
Words, words, everything about words

In a recent interview with the Straits Times published on Sunday (8 Sept), Ms Teo admitted that she “should not have said” what she did. The Minister said that the ‘sex in small spaces’ comment was “meant as a private joke.”

Acknowledging that “nothing is really private anymore” as a Minister who is constantly in the public’s eye, Ms Teo said that the comment became a “lesson learnt” for her.

Calling herself a straight-talker, the ruling party parliamentarian added: “Some people don’t take very well to that. My husband is used to it, my friends are used to it, the people in my work sphere they are very used to it. It’s like that, I say (it).”

While she understands that her words are often of interest to the public since she is a politician, Ms Teo said that she reminds herself “to always take your job seriously but not take yourself too seriously.”....

“Sometimes what you say gets people excited for a variety of reasons. To say that you’re not bothered with it in the least bit cannot be the case, but you’ve got to, at some point, say, okay, let it go, and then refocus your energies back to the work.”

The above paragraphs are copied from theindependent.sg on what Josephine Teo said about sex in small places. The funny thing is that the more she tried to explain, the more funny it becomes as words taken out of context or read from a different angle can mean many different things to different people. I had a good giggle reading those words written in bold. This is good for lighter moments and private gossips in the clubs.

Wondering if you guys could feel ticklish reading them with your extra ordinary minds.


More gay sex scandal - Mahathir keeping mum

Mahathir was instrumental in putting Anwar behind bars for gay sex, sodomy, when Anwar was his deputy PM and supposedly to take over as PM from him. Today Anwar is waiting to take over from him as promised by him in two years after he took office as PM in a deal with PKR. Mahathir is dragging his feet and very evasive as to when he is willing to hand over power to Anwar, with his position changed to 3 years and could be the whole term.

There is now another sodomy case involving a minister of Economic Affairs, Azmin Ali, someone closed to Mahathir and being groomed by Mahathir as the next PM. Anwar has been alleged to be behind this sodomy scandal that he vehemently denied to be involved. Azmin on his part also denied he was the other person in the dozens of video clips being distributed freely and widely in Malaysia.

Why is Mahathir keeping mum now when he found it irresistible to throw the book at Anwar and even dragged a hotel room mattress to court to prove Anwar’s guilt? The other question is, irrespective of whether Anwar is involved in spreading the video clips, a crime is a crime and if Azmin was the man, then he had committed sodomy like Anwar. Is there double standard?

Perhaps Mahathir could change the sodomy law like the law on drugs. Since it is so prevalent in Malaysia, why not decriminalize it and no one needs to be charged? In Malaysia anything can happen. Malaysia boleh. With Mahathir in the PM seat, Malaysia lagi boleh.

Mahathir had taken on the rulers of Malaysia, taken on China, what else is he afraid to take on when it is just a passing of a new law for the good of Malaysia?


Wei Ling's latest Facebook post

Dr Lee Weiling makes new Facebook post, Lee Hsien Yang shares it in support

In a Facebook posting today (10 Sep), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s sister, Dr Lee Wei Ling reiterated that founding PM Lee Kuan Yew had always wanted his house at 38 Oxley Road to be demolished.

She reminded everyone that at a special session of Parliament on 13 April 2015, PM Lee said, “Mr Lee’s position on 38 Oxley Road was unwavering over the years, and fully consistent with his lifelong values. We should respect his wishes, as well as those of Mrs Lee.”

However, since then, she said that PM Lee has sought to “rewrite history” about their father’s stance on demolition “to claim, unbelievably, that Lee Kuan Yew wavered in his unwavering wish”.

She quoted PM Lee saying, “However, after hearing Cabinet’s unanimous views that the property should not be demolished, Mr Lee eventually came to accept that the Government was likely to preserve the property in the public interest. He was consequently prepared to be flexible and contemplate options short of demolition.”....

She went on to say that after their mother died in 2010, PM Lee led their father and the family to believe that the house had in fact been gazetted or that its gazetting upon their father’s passing would be inevitable.

