
The Dodds Report: Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest

The Dodds Report: Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.

Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.

In 1898 America invaded the Philippines and after slaughtering hundreds of thousands of heroic Philipino resistance fighters it brought the Philippines under its colonial control. The Americans treated the Philippinos with derision and disrespect as low class conquered people. Throughout the half century of American imperial rule , the Americans have always plundered the rich resources of the Philippines to serve its colonial masters' interest. It had never occured to the Americans to lift up the welfare and status of the Philippinos and therefore either nothing was done or only  the bearest minimum was done to help the Philippines in education, commerce, industry or running a government with good governance. Transportation and infrastructure was never developed . That's why the Philippines today remains as the most backward among the Asean countries.

After the Second World War America wanted to build up  a defeated Japan as a powerful industrial base to serve its interest of confronting Russia and China  in the Cold War. The Americans made use of the Philippines mainly as the supplier of raw materials for its military industrial bases in Japan . And Japan was brought up as deputy sheriff to protect and oversee American interest in Asia. The dignity and pride of the Philippinos interest was never taken into consideration.

Below a US secret report ( The Dodds Report  ) pertaining to the Philippines was accidentally discovered. When the Philippinos came to know this report they went wild with rage and hatred for the Americans.

The Dodds Report.       Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.
"In 1946, the Truman administration adopted the recommendation of the Dodds Report which proposed that JAPAN be developed as the PRIMARY, if not sole, INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE in the Asia-Pacific region and that countries like the PHILIPPINES should be preserved as RAW MATERIAL ECONOMIES, obviously to service the requirements of Japan's factories.

‘’As the Asia-Pacific war came to a close, the U.S. made a fateful decision to UTILIZE JAPAN as the base from which to project U.S. MILITARY POWER, and that required the development of Japan as an industrial powerhouse. But since Japan is a nation bereft of natural resource, the plan required that countries like the PHILIPPINES be PRESERVED as raw material economies to ensure Japan with a continuing and permanent source of raw material.

‘’We owe our knowledge of the Dodds Report to the late Salvador Araneta who, during his self-exile in Canada during the martial law years, uncovered the existence of the document and denounced it in his book America's Double-Cross of the Philippines.

Some earlier comments on the Dodds Report

    ganzhuolin simon li

    Proving that Duterte was right all along re his strong feelings against the US..!

    Curious how such an important fact that Japan is resource-poor is often forgotten. No doubt that's why Japan waged war in the Pacific. They wanted it all. But now they've partially gotten what they wanted - aided by an imperialistic America seeing the chance to dominate the world but needing a strong and submissive Japan to oversee Asia. So the former colony of the US, the Phillipines, becomes Japan's resource 'factory' and the Phillipinos their slaves, their labour feeding Japan's (and America's might).

    Why couldn't Japan seek win-win deals with their Asian neighbours? Surely that's better than war. But to the government at the time, and as now with Abe that's a no-no. That would mean Japan was no longer the superior nation in Asia; it's just one of us. And that's unacceptable! The notion that they're the 'whitest' nation in Asia, a fantasy fed to Japanese nationalists by egotistical US politicians seduced by their own 'exceptionalism', has to be maintained.

    But now there is Duterte, and the Phillipinos have their hands on the steering wheel for a change. Good for them!

    By some strange quirk Duterte has within his reach the chance to change history in Asia - from tension, animosity, possible war, poverty and more poverty to that of accommodation, win-win for all, peace and prosperity...

    I pray for him and hope he is well-protected...

    SH ganzhuolin

    You may be on to sonething there. Quite right.
Duterte should insist that the Japanese government certify the sushi served is not from Fukushima waters!

Fre Okin Ban by TNI Boo!

Duterte may try to convince Abe US is no good for Japan just as he see US is no good for Philippines. Abe of course try to convince Duterte US is very good for the alliance and he should welcome US military forces.

If Duterte cannot convince Abe, he might present him a "dog on a leash" photo to impress on his host not to be that dog. A very subtle way of telling his host to have a backbone.
5th November,2016


Australia assuming the post of Little White Sheriff in South China Sea

This little western outpost in Asia, occupied by Europeans that came to rob the natives of their land, is thinking that it is big enough to be the Little White Sheriff in the South China Sea, to rule over the silly and hapless Asian and Asean countries. And to make its role more legitimate, it is playing on the ego of the Indonesians, the undisputed regional big brother, to join them to patrol the SCS.

