
USA attacks Syria

The Americans are so desperate to save ISIS that they have to attack Syria with a fabricated lie like Sarin gas claimed to be used by Assad against his own people. Today, after the WMD lie in Iraq was exposed, who would ever believe the American lies anymore. But the desperadoes had no choice if they don't act now, there would be no more ISIS left in Syria.

The attack on Syria is also a prelude to a similar attack on North Korea. It would be done in the same way. Kim JongUn better be prepared. Would Russia and Assad hit back at the 6th Fleet? If no, that would be the end of the Russians and Assad in Syria. Let's watch what Putin would do.

The Americans are saying, I can hit you but you cannot hit me or afraid to hit me. This is a lesson that Kim JongUn must learn quickly before the missiles fall on North Korea. He must make it known to the Americans that if the Americans are free to hit North Korea anywhere at their discretion, the North Koreans would also hit the Americans at their own discretion. The choice targets would be American bases in Yokosuka and Okinawa and also those in South Korea.
The world is at the brink of a WW3 with Putin deciding when he is going to strike at the Americans. The mad Americans are gambling that Putin would not retaliate. North Koreas should buy a few DF21 quickly and aim at the aircraft carriers in the Sea of Japan. A hit on one of these aircraft carriers would be a sound warning to the Americans not to fool around with the North Koreans.

Watch out for more fireworks both in the Middle East and in East Asia.

US owes Cambodia billions of dollars in war debt, ( Continue )

In the intervening years several attempts were made by CIA to assassinate Prince Sihanouck. Fortunately all the attempts failed.
The so called war debt US demand from Cambodia was money given to the illegitimate government of Lon Nol, a traitor and US running dog. Only Lon NOl and a few of his accomplices benefitted from the money given by US. Since Lon Nol's rule was illegitimate it follows naturally that the debt has nothing to do with the present legitimate government of Cambodia under Hong Sen.

To demand Cambodia to repay millions in dubious war debt is tantamount to extortion . This reminds the world how previously many European countries, ( inclusive of England, France, Germany, Holland and Russia ) US and Japan attacked and invaded China and after defeating China in their imperial wars they jointly demanded and imposed on China to pay each of their country hundreds of millions of Chinese silver dollars as compensation in war indemnity. This indemnity was imposed in addition to their illegal occupation of Chinese territories as fruits of their victory and in exercising exterritorial rights in all the Chinese ports and cities where they were in absolute control of custom duties and revenues and taxes resulting in lost of revenue to China and thus devastatingly impoverished China. Isn't Cambodia in a similar position now.

Prince Sihanouck knew it never paid to receive US aid or loan for it only served to  undermine Cambodia's independence and cause it to destabilise and destroy Cambodia.Nevertheless US infiltrated Cambodia's military through CIA and succeeded in recruiting General Lon Nol to stage a coup against Prince Sihanouck forcing into exile in Beijing under the safe protection of China.

During Lon Nol's illegitimate rule from 1966 to mid 1970s US carried out mass carpet bombing all over Cambodia causing not only great destruction and massive lost of lives but also tremendous lost of economic activities . The mass carpet bombing cost irreparable damage to Cambodia's eco systems because of US use of defoliage agent 'agent orange'. Even now thousands of unexploded bombs and mines are still found embedded underground all over Cambodia causing deaths and casualties every year to Cambodians who unknowingly stepped on or hit the mines in the course of their daily life activity.

The lost to Cambodia resulting from US invasion and carpet bombing is incalculable . It should be in the region of hundreds of billions of dollars . Cambodia should now claim this compensation from US and present it with the bill which is only just and proper.


Friday, 7th April, 2017

US owes Cambodia billions of dollars in war debt

The headline " US insists Cambodia repay millions in war debt, plus interest " in Today's paper on Tuesday, 4th April,2017, is both mischievous and misleading.

It is disgusting. outrageous, shameful undignified and wrong for US to demand Cambodia to repay 'war debt' What is the nature of this war debt? How did it arise? If one goes deep into US involvement into Cambodia's affairs from 1950s to 1970s one will discover the treachery of US, the never ending evil plots of US to try to get rid of the legitimate government of Prince Sihanouk.

Prince Sihanouk knew from the very beginning never to receive US aid or take a loan from US. Here I quote what Prince Sihanouk said, " What I soon discovered was that in accepting their aid, we were infecting ourselves with a virus which poisoned the national bloodstream" and again " that dollar aid was used to purchase treachery. " He was shocked that the modest twenty-five million dollars which Cambodia received annually from US through France in the 1950s during a decade to patch up a war shattered and colonialist - plundered economy which he naively thought would go to improve the lives of his compatriots would suddenly spiralled to more than 400 million annually when it became a question of massacring them. In short US was using the aid dollar to " hire Asian traitors to kill Asian patriots" which is the essence of US doctrine on dollar aid and by which Cambodia has been laid waste.

Prince Sihanouk then turned to Chinese help. Chinese aid was completely free, without conditions and aimked specifically at developing the economy with plans to set up plants to produce cement, textiles, paper, plywood, agricultural implements and other goods.

However, from China was sabotaged by US through CIA which worked hand in glove with internal corrupt traitors, the CIA supported 5th columns, the compradores who were making fortunes in pretending to import those goods which the Chinese built factories were able to produce. It suited US economic and political interest to keep Chinese Soviet aid out. The interests of US and the compradores were identical except the latter represent treachery.

US dollar aid was used to impoverish Cambodia except it  enriched a few traitors , for the mkoney would flow back to US in terms of purchasing US low grade products at a prohibitive price. It also reduced Cambodia's political independence when US used the aid to build 5th columns to sabotage and undermine Cambodia's independence. Thus Prince Sihanouck had to put a stop to US cancerous aid.

