
CIA Drug And Narcotic Trade And Trafficking in Burma PART 5

CIA Drug And Narcotic Trade And Trafficking In Burma. PART 5

CIA ran covert operations in the Golden Triangle heroin complex since the early 1950s.  CIA had close relationship with the drug lords and was enmeshed with the region's opium-heroin trade CIA and the US agency for International Development  ( USAID ) supplied the region's opium and heroin dealers with arms, ammunition and transportation of food supplies in exchange for mercenary forces or political leverage. CIA support included in the collection, manuafacture and transport of opium and heroin.
CIA activities in Burma transformed the Shan states into the largest opium growing region in the world.
As part of its growing operations against communist China in the 1950s and 1960s CIA established a large narcotic cover organisation  in Taiwan known as Western Enterprises. CIA agency airlines provided cover for the CIA to drop teams of Chinese Nationalist soldiers on mainland China to contact dissidents and build a viable resistance to Mao Tsetung's government .
CIA also sent commandos from the offshore island of Quemoy as it planned a covert invasion of China. Its covert airline ferried tens of thousands of KMT troops into Shan States to inflitrate into Yunnan. Kweichow and Kwangsi. It also recruited thousands of indigenuous hill tribes to help KMT soldiers to fight against Mao in China.
In August 1952 CIA secretly despatched KMT soldiers to invade Yunnan and dropped rebellious pamphlets to instigate the peasants to rise up against Mao's government. The CIA's hope for a peasant uprising failed and the KMT soldiers were driven out of Yunnan into the Shan states of Burma.
The CIA alliance with the opium lords lasted almost two decades. CIA delivered arms to KMT forces in Burma and then loaded opium aboard its civil air transport planes for the return flight to Bangkok. CIA commandos also used its infiltration routes into southern China as drug smuggling routes for traffickers in Burma and Thailand. CIA set up five secret training camps and two illicit radio stations in the Shan states protected by KMT troops and local tribesmen who were on CIA payroll . All the money spent by CIA on the clandestine activities was derived from trafficking in opium and heroin..
Southernglory 1
Friday,18th November, 2016

The orgy of globalization

After the Americans voted Trump to be the next President of the USA, the truth sinks in. What Trump had been saying during the run up to the Presidential Election were music to the Americans, that globalization is dangerous, bad to the Americans and needs to be canned. Obama too has come around to acknowledge that the madness of unrestrained globalization by insensitive govts must be stopped.

There is an article in the Today paper on 17 Nov by Agencies with the title ‘Globalisation must correct its course to address inequality: Obama’ and its content said it all in Obama’s polite way of saying it. Trump would just show his middle finger to globalization and he is going to hack it to pieces. These were said by Obama, ‘The global path of globalization demands a course correction…When we see people, global elites, wealthy corporations seemingly living by a different set of rules, avoiding taxes, manipulating loopholes… this feeds a profound sense of injustice.’  If Obama knew about these transgressions, what is he going to do about it, or what has he done about it other than talking cock?

Such injustice, global elites and local elites living a different lifestyle of abundance would be quite well accepted by Singaporeans. Singaporeans could not see any injustice and would accept the calls by the elites to tighten their belts, to take cheap jobs, while local and global elites party everyday without a worry about the high cost of living, about high property prices or high prices of everything, about Singaporeans struggling to find a decent job with a decent income in the most expensive city in the world.

In the case of the Americans the orgy of globalization is coming to an end. Trump, the white angel from heaven has descended on them to lift the gloom from their miserable lives, from losing their jobs to foreigners. Even Obama is afraid when Trump appointed a hard line rightist extremist in Stephen Bannon to a top post. Obama warned of the “rise of nationalistic tribalism…to guard against a crude sort of nationalism or ethnic identity or tribalism that is built around an ‘us’ and a ‘them’” thing.

There will be divisions in the US. Obama said, “In the United States, we know what happens when we start dividing ourselves along lines of race or religion or ethnicity. It’s dangerous…Not just for the minority groups that are subjected to that kind of discrimination or, in some cases in the past violence, but because we don’t then realize our potential as a country when we’re preventing blacks or Latinos or Asians or gays or women from fully participating in the project of building American life.”

Being a black himself, Obama must be feeling the chill in his spine harking back to the days of the Ku Klux Klan. There are similarities and also differences in the way Trump is going to approach globalization and making America great from that of Obama. One is sustaining the American Empire by foreign intervention and military bases and starting and fighting wars everywhere. Trump’s form of American greatness is inward looking, a great country for Americans, and maybe to hell with the world. It is America and Americans first.  It is about charity begins at home, build a good life for the Americans, foreigners not welcomed until home America is in order and the Americans get their jobs and their good life.

The orgy of globalization promoted and praised by the elites is history at least in America and the UK.

H.B.Harris of US Pacific Command Harbours An attack On China.

Harry B. Harris son of a gun harbours an attack on China.

