
Talking Points and View Points in Perspectives

Who and what is the cause of all troubles, instabilities, chaos, aggression and wars in this earthly world. The answer to who lies originally with the Jews and the Arabs of the Middle East and it has its roots thousands of years ago since Abraham which both the Jews and the Arabs claim to be their common ancestor. Abraham had two wives. The children  and descendants of his first wife subsequently became known as Arabs. The children and descendants of his younger wife who was also of fair complexion and original a slave or maid in the household became known as Jews. It seemed she and her children were favored by Abraham over those of his first wife. So the Arabs and the Jews are actually half brothers and half sisters. As time went by the descendants of the two wives went their separate ways and were always jealous of each other and  in everlasting feuds and quarrels. The Arabs became polytheist and worship many gods and idols. The Jews based their religious belief on Judaism which is based on the bible of the Old Testament and the Talmud, a collection of ancient Jewish laws and tradition for religious and social matters. The central belief of Judaism is that God is the creator of all things and the source of all righteousness.

The Jews were wanderers and travelled afar to found many semitic tribes also known as Hebrews. But wherever they may be the Jews were always more united by their religious belief in Judaism.The Arabs were great multipliers and also founded separate Arabic tribes. However the Arabic tribes tend to be more disunited perhaps  it could be due to the contention of their believe in separate different Gods and idols.

As time went by the Arabs observed that the Jews stayed very cohesive and united despite of being persecuted by the Egyptians and later by the Romans. One of the leaders of the Arabic tribes by the name of Mohammad observed that Jewish unity was due to their central and common believe in one God. It seemed Mohammad was determined to unite all the Arabic tribes. To do this he had to destroy the Arab practice of politheism and convert them to believe in only one God. monotheism. He took ideas from the Old Testament of the Holy Bible and wrote a religious doctrinaire book called the Koran, the ideas of which are more or less similar to the teachings propounded in the Old Testament. Armed with the Koran he went on a warpath to convert all Arabs to worship only one God, Allah. With that the rest is all history.

The above brief discourse whether it is true or not I do not know for I too heard it and read it from different sources. So please contribute your view points to the discussion.


Christianity and Islam

With the advent of Jesus Christ a new religion , Christianity was founded  It is based on the teachings of Jesus who is claimed by his followers to be the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity. In other words Christians claim that God appear in three forms and Jesus embodies being the Father, the Son as well as the Holy Spirit. Christian God is supposed to be a universal God. But it was hijacked by the Jews who claim that they are the chosen ones of God and bestowed with all the blessings above others. Christianity the teachings of Jesus Christ was first proliferated by his disciples....to be cont...


The best Asean Meeting held in Singapore

The three day Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting and Summit with the big powers just ended. The happiest man was Vivian Balakrishnan. He was so pleased with how the meetings went that he announced in the press briefing that this was the best and least quarrelsome meeting Asean ever conducted in recent years. The big powers bickering and fighting were left to themselves to fight with Asean remaining on the sideline as non participants, absolutely neutral, and Singapore being a small country, played the role of an honest broker, not taking sides, not acting as proxy for any big powers.

Why was it that the last few Asean meetings were so hot, so aggressive and unfriendly and so heated? Anyone wants to give the answer?

Asean was set up by the founding fathers to be a neutral organisation of South East Asian countries. That was the key principle of Asean. But in recent years, not this recent meeting, Asean meetings were like a boxing match for he big powers with Asean countries taking sides and some Asean countries arrogantly stood up as proxies for the big powers. Asean neutrality was like a ghost of the past, forgotten. The proxies were so proud to play their role to provoke and agitate for the big power masters, taking sides and firing at other big powers, acting like braggarts and hooligans.

This recent meeting is a big change. The little proxies somehow did not do what they did best, behaving like barking dogs of big powers. This time they meekly stood on the side lines. Without these monkeys jumping up and down at the biddings of the big powers, the big powers could not do much. They could not go yelling around like the little monkeys used to do. See, big men knew that behaving badly is bad. So they let the little monkeys to do such silly things, and some silly monkeys really loved their roles, punching above their weights, to punch at big powers.

They punched and punched until they kena blue black instead of the big powers. So they wise up this time, and play low key. So the meeting became more proper for serious discussions with a little bit of chest thumping but not going too wild.  Instead of mischievous rhetoric, many things were done and achieved in this meeting.

Let's hope future Asean Meetings would be just as polite and respectful without the little monkeys jumping all over the place. As long as Asean remains neutral it is easy to take a common position and he big powers would have no leverage to stir shit and turn Asean Meetings into a circus for their private agenda.


