
Singapore's elusive reserves

"For strange reasons, the PAP has refused to disclose the size of our past reserves.
For stranger reasons, past reserves could be depleted/kosong but Singaporeans will still be informed that the funds are still there....It’s about time President Halimah does her job and disclose the tens of billions that have quietly left our reserves.  Or have been lost."  Phillip Ang

Phillip Ang posted another article on the nation's reserves and questioned if there is any left and how much have been lost.

For a start, someone should raise in Parliament on the 28 times or 30 times that the reserves were drawn down during Nathan's watch. The people want to know the reasons for these drawdowns and how much were drawn down and how much were put back. We only learnt of these drawn downs but no details were given, or at least that is all I know.

Was the details made known when these were highlighted in Parliament? Can someone enlighten on these?

The Americans and Japanese have decided that US bases must remained in Korea

What was the main reason for the stationing of American troops in South Korea? No prizes for correct answer. There was a war between North and South Korea. Though there is a truce, technically both sides are still at war and American troops are needed because the useless South Koreans could not defend themselves against the North Koreans. So they needed the Americans to back them up just in case they got they got themselves chased all the way to Pusan again. Never believe that the South Koreans could defend themselves against the North. If they could, then there will be no need for the American presence.

With the changing of time and leadership, the North Koreans are willing to talk about peace and peaceful reunification of the two Koreas. If they do and agree to peace and both Koreans establish friendly relations and taking steps to reunify the two people, why is there a need to have the continuing presence of American bases in the Korean Peninsula?

The Japanese are hyping about the threats of China and Russia when in reality it was the Japanese that invaded China and Russia in the Second World War. The threat to peace in north east Asia is from the Japanese, not China or Russia. The Japanese have a lot of reasons to want the American troops to remain in Korea. If the Americans were to move out, the only American colony left in Asia would be Japan. As a proud people, they would not want to be seen as the only country that is still colonized by the Americans. They would want the Koreans to be dragged into the same sorry state of affair.

Also, militarily, if there is a conflict between the US and China or Russia, the first military targets would be the American bases in Korea instead of Japan. When all the American bases are in Japan, Japan would be the first to be hit while the Koreas would be safe from any attacks and becoming a war zone.

As for the Americans, the bases are there as part of the American Empire, to contain China and Russia and also to keep Korea as a colony. And this is exactly the reason why they are deciding that the bases must stay without having to consult the Koreans. To the Americans, the Koreans are just subjects of the American Empire and the Americans are the overlord that decides what and where they want to put their military bases. A colony has no right to object, no speaking right on such matters.

Both the Americans and Japanese would like the Koreans to continue to be an American colony and the first line of defence of the American Empire. Sorry Koreans, even if you are united as a single Korea, you will still remain as an American colony and the American troops would be there to take charge and control of your country.


Shangri La Dialogue - America's Military Forum for War

China has been accumulating trillions of reserves over the last 3 decades from international trades. The Americans are spending trillions of their reserves in the same period in conducting wars and destabilizing nations to maintain it dominance as the American Empire.

While the Americans are spending its trillions in conducting wars, in building weapons of wars, weapons of mass destruction and in selling arms, China is doing the reverse. China is ploughing its wealth into infrastructure developments in China and around the world, in manufacturing and in trades. While the Americans are trying to use and military might to maintain its grips and controls over its allies and enemies, provoking, threatening and intimidating countries with their military might, China is offering a helping hand to help countries to rebuild their infrastructure and to facilitate trades.

From Central Asia to the Indian Ocean, from Latin America, Africa to the Pacific Ocean, China has been spending its money for peaceful purposes to help these countries in their infrastructure and economic development. China is building ports in the Pacific Ocean, in Hamtambota, Sri Lanka, in Mauritius, in Malaysia, in Pakistan, in Greece, in Portugal and in Europe, to link all these countries under the Belt and Road Initiative. On land, the Central Asian landlock countries are linked to Europe and Africa with land transport hubs.

As a result, the economies of these countries are given a boost by the Chinese investments. Many of these countries were out of the way of traditional trade routes or been sidelined under the old trade routes. With the openings provided by the BRI, these countries are now in the centre of new trade routes and economic development. Despite all the negativities, threats and pressure from the Americans, the Chinese offer of development versus the American’s alternative of wars and buying weapons is an offer they cannot refuse. Some of these ports were leased to China on a 99 years lease, an arrangement that many nationalistic govts would refuse to sign away. This is in contrast to the Americans and the Europeans that came to conquer and to seize these countries as their colonies some for imperpetuity, without paying a cent. Countries leasing their ports to China must have seen the benefits from such contracts to their countries to say no.

The Chinese plan is very simple. Pour in the money for economic development and trade. Bring or divert economic activities to these countries and their ports. It is easy to build ports and road leading to nowhere like the Aussies claimed and trying to discredit and derail the Chinese BRI. China did not build these ports for nothing. Ports exist and thrive only when the ships are calling. The ships would only call when there are reasons to come. A good example is the Changi Airport. World travelers would come to Changi to visit the Jewel shopping centre? Not sure why they would visit the Tuas super port. The Chinese ships would skip Tuas when the Malaysian ports are ready. All Chinese ships would transit to all the ports they built in the BRI plan. A great example is the revival of the port in Greece and in Pakistan and soon Hamtambota.

