The Dodds Report: Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.
Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.
In 1898 America invaded the Philippines and after slaughtering hundreds of thousands of heroic Philipino resistance fighters it brought the Philippines under its colonial control. The Americans treated the Philippinos with derision and disrespect as low class conquered people. Throughout the half century of American imperial rule , the Americans have always plundered the rich resources of the Philippines to serve its colonial masters' interest. It had never occured to the Americans to lift up the welfare and status of the Philippinos and therefore either nothing was done or only the bearest minimum was done to help the Philippines in education, commerce, industry or running a government with good governance. Transportation and infrastructure was never developed . That's why the Philippines today remains as the most backward among the Asean countries.
After the Second World War America wanted to build up a defeated Japan as a powerful industrial base to serve its interest of confronting Russia and China in the Cold War. The Americans made use of the Philippines mainly as the supplier of raw materials for its military industrial bases in Japan . And Japan was brought up as deputy sheriff to protect and oversee American interest in Asia. The dignity and pride of the Philippinos interest was never taken into consideration.
Below a US secret report ( The Dodds Report ) pertaining to the Philippines was accidentally discovered. When the Philippinos came to know this report they went wild with rage and hatred for the Americans.
The Dodds Report. Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.
"In 1946, the Truman administration adopted the recommendation of the Dodds Report which proposed that JAPAN be developed as the PRIMARY, if not sole, INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE in the Asia-Pacific region and that countries like the PHILIPPINES should be preserved as RAW MATERIAL ECONOMIES, obviously to service the requirements of Japan's factories.
‘’As the Asia-Pacific war came to a close, the U.S. made a fateful decision to UTILIZE JAPAN as the base from which to project U.S. MILITARY POWER, and that required the development of Japan as an industrial powerhouse. But since Japan is a nation bereft of natural resource, the plan required that countries like the PHILIPPINES be PRESERVED as raw material economies to ensure Japan with a continuing and permanent source of raw material.
‘’We owe our knowledge of the Dodds Report to the late Salvador Araneta who, during his self-exile in Canada during the martial law years, uncovered the existence of the document and denounced it in his book America's Double-Cross of the Philippines.
Some earlier comments on the Dodds Report
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ganzhuolin simon li
Proving that Duterte was right all along re his strong feelings against the US..!
Curious how such an important fact that Japan is resource-poor is often forgotten. No doubt that's why Japan waged war in the Pacific. They wanted it all. But now they've partially gotten what they wanted - aided by an imperialistic America seeing the chance to dominate the world but needing a strong and submissive Japan to oversee Asia. So the former colony of the US, the Phillipines, becomes Japan's resource 'factory' and the Phillipinos their slaves, their labour feeding Japan's (and America's might).
Why couldn't Japan seek win-win deals with their Asian neighbours? Surely that's better than war. But to the government at the time, and as now with Abe that's a no-no. That would mean Japan was no longer the superior nation in Asia; it's just one of us. And that's unacceptable! The notion that they're the 'whitest' nation in Asia, a fantasy fed to Japanese nationalists by egotistical US politicians seduced by their own 'exceptionalism', has to be maintained.
But now there is Duterte, and the Phillipinos have their hands on the steering wheel for a change. Good for them!
By some strange quirk Duterte has within his reach the chance to change history in Asia - from tension, animosity, possible war, poverty and more poverty to that of accommodation, win-win for all, peace and prosperity...
I pray for him and hope he is well-protected...
SH ganzhuolin
You may be on to sonething there. Quite right.
Duterte should insist that the Japanese government certify the sushi served is not from Fukushima waters!
Fre Okin Ban by TNI Boo!
Duterte may try to convince Abe US is no good for Japan just as he see US is no good for Philippines. Abe of course try to convince Duterte US is very good for the alliance and he should welcome US military forces.