There is more or less peace and tranquility in the South China Sea now. But this Japanese son of a gun thinks he can get his way to influence President Trump to confront China in the South China Sea again. What is actually behind his hidden agenda? He wants US and China to fight and destroy themselves in a nuclear exchange thus achieving he and his Japanese dream of revenge or vendetta for their defeat by the Chinese and Americans in the Second World War.
Addressing a US Defense One Summit as  commander of the US Pacific Command, he claimed US has never had a "lame duck commander in chief and that no one should doubt the US resolve to defend national security and interest." He vowed the US army will take military actions and win the war if necessary as he uttered his concern over China's assertiveness in the South China Sea.
This is the most hawkish talk with regard to the Asia-Pacific situation since Donald Trump was elected president. He has been one of the core figures in the US Asia-Pacific balancing strategy. He claims China poses a threat to peace in the Asia-Pacific region and that his Pacific command will play a decisive role in containing China's ambition.
Harris the commander of US Pacific command is now showing a tough stance on the Asia-Pacific situation. He intends to preemptively guide Trump's Asia-Pacific policy and pressure him to accede to the military's will and attitude in  the Asia-Pacific policymaking. He intends to pressure Trump to follow Hillary Clinton's rebalancing strategy.
His strong advocacy on Asia-Pacific policy looks like a warning signal to Trump that the Pacific Command he leads has the final say on the US Asia-Pacific policy and he the military strongman rather than Trump and his civilian officials will determine major-power relations.
He harped on that there is no change in US-Philippine alliance though Duterte had already made it clear to the world that the Philippines will not confront China over the South China Sea issue, but will talk and hold peaceful negotiation with China. Harris thinks he can misguide Trump with distorted information for his bellicose policy against China. He thinks he can pick his timing to launch a military action against China. How can he be so sure that he and the warships he command will not be sunk by the precise Chinese missiles. Hope he is not dreaming too much.
President Trump must fire him and take away his command because this son of a gun is reckless and has no good intentions. He is planning for US and China to fight and destroy each other as a sort of proxy revenge for Japanese defeat in the Second World War.
Friday, 18th November,2016


Racism or freedom of expression?

A quote from Agencies France Presse in the ST today.

'Clay Country Development Corp director Pamela Ramsey had reportedly posted after Mr Donald Trump's election win: "It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."

Mayor Whaling responded: "Just made my day Pam."'

The Ape was referring to Michelle Obama, implying that she is not classy, not beautiful and not dignified. The mayor has quitted over this racist post.

Is this racist or freedom of expression?

Elected Presidency – Eurasians, Others and Indians

It is now official that the Eurasians and Others are in the same category for qualification to be a deserving minority EP candidate.  Reading from this, as long as there is an EP be he be Indian, Eurasian or Others, this group would not be given another reserved election as there is an EP shared among them. If every other election or every 3 or 4 EP election there is an Indian EP, then for the next 100 years or more, if there is no Eurasian EP, they cannot demand for a reserved election for the Eurasians. Likewise it applies to the Indians and Others if there is one of the kind in this group been elected as an EP.

Theoretically this is so and can be so. But the Eurasians need not worry as the PAP would know when to put up an Eurasian EP like they are putting up a Malay EP for the next EP election. It is within the party’s control to put up whoever they so desired, from Yusof Ishak to Tony Tan and the next EP.  So this is a moot point. The exigency and necessity of political pressure would make sure that the Eurasian community would not be left out in the cold.

Maybe this is understood and the Eurasian MPs in the PAP did not make a strong case to have a separate category for the Eurasians. Joan Peirera did said something about recognizing the contributions of the Eurasians and that’s it, case closed. The Eurasian community’s representative has said their piece and has more or less agreed with this new arrangement, this new category.

The CMIO formula would be changed to CM and I++ or CM(I++). So far so good. The Eurasian community has taken this change in their stride and all is quiet on the western front.  No violent street protest is expected, not even a walkabout in Hong Lim Park. When a good idea is proposed, it is quite easy to get it passed without any strong objections. That is why these new changes to the Constitution are better than the proposal by the WP. The latter has no chance to stand scrutiny and dumped into the waste bin in one sitting in Parliament, by Shanmugam as badly conceived, full of flaws.

Maybe the Eurasians and all are saying, since there is no other better alternatives, not considering the current model, or the appointed Presidency in the past, this is the best model and so let’s live with it. If one cannot have the best of the best, then have the best of the ‘not the best’ will do. Is this a compromise or a new reality in decision making in Parliament? Can a ‘the best of not the best’ be set aside until the best is found, or this is the right approach to solve an important national issue like this? Urgency, no choice lah. So long never appoint a Malay President, so now must do it at all cost, in double speed, no time to wait, cannot wait. It is all about minority interest and representation or else there will be trouble in the future. Now our system will be so solid, so sound, unshakable, and no racial problems could be expected as the minority has been given the right to be represented in the Presidency. For those who think otherwise, that this is tokenism, please rethink. This is very serious stuff, and very real.

What do you think?