
Evil Empire planting the seed of destruction

The Evil American Empire is putting pressure on its Asian allies to allow them to plant American intermediate range nuclear missiles in their soil. The Americans claimed that the Russians were cheating in the INF treaty. Holy cow, the Russians are cheating the Americans too. Honest Americans never cheat anyone or anything except the CIA according to Pompeo, ‘We cheat, we lie and we steal’. Remember that?

In reality it is to protect the American Empire and to control their so called allies. The Americans wanted these allies to allow the Americans to set up missile bases in their countries. The location of American missiles to within striking range of China and Russia would extend and expand the reach of the Evil Empire in a war with these two countries. These are offensive weapons of mass destruction.

What does this mean to the American allies? It means that not only the American missiles can strike at China and Russia, the Chinese and Russian missiles would also be able to reach these countries making them primary targets when war breaks out and increasing the need for American protection. The move would mean that the Evil Empire would gain in many ways while their allies would lose in many ways.

Australia, the staunch American ally, the white country in Asia, has officially rejected this request from the Americans. They know that having American missile bases in Australia would mean Australia would also be targeted as number one priority by China and Russia just like Japan and South Korea. Australians are too smart for that. Why would they want to invite Chinese and Russian missiles flying into their territory? China has officially warned the US that deploying these missiles in China’s neighbourhood is unacceptable and China would respond, China would not sit idly by.

South Korea, a semi colony of the evil Empire also rejected the American pressure to place intermediate range nuclear missiles in their land.  What about little USAs?

Would there be silly Asian or Asean country eager to host American nuclear missile bases in their land and become top priority target of Chinese and Russian missiles? Would any silly Asian or Asean country volunteer for this role, or begging for it?


Brown face is extremely offensive!

What, what kind of sicko would make this kind of racist statement? What is wrong with brown face or for that matter black face? The skin colour of a person is nature, for those who believe in God, it is god given. Anything that is created by God is fair and good. There is nothing offensive about a brown face or a black face. Every race, whatever colour they are, must be proud of themselves. There is nothing offensive or shameful just because of one’s colour. It is like there is nothing shameful of one’s birth, of one’s parents rich or poor or whatever. You cannot choose your parents and neither can you choose your colour.

Only racists would be disturbed by colours, like the white supremacists. They hate coloured people. In thenewpaper today there is a photo of two white American policeman on horseman pulling a black man they arrested and tied with a rope. This is racism! As for the rest of the coloured people, be proud of yourself and your race and your colour.

Now who is that racist that made the above statement about brown face is offensive? Offensive to who, in what ways? Here is the quote from thenewpaper, ‘We only wanted to spark a conversation and get corporations to stop painting people brown to portray a minority and instead simply hire a brown person because a brownface is extremely offensive.’

My God, is anyone of you ashamed of your skin colour because it is brown? Would a brown person feel offended by this statement, that brownface is offensive? Should brown colour people be running to hide themselves and stay away from people who found their brown colour, their brown face offensive?

All the bodybuilders should not put brown oil on their bodies as it is offensive to some racists. Suntan oil should be banned. The MediaCorp actress should stop dressing like Pinoys and talking like Pinoys. No one of any race should dress to look like another race in any occasion for whatever reasons. This is Singapore, a little uptight island with silly people that see an ad of a brown face as offensive. I think this comment that brown face is offensive is the worst that you can get. Why no one feel offended by it? And poor Dennis Chew has to come out and apologise for it again!

People that think other people’s skin colour is offensive is sick in the head, real racists to the core. This is no joking matter to have such people around you, all the time looking at the colour of your skin and feel offended.

Be proud of who you are, your family, your ethnicity and your colour. If not you will feel very miserable when the racists attacked you because of your colour.

You want to know what is racism and discrimination, go to theindependent.sg and read what happened to Jerusha in the USA. Here are a few paragraph from the article.

“Every day I dread going to class now because I sit three feet from my white bully.”

Jerusha Sanjeevi was a bright-eyed young lady who dreamed of helping children recover from the trauma of abuse. Eight months into her PhD program at Utah State University (USU), Jerusha committed suicide after enduring relentless racist bullying from classmates and apathy from faculty members.

