The statestimesreview posted this:
Speaking at the media conference in Tokyo on Sunday (Jun 10), Malaysia
Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad said that he will lead Malaysia’s
transformation to be like Japan. Calling for Malaysians to adopt
Japanese working ethics, the newly-elected Prime Minister said Malaysia
need to adopt a similar value system to produce quality work:
“It’s about acquiring also the Japanese work ethics, the Japanese sense
of shame whenever they fail to deliver what they have promised to
deliver… When I first came to Japan in 1961 – a country destroyed by war
– I watched the Japanese people work and work very hard to rebuild
their country, and sure enough the result was that Japan very quickly
became one of the biggest economies in the world. From a defeated
country, a destroyed country, Japan was able to rebuild itself at a fast
rate and effectively. I found that why the Japanese succeeded in
rebuilding their country was due to their work ethics, their value
system. If you have the wrong way of working, if you are not hardworking
and you don’t take pride in your work, you will fail. Japanese took
pride in making high quality products that were able to compete
successfully with those produced by other countries. But in Malaysia we
don’t have this value system, we don’t feel ashamed if we come up with
sloppy products which are of poor quality … whether what you do is good
or not does not seem to matter.”
Mahathir should ask himself, how could Malaysia be like Japan, how could
the work ethics be changed when success comes so easy. Just demand for a
30% share of anything, from ownership to profits without having to work
or to contribute anything of value? Where is the motivation to work
when all it needs to do is ask, demand and will be given?
The Malaysians that have work ethics similar to the Japanese have left
or are in Singapore. A whole new generation of bumiputra Malaysians has
been brought up with an entitlement mentality started by Mahathir
himself. How is Mahathir going to remove this and make Malaysia a
competitive society based on merit, hard work and contribution, not
based on race? To do so he would need to go back to year zero, the year
he became PM of Malaysia. Mahathir needs to erase everything from his
old drawing board and start anew.
Would those who have had it so good,
without having to work, allow this to happen? Where is the incentive to
work when there is no need to work to become millionaires and
Trump Kim Summit - The day after
Trump-Kim summit sets new 'error' in Singapore's history
This headline appeared in an article in Yahoo News by Nicholas Yong. Both pictures are from Yahoo News. Hopefully after spending $20m on this Summit, the Americans would now know that Singapore is not a part of Malaysia. Vivian needs to explain this to the State Dept officers in his next trip to the US. Obviously he did not tell them that Singapore is an independent city state during his trip to the US last week in preparation for the Summit.
Thankfully they did not write Singapore, China.
And hopefully the Brits, our ex colonial masters, would now know that Sentosa is a smaller island south of Singapore main island and not another name for Singapore. And they should not gasak buta in pasting the names of Shangri La Hotel and St Regis Hotel in Sentosa Island without bothering to check their accuracy. The work ethics of the Brits have degenerated so badly that no one would believe they once owned an empire.
What is happening now is that the armchair critics are out in full force trying to rubbish the meeting and the agreement signed, that there is a lack of details. In a Summit like this when so many things are involved, when nuclear weapons and facilities are involved, they expect all these to be in the document signed. Do they know how complex are the issues and processes of denuclearisation? Is it a one way denuclearisation or the Americans also have to remove all their nuclear weapons from the Korean Peninsula?
Another silly comment from the critics is that they don't trust the North Koreans, claiming that they have torn away agreements before. Do they know the reasons why the North Koreans were so frustrated that they had to do so? Did they hear what Iran's advice to the North Koreans, 'Do not trust the Americans'?
The silly critics are taking a position that only the North Koreans walked away from agreements and the Americans are honourable and always honoured their agreements. Where did they come from, Mars? Did they read the papers and know that the Americans have been doing exactly what they are accusing the North Koreans of? Paris Climate Change Agreement rings a bell? TPP rings a bell? Nafta and G7 agreements or disagreements ring a bell?
Have they watched any of the Hollywood production of cowboys killing Red Indians and Red Indians saying white men spoke with fork tongues? And many of these silly critics are Asians who speak and think as if they are white men. I can expect the white men to be wearing coloured lenses and not wanting to see their own faults and flaws and not wanting to admit them, but silly Asians, bananas are doing the same thing.