US then used subterfuge to overthrow Prince Sihanouk and plotted a coup to instal a traitor in the military, Marshall Lon Nol to the powerful post of prime minister in 1966 and to 1972 when he proclaimed himself as president of the Republic of Cambodia.

32 year foreign talent appointed as athletic technical director

Singapore’s dearth of talent is again exposed with the appointment of a 32 year old foreign talent as the Singapore Athletics technical director. Volker Herrmann will not be the one and only 30s super talent that have found jobs here in spite of the plentiful of old cocks, oops I mean coaches, that were not deemed good enough. There are so many of these 30s foreign talents all over Singapore holding positions that Singaporeans would love to be in, from the academics to entertainments and many other fields.
And sure enough this new talent has enough of talent to tell the daft sinkies that Singapore has a very nice stadium, nearly perfect sporting infrastructure, commitments and dedications shown by athletics, high technical level, high level of coaching, old coaches are willing to learn new tricks, have good knowledge, etc etc.  Despite all this great stuff, our athletics are not on the podium of international sports or rarely. So a foreign talent would change this sorry state of affair.
Now what is the solution? According to this Herrmann, it is communication and collaboration among the fraternity and a back to basics approach to training will be the key to success beyond the region. Oh, not just these, training must be about quality, not quantity. ‘But the trend now is to focus on the quality of the training, so we need to reduce the volume of training and focus on the technique and intensity of the sessions instead.’ This reminds me of what the MOE was trying to do in the last regime before the two new ministers came in to change everything. Yes, teach less and learn more or something like that. Now I get the picture, it is not the volume but the quality of the teaching or training.
Ok, not so simple. Herrmann added, athletics is a late developer sport, so must have long term development plan for budding athletes. He added, ‘If you have the wrong fundamentals, like a lack of coordination, lack of core strength, lack of general endurance, you’ll never be able to make it to world class…So we need to ensure that these kids have the appropriate age related training. It should be joyful, it should impact different parts of the body, the brain, and the central nervous system.’
My God, why aren’t our coaches aware of all these good stuff? Where have they been, what have they been learning and teaching? Now a 32 year old foreign talent, with all 32 years of experience, l mean life experience, not sure how many years of coaching experience, is here to share with them how to improve the performance of our athletes in world competition.
This must be another case of money well spent and worth every cent paid for it. We need more 30 year olds to teach our old cocks how to be coaches and in every field of endeavours. It looks like we have a nation of obsolete unthinking Ah Peks, cannot innovate anymore and with all good facilities and good stuff, still cannot produce any good results. Anyone above 40 year old is out of sync, out of touch with the latest knowledge in all fields. Yes, they need to go for retraining to be taxi drivers and security guards. Maybe can find good jobs in third world countries. The old cliché that old is wisdom needs to be thrown out of the window.  Forget about the oldies, especially daft sinkie oldies. I am one of them.
Youth is talent, especially foreign, knowledge and wisdom from any corner of the globe, never mind little towns and villages will be better than our old cocks.


Distorted news or alternative truth

 During the Aquino claim on the SCS islands, the media had been reporting that the Hague Tribunal was ‘UN backed’ almost daily to give the impression that it was indeed an authoritative organization with UN backing. Now no one dares to mumble this phrase ‘UN backed’ anymore. Why?

The latest media onslaught is at North Korea. Today’s headline is about North Korea being the aggressive and provocative country wanting to go to war. ‘Asia gets the chills as Pyongyang goes on warpath’, ‘Washington, allies stage drills as show of force against Pyongyang’, ‘Trump presses China on N Korea’, ‘North Korea threatens to hit back’, or North Korea planning another nuclear test. All intent and purpose is to point the finger at the North Korean as the bad guys, the people that want to start a war.

The question, what is wrong with a country building up and developing weapons for its own defence, protection and security? The Americans possessed thousands of nuclear warheads that could destroy the whole world and is acceptable in the name of defence. And the Americans are going to develop more nuclear weapons, deadlier than what they are having now while the North Koreans are branded as a threat for trying to develop prototype, low destructive power nuclear weapons, is not acceptable?

Did the North Koreans amass their troops and war craft and conduct war games to simulate attacking South Korea, to attack Japan or to attack the USA? Who is threatening who? The Americans are saying they would act alone, to invade North Korea.

What do you think were the Americans doing outside the gate of North Korea? Yes, conducting war games to simulate attacking and invading North Korea. Now they have two nuclear strike groups stationing outside the North Korean border, the 7th Fleet and the 3rd Fleet, both heavily armed and could destroy the whole of North Korea by pressing a few buttons. Is this not a threat of war, not provocative, not threatening to the North Koreans that they must be prepared, be on red alert in case they are invaded? The Americans could do that at any moment, just like in the SCS when the Japanese American Commander told his man war could be any time? This is how war like the Evil Empire has become. Many clowns still claimed that the Americans are peaceful and benign super power when they are starting wars everywhere.

Why would not the media write some headlines like ‘American forces amassing outside North Korea threatening war’, or ‘American practicing an invasion of North Korea’, or Americans provoking a war with North Korea?

Who is more dangerous? Who is more ready to start a war, the North Koreans or the Americans? The Americans, according to Tillerson, is about to start a war with N Korea, for what fucking reason? Is North Korea threatening the USA? Why can’t the N Koreans have their own nuclear weapons when the Americans have thousands of them?

Think? What is the truth? What is distorted truth? What is alternative truth?