I read this in Yahoo News.
'A majority of Singapore residents — 84 per cent to be precise — would have voted for Hillary Clinton in the US election over Donald Trump, according to a survey commissioned by South China Morning Post and done by Blackbox Research last month.
same survey revealed that “arrogant”, “unpredictable” and “morally unfit” were
the top three character traits used by the Singapore respondents to describe
Trump, who has just won the US presidential election.
surprisingly, many Singaporeans, including those in the US, were disappointed
that the Republican defeated the Democrat nominee.’
many daft sinkies are shocked that Hillary lost when the main media were
rubbishing Trump and rooting for her. How could one see clearly when one is
blind? The blinds that have eye defects are really not that blind as they have
other organs to keep them informed. There are those that have eyes but chose to
ask the blind to show them the way. These are the real blinds. Another more
serious type of blinds are those that have eyes but refused to see, afraid to
see, have no confidence in what they are seeing, and asked others to see for
them and would believe when told that white is black and black is white.
could the daft sinkies believe the media wholesale without questioning? The
Brexit experience, the silly UN backed Hague Tribunal, and now, the US
President Election, the media have been pushing their own agenda, telling half
truths and lies. And many Sillyporeans just believed everything they read, even
believing the evil woman is God sent, a lovely lady fit to be the President of
the USA. I heard in a Channel News Asia programme on the Silk Road and the
producer wrote the script that in the 1962 Sino India border war it was ‘China
that invaded an unprepared India’ when declassified secret documents floating
around confirmed that it was India that started the war and was well prepared
with a special Army Corp formed for the war.
could the Sillyporeans understand the plight of the working class Americans
losing their jobs to foreigners and are getting poorer by the day, losing jobs
and their pride? How could they understand the red neck Americans, the majority
of the masses, and how they think and their perspective of the world? What
Trump said, about immigration, struck a common cord in them. If they could
understand they would not be conned by the lies and politically correct
deceptions of Hillary.
It is
actually asking too much of Sillyporeans to understand the USA and the plight
of the common Americans when they could not see the rot in their own country
and the plight of their fellow citizens. That is how daft Sillyporeans have
become. They did not know what is happening except what they read in the main
media, the bigger echo chamber of lies and half truths.