
The Evil Empire Strikes Again

          The Evil Empire, USA strikes again in Latin America and the South China Sea. US fake withdrawal from Syria has already kick started its dangerous aggressions in Latin America and the South China Sea.

After eight years of aggression the United States finally realises its eight years of aggressive wars in the Middle East is untenable. Some factors that brought the US into the Middle East are greed for Middle East oil and natural gas, to secure and protect Israel's security as America's sheriff in the region and to establish military bases as a bastion in Russia's south to threaten and intimidate Russia and other nearby countries in the region like Central Asia and Africa.

US neocons toddle with the concept of nuclear bombing Iran to secure the whole of Middle East under US control and hegemony. However in the fall of 2015, when Assad invited Russia to help Syria militarily to foil US and its NATO allies to overthrow its regime the US - NATO dream of overthrowing Assad for regime change was shattered.

Having foiled by Russia and China in its vicious attempt to destroy the Assad regime and occupy Syria, the warmongering United States then heightened its focus on aggression against China in the South China Sea and the socialist countries in Latin America.

In the South China Sea US tries to create tensions and trouble by illegally and constantly sailing its naval warships close to Chinese islands in serious provocations under the pretext of freedom of
navigation. It constantly tries to stir up bad blood and fake issues to arouse Vietnam, Philippines and Malaysia to go against China hoping to profit from a synonymous second middle east conflict in the region which it intends to create.

In Latin America the Evil Empire resuscitates and activates it imperialist monstrous Monroe Doctrine 0f 1823 of bringing all countries in Central and South America under US total hegemony. Under the Monroe Doctrine of 1823, all Latin America trade, imports and exports, natural resources both mineral and botanical products or services must be conducted through the United States. Such a vile scheme will only serve to enrich the United States and impoverish the countries in both Central and South America. Latin American countries which refuse to cooperate and toe the line will be brought to heel and suffer regime change.

That was what happened to many Latin American countries in the past. These countries like Argentina. Paraguay, Uruguay, Chile, Peru and Colombia are now controlled by the United States through its proxy lackey governments. As recent as during the last few years US tried to topple the governments of Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil, Ecaudor and Bolivia. It succeeded in Brazil, Chile, Peru, Ecaudor and Colombia because of US use of hybrid warfare against these countries viz trade sanctions, economic sanctions, monetary and financial sanctions, tariffs and blockade and military coercion. Lastly it is also due to the high treason of white European descendants which consist of a large percentage among the impoverished native indigenous populations.

So far Cuba and Venezuela are saved from white American control and domination because of strong support from Russia and China. However president Morales of Bolivia is not so lucky because he trusted his Pentagon and CIA trained and indoctrinated military head, General William Kaliman , a Jew by ethnic race who committed high treason by forcing Morales and his government to resign. ( NB: a repeat of what CIA did to President Sukarno of Indonesia in 1963 when his Military head General Suharto , a pentagon trained general turned against him and topple his government resulting in the massacre of over three million Indonesians which CIA fakely claimed to be socialists or communists. ) Henceforth, Bolivia is now under white racists staunch pro-white American control, the control of white Spanish descendants who constitute about forty percent of the population.

Morales supporters have risen up in demonstrations everywhere in every town and city, in every village and countryside to condemn the coup and demand the restoration of the legally and democratically elected Morales government. It is sad the now CIA set up illegitimate fascist white supremacist government is carrying out brutal crackdown and suppression on the Morales supporters. Helicopter gunships directed by CIA are shooting down endlessly and indiscriminately on the pro-Morales demonstrators. It is a massacre of local indigenous native Bolivians.

None of the European countries as well as Canada, Australia and New Zealand came out to condemn the coup or to condemn the United States for its hand in the brutal coup and regime change of the legally and democratically elected legitimate government of President Morales. Aren't these western countries staunch supporters of the principles of democracy. Or is it democracy is only for the white racists and serfdom and slavery is for the non-white people and countries. It is all western fake and hogwash. Damned the white Americans and the likes in Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

The United States has to control Bolivia so that it can have a free hand to  rob off its rich natural resources especially lithium which Bolivia has in plenty and possess about 70 percent of the world's reserve. Lithium is important and essential for the manuafacture of lithium batteries which are vital for the operation of electric operated motor cars and vehicles and in computers and mobile phones. China is the world's largest production of lithium batteries and prior to the coup Bolivia Morales government had signed with China in a win-win mining and production of lithium batteries in Bolivia.