No wonder Asians would always be ruled by the white men. It is in their blood that white men are superior, like white gods. Ang moh tua kee.
Kim Trump Summit – Love at first sight
In the idyllic setting of a tropical island, with the sun shining
brightly, Kim and Trump finally met, like two star crossed lovers. Trump
was bowed over by the sincerity of this young leader from North Korea
and it was like the proverbial love at first sight. One could easily
notice the comfort level of Trump and his liking for Kim. What enemies?
They were like long lost brothers coming together for the first time
after years of separation.
Kim was scheduled to fly home by 2pm local time after lunch. When the two took a casual stroll in the courtyard of the colonial building of Capella Hotel, beaming after lunch, it was clearly too late to make a dash for the airport. They were in no hurry. Their expressions and body language said it all, that all was fine and both were happy of the outcome. The leisure stroll was the short break while officials hurried behind closed doors to put in the final details for a historic document to be signed by the President of the USA and the Chairman of North Korea. Trump even showed Kim the interior of his bullet proof limousine.
When the moment came, there was jubilation all around. Everyone was pleased with the two leaders signing a comprehensive agreement, hope the terms were not as stupid and ridiculous as the CECA signed between Singapore and India. Knowing how serious is this document and how nationalistic are the two signatories, both must be sure that they were signing an agreement that is favourable to their respective national interests.
The positive vibration spreaded immediately across the world and the Koreans, both North and South, must be the happiest people to share this moment of truth. Moon Jae In and his cabinet were reported to rise in applause at the signing of the document. The biggest winners of this historic event must be the people of the two Koreas. There is peace in sight and possibly a reunification in the not too distant future. Many past issues and hostilities would be history as Kim vowed to start on a clean slate, no more historical baggages.
The cynics, and as Trump put it, the ‘haters and losers’ would be sulking. The spoilers would be cursing and swearing that this agreement was made possible and signed by Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.
History is in the making and the likelihood of a Trump visit to Pyongyang and a similar visit by Kim to Washington are on the card. Trump was in good spirit, forgetting the dreaded meetings he had a couple of days ago with the G7 in Canada. He had good words for Kim, and every comment coming from him was positive, fantastic, better than expected.
Who would believe that this could be possible when a few weeks ago both were hurling insults and threats against each other? A face to face meeting and personal contact changed everything. Both men have built up a rapport and liking for each other that was spontaneous.
Yes it happened in the Capella, in Sentosa, in Singapore. This is a beautiful story with a beautiful ending. With Trump in charge, everything is unpredictable and possible. Trump and Kim were too happy men. Trump had never been so happy since he last won his election to be the President of the USA.
Kim was scheduled to fly home by 2pm local time after lunch. When the two took a casual stroll in the courtyard of the colonial building of Capella Hotel, beaming after lunch, it was clearly too late to make a dash for the airport. They were in no hurry. Their expressions and body language said it all, that all was fine and both were happy of the outcome. The leisure stroll was the short break while officials hurried behind closed doors to put in the final details for a historic document to be signed by the President of the USA and the Chairman of North Korea. Trump even showed Kim the interior of his bullet proof limousine.
When the moment came, there was jubilation all around. Everyone was pleased with the two leaders signing a comprehensive agreement, hope the terms were not as stupid and ridiculous as the CECA signed between Singapore and India. Knowing how serious is this document and how nationalistic are the two signatories, both must be sure that they were signing an agreement that is favourable to their respective national interests.
The positive vibration spreaded immediately across the world and the Koreans, both North and South, must be the happiest people to share this moment of truth. Moon Jae In and his cabinet were reported to rise in applause at the signing of the document. The biggest winners of this historic event must be the people of the two Koreas. There is peace in sight and possibly a reunification in the not too distant future. Many past issues and hostilities would be history as Kim vowed to start on a clean slate, no more historical baggages.
The cynics, and as Trump put it, the ‘haters and losers’ would be sulking. The spoilers would be cursing and swearing that this agreement was made possible and signed by Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un.
