In the Age of Singularity from 2017, know
There are only ONE Truth, only ONE Happiness,
and only ONE Destiny.
Yesterday, an epoch
ended, and another begins today.
Today, we enter the Age
of Singularity once again.
This is the next stage
in my life journey
Towards the destination
at eternity’s edge
At the end of all the
And to where time shall
begin, again.
The past 366 days living at the
edge of tomorrow,
And the 22,230 days of
my life before today,
Were a continuous daily
struggle in the ether of change and hope;
Navigating the pitfalls
and milestones of errors,
Avoiding the tombstones
of reluctant heroes,
To escape the end of
otherwise meaningless existence.
Of the pilgrimage
towards life’s inevitable destination,
Guided only by the
longing of one’s heart.
is an exceptional Year of unique Singularity;
It possesses the
emergent power of “One”,
From 2017=(2+0+1+7)=10=(1+0)=1.
In Mathematics, “1” is
an axiom as the self-evident truth;
Indeed, “1” exists as
the very first self-evident truth without need for proof.
The Singularity “1” is
thus Truth manifested.
is also a Prime Number divisible only by itself and 1.
Prime numbers are the
building blocks of numbers or knowledge,
And they exist
independent of any logic or circumstances;
Basically, they are
truths in themselves.
My past 22,230 days
combines (2+2+2+3+0=9) into the number “9”
To signify the highest
level of
Change and transformation
happenings in 2017
From their unique
confluence today and here forth.
Incidentally, the
resultant “10” in 2017, (2+0+1+7=10),
Reveals the rebirth
essence of the Age of the Singularity.
Further, ignoring “0”
and assuming 1=A, 2=B, 3=C … 7=G,
2017 also translates
into (B+A+G=Bag, or Baggage);
And so the Prime 2017
Singularity shall pack the inevitable baggage
Of the past into itself
as the BAG;
All the paradox,
ambiguity, chaos, absence and silence
That was central to the
human condition,
Thus providing singular
clarity with crystal vision
To empower a deeper
understanding through the lens of its power of “1”.
There is only ONE Truth