Money speaks, when money is used wisely to benefit all parties. The govts of countries participating in the Chinese BRI could see all the benefits in the project. No gun was used to point at the head of these leaders unlike the days of western colonialism and imperialism. The respective govts could see what were good for their countries to jump on the bandwagon of growth and economic development, to prosper their countries in peaceful development instead of wars and living in fear of wars. No need to buy more weapons from the evil Empire.

Money is for food and the well being of their people, not for war machine to conduct wars. Wise govts would use their money wisely, not to buy guns.

The attitude and aggressiveness of the Americans are clearly evident in the Shangri La Dialogue. The American's plan is very simple, create tension, create fear by branding some countries as hostile and then offer them military treaties to protect them from the red herrings. Then continue to offer to sell weapons and war machine. If this does not work, raise the spectre of terrorism, support terrorists and used them to conduct terrorist acts in the countries, and then offer to fight the terrorists just like in the Phillippines and in Iraq and Syria. Send in the terrorists to terrorise the country and people and march in as the soldiers of God. They have been 'helping' the Phillippines to fight terrorism but the problem would not go away. Why? They have sent in terrorists into Syria and pretended to be fighting them to no end. Only when Russians moved in that the terrorists are defeated.

Now the Americans are trying to start another war zone in the South China Sea by sending in their warships to threaten and intimidate China. The evil Americans are playing with fire. China is not a pushover. The sad part is that the Asean countries would be dragged into this turmoil by this evil Empire and everything would be history.

The Shangri La Dialogue is a platform for the evil Americans to promote their war plans and incite countries to go to war. The Americans have nothing good to offer to the world except wars and war machine and weapons of mass destruction.


Parking fees - Pay to serve and defend nation

When everything is reduced to dollar and cents, everyone will become mercenaries, money minded. The notion of nation and state, of loyalty and honour, selflessness, devotion and duty would not count any more except in monetary terms. How much is loyalty, honour, duty? How much is defending the country, dying for the country? Who would be stupid enough to want to defend the country and die for a few hundred dollars when others are grabbing in the millions?

With the introduction of parking fees in military camps and even in schools, the financial burden to pay for parking in these premises would bear on the soldiers and teachers who often than not, volunteer extra time, their own time, to do more, to remain in camps and schools, to serve and to do that little bit more for the nation and students.

When time spent in schools and camps is now being charged, by parking fees, would the soldiers and teachers still want to stay in the camps and schools, feel so free and willing to go back to the camps and schools, to do more, to walk that extra mile?

Why would people want to pay to do more, to serve the people and defend the nation? The amount may not be big, but it is the same story of being penny wise pound foolish. Do not forget, going back to schools and camps burns petrol dollars as well. Now the teachers have to think of money burning away plus paying parking fees to do extra. How many teachers and soldiers would be put off by these increases and rather stay at home and enjoy their own private time? When everything is about money, in this case it is an extension of the desperation to find more money for the govt because somewhere there is a big hole to be filled, and a big crack that is leaking money, so finding more money in taxes and fees at all cost becomes the rule of the day.

The well being of school children and national defence take a backseat, not as important as finding more money. In such desperation, even the pockets of teachers and soldiers are not spared. The consequences could be lesser teachers and soldiers remaining in schools and camps than necessary to volunteer their services to the children and the nation. What for when such noble acts are not appreciated, probably regarded as being daft?

Stupidity has no cure despite the rubbish they spurt from their anus which they think are good reasons, sound logic, wisdom for doing so. They would not know that they are talking nonsense and sounding silly. For a few dollars, they are killing the initiative and drive of those who want to volunteer to do more for nation and people.


Modi to help Singapore’s unemployment problem

Modi’s visit to Singapore brings hope that the problem of unemployment of Singapore’s educated PMET could finally be solved after many ended up as taxi drivers and security guards. Modi is telling the Singaporeans that there are plenty of employment opportunities in India, in start ups, in digital industries with India moving ahead in digitalization, e payments security, smart city management and e commerce. There are a lot of synergies with the Singaporeans having many years of experience working with Indian professionals in Singapore.

Modi is calling for the upgrading of the mutually beneficial CECA to facilitate more Indian professionals to come to work in Singapore and Singapore’s unemployed PMETs to go to India to find employment. This is a win win arrangement that would benefit the Indian professionals and Singapore’s jobless PMETs. With their years of experience in management and the professions, Singapore’s PMETs would have a lot to offer to Indian companies. At the worse, they could offer their years of experience in driving taxis to improve the quality of taxi services in India.

India is helping Singapore to solve its PMET unemployment problem and Singapore in turn is also helping India to solve its unemployed graduates problem. This kind of synergies and complementarity is hard to come by when both countries would stand to benefit.

Singapore should award the highest medal to Modi and vice versa, India should do likewise for helping India by providing jobs to its hundreds of thousands of unemployed graduates. There is a little hitch here. Who should India award this prestigious medal to, Hsien Loong, Chok Tong or George Yeo?

Yes, Singapore and India should form a strategic pact and ‘The two lions should step into the future together.’ What a great idea and great cooperation between one of the largest country in Asia and one of the smallest country in the region.

Singapore should thank Modi and India profusely for helping to solve its unsolvable PMET problem. The poor things in Singapore at last can have an outlet to find jobs in India. India will open its door wide wide just like Singapore to welcome our PMETs.