This article is a follow up to Redbean's article yesterday, 06-06-2018. asking Pompeo to declare how many native American Indians and African Americans have white European invaders killed in the last few hundred years.
The European Americans continuous killings and murders of non-white people have been going on for the last four or five hundred years. They have exterminated about 85 million native Americans , followed by killings of African Americans, the Mexicans and the mass lynching and killing of Chinese Americans. Now they are starting wars everywhere killing by the millions in Middle-East, Africa, Asia and South America.
When Christopher Columbus, the European pirate chief and representative of of the Spanish crown and Catholic faith first set foot in the new world on 12th October, 1492, it was viewed as the beginning of the long road of persecution and genocide of native American. Every year on this day of 12th October, native American Indians all over the Americas will hold a symbolic trial of Christopher Columbus that will end with the symbolic execution of his effigy for crimes committed during the conquest of America. He faced multiple charges such as genocide and slave trafficking as well as robbery and plunder. Throughout the Americas the native Indians view his arrival in 1492 as the start of five centuries of oppression and suppression by white men.Earlier in September 2016 , I had in Redbeanforum - Global Affairs described in some details in four parts , Part 1 to Part 4 , about how the Christian Europeans systematically planned their massacre and extermination of the natives from 1603 to 1960s on the premise that the natives are savages who do not deserve the rich and resourceful lands which their Christian God had meant for white men.
Below are some random brief descriptions of the tragedies and sufferings of native American Indians and others at the merciless and satanic hands of the European marauders.
The natives were used as slaves by both the British and the French invaders.Subsequently when the British and the French were indulged in the fight and struggle for supremacy to control North America they recruited the natives to fight in their colonial wars. The natives were sacrificed as gun fodder by the British and the French and they died in their thousands.
After its independence in 1975 , US began to harass the native self-governing Indian states by forcing them to move to the West. This force removal in 1828 known as the 'The Trail of Tears' was carried out by President Andrew Jackson, one of America's most cruel anti-non-white presidents. In 1838 about 20,000 Cherokee tribes in the southern states were forced to walk to barren desert lands earmarked as Indian Reserve Territory in the west. They suffered great hardship under brutal conditions for they were not given any food or water . Over six thousand natives died in the forced march of the 'Trail of Tears.'
As more and more prime native lands were acquired by the whites for cotton growing - a cash crop at the time more tribes were uprooted and forcibly removed to the west Some of the Indian tribes removed were the Cherokees, Choctaws, Chicasaws, Creeks,and Seminoles. Any resistance aqainst removal was brutally put down. A Cherokee tribal chief, John Ross was murdered. The Choctaws were forced to move in1831. The Creeks were removed westward in 1837. The Seminoles of Florida were removed from Florida in 1857. All were moved to the west in what is now the present state of Oklahoma.
In 1834 the natives suffered further deprivation. Under the Indian Reorganization Act the whites exercised even more rigid and inhuman control over Indian Tribal Affairs. In 1887 under the Dawes Act Indian children were forcibly removed from their parents . Almost all the children were intentionally starved to death. ( This horrible practice was similarly carried out by the whites in Australia against the aborigines to decimate their population.) By end of 1900s more than two thirds of Indian lands were taken away. The native Sioux tribes under their chief Big Foot who together with his warriors were having peace talks negotiating with US army officers. However without warning US troops suddenly fired endlessly into tribal camps killing Chief Sitting Bull and Big Foot together with about five or six hundred of their unarmed warriors, including men, women and children in the most gruesome and brutal massacre.
In 29th December, 1890, white men carried out one of the most brutal massacres of unarmed native civillians. The massacre took place at the Dakota Indian Reservations and was eventually known as "Massacre At Wounded Knee."
From1900s to 1950s under the Relocation Act thousands of Indians were moved to cities on a one way traffic with no chance of going back to their tribal lands. In the cities the Indians were put in inhuman shabby quarters and were forced to work in very low wage jobs. Eventually all the tribal lands were privatised and acquired by white men under only white ownership.
US Massacre of African Americans.
In 1816 President Andrew Jackson who was then an army general massacred hundreds of African American militia in his conquest of Florida.
The massacre of American negros were just as often and frequent as the massacre of native Americans. Suffice here to just mention a few of the most wanton killings and murders of African Americans.
The Fort Pillow Massacre.
On 12th April, 1864 white soldiers shot and killed hundreds of unarmed negro soldiers who fought for the Union.On 13th April, 1873 about one hundred or more of African Americans were shot in cold blood in a local court house in Colfax, Louisiana. Inj 1874 in New Orleans supreme court justice Joseph P. Bradley overturned rulings against three convictions of white massacre perpetrators and in silence gave full support to Ku Klux Klan to legalise murders of negros.In 1876 , Bradley's ruling was upheld by Federal supreme court.
The Rio Negro Massacres.
Between 1980 to 1982 more than 5000 negros were shot when they held a peaceful demonstration against the building of a Chixoy hydroelectric dam in their precints which was financed by Inter American Development Bank.
The Tulsa Massacre of thousands of negros.
During the Tulsa race riot from may 31st to 1st June, 1921, white mobs ran rampage killing tens of thousands of African Americans . Blacks houses were set on fire and more than 15,000 blacks were made homeless.
The Tulsa massacre of blacks were omitted from local and state histories Neither the state government nor the Federal government compensated the negros for their losses in human lives and properties. During these Tulsa riots black men, women and children were brutally killed by murderous mobs of white civillians, local police and national guardsmen.
The only reason Tulsa blacks were killed was because they were very enterprising and successful of being able to build a separate and prosperous independent community and because they dared to dream .
Between 1824 and 1952 over 300 events were classified as "White Race Riots " in which white communities turned on and destroyed entire black communities.
Massacre of Chinese Americans in 1q871.
On October 24th 1871 , a mob of 500 white hooligans entered Los Angeles China Town and began to attack , rob and murder Chinese residents. Hundreds of Chinese were cornered and killed. The Chinese were systematically killed by the mob making China Town massacre the largest incident of mass lynching in American history.
None of the massacre perpetrators were convicted .
The white American government owes the Chinese a debt of blood which has yet to be paid.
The mass removal of natives to the west and the mass killings , genocide and mass mob lynching of American natives, African Americans and Chinese Americans were either official state policy or state supported with white soldiers and police playing a major or leading part.
The oppression and suppression of non-whites is continuing right to this day of the 21st century.
NB : I hope netizens will help to expose the evils that are inherent in white American and European countries by whenever possible copy, paste and forward informative articles to friends and relatives all over the world so as to debunk their lies , fake and distorted news and information as well as toxic propaganda. This must be done because over 90 percent of the world's mass media is controlled and monopolised by US and its western allies and that includes the mass media in Singapore and South East Asia ASEAN countries.
Thursday, 7th June, 2018