The Third American Civil War is Here.
By MIKOspace
In 2018, American democracy began its nosedive towards eventual oblivion. The cancer of corruption, that eternal enemy
of democracy, has long infected American democracy for many decades. It has reached terminal stage. We
bear witness to the end of an American democracy that never was one from the
the last 20 years, systematic corruption and corrupt practices have been
carefully nurtured and cultivated by members of the American power elites, now exposed as the “deep
state”, to permeate and consume the minds of the American electorate as
it works its way into every decent sectors of the community including religion,
economy, family, education and everyday life.
As American democracy struggled in its death throes grasping for some
enduring relevance and purpose, it elected Donald Trump as the 45th
President of the United States on 6 November 2016. The event represented a checkmate on the “deep
Donald Trump, a successful multi-billionaire businessman, had noticed
(perhaps even participated in) the widespread shenanigans, fraudulent dealings,
duplicity, sleaze, malfeasance, legalised misconduct and openly corrupt
political practices of US politics. He
was even taunted by the 44th US President Barack Obama at a dinner reception and
later publicly that Trump was
incapable to do the job of US President.
The 2016 election of President Donald Trump represents the triumph of
American democracy. His opponent (and
her husband) personified and represented every corruption of the Washington
establishment and its “deep
state”. Their “philanthropic”
foundation, which promptly folded when she lost the elections, is now being
investigated for selling access - “pay for play” - to senior government
officers and foreign governments. A Hillary
Presidency would have embedded corrupt practices into an already corrupt US
Government nurtured and nourished by the previous Obama and Clinton
Over the past 2 years, the forces
against American democracy assaulted in organised unison to
de-legitimise the duly elected 45th US President using the tools of democracy
against itself by systematically unleashing a series of events to destablise
the established, albeit imperfect, democratic eco-system developed over the
past 215 years.
A docile and
submissive Judiciary does not make for a strong democracy. The “deep
on Supreme Court nominee Judge Kavanagh is a case in point. Key Senators, mostly themselves lawyers and
former Prosecutors, chose to deny the constitutional rights of Judge Kavanaugh
to due process and hard evidence as he faced unfounded allegations of sexual
misconduct from 1982. The FBI had in fact
investigated Judge Kavanaugh on more than 6
occasions as a matter of routine background checks over the past 28
years, but found not a single iota of any sexual or ethical misconduct. Neither did any investigative journalists, and
it’s not for want of effort.
Democracy X.0 – The Third American Civil War
With the passing of
American democracy before our eyes, the Third
American Civil War has begun surely, steadily and silently for some years
now. True democracy may never return to
America any time soon.
Truth is, political
power has never really been in the effective hands of the American people. Abraham Lincoln’s “… the government
of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth”
never had an even chance to grow into full maturity.
Political power
grows through concentration not by dispersion or distribution. Democracy’s promise of popular power in the
hands of the people is an illusion, an empty promise made by those in power to a
permanently gullible, weak and naïve electorate. Political power easily slipped out of their
hands as they rather bask in comfortable living without participating in the
process of political life through debates, discussions, confrontation and
regular elections.
Come the next US
Presidential elections in 2020, Americans have to evaluate and examine
critically how they have allowed the corrupt power elites to infest the
Judiciary, Executive and the Congress through clever arguments, money and
In Trump with all
his idiosyncrasies and imperfections, the American have found a President who
works for free on behalf of the American people and whose personal wealth has diminished
by a few hundred million dollars annually.
Trump is not motivated by having more wealth or more properties. And that’s really scary to the “deep
cabal of
his political opponents consisting corrupt politicians and their financial
President Trump is
essentially a visionary Corporatist, who possessed great self- confidence to
improve the economic and social well-being of his American people. Trump’s economic
achievements in his first 20 months in Office speak for
themselves. Why would Americans not what
more of the goodies that he “produced”? Why allow Trump to be distracted by opposition
politicians with various parliamentary investigations into fabricated wrongdoings
and blocking the Presidential policies such as immigration, healthcare, education
and infrastructural reforms?
A Corporatist America can emerge from the
3rd American Civil War that will create good-paying jobs, put food
on the table, more money in the pockets, increase 401K value, reduce
homelessness, provides affordable healthcare available and a more prosperous
Singapore’s corporatist
democratic political model is a good starting point for America to discover
an upgraded version of a better democracy.
Singapore believes that democracy and democratic processes must and
should facilitate development or face irrelevance and oblivion, as we see in America today. Governments should promote the welfare
and well-being of its people, which Trump did in his early Presidency, and not
the intellectual development of political concepts. Americans in
their 3rd Civil War must learn to “trade-up” the benefits of a viable
democracy, instead of a “trade-off” between democracy and development.
political parties should become corporatist in their political orientation with the American people as their only primary political accountability,
not financial backers and powerful industrial vested interests. Continuous
electoral success comes from the American electorate, not election spendings.
America is better
off managing democracy as a governance tool with regular free and fair
elections and in a political climate characterized by freedom from fear,
freedom from want, freedom of religious beliefs and the freedom of choice. If
these were what American democracy could facilitate, it would be great! Since American democracy has failed, the
current configuration of democracy should be replaced by a democratic
corporatist one if the American people wish to journey toward a better, more
prosperous, fairer and equal “land of the free, home of the brave”.
PS. Mike, article too long. I have chopped off a few parts to make it shorter. Readers interested in reading full story can click on the links.