And this only happens after the Philippines refused to be dragged in to be the pawn in the American/western power game to control the SCS.  According to an Agencies report, ‘In February, Washington took the unusual step of publicly asking Australia  to undertake “freedom of navigation” operations by sailing naval patrols within 12 nautical miles of Beijing controlled territory.’

When the Empire was riding high, with the Aquino govt willingly playing the sacrificial pawn, they totally ignored the sensitivity of the Indonesians as the big brother of the region. Indonesia was transparent, ignored, Indonesian interests were not in their cards.  The Empire just muscled in as if they owned the SCS. Now that the Philippines have abandoned that role, the Little White Sheriff thinks the Indonesians, with a little flattery, would be silly enough to be roped in to play the role that the Pinoys had rejected.

Would Indonesia be dragged by the nose by the Little White Sheriff to do its donkey work for the Empire, to confront China like Aquino used to do? Or would the Indonesians show the middle finger to the Little White Sheriff who really believes it is a super power in the region and want to rule the waves in the SCS. What about the rest of the Asean states, do they have a say whether they accept the Little White Sheriff as the law enforcer in their backwaters? Who is Australia by the way?

The SCS belongs to this little western outpost, to the Empire?


Wages are too high - Lim Swee Say

I quote below from an article in the Statestimes with the title, 'Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say - Wages are too high'

'Speaking at a conference for businesses, Manpower Minister Lim Swee Say complained that wages in Singapore are too high and that productivity gains are not catching up with wage growth.
Worded in Singlish, Minister Lim Swee Say said:
“Cheaper competitors are getting better with higher educational levels, while better competitors are getting cheaper through better technology. If productivity gains continue to lag behind wage growth, Singapore’s competitiveness will be eroded.”
The Manpower Minister then complained about the lack of productivity growth in Singapore, and that the country’s GDP has been badly affected:...'

My immediate reactions, is he referring to salaries at the top or wages at the bottom, like cleaners getting $1000? Can Singaporeans survive in this world's most expensive city if the wages are too high and be lowered?

By the way, whose problem is it that productivity is low? What is he or the govt going to do about it?

MH370 – The strange mysteries

The disappearance of MH370 without a trace after 3 years is itself a mystery waiting to be solved. The tragedy of losing 239 lives on board is unmentionable and if this is the work of some evil men and women, let them be condemned when the truth is revealed. The truth will surfaced, only a matter of time. It is too big an object and too many lives involved to be covered and forgotten.

The disappearance is a big mystery so far. But there are many other mysteries happening surrounding its disappearance in the followup actions and search for this missing aircraft. I will try to list down some of the mysteries that demands an explanation.

The first mystery is the wild goose chase in the Antarctic Ocean for an aircraft lost in the South China Sea while heading towards China. Today, after the silly searches by silly reasonings, the truth that the whole search was a hoax becomes more obvious. Only very wicked people would mislead the affected and concerned parties to search in the wrong place and wasting precious time and resources from looking at more likely places.

Another mystery, the world’s Number One busybody,  the one that knows everything, the USA, was unusually silent on this incident. They did not bother and did not want to show how clever they were, their technical knowhow, the aircraft was American, to lend a helping hand.  The reticence and non participation of the Americans is suspiciously mysterious.

And the next mystery is the little western outpost, Australia, assuming the role of experts in missing aircraft and searching for missing aircraft. When has Australia acquired such expertise and became the voice and authority in this incident? Did Australia build the aircraft, was there a specialized centre in Australia to do all the testing of aircraft parts that no other countries could do better?

What about the mysterious resurfacing of little bits and pieces of aircraft parts, supposedly to be from MH370 appearing in African coast? For these bits and pieces of airframe sheet metal to be washed ashore in Africa is already a mystery difficult to explain and very strange. The strangest thing is that every little bit of the sheet metal found seemed to have been stamped with numerals to announce that they came from MH370. Anyone familiar with the aircraft industry would know that rarely were numerals imprinted on sheet metal on an aircraft. And the whole airframe is sheet metal, mostly with no identification or need to have numerals printed on them. Numerals or serial numbers are normally on instruments and pieces of equipment on the aircraft imprinted by their manufacturers.  Numerals on sheet metal?  It was like someone made it a point to print identification numbers on every piece of sheet metal found to ensure that everyone would believe that these were from MH370 and the bogus theory that it crashed in the Antarctic Ocean is true. And as the story goes, nearly every piece of the sheet metal has numerals on them to say, ‘I came from MH370’. How coincidental, and how evident?

