
Huawei helps you from being spied by the Americans

The accusation that Huawei is spying on its users has come out blank. The Americans have repeatedly failed to produce any evidence that Huawei is spying on its users. Stephen Roach, a professor from Yale University said this, US accusation of Huawei spying is based on innuendo and assumptions but not facts.

The truth is that the US is spying on everyone using Google, Twitter, Facebook, Apple etc. The British are using Huawei’s equipment to build their 5G network. But before that, the British made Huawei signed a document that would allow the British to sue Huawei for damages should Huawei be found spying on them. Huawei signed.

The same document was put to the American network providers, including Google and Apple, but none of them was willing to sign. What does this say of the American companies, yes, there are all spying on their users. The Americans are spying on everyone but accusing Huawei of spying or may be spying in the future but really not spying at all.

Huawei should now come out to tell its users that using Huawei’s equipment is a sure way of helping its users from being spied by the Americans. Yes, using Huawei’s equipment means the Americans cannot spy on you and neither would Huawei spy on you.

Think about it. Huawei’s equipment are the safest equipment from spying if one tears away the American lies. Be safe, use Huawei equipment and mobile phones.

The Americans are the thieves that are shouting thief, thief, thief!!!!

The latest report from Huawei is that despite the American threats and sanctions, Huawei’s revenue is growing at 23%. No one is listening to the American lies about Huawei. Huawei is growing stronger and using their own chips and operating systems that are more superior that before…and free from American spying.

Why are the Americans so worried about spyware in Huawei’s equipment? Because they built spyware in all their products Made In America. And they presumed Huawei would do the same. But they were so wrong. Not everyone think and do like the American’s evil way.


Military March - Chinese female soldiers

Beautiful soldiers, precision drill.

A little distraction on a Sunday morning. This clip was taken in 2013 if I can remember.
China has come a long long way from the featureless Mao tunics of old to become a modern and rich nation.

I know, the bananas are seething when they see anything China and being rich and powerful and still in disbelief and in doubt that this is real. All fakes, China is a poor country with no money, despite the top four banks and top 5 companies in the world according to Forbes are Chinese. And not only these four banks, China also pumped in hundreds of billions into AIIB and the Brics Bank aka New Development Bank. No money but got billions and billions to pump into these banks, into BRI, in reconstructing and rebuilding a poor Africa looted by the Europeans? Money not real, just imaginary?

Look at the pride of a people on the rise, full of confidence that this is their Century, no humbug, no big talks about going to be. China is already there. China has arrived.

Below is the military parade to celebrate 70 years of victory over Japan held in 2015. China did not have this kind of soldiers and weapons systems when they were fighting the invading Japanese. Neither did they have them when fighting 22 countries in the anti US Imperial War in Korea. China is the only country that defeated the Americans and a combined international force from 22 countries.

Theme parties can be dangerous and racially unacceptable

A couple of years back, one UOB staff attending an annual D&D was attacked for being racist when he put on India attire and painted his face black. Now we have an ad, supposedly to show the four major races in the island, ie CMIO, Chinese, Malay, Indian and Others or Eurasian and because the creator of the ad chose to be creative by using a Chinese actor to dress up to look like the 4 races, some have come up to object against him painting himself a brown tone, and insisted that he was trying to be an Indian or a Malay and that was bad, insensitive.

In the ad there was already a ‘Malay’ lady and an ‘Indian’ man, impersonated by the actor, Dennis Chew. So the brown tone man could not be a Malay or Indian, likely to depict a smartly dressed Eurasian in tie, but for those that took the position that it was offensive to depict a Malay or Indian man in brown tones, insisted that ‘he’ must be a Malay or Indian, so that their objection would stick. The Malay or Indian character is already represented in the ad, so do not insist that the brown tone man was meant to be an Indian or a Malay and thus offensive.

Is this what sensitivity or insensitivity is all about? Does anyone believe that the ad creator or Mediacorp that commissioned the ad has any ill intention to humiliate or make fun of any minority race? Could anyone want to look at the ad as a creative piece of art or advertisement? Is this about tolerance and insensitivity or about intolerance and over sensitivity?

The law must be sensitive and yet be practical and with some room for artistic and creative works and not simply lump every little thing as insensitive and unacceptable. What kind of society would we become if we allow this kind of intolerance to get too far and to grip the society into a state of paranoia?

Would people crossing dressing or dressed up in theme parties of different races be seen as racially insensitive? Would things that are taboo or prohibited in a race or religion be banned from the media because it would be seen as insensitive to that race or religion or some highly sensitive person claimed to be offended?

Where shall the line be drawn in our multi cultural and multi religious society? Where is the tolerance or sensitivity, or intolerance and insensitivity when we are living so close to each other? Should the govt react whenever a silly ass claims to be offended and start to ban this and that?

Should all theme parties that are religious or racial in origin be banned henceforth so that no one would be offended? Is it offensive for a person to dress in the attire of another race while participating in a festival, event, NDP or Chingay?

Should the country be held at ransom by a few highly strung and highly sensitive individuals like the swine teacher that said saying beef curry is racially insensitive because Hindus don’t eat beef?

Singapore shall not be ruled by the tyranny of the minorities. The authority, especially the Police, must be guarded against being exploited by the minorities in making false allegations and complaints against others. 

The latest case of the E-pay ad is a good example of what false allegation can do to harm racial relations.
There is this tendency to believe the complainant as the victim but this is not necessarily so. The Police must have a protocol to ensure that a police report or complaint has a valid basis. If the complaint is false or mischievous, the Police must take action against the complainant. The Police must not be made to go chasing red herring like fools and the complainant goes free for making false allegation to exaggerate and raise racial tension. If there is no such protocol, the fakes and mischievous would be encouraged to continue to abuse the Police and authority to do their bidding.?

