invisible virus. The evil Americans cannot blame anyone though they are trying very hard to do so. When He said finish, the Evil Empire will be finished.The white scourge will be removed from the surface of mother earth.

A regime change is on the card, said Him, not the evil men in Washington. The latter does not count, means nothing. There is a failure of leadership and there is a need for a change of leadership to turn this world into a better world.

PS. When Trump lies, Americans die!


Covid 19 - Who is mishandling and mismanaging the crisis?

The western media and the clown team in Washington have taken every opportunity to smear China for 'missteps and mishandling' this coronavirus pandemic. It is China's fault, the virus came from China, called it Wuhan virus, now China virus, all with the wicked intent to create hate against China and the Chinese people. I am not going to deal with the origins of this virus and leave it to the scientists to investigate and tell the world the truth. The origins could come from the people that are accusing China of it. Remember, when China was hit with the virus, many western countries, including the USA imposed travel ban on anyone coming from China. Italy was the first to impose this ban. How could the virus be so widespread in their countries despite the ban?

Let's turn back the clock to the onset of this virus in Wuhan. It was a new virus, no one knew anything about it. Initial symptoms were similar to common cold or flu. Without knowing how potent or contagious this virus is, no one would be in a position to cry wolf. It also took time to investigate and to find out what this virus was all about. It is silly to expect Chinese scientists to scream to the world that this is a dangerous virus without any evidence or proof. Even when the Chinese reported to WHO, there were only 45 cases in Wuhan then, many western critics and anti China bigots were laughing and calling it a hoax. When China made the report, they must have done even due diligence to know that this was serious. How much more do they expect? But the mischievous West would not want to believe so. And that was the main reason why, after two months of outbreaks in China, with Wuhan and Hubei province being lockdown, the West, the evil men in Washington were giggling and having a party laughing at the misfortune of China. They did nothing, they did not believe the virus could come to them.

The Japanese and the South Koreans acted on the genetic sequence of the virus provided by China in mid January, the same time the rest of the world, including the US received this information. They acted on it quickly and managed to control the spread to manageable cases. Why they did not complain about China not giving them enough time to act on this pandemic?  Well during this grace period, time bought by China's lockdown, clown Trump instead was lying and lying to the Americans that the virus was under control in the USA! So no need to do anything. It was a hoax, it would blow over.

Now they are putting the blame on China for so called missteps and mishandling the virus. The American NSC has issued a circular to all American agencies to blame China, blame China. Who is having the missteps and who is mishandling the virus? The success story of China in containing the spread of the disease in the whole of China, a country of continental size is proof that China did not misstep or mishandle the virus epidemic. If they had, China would be in very serious shape, with hundreds of thousands of infection and death all over China like what is happening in the USA.

Remember, China was hit first, did not know what hit them, and had to find out what hit them first before they could take counter measures. China was struggling to know what they were dealing with in the first place. No one was there to give them any early warning, any advice on what to do. They did the most serious lockdown in history, something the West dreaded and called it draconian.  Did China have any better choice? What if China did not lock down Wuhan and Hubei and the virus spread all over China? What would the West be saying?

Did China misstep and mishandle the epidemic given what is happening to China today, no more domestic infection, no more Covid19 virus inside China? Any new cases were imported from people coming back into China. China did not handle this virus well is the western despicable narrative. Let's see how well they are handling now that the virus is paying them a visit. China was able to contain the virus in Wuhan, just one city. What is happening to the fumbling USA and the clown administration led by a group of wicked white racists? The whole of USA is infected! Who is mismanaging this spread? Who is failing to control the spread of this disease? See how the grins on their silly faces have all but disappeared altogether?