The above are a few comments on Wei Ling's facebook post in the TOC.  I am not not going to waddle into this family dispute but could not believe that the big white elephant is staring at everyone but no one could see it or want to see it.

Can anyone here spot the white elephant? The man in the centre of all this is a man of no nonsense, a man that would send shivers down the back of anyone summoned to stand in front of him to answer his queries. When Lim Chee Onn was wrongly accused of corruption, he made sure every stone was turn upside down to check the facts that eventually saved the day for Chee Onn. The allegation was vanquished and the culprits severely punished.


Chinese Beidou global position system more used than American GPS

The Chinese version of the Global Positioning System (GPS) has overtaken GPS and the Nikkei Asian Review says
The growth of BeiDou has profound implications and is raising alarm in the US national security establishment. Unlike GPS, which only sends signals and cannot identify the location of receivers, BeiDou’s communications with the ground are two-way. According to Dean Cheng of the Heritage Foundation, the Chinese satellites can jam signals in specific areas and raise capabilities in cyber attacks.
S’poreans should be asking why the PAP govt is allowing this probable threat to national security. Don’t believe me? Mamaland and Japan, both rivals of China, also got a lot of these devices?
But maybe it all has to do with the use of Chinese-made smartphone handsets?

What do you think?

Cynical Investor

The above is quoted from Cynical Investor who is very unhappy that Beidou is now more welcome and used by more countries, including Singapore. And this banana is very unhappy because his American god is being eclipsed and questioning the Singapore govt for allowing the use of Beidou here.  Like all bananas, he accepted the American and Japanese allegation that Beidou's two way system would compromise the users. Whether Beidou or Huawei uses their technology to disrupt or spy on others is a separate issue as long as their technology could do it.

Why is the American system not built for this strategic advantage? Why is the American GPS unable to do so? Obvious, the Americans would want to do so as they are doing so in every field, everywhere and every moment now. Their GPS tech could not do so because it is less advanced than the Beidou system. It is backward, old technology.

But this is not the reason why other countries chose to use Beidou. Not only that Beidou is more advanced and more accurate, it is not politicised. And China is not using it to spy on others or to threaten others. If China is doing so, all the countries would find out, know about it and abandon it.

The Americans have politicised the GPS, used it to threaten and blackmail friends or foes. They have switched it on and off as they like against other countries. Iran, Syria, India, Pakistan, Russia, Japan and many other countries have their use of the GPS stopped and compromised when the Americans chose to switch it off at the critical moments. These countries became blind and the Americans could fly their drones into their countries to conduct military and air strikes. The Israelis are using this to their best advantage against the Middle East countries, particularly the Arabs.

Did I answer the uncomfortable question of this silly banana? Only the Americans can spy and jam on others, others cannot retaliate and cannot have the capability to do so.  Why would countries want to use an ancient and unreliable technology, be controlled by the Americans and be at the mercy of the Americans?

And he said this in the above,  'Mamaland and Japan, both rivals of China, also got a lot of these devices?' Mamaland and Japan always see China as a rival, a foe, but do not mind using Beidou. So what does it say?


USA - A dangerous rogue and terrorist state'

          USA in its 242 years of its existence has always been a rogue and terrorist state. Native Americans have warned us never to trust white men for " They speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted." History tells us how the white supremacist of the United States brutally conquered north America by ruthlessly killing and genociding the native population and later by creating border incidents with Mexico providing it with an excuse to invade Mexico resulting in half of Mexico being illegally acquired by the US.

The Evil Empire thinks it can deal with other countries now in the same way it dealt with the native Americans. It has formulated new policies and doctrines to lay a basis for its justification to execute its wars of aggression and conquest and for its motive to dominate and subject the whole world under its total control and hegemony.

US is now using its doctrine of American Essentialism and the Jewish Zionist Wolfowitz Doctrine to undermine China's development and to eventually bring down China. The United States via its terrorist arm CIA is leveraging on creating choas, instabilities and violent street demonstrations in Hong Kong with the collusion of traitors and US lackeys to eventually destabilise and destroy Chin

CIA  planned and funded the Hong Kong riots

USA planned and funded the Tiananmen colour revolution on 4th June, 1989. It was put down by the Chinese government after many months of convulsions. However all the traitors , ring leaders and US lackeys who colluded with CIA were whisked away to America before they could be arrested.