So, now third world and non-white countries have better beware. Do not trust the United States and western countries. Do not allow CIA and the Pentagon military to infiltrate into their military organisations less they suffer the same fate of regime change. Do not allow American or western NGOs into any government departments for they operate like cancer cells and will eventually destroy your country and your people.


Monday, 25th November, 2019

Nobel Prize - 850m people lifted out of poverty not important

ANN ARBOR, Michigan: This year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael Kremer for their experimental approach to poverty reduction.

In the Nobel Committee’s view, the economists’ use of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) to test whether specific interventions work – a method adapted from medical sciences – has “considerably improved our ability to fight global poverty”....

Conspicuously missing from this debate is the experience of China, which has accounted for more than 70 per cent of global poverty reduction since the 1980s, the most successful case in modern history.

Over the last four decades, more than 850 million people in China have escaped poverty. As Peking University’s Yao Yang notes, this had “nothing to do with RCTs”, nor did it involve giving handouts to the poor.

Instead, it was the result of rapid national development....

 What Yao fails to acknowledge, however, is that China’s impressive record of poverty reduction has been accompanied by two serious problems: Inequality and corruption.
When President Xi Jinping took office in 2012, China’s Gini coefficient (the standard measure of income inequality, with zero representing maximum equality and one representing maximum inequality) stood at 0.47, higher than in the United Kingdom or the United States.

A Chinese household survey reported an even higher coefficient of 0.61, nearly on par with South Africa.

A rising tide lifts many boats, but some rise far higher than others. So, while millions of Chinese were lifted just above the poverty threshold, a few individuals were catapulted to the heights of opulence.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/china-poverty-escape-economics-growth-inequality-nobel-prize-rct-12103676
The above CNA article is written by Ang Yuen Yuen, oops, it is Yuen Yuen Ang. Not sure to address her as Ms Yuen or Ms Ang. Anyway, after reading the article I came to the conclusion that poor countries should not adopt China's economic model to reduce poverty. The Chinese model may have uplifted 850m Chinese from poverty level, many becoming middle class, but the cost to pay is too high. The income inequality is too big to be acceptable. 
I would recommend countries to follow the models of the 3 Nobel Prize winners, go for small growth and small improvements and avoid the big inequality gap like in China. It is not a good thing to uplift 850m people from poverty and ended with high inequality income. This may be the main reason why no Chinese economist is deserving of a Nobel Prize for a historical feat of mammoth proportion, never experienced in human history, to uplift 850m people from poverty in less than 40 years. This is bad. 

The moral of the story is to stay poor as long as income inequality is kept low. This is good for the people, good for the poor. Why lift them up from poverty and create high income inequality? Better that everyone is poor than to have many becoming less poor with some becoming obscenely rich.

The Nobel Prize committee made a politically clever decision not to award anyone that helped to raise 850m from poverty level.


21st Asian Masters Athletics Championship in Kuching, Sarawak

We hosted the 19th Asian Masters Athletics Championship in 2016. China hosted the 20th and now the 21st will be hosted by Malaysia in Kuching, Sarawak from 2-7 Dec 19. The host Sarawak, Malaysia came to town to witness the Touch Run today at the Homes of the Athletes in Kallang. Among the officials of AMA were Sarawak Sports Minister YB Datuk Snowdon Lawan, Assistant Minister Youth and Sports and his entourage. Here are some pics of the event.

The Singapore Team going to Kuching with Team Manager Kannan and Team Captain Jason Wong.
The Singapore Team doing the Touch Run to...Kuching.

PS. I will be there running the 100m and the 4x100m relay for Men 70-74 age group. During this period I will try to post if possible but may not post daily given the circumstances.

Traitor is meaningless in Singapore

The word 'traitor' has been hurled frequently in the social media to condemn some individuals for doing wrong to country and people in Singapore. And rightly, these condemnations went nowhere, affected no one and were really meaningless in Singapore.

