
Trump triump revealed the stupidity of Sillyporeans

I read this in Yahoo News.

'A majority of Singapore residents — 84 per cent to be precise — would have voted for Hillary Clinton in the US election over Donald Trump, according to a survey commissioned by South China Morning Post and done by Blackbox Research last month.

The same survey revealed that “arrogant”, “unpredictable” and “morally unfit” were the top three character traits used by the Singapore respondents to describe Trump, who has just won the US presidential election.

Not surprisingly, many Singaporeans, including those in the US, were disappointed that the Republican defeated the Democrat nominee.’


And many daft sinkies are shocked that Hillary lost when the main media were rubbishing Trump and rooting for her. How could one see clearly when one is blind? The blinds that have eye defects are really not that blind as they have other organs to keep them informed. There are those that have eyes but chose to ask the blind to show them the way. These are the real blinds. Another more serious type of blinds are those that have eyes but refused to see, afraid to see, have no confidence in what they are seeing, and asked others to see for them and would believe when told that white is black and black is white.


How could the daft sinkies believe the media wholesale without questioning? The Brexit experience, the silly UN backed Hague Tribunal, and now, the US President Election, the media have been pushing their own agenda, telling half truths and lies. And many Sillyporeans just believed everything they read, even believing the evil woman is God sent, a lovely lady fit to be the President of the USA. I heard in a Channel News Asia programme on the Silk Road and the producer wrote the script that in the 1962 Sino India border war it was ‘China that invaded an unprepared India’ when declassified secret documents floating around confirmed that it was India that started the war and was well prepared with a special Army Corp formed for the war.


How could the Sillyporeans understand the plight of the working class Americans losing their jobs to foreigners and are getting poorer by the day, losing jobs and their pride? How could they understand the red neck Americans, the majority of the masses, and how they think and their perspective of the world? What Trump said, about immigration, struck a common cord in them. If they could understand they would not be conned by the lies and politically correct deceptions of Hillary.


It is actually asking too much of Sillyporeans to understand the USA and the plight of the common Americans when they could not see the rot in their own country and the plight of their fellow citizens. That is how daft Sillyporeans have become. They did not know what is happening except what they read in the main media, the bigger echo chamber of lies and half truths.

LKY – No crutch mentality

The history of Singapore has always been ‘no crutch mentality’ since the colonial days through to the days of LKY.  The British brought in the migrants and left them to their own doings. They worked themselves out to eke a living. Some made it good, some made it less good. The only leg up given by the British was to the Eurasians and those English educated.

During the earlier years of the PAP rule, there were pressures and great temptations to offer the crutch to the minorities but were stoically and firmly opposed by the no nonsense LKY govt. Crutch mentality is not only dangerous and a burden to the system, it was also rightly resisted by the LKY govt for undermining the pride and drive of the favoured group.

The minorities have survived the last 50 years without a crutch and did well though could have been better. Some may complained but there is pride in their achievements against the odds for being minorities.

Are the minorities asking for the crutch or should the crutch be offered to them and compromise their efforts and achievement all these years that they could only do so with the help of a crutch?

The changes to the Constitution in favour of the minorities because they are the minorities and must be favoured,  would it all end up with giving the minorities a crutch that the past govt had resisted to do so? Is this progress or regress? Minority EP lifted by a crutch! Is this something good, something to be proud of? No compromise on meritocracy, the best of the best? Would the minority EP be saying I am the President on my own right, merit man, or because of a crutch? Without the crutch they would not be good enough, would not make it?

Some have quoted that it was the desire of the Malays to want a Malay President. That is fair, every minority or majority would want that. But would be like the Chinese saying, ‘xin xiang shi cheng’ or 心想事成, just wish and your wish will be granted? What would be the next wish, a Malay PM?

What do you think?


Elected Presidency – Another Uniquely Singapore innovative idea

The most creative and innovative people in Singapore must be the political leaders. They are coming up with mind blowing ideas that no one could think of and always work. The latest is this great idea called Elected Presidency. It is like a genie coming out from a bottle to solve all the critical problems of Singapore, ie, to protect the nation’s reserves from being squandered by rogue govt, to unify the country, to give the minority a chance to be the president, thus be seen as participating in the main stream of the country’s politics. The unifying factor in a multi racial society, where he is seen as a symbol of racial unity is really crucial.