History is in the making and the likelihood of a Trump visit to Pyongyang and a similar visit by Kim to Washington are on the card. Trump was in good spirit, forgetting the dreaded meetings he had a couple of days ago with the G7 in Canada. He had good words for Kim, and every comment coming from him was positive, fantastic, better than expected.
Who would believe that this could be possible when a few weeks ago both were hurling insults and threats against each other? A face to face meeting and personal contact changed everything. Both men have built up a rapport and liking for each other that was spontaneous.
Yes it happened in the Capella, in Sentosa, in Singapore. This is a beautiful story with a beautiful ending. With Trump in charge, everything is unpredictable and possible. Trump and Kim were too happy men. Trump had never been so happy since he last won his election to be the President of the USA.
Singapore sinking deeper into the Villain’s Hole
Singapore pats its own back for hosting the premier Show of the Hustler
and the Kid in Sentosa and with pride telling the world that it is a
friend to everyone and is neutral in the game of geopolitics. How far is
this from the truth?
It does not take much for Singapore to lose its head and compromises itself willingly with a little flattery. Singapore seems oblivious to its role in antagonizing China in the South China Sea last year and in a way has resumed this role all over again. The evil American Empire has been provoking, agitating and challenging China at its door step. It has recruited two more diehard ex colonial powers to do its bidding to beat war drums in China’s courtyard by sailing their warships in the South China Sea claiming innocent passage and freedom of navigation.
Why is Singapore implicated in these acts of hostility and international gangsterism? Dunno? Sure, when one is intoxicated by a little flattery of self importance, one would forget what one is doing, even conniving with the gangsters to irritate and provoke their enemy, not Singapore’s enemy, and ended making one also an enemy of the targeted country.
The evil Americans have been launching their provocative actions in the South China Sea from their base in Singapore. Now would this make Singapore an accomplice to their hostile acts? The French and the British Navy also made use of the base in Singapore as stopovers, for refueling, resupply, servicing and R&R for their crews while on the way to provoke and challenge China in the South China Sea. Now, would the convenience provided by Singapore make Singapore a willing partner and a gang member in this game of hostility towards China?
What do you think? Does Singapore know that the Americans, Brits and the French were using Singapore as a base for their gangsterism and in challenging China’s sovereignity? Ignorance is no excuse, this is no kid’s stuff. Is Singapore comfortable with being a part of this western gangsterism and aggression against China? How long would it take for Singapore to wake up to know what it is doing, willingly or unwillingly that is hostile to China’s core interest?
It does not take much for Singapore to lose its head and compromises itself willingly with a little flattery. Singapore seems oblivious to its role in antagonizing China in the South China Sea last year and in a way has resumed this role all over again. The evil American Empire has been provoking, agitating and challenging China at its door step. It has recruited two more diehard ex colonial powers to do its bidding to beat war drums in China’s courtyard by sailing their warships in the South China Sea claiming innocent passage and freedom of navigation.
Why is Singapore implicated in these acts of hostility and international gangsterism? Dunno? Sure, when one is intoxicated by a little flattery of self importance, one would forget what one is doing, even conniving with the gangsters to irritate and provoke their enemy, not Singapore’s enemy, and ended making one also an enemy of the targeted country.
The evil Americans have been launching their provocative actions in the South China Sea from their base in Singapore. Now would this make Singapore an accomplice to their hostile acts? The French and the British Navy also made use of the base in Singapore as stopovers, for refueling, resupply, servicing and R&R for their crews while on the way to provoke and challenge China in the South China Sea. Now, would the convenience provided by Singapore make Singapore a willing partner and a gang member in this game of hostility towards China?
What do you think? Does Singapore know that the Americans, Brits and the French were using Singapore as a base for their gangsterism and in challenging China’s sovereignity? Ignorance is no excuse, this is no kid’s stuff. Is Singapore comfortable with being a part of this western gangsterism and aggression against China? How long would it take for Singapore to wake up to know what it is doing, willingly or unwillingly that is hostile to China’s core interest?
Peace in Korea-Far East Far From Certain.
