After one
month in office, Trump has been convinced by the war merchants that the only
industry that is keeping America going and paying enough taxes for the good
life is the war industry. And Trump is sold. All the ministries’ budget would
be cut to give more money for the military to spend. This is not just about hegemony but also
about making money. It serves a dual purpose, keeping the world busy
quarrelling and fighting among themselves and making the Americans not only
rich but in control, in charge, as the self appointed policeman of the world, creating
troubles so that it has a job to police the world.
But there is
a cheaper strategy to dominate the world, to keep the American Empire as the
only hegemon. This is simply done by pointing fingers. Yes, the Americans has
used this strategy all the time and very successful. All the Americans need to
do is to brand someone or country as evil, accuse them of all kinds of crimes, war
crimes, currency manipulation, dumping, freedom of navigation, human rights
violation, a threat no matter how ridiculous it is, and the silly unthinking
people of the world would believe so and start to echo what the Americans and
the western media are saying, without wasting a moment to ask if it is true.
This is especially true among the bananas in Asia, particularly in Sin City.
By branding
and attacking other people or country, and with all the unthinking and silly
people believing in it, the victims or countries would be kept busy trying to
defend themselves and explain that they are not what the Americans claimed they
are. And they would have no time to accuse the Americans of their evil deeds.
Every silly bugger would forget to look at the real devil in the Americans for
creating wars everywhere, violating international laws, committing genocide of
the innocents and calling them war collaterals. Many heads of state were
murdered, their countries invaded and ran to the ground by the Americans, but
no one is asking or accusing the Americans of these war crimes and crimes
against humanity.
The strategy
is so simple and so effective, accuse, brand, shout, scream, use the western
media, point the finger and the result is the same. Every silly asshole would
just listen and behave accordingly as the Americans want them to be. And the
evil hegemon would just rule them like their angel, like their God, so
magnanimous, so kind, so generous, so peace loving. The evil hegemon just
simply said this country is bad, is the enemy, is a threat, and the sillies
would go crazy saying aye, aye sir. Please come and protect us.