Whenever I write a piece praising the govt I know for sure that I would get a lot of walloping from my readers. But I am just saying the truth. This EP idea is so innovative and so effective that soon other countries would be borrowing it from us. There is a genuine fear that the ruling govt of the day would turn rogue, and Parliament and all the parliamentarians, all 87 of them, could not do anything and someone must rub the bottle to release the genie in the form of a EP who would then be able to slam down the rogue politicians from running amok. I am not sure whether a minority president is more important or the protection of the nation’s reserves, the rush to make the next EP election a Malay President election would give an indication of which is which.

One genie, a very exceptional one, with all the stringent qualifications, with no compromises on meritocracy even if chosen from a reserve minority EP election, will be able to take on a whole Parliament of rogues.  This EP is the last man in the defence of our nation’s reserves, incidentally include the people’s CPF savings, so don’t pray pray.  Your savings in the CPF depends on the EP to protect. With this genie EP, your CPF savings are safe, forever.

And there is no worry that the genie would turn bad himself. His power can also be limited by the non elected but appointed Council of Presidential advisers that are smarter and more powerful than him, to control him if the genie misbehaved. If this is not enough, the Parliament could overrule the EP with a 2/3 majority I think, correct me if I am wrong on this. The genie is the most powerful factor, but can also be controlled. This is called checks and balance.  Who says Singapore got no checks and balance? Some may think this concept a bit ‘mao dun’, but the virtue of it is that it works to the point of flawlessness.  Many million dollar heads, the best in the island, have been put together to ensure that this is the perfect thing to have, so how can it be wrong, or how can it not work?

I don’t think any genius or any country could come up with a better and sounder idea, a better man, a unifying figure, all powerful to protect the nation’s reserves from a rogue Parliament,  all rolled into one man, but its power can still be curbed when needed, by the same Parliament it was designed to control. With the EP in place there will be stability, no gridlocks, and our democratic Parliamentary system will be safe. And this is a responsible thing to do for the future generations. Anyone opposing this idea or offering alternative ideas is irresponsible.

PS. Someone said that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both qualified with flying colours when the stringent criteria for an EP are applied on them. This is a good proof that the formula and criteria are good since Trump and Clinton are good enough for the USA, so cannot be wrong. The formula has been tested.

Native Americans call Whitemen pale face who speak with fork tongues and are untrustworthy

I refer to yesterday's article ,    'Gunther Ottinger, You 'slit eyes and sly dogs'

White men think too highly of themselves. In the last few centuries during the hay day of their imperialism they were able develop and enrich themselves at the expense of the people of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. With the might of their guns they were able to attack, invade,  kill , slaughter and rob off the wealth and resources of  their colonies with impunity. They have forgotten that before the 17th century the Europeans were by and large living a drab and miserable poor life compared to that of the Chinese in China. But the twist of fortune seems to have changed against white men now and they don't seem to realise that their fortune is at the ebbing tide and will soon reach the nadir of their misery again. They are too full of themselves and like to disparage and cast aspersions on others with very rude and uncivilise remarks.

Some years back in 2010 , a  British  musician had seen fit to call Chinese people as subspecies, and I had to object to what he said and wrote a reply to tell him that he and his likes are not only uncultured and uncivilised but also worst than subhuman. Below I reproduce the article of my reply to his ill remark.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 7:42 pm    Post subject: Low class British musician calling Chinese "subspecies "    
Low class British singer calling Chinese "subspecies".

