Yahoo News reported that North Korea has produced a film about the Kim Trump Summit and also how impressed Kim was of Singapore and wanted to learn from Singapore. "But this film lavished praise on
prosperous, capitalist Singapore, lauding the "clean, beautiful and
advanced" nation and suggesting it had lessons to offer.
"Our comrade supreme leader said he is eager to learn the excellent
knowledge and experiences in various fields from your country," the
state media presenter cited Kim as telling Singapore officials."Indeed any developing country's leaders would be impressed with the infrastructure of Singapore and its development and wanted to learn from Singapore. Only those that are impossible to teach or already chose not to learn from Singapore would stubbornly refused to learn from Singapore. But before any country plunged blindly into the mind trap of learning from Singapore, they must be very clear what they want to learn, the good stuff and not the bad stuff.
Among the things that Kim must not from Singapore are the things that China also refused to learn from Singapore. Perhaps it would be better for Kim to have a chat with Xi Jinping first and learn what he should not learn from Singapore.
I would suggest the following things that Kim should avoid with a ten foot pole.
1. Do not pay their govt officials out of this world salaries to become instant millionaires. North Korea has no fear of any govt official becoming corrupt even if corruption is in the blood, They have effectively killed this notion among North Korean officials without the need to pay them crazily.
2. Do not dip into the people's life savings.
3. Do not blindly enhance the asset value of properties. This is a vicious cycle that can only lead to eventual self destruct. In other words, do not allow property prices to runaway uncontrolled.
4. Do not bring in foreigners excessively to take over the country and jobs of the Korean people.
5.Please add on....
Kim must also remember not to lose his country to foreigners or give up his country to foreigners when foreigners become Koreans with Korean citizenship and take over his country.