The logic of might is right

I feel very sad that I have to make this post to explain the logic of might is right. Anyone who lived long enough, eaten enough salt, would understand this statement without even the need for a tertiary education. I have made many statements, comments, assertions, allegations, etc etc and I do not see the need to defend them or to prove that they are right or wrong. I leave it to the readers to make their own conclusion or judgement of what I have said. It is pointless, futile, to want to explain that what is said is right or wrong. You do not waste your time trying to prove you are right to the one that holds the might. These few days I have read so many news about people trying to prove to the mighty that the mighty is not right and think they could win the argument. When the mighty said black is white, black is white. Period.

Please do not question the Americans or the British or the French that they were wrong and you have the facts and evidence to prove that you are right. Your right is wrong. Their wrong is right. They do not need any affirmation. They knew they are wrong but right. They said so.

The only time you can tell them they are wrong is when you carry a bigger stick than them and you can whack the daylight out of them. Remember the kangaroo court decision on the South China Sea island claimed by the Philippines? The kangaroo court is right. The American and all their cronies said so. You not happy, so what?

I could give you more examples on the logic of might is right. It is everywhere when power is on the side of the gangsters. For goodness sake, save your breath  and don't try to talk to the gangsters to want to prove that you are right and they are wrong. The gangsters are never wrong, only you are wrong. They knew they were wrong but they just insist that they were right. And you cannot do anything about it.

This is one reason why I often did not bother to reply or explain my position. What is right or wrong is not right or wrong. If you are the law, you are always right even when you are wrong. I could go on, but if one still cannot get this into his head, nothing will help him.

Stupidity has no cure. I feel very sorry for those that are right but are wronged because might is right. This is a historical hard truth that exists since the day of Adam and Eve. The earlier one understands this truth, the earlier one accepts this reality, the less angry and frustrated one will be. Life will be nicer, and one does not need to go around asking stupid question and get frustrated, and feel wronged.

The Evil Empire, The Mother of All Terrorism, will strike Again

US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis said on Sunday (Jun 3) that North Korea will receive relief only after it shows "verifiable and irreversible" steps towards denuclearisation....www.channelnewsasia.com

The above was spoken during the Shangri La Dialogue. This is a followup of an article written by Southernglory after the three Charlies decided to bomb Syria against all international law and ignoring the UN. North Korea would end up like Syria, Iraq and Libya if it totally dismembered its nuclear weapons.

This is the only thing holding it safe from an American attack, plus the protection of China and Russia. Once the North Koreans are unable to strike back, it would suffer the same fate as the middle eastern countries, at the mercy of the Americans and the West. Just look at how they are threatening Iran and getting ready to strike is a good case of concern for North Korea. The Americans have moved their aircraft carriers and strike force to the Persian Gulf. This hooligan evil Empire addicted to wars is going to start another war.

"So might is right." "The Bomb is the Law."  Three rogue western countries, USA, UK and France bombed innocent Syria without United Nations approval. Now Israel is attacking Syria daily with missiles and fighter bombers. Where are the voices of condemnation of these rogue states unlawful behaviour against Syria. Why are ASEAN countries keeping so quiet especially the few of those who were quick to tell China to follow the fake International Law claimed by the American lackies that dictated South China Sea the findings of the commercial tribunal?

Why are the world's Muslim unions and Arab leagues keeping so quiet? Where is the protest from the pan African Union countries? The hated USA and its two poodles UK and France have demonstrated that "Might is right and their bombs and Missiles " is the law. No one dared to condemn them. They are above International Law. They are unique and exceptional as arrogantly claimed by the American war hawk Pompeo. And so they can go berserk and kill others with impunity. But they cannot escape retribution no matter how evil and powerful they are now for it is the law of the way, the law of heaven and earth that retribution for evil deeds must surely come when the time is ripe.

What message are these rogue countries sending to the world? Are they not telling us that small and weak countries need to arm themselves with nuclear weapons to deter US / Western aggression. DPRK president Kim must tell Trump that talk of denuclearisation of North Korea is off the table until sanctions are lifted. To unilaterally disarmed is to invite an invasion from the Americans. The Americans are waiting for the North Koreans to fully denuclearise before invading.

Asian and Asean countries should not go along with the evil Americans sanction against North Korea.


Asia and Asean Initiative - Engage Iran and North Korea

The Americans have been setting the agenda for the whole world and dragging every country by the ears, coercing them to do the biddings of the Americans and to serve the interests of the American Empire. Some countries willingly and happily chose to be the lapdogs of the Americans, with pride, not feeling any shame, that they are part of the evil American Empire. Many countries were forced to do the bidding out of no choice, unable to fight back against this big bully.