A Malaysian national of Chinese and Indian descent, Jerusha had been pursuing a doctorate in clinical and counselling psychology when she encountered persistent and intense bullying from her classmates.
According to reports, Jerusha experienced bullying just weeks into her first semester at the university.

The bullies mocked her whenever she spoke in class, teased her for having dark skin, made fun of her name, and it even got to the point where they discredited her academically.

The bullies made remarks saying Jerusha “smelled like Indian food” and kept sending her racist memes about India even though she was Malaysian.... Posted in theindependent.sg


Stupidity of Emperor Trump confirmed

China has stopped buying of soya beans and farmed products from the USA. China also allowed Yuan to fall to the lowest level against the greenback. These are direct results of Trumps interference in China’s domestic affairs, including the selling of arms to Taiwan and messing around in Hong Kong’s civil riots.

Emperor Trump is still living in the ages when the Americans ruled the world and any country that it disliked, scorned upon, will be whipped, threatened, sanctioned or invaded. While the trade talks are going on, Emperor Trump stupidly thought that he could increase pressure by pointing a gun at the Chinese negotiators to force them to sign on the dotted line at terms the Americans dictated. This kind of gangsterism and bullying tactic no longer works and would be strongly opposed by China and the Chinese people. The more Trump applies this rough tactic which he thought was very clever of him, the further would be the day for a trade deal with China. China is no longer a pushover and would not surrender to such bullying. Trump can play tough, China too can play tough.

Trump and his silly American advisors thought the Chinese are meek, weak and stupid and they could pretend to negotiate a trade deal and at the same time undermine China’s interests in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the South China Sea. These are all inter related and cannot be separated from the trade talks.

‘I would increase pressure on China by raising tariffs on the balance US$300 billion imports from China,’ declared Emperor Trump. The Chinese would have to go down on their knees to beg for mercy. Instead it is the American farmers that would go down on their knees to beg for mercy from their Emperor Trump. This naked Emperor still believes he is wearing his best clothes.

China not only stopped all buying of American farm products, it also allowed Yuan to devalue to offset the rise in tariff. Then what, Wall Street collapsed. The pride of Emperor Trump could not hold on to his make belief that everything is fine, he is winning the trade war. S&P index fell 3% wiping out US$766 billion from the US market. And Emperor Trump would again be shouting we are winning, we are winning.

Still want to talk to China and want to have a trade deal, winning a trade war? China has no bullets left to fight the USA? Dream on Emperor Trump. China would reply for every shot fired by Trump. This war is asymmetrical and China has a lot of weapons to play, not hapless and cannot do anything against Trump’s threat and tariffs. Keep going Emperor Trump, oh by the way, you are naked. The American economy has never been so good, the stock market is hitting new highs. America is great again. Keep blowing your horns.

The more Emperor Trumps tries to bully China, the more China would resist and hit back. Name China as currency manipulator, go ahead, keep behaving badly like a gangster and hope to have a trade deal and win. We are winning the trade war, China needs a deal, we don’t need a deal but we will give them a deal…very soon. We will have a trade deal that is good for us, bad for China. China has no choice but must accept a bad deal….

Our economy is doing great, the best ever! America is great again! Oops, Dow fell 767 points. What’s that?


Existential threat to Singapore's future well being

The noise against the Chinese majority's existence in Singapore is getting bolder by the day with locals, new citizens, PRs and those paid by us to work here taking potshots at this balance as if this is unacceptable, and reducing the Chinese majority is seen to be fair and just. There is nothing wrong being the majority! Without being seen as conceitedness and racial arrogance, Singapore is today exactly because it has a Chinese majority that worked damn hard to build this City and Country to what it is today. Then what if there was no Chinese majority here and what would Singapore be like can be seen by all the modern cities with good infrastructures in the Asean countries against those cities in Southern Asia. The difference is distinct and cannot be hidden or pretend that we would be better off if the Chinese majority is wished away.