Starting from March Europe has become the new epicentre and the USA is going to be next.  Did they misstep and mishandle the virus epidemic, now a pandemic? They had two months of warning from China. They got information coming out from China of this new virus and could see how dangerous it was and how the Chinese were coping with it. China bought them time to prepare for this pandemic. China was the guinea pig to experience this scourge before the West. The West had all the information and privileges that China did not.  Oops, the Americans knew they had the virus all over their states but pretended that it was not there, no need to test. Treated them as common flu. China started from groping in the dark. They shared whatever they had with the world, with WHO. What more do the evil men in Washington expect from China? Should not they be telling the world about this virus in the first place?

Now the virus has exploded all over the world, with the worse hits in Europe and the USA. Who is mishandling the golden opportunity to stop this virus from spreading? Who is misstepping? The complacency and incompetence and inaction of the West are all there for the world to see. When the virus was full blown in China, many did not have a single case in their country. the USA had a handful, that was all. And they allowed the virus to explode exponentially in their own countries.

Who should be responsible for the pandemic? China is now the safest place from being infected by Covid19. If China had mishandled this, millions of Chinese would still be infected and hundreds of thousands would have died and many going to die.

Look at the mirror you Americans assholes. Stop blaming China for this pandemic. When the truth is out eventually, the world would not forgive you for giving this American virus to them. H1N1 should be called American virus. Spanish flu should be called American flu, etc etc. Ask the native Americans of the bubonic plague, small pox, anthrax, venereal diseases spreaded on them to terminate them from this world, what should they called these diseases? White men's diseases?

The evil white men in Washington would have their due justice delivered to them one fine day.

PS.  The Americans are getting disillusioned with the bunch of wicked clowns in Washington. They have seen what the clowns are up to, instead of fighting the virus, the clowns are just talking nonsense, wasting time demonising China but doing absolutely nothing to help the states that are facing  crisis, lack of medical equipment to fight this war.The biggest joke coming from clown Trump, they are going to help the world, to help Iran, to help North Korea, when they could not even have enough medical equipment to help themselves!


Covid19 - Petition to disclose health condition of US soldiers at the Wuhan Military World Games 2019

Thank you for submitting your signature to the We the People petition "Disclosure of the health condition report and status of all US military participants of Wuhan Military World Games 2019." via We The People.
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Petition Title: Disclosure of the health condition report and status of all US military participants of Wuhan Military World Games 2019.
We suspect the COVID-19 originates from US soil and the virus was brought to Wuhan via infected US players participating at the Military World Games 2019. We demand US government to disclose the health condition and recent medical status report of all US participants of the Games, especially of those 5 reported sick immediately after the Games.

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US Biological Lab Created Viruses Threaten The Whole World

     American fabricated deadly viruses threaten the whole world :-     PART     ONE

     The Ebola, Mers and Coronavirus are not natural viruses. They are all created in many of the United States chemical and biological laboratories located in US and in many of the US overseas occupied territories and military bases. The use of diseases and germs to destroy other people and countries is not new to US. In the past  the United States and its forebears England had used viruses from Small pox and measles to kill and decimate the native American population.

When dotard Trump speaks of  ' Make America Great Again ' he is speaking through his arse or anus. America has never been a great nation. How can America be great when European invaders cobbled the country together out of brutal killings and genocide of almost the whole  population of  native indigenous American Indians and called the invaded lands the United States. This was followed by the continuous killings of African Americans, Mexican Americans and Chinese Americans, even right up to the present. Of course America great teacher of its brutal genocide and atrocities was its forebears the great satanic Anglo-Saxon British imperialist empire. How can the United States of white invaders which through out its history and for hundreds of years has been carrying out brutal deeds of genocide and wanton atrocities against not only against the native Americans but also against many countries in Central and South America and across the seas in Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines and even further afield in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean  as well as in the Middle East and Africa be called a great nation. American senseless brutalities and atrocities across the whole wide world is the permanent ugly stain on human life and humanity.

America wants to exercise full control and hegemony of all countries big or small on earth. To gain hegemony it has resorted to lies about getting freedom under the guise of Democracy and human rights. If America cannot have its way with countries which resist American aggression and hegemony then it would use other ways and means to to bring these countries down under for American tyranical control.