The present many months of riots and violent street demonstrations  in Hong Kong is a carbon copy of  CIA covert plan of the Tiananmen riots.  CIA tries to lure and induce China to take strong action against the Hong Kong rioters so as to heighten tension and turn the riots into an international issue.  China will not fall into this CIA sinister trap but is giving the national traitors, ring leaders and USA lackeys enough rope to hang themselves first. China is letting the Hong Kong SAR's government to solve the problem first. However, if CIA's covert and overt operations is too overbearing for the Hong Kong Administration to handle then the PLA will march in at the right time to clean up the mess. China then may have to arrest some CIA agents and USA NGOs  caught in subversive activities and demand that US curtail its over two thousand consulate officers to just around eighty as most of the consulate personnels are actually spies and saboteurs.

Below I append an article forwarded to me by someone via Whatsapp which tells us how evil and wicked the US will go to undermine and destroy China and the Chinese people.

" We have to forward this message to as many people as possible to expose foreign plot, mainly CIA and UK M16.

Good reason why China is patient and not wield force by sending in the PLA.

The United States creates blood letting issues. Once the PLA comes to HK , CIA will kill some rioters and blame the PLA soldiers . Ukraine was done this way.

The American CIA will select a few rioters for killing  ( send a few sharpshooters hiding among the rioters and police and then start shooting). Then use the dead bodies for anti-China activities.

Escalate the issue and blame the PLA soldiers , and not the HK police, this is the reason why nobody has been killed so far . Once the PLA comes , there would be 100 ways waiting to blame the PLA.

They have already prepared the police uniform and weapons. Some rioters may put on police uniform and shoot people or protesters.

May even select and kill foreigners to raise the matter internationally , then use the Western media under the leadership of USA to push the matter to the climax. This is their operation operandi.

These American-Western pretenders act like gentlemen but plot in other countries to stir up people killing each other to be played again. Some rioters will unknowingly become sacrificial lambs of the West. So sad and tragical.

Everyone of us should work hard and spread this message . Let those blinded by the West know their plot and stop acting for the West  and also let others prepare for such an outcome and not be surprised should this happen.

Also could see the the evil acts of the 5 eyes under the leadership of the USA. The five eyes consist of USA, UK. Canada, Australia and New Zealand , all Anglo-Saxon countries descended from England."

The ultimate motive of the CIA planned and funded riots in Hong Kong is to proactively subvert the unification of Taiwan and China.

There are endless cases of USA rogue subversive activities against other countries which do not toe US dictates or subscribe to US aggressive foreign policies. Just last year 2018, USA tried all ways and means to subvert and destroy President Maduro government of Venezuela.. It failed because Venezuela had strong support from Russia and China as well as from a great majority of Countries in the United Nations Organisation.

USA terrorism on the high seas.

In the past USA had consistently hijacked ships and oil tankers of foreign countries based on spurious reasons that their owner countries did not follow USA illegal sanctions.

It is reported as in reference to Straits Times, Friday, September 6, 2019 'WorldBriefs' WORLD  Page  A22 of rogue USA trying to hijack an Iranian oil tanker.

" US offered millions to captain of Iran tanker.

Washington: A senior US official personally offered several million dollars to the Indian captain of an Iranian oil tanker suspected of heading to Syria, The State Department confirmed on Wednesday.

The Financial Times reported that Mr. Brian Hook , the State Department pointman on Iran, sent emails to Captain Akhilesh Kumar in which he offered "good news" of millions in US cash to live comfortably if he steered the Adrian Darya 1 to a country where it could be seized."

USA the Evil Empire is getting more and more desperate and dangerous. Its insidious activites and actions may lead the world to nuclear war and destruction of mankind.


Wednesday, 11th September, 2019.