In 1898 America invaded the Philippines and after slaughtering hundreds of thousands of heroic Philipino resistance fighters it brought the Philippines under its colonial control. The Americans treated the Philippinos with derision and disrespect as low class conquered people. Throughout the half century of American imperial rule , the Americans have always plundered the rich resources of the Philippines to serve its colonial masters' interest. It had never occured to the Americans to lift up the welfare and status of the Philippinos and therefore either nothing was done or only the bearest minimum was done to help the Philippines in education, commerce, industry or running a government with good governance. Transportation and infrastructure was never developed . That's why the Philippines today remains as the most backward among the Asean countries.
After the Second World War America wanted to build up a defeated Japan as a powerful industrial base to serve its interest of confronting Russia and China in the Cold War. The Americans made use of the Philippines mainly as the supplier of raw materials for its military industrial bases in Japan . And Japan was brought up as deputy sheriff to protect and oversee American interest in Asia. The dignity and pride of the Philippinos interest was never taken into consideration.
Below a US secret report ( The Dodds Report ) pertaining to the Philippines was accidentally discovered. When the Philippinos came to know this report they went wild with rage and hatred for the Americans.
The Dodds Report. Enslaving the Philippines to serve American and Japanese interest.
"In 1946, the Truman administration adopted the recommendation of the Dodds Report which proposed that JAPAN be developed as the PRIMARY, if not sole, INDUSTRIAL POWERHOUSE in the Asia-Pacific region and that countries like the PHILIPPINES should be preserved as RAW MATERIAL ECONOMIES, obviously to service the requirements of Japan's factories.
‘’As the Asia-Pacific war came to a close, the U.S. made a fateful decision to UTILIZE JAPAN as the base from which to project U.S. MILITARY POWER, and that required the development of Japan as an industrial powerhouse. But since Japan is a nation bereft of natural resource, the plan required that countries like the PHILIPPINES be PRESERVED as raw material economies to ensure Japan with a continuing and permanent source of raw material.
‘’We owe our knowledge of the Dodds Report to the late Salvador Araneta who, during his self-exile in Canada during the martial law years, uncovered the existence of the document and denounced it in his book America's Double-Cross of the Philippines.
Some earlier comments on the Dodds Report
ganzhuolin simon li
Proving that Duterte was right all along re his strong feelings against the US..!
Curious how such an important fact that Japan is resource-poor is often forgotten. No doubt that's why Japan waged war in the Pacific. They wanted it all. But now they've partially gotten what they wanted - aided by an imperialistic America seeing the chance to dominate the world but needing a strong and submissive Japan to oversee Asia. So the former colony of the US, the Phillipines, becomes Japan's resource 'factory' and the Phillipinos their slaves, their labour feeding Japan's (and America's might).
Why couldn't Japan seek win-win deals with their Asian neighbours? Surely that's better than war. But to the government at the time, and as now with Abe that's a no-no. That would mean Japan was no longer the superior nation in Asia; it's just one of us. And that's unacceptable! The notion that they're the 'whitest' nation in Asia, a fantasy fed to Japanese nationalists by egotistical US politicians seduced by their own 'exceptionalism', has to be maintained.
But now there is Duterte, and the Phillipinos have their hands on the steering wheel for a change. Good for them!
By some strange quirk Duterte has within his reach the chance to change history in Asia - from tension, animosity, possible war, poverty and more poverty to that of accommodation, win-win for all, peace and prosperity...
I pray for him and hope he is well-protected...
SH ganzhuolin
You may be on to sonething there. Quite right.
Duterte should insist that the Japanese government certify the sushi served is not from Fukushima waters!
Fre Okin Ban by TNI Boo!
Duterte may try to convince Abe US is no good for Japan just as he see US is no good for Philippines. Abe of course try to convince Duterte US is very good for the alliance and he should welcome US military forces.
If Duterte cannot convince Abe, he might present him a "dog on a leash" photo to impress on his host not to be that dog. A very subtle way of telling his host to have a backbone.
5th November,2016