Peace in Korea - Far East is far from certain. It all depends on the whims of the Evil Empire. It is too early and too naive to call Trump's meeting with Kim Jun Un as a "Mission of Peace" . We don't really know the Evil Empire's hidden agenda. From the American historical perspectives it is not very encouraging for no American president and no American government can ever be trusted. This we learn from the native American Indians who like to warn us that 'white men speak with fork tongues', the Mexicans , the South Americans and the Hawaiians who always have had raw deals from US inspite of peace talks and signing of peace treaties as well as American very hawkish and aggressive behaviour since the end of the Second World War in 1945.
Wrapping up the Korean ordeal is a temporary expedient for the Americans who may be preparing for a darker scenario on the horizon. The Evil Empire wild talk at the recent Shangrila Dialogue of stepping up provocative actions in the South China Sea and of taking out Chinese defensive facilities in Chinese own sovereign territories are war drums loud and clear and do not bode well for Asia and the Far East and for the whole world.
Are the Americans trying to achieve a temporary respite of peace in Korea in order to create a larger and more vicious conflict in the South China Sea and East China Sea periphery. US defence secretary Matthis said on 2nd June, 2018 at the Shangrila Dialogue " The issue of US withdrawing its troops from South Korea is not on the table." and " US will intensify more actions in the South China Sea." Then its commander of the Pacific 7th Fleet threatened to take out Chinese defence facilities in Chinese sovereign islands. Of course China is prepared to complement whatever actions the Evil Empire may take.
The whole idea of denuclearisation of Korea is to achieve genuine everlasting peace in Korea and the Far East inclusive of South East Asia and the South China Sea region. However if US continues to maintain troops and military bases in South Korea, Japan, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Philippines and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean inspite of denuclearisation of Norfth Korea and the signing of a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War then there is a breach of trust and thus arousing a suspicion of US hidden agenda of wanting to create hot spots in other parts of the Far East namely the South China Sea and East China Sea. Thus in so far as US continues its provocative actions and words it will lend credence to the suspicion.
China has every right to build defensive installation in her own territories. Any objection by US and its allies is just outrageous interference in China's internal affairs. Instead US should close down and dismantle all its worldwide military bases to show its sincerity in wanting world peace and not for threatening others with aggression and world hegemony.
Monday,11th June,2018
Wrapping up the Korean ordeal is a temporary expedient for the Americans who may be preparing for a darker scenario on the horizon. The Evil Empire wild talk at the recent Shangrila Dialogue of stepping up provocative actions in the South China Sea and of taking out Chinese defensive facilities in Chinese own sovereign territories are war drums loud and clear and do not bode well for Asia and the Far East and for the whole world.
Are the Americans trying to achieve a temporary respite of peace in Korea in order to create a larger and more vicious conflict in the South China Sea and East China Sea periphery. US defence secretary Matthis said on 2nd June, 2018 at the Shangrila Dialogue " The issue of US withdrawing its troops from South Korea is not on the table." and " US will intensify more actions in the South China Sea." Then its commander of the Pacific 7th Fleet threatened to take out Chinese defence facilities in Chinese sovereign islands. Of course China is prepared to complement whatever actions the Evil Empire may take.
The whole idea of denuclearisation of Korea is to achieve genuine everlasting peace in Korea and the Far East inclusive of South East Asia and the South China Sea region. However if US continues to maintain troops and military bases in South Korea, Japan, Guam, the Marshall Islands, the Philippines and Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean inspite of denuclearisation of Norfth Korea and the signing of a peace treaty officially ending the Korean War then there is a breach of trust and thus arousing a suspicion of US hidden agenda of wanting to create hot spots in other parts of the Far East namely the South China Sea and East China Sea. Thus in so far as US continues its provocative actions and words it will lend credence to the suspicion.
China has every right to build defensive installation in her own territories. Any objection by US and its allies is just outrageous interference in China's internal affairs. Instead US should close down and dismantle all its worldwide military bases to show its sincerity in wanting world peace and not for threatening others with aggression and world hegemony.
Monday,11th June,2018
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