A low class British singer called Morrissey described the Chinese people as "subspecies",saying that he did not like the way some Chinese treat animals. He said this in an interview with a British poet Simon Armitage in the Guardian Weekend magazine. This most uncultured and uncivilised barbarian whom I will describe as lower than subhuman conveniently prefers to ignore that his own kind the Westerners or Europeans have for centuries willfully illtreated animals in the form of sport or game and as a stake in mass gambling. I refer to the wanton and extreme cruelty meted out to bulls in the rings where their matadors stab the bulls repeatedly with very sharp steel daggers causing the bulls to die a slow agonizing death. While the matadors were carrying out the senseless and merciless killing of the bulls ,the whole horde of spectators would watch with scintillating delight by clapping, stamping their feet and shouting endless encouragement to the matadors , treating them as heroes. In the meantime millions of dollars were made by the organisers and the matadors , while the masses by and large made or lost further millions in betting. It is a casino at the expense of cruelty to the innocent bulls. A similar kind of cruelty to dolphins are being carried out in certain Scandinavian countries. Here the European contestants challenged to see who can club to death and cut off the most dolphin heads. The only difference here is that the arena of death for the dolphins is in the beaches. But just as in the bull ring money is made at the expense of killing the innocent dolphins and when the killing is done the sea is turned into a sea of red with the dolphins blood.

The sport of killing innocent animals was extended to killing of innocent humans as a sport. The wild marauding White men from Europe would descend on Africa and the Americas in the cruel days of colonisation in the seventeen and eighteen century . Here the white men would challenge to see who could shoot the greatest numbers of natives - men, women and children , no exception taken.

May be Morrissey and Simon Armitage would like to clarify how civilise and how human Westerners are compare with other people.In the case of other people, cruelty to animals may be sporadic and limited to small group of individuals, but in the case of Westerners cruelty to animals is a national sport as witnessed in the bull rings in Europe and United States and the bashing of dolphins to death in some Scandinavian countries . The sad thing is that the sport of killing animals is extended to the killing of innocent and defenseless natives in both Africa and America. Maybe Morrissey would now like to let the whole world know who belong to the "subspecies" and whether he himself is uncivilised , uncultured and worst still less than subhuman.

Under the guise of championing Human Rights and Democracy, whitemen led by white Americans are now on a killing spree again. They are now creating wars everywhere, killing innocent people by the hundreds of thousands , bringing great suffering and pains to millions more, destroying countries and toppling regimes to achieve their evil objective of world hegemony and total control. They are uncivilised, uncultured and being lower than subhuman they are lacking even in the most fundamental limits of ethics and morals of human conduct and behaviour and must not be allowed to go on a killing path again with impunity.


9th November, 2016


Gunther Oettinger – You ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’….

This is the 21st Century, and the world is getting smaller, but such racist remarks are still coming out from the mouth of not ordinary westerners but a Vice President of the EU, a German that thought it was ok to call Chinese ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’. The Chinese would definitely be offended. Singaporean Chinese would not, I supposed, since they are Singaporeans and not Chinese, and definitely the bananas would nod in agreement with Oettinger, that Chinese are ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’, bananas don’t have slit eyes and are not sly dogs.

Though under pressure from the threat of losing his promotion, he made an apology for his rude and racist remarks, his explanation actually made things worst. He said his remarks were ‘free from the liver’ or gut feel, not intentional to insult the Chinese, but just gut feel, if you know what gut feel meant. It is inside him, part of him, how he actually, really felt about the Chinese, a second nature reaction, nothing more, nothing less.

And he is not alone, he said, ‘his remarks merely reflected the colourful language typical of his home state, Baden Wuerttemburg’. Yes, he confessed and revealed that those were what his home state Germans are calling the Chinese, ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’. He and his German did not intent to offend, just saying what they are saying all the time when referring to the Chinese.

This is his apology, appearing in the ST. ‘This was not my intention and I would like to apologise for any remark that was not as respectful as it should have been.’ How many Chinese would accept this as a sincere apology? Or would the Chinese said it is ok, he did not intend to insult, he was just saying things from his gut, all the Germans in his home town said it, it is common, normal, the Chinese are ‘slit eyes’ and ‘sly dogs’?

You fucking racist Germans. Please go to China and see how they would return the favour. But not to worry when you are in Singapore, we have no Chinese, only Singaporeans and they would not be offended, some may like it even.