What can be more mysterious that all the parts must be sent to Australia, the overnight experts, to do the testing to confirm that the parts were from MH370, and in most cases pronounced so only to be rejected or denied later as not true or not sure? In reality, every piece of sheet metal is practically the same and no one can tell the difference or where it came from, unless there are specific numerals imprinted on them. No amount of test can tell otherwise. There are no ‘thumbprints’ to talk about and to rely on.

Do these mysteries tell a story, explain the bigger mystery of the missing MH370?

Why are the Americans so silent about the missing MH370, none of their business when everything in the whole world is their business? When an embezzling case involving the Malaysian govt and Malaysians, nothing to do with the Americans, could lead to the American Justice Dept ordering an investigation and to recover the missing money that did not belong to the Americans but to the Malaysian govt? Why the Americans did not deem fit to commission an investigation as the aircraft was a Boeing 777, American made?

Why is this busybody so quiet, so unusually quiet, exceptionally quiet about the missing MH370? This is the biggest mystery of all the mysteries surrounding the MH370 disappearance.


Globalisation is Good – Depends

Below is a comment by a blogger called Patriot, in TRE,


see the video link on Trump vs Clinton Presidency.

Globalistion and free liberal import of immigrants threaten every nations jobs, identity, sovereignty and security .

Establishments, special interests groups and donors who supported globisation are reaping the nations wealth at the expense of the citizens.

Those who spoke against it are labelled as xenophobic and rebels.

Britain had dump globalization. Will US follow likewise?

70% SG pls wake up now . Save SG .


The US and Britain are closing their doors to immigrants and to globalization. Whether this is good or bad would depend on where you are coming from. To Trump and the Brits, globalization is bad, and that I also agree. But I would want to take another angle to view this position and say that globalization is not only good to the US and Britain and also to Europe but also a natural eventuality of history. And here are my reasons.

America does not belong to the Europeans or white Americans. It originally belonged to the native Americans. The white Americans called them savages or Red Indians. They massacred them and robbed their land to call it the USA for the migrants from Europe. See the point I am making?

The USA does not belong to the migrants from Europe. Thus, globalization, brining in more immigrants is not new. Every migrant has a right to be in this new country that the earlier migrants devastated and disemboweled of its original natives. It is open country now for every migrant. The early migrants and the new migrants have all the right to be in this ‘No man’s land’ robbed from the native Americans. My apologies to the remaining survivors of the native Americans that are now as good as non entities in their homeland. No one, not the early migrants, asked them if it was alright to bring in all the migrants to their country to replace them. Now there are so few of these original natives to make their voice heard, that this was and still is their land and they have a right to say No. But who cares? Did the white Americans bother to ask for their opinions, to protect their rights to their country, to massacre them?

The moral of the story, if one loses his country to the new migrants, forget about getting it back. The new migrants would take over and in the name of globalization, share the country to anyone they want. How is this related to Singapore? Are the Singaporeans also losing their country to globalization?

What about Britain and Europe? Look at history, Britain and Europe were built on the wealth and riches of the countries they conquered and looted. It is time they share their countries with the natives of those lands they conquered and raped. This is only fair right? This is pay back time for Britain and Europe.  The wealth in Europe to a great extent belonged to the rest of the world, especially Asia, Africa and Latin America, including the Middle East of course.

So, be generous, return the favour, yes globalization is the right thing, to share your wealth and countries with the rest of the world. No one will accuse them of being traitors to their people and countries. They owed everything to the rest of the world and they are coming to Europe to take back what was theirs. Britain and Europe are just returning what they took in the past.

Do I sound logical, fair and just? I think it is historical correct. What you sowed you shall reap. But there will be those who said forget about history. It is the past. Let’s move on.  Don’t be so sure. The fairest and most just natural law is what you sowed you shall reap. The Asians called it karma.

Is globalization good for Singapore and Singaporeans? It depends on whether you think this island is yours or if you are silly enough to give it away or daft enough not to know what is happening to your island. Then you deserve it when it is lost to globalization and to the new migrants.