Singapore is a unique little piece of rock that belongs to everyone here, whether you are citizens or foreigners. Now they even have a new term called 'locals' to include foreigners who are PRs as 'locals'. What does this mean? No difference between citizens and PRs, all locals, enjoying and sharing the same rights and privileges as citizens. Who is trying to bluff who? Who is cheating who?

Singapore does not only belong to anyone here. Singapore belongs to the citizens of the whole world. Anyone can come in and work and given citizenship quite easily. One can come in as a tourist, applies for a job and get employed within weeks while daft Singaporeans could take months or years to find a job. There are now more foreigners in Singapore than citizens. In fact all those outside Singapore can claim a share of Singapore by coming here and work and be called 'locals', or simply being here. Singapore is theirs and daft Singaporeans are not complaining, getting use to it.

In many countries with some length of history, the words like motherland, home country, loyalty, pride of their citizenship, are common parlance and meant something very dear to their people. In Singapore, such terms are meaningless, just like the term 'traitor'. When there is no country, when the people are not proud of their own country or did not think or believe the country belongs to them, some even resigned to the fate that their country belongs to other people, to non citizens, what then is the meaning of a country, motherland, citizenship, loyalty, and what is wrong with giving the country away?

When giving the country away to foreigners, when inviting foreigners freely to take a share of the country, a big share of the country, do not evoke any sense of loss, any sense of guilt, then the word 'traitor' does not apply anymore. It is meaningless, irrelevant. No one cares whether one is a traitor or otherwise.

No Singaporean feels any misgiving or sense of guilt or loss of their country when the foreigners came flooding in. To these daft Singaporeans it is a natural thing, a good thing, an even better thing if the foreigners are here to take their jobs, steal their lunch, take over their country and to replace them. To the daft Singaporeans there is nothing wrong with displacing and replacing them with foreigners in their country. That is why no Singaporean would utter the world 'motherland'. The little piece of rock is not their motherland, not their country, can be given away freely.

When this is accepted as normal, then the word 'traitor' has no meaning anymore. If something belongs to you can be given away freely, no one thinking it is right to protect it, then it should be given away freely. The only time the word 'traitor' has some meaning is when one belongs to a political party and starts to go against the interest of a party. One then can be condemned as a traitor because the party has clear lines of what is theirs and what is not theirs. Being loyal to a political party can mean given million dollar jobs. Being loyal to a country means nothing, seen as kpkb by the unthinking and people with no country.

As for the general Singaporeans, nothing is theirs anymore, not this piece of rock, not the jobs and the good life. Thus, for those spouting the word 'traitor' they are spouting nonsense as the word has no meaningful meaning in this piece of rock. No one cares. Motherland, what motherland, we don't have one. This piece of rock belongs to everyone who wants it and who comes here and takes it.

When there is no ownership, there is no country and no pride to be a citizen. Singaporeans would soon be extinct or driven out of their own country by the 'traitors'. The new owners of this piece of rock are coming in by the plane loads everyday, and no one cares! No one bothers to ask if this is the right thing.


Use CECA to replace the expensive Singaporeans

Even if these India nationals’ credentials are not fake, also shouldn’t have allowed them to come to Singapore to compete for jobs.
How can ordinary Sinkies stand a chance if another 50 to 100 million India nationals – out of a population of more than 1.3 billion – with not fake degrees flood Singapore to take up the good jobs like in DBS, Citibank, JP Morgan, etc ?
India CECA is a stab in our backs, depriving us of our livelihood.

The above is posted in TRE following Aziz Kassim's post on the dabbawallas.  Yes, Singapore cannot afford to keep on paying high pays. Even the escooter food deliverers are expensive compare to the Indian dabbawallas. Let's bring in the dabbawallas to replace these expensive escooter deliverers. The dabbawallas only need a pole to bring their food everywhere, no need expensive escooters.

This replacement of expensive Singaporeans should go all the way. We should replace all the expensive CEOs in GLCs, those CEOs in MNCs, many already using Indian CEOs, we should also replace our top civil servants with cheap Indian civil servants.

And ultimately we should replace our millionaire politicians with Indian politicians. They are cheap and good, as good as all the CEOs imported and all the dabbawallas on the pipelines. If all the expensive Singaporeans are being replaced, the cost of living would definitely come down to the same level as in India.

What do you think?