The United States would destabilise these countries through creating choas, dissensions, instabilities, strives and wars. The US would weaken and impoverish these countries through currency and monetary manipulation, sanctions, tariffs and trade blockades. One of its vilest methods to gain hegemony is using hybrid warfare against countries which do not toe the US dictatorship. Thus in the last many years US has been using undeclared biological germ warfare against many unsuspecting countries. Its last and final desperate attempt of gaining total hegemony is imposing physical wars against resisting countries.

This article here will discuss how the rogue United States tries to bring down some countries in Africa, the Middle East and China through silent secret implantation of wide spread life destroying  viruses in these countries.

The US covets the oil resources in Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad all in north west Africa as well as the diamond industry in Sierra Leone and Liberia. CIA implanted the Ebola virus in these countries in 2013 - 2014. In  the Arab muslim countries of the Middle East, CIA implanted the MERS virus in 2012 to 2016.  CIA did the dirty job not only through its agents which are all over Africa but also via its unsuspecting NGOs.

These countries in North West Africa and the Middle East were lucky to get help from China in their fight against Ebola and Mers. China sent large amounts of medical aid and teams of medical experts to help fight the two diseases. Thus with the selfless help of China the countries of North West Africa and the Middle East were saved from the terrible destruction of the American made Ebola and Mers viruses.

Last year, somewhere in late October, 2019, the American fabricated "American Coronavirus" or COVID-19 was stealthily and secretly implanted in Wuhan by American soldiers who were in Wuhan  to take part in an  Military World Games. There were as many as a few hundred American soldiers taking part in the games. After the games the American soldiers spent many days enjoying many of Wuhan's splendid shopping malls and went to the country side to enjoy the beautiful sceneries. On hindsight it was reported that many US soldiers were ill with flu like symptoms and they might have implanted the 'American Coronavirus' where ever they. Also recently a video went viral  showing an American soldier travelling in a bus in Wuhan, licking his fingers and then rub the salivary moist fingers on the supporting standing poles and hanging rails of the bus. He was definitely a suspect who tried to spread the America coronavirus.

Sometime after the American soldiers left Wuhan, large numbers of Chinese Wuhan residents seemed to have been infected with the strange flu virus symptoms. Was the infection of the strange flu virus among the Wuhan residents incidental with the departure of the American soldiers who left Wuhan some days earlier. If so, it was a strange and mysterious co-incidence. But it was not so for the many American soldiers with flu were definitely carriers of the 'American Coronavirus.'

Subsequent independent research by Japanese and Taiwanese Chinese scientists as well as mainland Chinese scientists disclose that the 'Coronavirus' definitely originated from the United States. The Japanese research revealed that four or five strains of the virus are found only in the US and not in any other countries. The Taiwanese research concluded that the virus originated in American controlled Hawaii. Both the independent research of Japan and Taiwan tally or coincide with the conclusive result of the independent Chinese research. President Trump and his bunch of imbecile untrustworthy political colleagues should be transparent and admit that the Coronavirus originated from the United States. They should now proceed from here to sincerely cooperate with other countries to fight the 'American Coronavirus' instead of playing the blame game of scapegoating China and blaming other countries just to cover their unprepareness and incompetency to deal with the American Coronavirus epidemic.

The implant of the coronavirus in Wuhan by US soldiers was not incidental or co-incidental. It is part of US secret strategy to stealthily attack and take down China through undeclare biological germ warfare. In implanting the deadly Ebola virus and Mers virus in Africa and the Middle East and now the  Coronavirus in China, the United States has started an undeclared war not only  against China and the Chinese people but also against all the peoples of Asia and Africa.

People of Africa and Asia must now unite in solidarity and brotherhood to resist American brutal aggression and hegemony and fight with courage to destroy the evil satanic United States imperial empire.


Monday, 23rd March, 2020