What action will the Police take against the complainant in this E pay ad case?

What action will the Police take against the foreign associate professor in NTU for questioning the racial composition of our country and suggesting that a Chinese majority has conferred unfair privileges to them and this must be changed?

What action has the Police or MOE taken against the teacher that bullied a 9 year old boy for mentioning the word beef curry and threatened him and insulted him that this was unacceptable and the boy could be killed in certain country?


Racists attacking others as racists

This is the ad that led to two racists claiming that this was racist and used it as an excuse to put up a racist video attacking Chinese as racists. Poor Mediacorp, instead of defending itself, timidly went on to apologise for an ad that it commissioned with no intent to offend. (I do not know who was the creator of the ad. He could be an angmoh).

Look at the above ad carefully and ask yourself what is so offensive or racist about this ad. Dennis Chew is an entertainer and very often cross dressed to entertain in comedy sketches. In this case the creator was trying to be creative in using one person to cross dress into 4 different personalities of different races. Every one was sensitively and smartly well dressed with no ill meaning or attempt to be offensive. This is infotainment for crying out loud.  It was tastefully done with a lot of effort put into it.

How could this be racially offensive? Why on earth did Mediacorp have to apologise for it? Where is the bad intent? Did any one dressed badly, offensively, insensitively?

The ad was meant to reflect the four major races of Singapore. There is a Chinese woman, a Malay woman, an Indian man and a Eurasian man. The brown man was not meant to be an Indian, for goodness sake. Indians are not brown. The Indian man is the one holding the roti prata. And the creator was sensitive enough not to paint him black.  Thank God he is wise enough not to do so or else hell will break loose. Now why are the two racist Indians complaining about the brown man as offensive to Indians or depicting Indians in a bad way?

The ad creator could hire four different persons from four different races to fill the same ad. Would that then be ok, not racist? What is wrong with being a little creative, using one person to dress up as four different persons of four different races, as man and as woman? If this kind of creativity is scorned upon, politically incorrect, racially insensitive, this may be the reason why this island is lacking in creativity. There is no hope for Singapore as a creative country and creative people.

Only very small minded and racist minded people would think the above is offensive.

It would be offensive if the Malay woman was made to hold a bowl of bak kut teh, or the Indian man, or the brown man was dressed badly like a beggar of sort, dismissive dressing to degrade their social standing.

Come on, let's grow up and stop behaving like little village bumpkins. The real racists were the two that made this up as racist and revealed their real racist self by producing the offensive anti Chinese racist video that was rightly taken off. This island cannot tolerate the presence of such racists, and if they are foreigners or new citizens, it is best to send them to their previous home country. They must be made an example of so that closet racists would not dare to show up again to attack the innocent.

Do not allow the thief that shouted thief to get away with it. And do not sheepishly owned up as a thief if one is not a thief. I am very disappointed with Mediacorp's response to the accusation. They should be defending the right to entertain and to be creative. They should be defending the creativeness of the ad and put back the ad for what it stood for.

It would be a very sad day for Singapore and for creativity if this ad is deemed racially offensive and be scrapped for good. There was never an intent to be offensive or mischievous to anyone but all for a bit of fun and infotainment, entertaining while driving across a message of multi culturalism in Singapore.

PS.  This is my post for 1 Aug 19.

And please do not let the rest of the world laugh at us as small minded village fools. Let me remind everyone we are a cosmopolitan city state and know what is humour, entertainment, creativity and having a little jest in our life. I give full marks to the creator of the ad.

CIA Orchestrated Hong Kong Violent Riots

Treason has been committed in the violent Hong Kong riots. The ring leaders must be rounded up and retained incommunicado. They should then be sentenced and face the death penalty for high treason against the Chinese national state which includes Hong Kong and Taiwan. Some of the more prominent treacherous ring leaders are Martin Lee, a lawyer, Anson Chan , former senior officer in the British Hong Kong Administration, Benny Tai, a lawyer, Edward Leung, Ray Wong, Joshua Wong and Audrey Eu Yuet Mee. No mercy should be shown to them.

The riots is part of USA's overall strategy to contain and bring down China. There is a ceaseless conspiracy between these faceless undignified rogue ring leaders and the CIA of the United States to create a similar USA funded, supported and orchestrated Tiananmen counter revolution in June, 1989. 

In the past few years  there have been both overt  and covert secret meetings between these ring leaders and USA embassy officers, CIA agents, Congressmen and US senators both in Hong Kong and in America. These ring leaders are despicable US running dogs who have no shame in conniving with the Evil Empire to destroy China. They are all in the payroll of CIA.

The riots did not just start overnight. It has been well organized and orchestrated by CIA. The whole strategy is to incite and lure China's PLA to intervene to quell the seemingly unquenchable riots so as to provide USA ammunition to demonize China for brutal intervention as Hong Kong's Tiananmen. Its hidden agenda is to warn Taiwan of the danger of one country two systems and thus has the toxic objective of preventing the eventual unification of Taiwan and mainland China.

USA evil objective of containing and bringing down China must not be allowed to succeed. Patience and endurance has its limits and if the US conspiracy plans perennial riots to destabilise Hong Kong. then the HKSAR's government must invoke the vital clause to call for PLA to take over control of the rioters whose ring leaders conspiracy with USA is clearly just to take down the HKSAR's government and discredit the Central Government in Beijing.


Thursday, 31st July, 2019