The big Asian countries that were victims of the American Empire include some Asean countries with the Americans poking their fingers into their domestic affairs. The recent letter from Najib's office to the CIA begging and pleading for American support is a good point to look at. Many Asean countries have taken for granted and grudgingly allowed the Americans to push them around, putting sanctions on them, putting up road blocks and barriers to prevent them from participating fully in international affairs and trade.

China and Russia have been the victims of the American Empire since WW2 and continuously being attacked and bullied by the Americans even today. The Chinese Embassy was hit by 5 Tomahawk cruise missiles out of the blue by the evil Americans, killing 3 embassy staff and wounded at least 20 others. The Americans also threatened China with their aircraft carriers during a crisis with Taiwan in 1996. China was much weaker then and could not do much but swallowed their pride. But China was determined that this bully would not happen again. But the bully is still threatening and provoking China in the South China Sea with their white lies about freedom of navigation.

Russia has been bullied by the Americans in eastern Europe and the Middle East and is now left only with Syria and Iran as its allies. The countries in eastern Europe have been absorbed into Nato or pro Nato and increasingly become more hostile to the Russians.

The two Asian states that suffered the most from the American Empire are North Korea and Iran. The Americans have imposed sanctions on them for decades and laughing at them for being backward in their economies and poor in the case of North Korea. Both are under constant threat of an invasion with the Americans demonising them as belligerent and aggressive and would run amok to invade other Asian countries. The American lackeys knew that this is false, fake news, but quietly went along with their American masters. But many would want to trade with Iran and North Korea. In fact Japan, India and many Nato countries are buying cheap Iranian oils and are angry that the Americans are forcing a ban on this.

The Americans made Iran and North Korea their enemies. Asia and Asean need not be the enemies of Iran and North Korea. Why made them enemies when they have not done anything to harm Asian or Asean countries? Just because the Americans said so? How silly!

The fact is that none of these countries, Russia, China, Iran and North Korea, has invaded or colonised any Asian or Asean countries. The opposite is true. Asian and Asean countries were victims of the European and American invasion and colonisation. How stupid have the Asian and Asean countries been made to believe in the American and European lies that these 4 countries are dying to invade and colonise them.

The American agenda and lies and initiatives must be stopped. Asean and Asian countries must set the agenda for Asia and for the interests of Asian and Asean countries.  Just a few decades ago, China was in the same position as North Korea and Iran, painted as a threat to Asia and Asean. Things changed when Lee Kuan Yew and Kissinger engineered the engaging China strategy, to bring China into the international community, removed Cold War rhetoric, trade sanctions and barriers.

The result is a new China that is prosperous and peaceful and now providing assistance to rebuild Asean, Asia, Africa and the whole world. What happened to the western and American lie that China is an aggressive and belligerent nation and not a country of peace? Which country is constantly at war, threatening wars, inciting and provoking wars and imposing sanctions or other peaceful countries like North Korea and Iran?

North Korea and Iran have no intent nor the ability to invade and colonise any country in Asia, not Asean countries. It is time that Asian and Asean countries remove the blinkers forced upon them by the American Empire and look at Iran and North Korea in clear eyes. Asian and Asean countries must take the initiative to engage Iran and North Korea and bring them into the community of nations of Asia and Asean.

Asian and Asean countries must not be forced to live with the American lie and agenda. The initiative on how Asian and Asean countries conduct their relations, trade etc with each other must be decided by Asian and Asean countries, not to be dictated and forced upon by the evil Americans.

A peaceful and prosperous Iran and North Korea in Asia will be good for everyone in Asia and Asean. Asian and Asean countries must come together and tell the Americans to go fly their kite somewhere else. Asian and Asean countries must welcome Iran and North Korea into their community of nations for peace, prosperity and progress of Asia and Asean.

This initiative would definitely offend the Americans. The Asian and Asean countries must stand up for their own rights and interests and well beings. If not, they could easily be singled out one at a time by the evil Empire to be bullied and be treated as outcast and branded as a member of the Axis of Evil.  Malaysia and Indonesia are potential targets given their domestic politics. Myanmar has suffered for many decades under American pressure and is still suffering today. Vietnam too was a victim of the American Empire with its country bombed nearly to Stone Age, with many parts of the land still affected by Agent Orange and other agents of chemical warfare conducted by the evil Empire.

Asean will be meeting up with other Asian countries and it is timely to push for an Asian Asean Initiative to unite Asia and Asean countries, including Iran and North Korea for peace and progress of Asia. The destiny of Asia and Asean must be decided by Asian and Asean countries, not to live by the American agenda and bullying.Iran and North Korea are NOT our enemies and do not have to be.