Mahathir was
the man that conceived the first Malaysia car, the Proton Saga. After more than
30 years of being the same car, the saga of the Proton is coming to an end after being sold to China. The
Proton Saga, without any new innovation, has outlived its existence unless
Malaysia wants to be like the British, having no more new ideas, trying to
market a 1960s technology in reinventing the Mini with some cosmetics. Malaysia
maybe able to sell some more Protons to the romantics, like the Minis and
Nokia, selling old products for keepsake, as momentos.
would not have this sort of things. Though no one bothers to do anything on the
Proton to make it a better and newer car after Mahathir left the PM’s
office, his return is giving him a second chance to revive his Malaysia pet dream
of an international Malaysia car. This time he is not talking about a car but a
jeep. Being a national car, oops, a national jeep, he has appropriately called
it a Najeep in short. And to break away from the antique Proton, he reinvented
a new car company called Potong.
So here you
have it, a new Malaysia car/jeep called Potong Najeep. OK this idea of a Najeep is not mine. I just borrowed it and gave it a little spin as V 1.02. The PM’s office has made
a pre order for a stretch version of the jeep. Mahathir would like the jeep to
be stretched for as long as he could, a stretch Potong Najeep for him to drive
Soon there
would be many Potong Najeeps on the Malaysia roads to make the Malaysians
Singapore would likely be invited to be part of this new car project to mend relations with Malaysia. Lim Eng Guan has said that Malaysia did not have the money, and there is plenty of money in Singapore. This is also a good opportunity for Singapore to be really making a car to make money instead of printing COEs. As for technology, China can also be invited to join. Japan may be a bit difficult as they would not sell their new technology unless Mahathir is happy with another old Lancer engine.
Looks like this Potong Najeep is going to be a reality even with Malaysia not contributing anything, no money, no technology, just say 'I want to have a Malaysia car, oops, jeep.' Like it or not, Mahathir would want this Potong Najeep to be his next pet project.
PS. My post for Saturday.
PS. My post for Saturday.