The fact that there was a Chinese majority here cannot be blamed on the Chinese. The Chinese majority need not apologise for it. They were imported here to do the coolie work by the British colonial masters when they found the locals less industrious and the Indians imported from India very good as clerks in the colonial offices. The Chinese were also imported as indentured labour for the tin mines and rubber plantations in Malaya. They grew the Chinese population by designed without conspiracy and input of the Chinese. So please do not begrudged the Chinese for being the majority here and their contribution towards this modern and well organised city state. It could be worse if the Chinese were not here and we would not have this beautiful island to feed the hungry wildlife, jobless and penniless in their slum third world countries. I am not apologising for this hard truth.

Donald Trump has this to say to his wildlife, if you are so good, go back and build your own broken countries.  In a way the western countries with white majority are similar to the existence of Chinese majority here. The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, all have white majority and have to thank them for it for building the modern and well organised countries today.  The only difference is that the whites conquered and colonised these big countries and treated them as their own. The Chinese majority in Singapore did not come here to conquer the locals and to steal their country. They came here to work, period.

The large presence of Chinese majority in Singapore and SE Asia is a political accident created by the white colonialists. And they stayed and contributed positively and in very big ways to their new home countries. They did not demand special treatment, they did not demand others must give way to them so that their life can be easier. The Chinese majority or minority in SE Asia lived by the norms and political tapestry and demands of their respective countries, often being discriminated. They worked very hard, compete with unfair privileges and discriminations to be what they are today. The minorities must not see this as their right to demand the Chinese to become a minority. The 'privilege' of being a majority does not automatically make the life of the Chinese easier. Every one of them has to work just as hard. It is bullshit to claim that the minorities have to work harder to succeed. My two big balls. With my qualifications and ability, I will be much better off as a minority.

Why should the Chinese give way to the demands of the minorities and voluntarily reduce their presence and privilege just because the minorities are demanding for it? Would the whites in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand allow their majority to be dwindled to become minorities just because the minorities demanded for it, perceived to be fairer and less disadvantaged by the minorities? Which majority group in the world would be stupid enough to do this and destroy themselves and their own existence? Once the Chinese majority here loses their majority status, they would be buried for good, history, never to recover.

Oops, I spoke too fast. It may not happen elsewhere in the whole world. But in this stupidity has no cure city state, it may just happen when idiots are in charge. As some have spoken, for economic growth, the end all of everything, for money, they would sell their fathers and mothers, their wives and children without looking further than their nose.

What do you think? Is the existence of the Chinese majority being challenge and threatened? Are people uttering existential threat everyday aware of this threat to our existence and well being?

Only in Singapore where the minorities constantly took liberties at the majority, beating them and taunting them and calling them names and racists in public video clips for all to see. And some daft Chinese did not see anything wrong with the insults and vulgar attacks.

Hong Kong, let it burn, let it burn

I suggested that China should do nothing and let the Hongkongers continue with their rampage and anarchy in the streets of Hong Kong, if this is what they want. China should stand back and see how creative and talented the Hongkongers are to continue to prosper the economy, without the special concessions and privileges offered by China.

The Hongkongers still believe that they are the greatest and smartest people and the prosperity of Hong Kong is the result of their ingenuity and enterprise and not the generosity of China. China just need to treat Hong Kong like any Chinese city, no special privileges and concessions, and no meddling with their politics and administration.

When Hong Kong fails, continues rioting and anarchy, China can then step in and offer amnesty to all Hongkongers to leave for greener pastures. A failed Hong Kong would give China the reason to declare its one country two systems a failure and take back Hong Kong now instead of after the 50 year agreement.

China can give the Hongkongers who wish to leave Hong Kong all the time in the world to leave, but take back Hong Kong and run it the China way. I think this is the fairest for both parties. The Hongkongers that want to leave will be assisted to leave. Those that wanted to stay would be welcomed to stay under One China One System. No buts or ifs. Hong Kong is a Chinese territory and must be one with China.

Let them go, let them be free wherever they want to go while Hong Kong returns to China for good. The twains shall never meet as they are just incompatible and the earlier the two are separated the better for all.

Let Hong Kong continues on its self destruct mode, if this is want they think is best for them.
Hong Kong, let it burn, let it burn