Asia must prevent Japan from resurrecting its criminal Imperial Military Army
The writing is on the wall Japan is aggressively pursuing a confrontation course against China. It thinks it has the backing of USA and it is now time to have a showdown with China. Japan's evil thinking cannot be more wrong. The Chinese people and China and for that matter the whole of Asia have yet to settle the account for Japanese atrocities and war crimes from 1885 to end of the Second World War in 1945. What makes the evil sub-human Japanese think that with American backing it can create another war in East Asia. In the Second World War USA dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This time round China should not be so kind but compliments Japan's wish for its doomsday by taking Japan off the map once and for all with a hundred or more atomic or hydrogen bombs on all Japanese cities. This is not what the Chinese want to do but it is what the Japanese are asking for .
Japan is using USA to take on China hoping that the clash of the two titans will destroy both and provide an opening for Japanese military resurrection and imperial aggression again. On the other hand USA is goading Japan to fight China using it as a proxy to destabilise China and contain Chinese peaceful development. What ever it is China must always be well prepared to take on both despicable ruffians and destroy them simultaneously.There are good reasons why China must take the upper hand now to destroy Japan once and for all.
Under the Showa Era of that criminal monster Hirohito from late 19th Century until 1945 ,the Japanese military forces, the Army, Navy and imperial Japanese family were responsible for crimes killing millions of Chinese civillians and prisoners of war.
Today Japanese leaders show no remorse or repentance for their brutal atrocities and unpardonable war crimes against the Chinese people. They pray at the Yasukuni Shrine which include convicted Class A war criminals in its honoured war dead. The short despicable Shinzo Abe and his Liberal Democratic Party openly denied Japan had committed those atrocities and the case of forcing women as sex slaves - " Comfort Women."
In 1885 Japan attacked China and took Sakhalin Island to the north of Hokkaido and the Liu Chiu Islands ( which they renamed Okinawa ) from China and in 1910 it took away Taiwan and the Pescadore Islands. In 1895 Japan seized Manchuria. In the course of these wars from 1885 to 1945 Japanese military killed more than 15 million Chinese civillians and prisoners of war.
The number one war criminal was Emperor Hirohito who personally instituted the Three Alls Policy of taking no prisoners - Kill All,Burn All and Loot All. This scorched earth policy of Hirohito not only killed millions of Chinese but also caused untold misery and great suffering to many more millions.
Hirohito personally directed his military forces to carry out mass killings . In the Nanking Massacre of 1937-1938 , more than 300, 000 Chinese civillians and prisoners of war were either shot, decapitated or buried alive.Other mass killings were carried out in other parts of China under Japanese occupation. Hundreds were killed or buried alive in Gaocheng county in Hepei and in Mengcun village also of Hupei more than 1500 were killed or buried alive.
The Japanese pursuit of killing of Chinese extended to South East Asia. In Singapore about 100,000 Chinese were killed or buried alive in 1942 under the code Sook Ching. In Malaya many more hundreds of thousands of Chinese were slaughtered in countless villages. Thousands of Chinese were also killed by the Japs in various parts of Indonesia.
What is even more gruesome and intolerable is that they would bayonet young children alive or tossed Chinese babies in the air and then bayoneted them. The Japanese are really beasts and inhuman.
One of the Japs horrible war crimes was "Human experimentation and Biological warfare under Unit 731 which was established by order of Hirohito himself. The commander of Unit 731 was Shiro Ishii. Victims were subjected to experiments like vivisection, amputation and others without anesthetics. Other victims were subjected to testing of biological weapons. Victims were used for plague and pathogens experiments. According to the 2002 International Symposium on the crimes of Bacteriological Warfare , the number of people killed by the Imperial Japanese Army germ warfare and human experiments was around 600,000. More than 400,000 Chinese died of bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax and other diseases resulting from the use of biological warfare.
However it is shameful and despicable for USA not to prosecute top officers of Unit 731 for war crimes after the war in exchange for the criminals in turning over the results of their research to USA. These war criminals of Unit 731 were also given responsible positions in Japan's and America's pharmaceutical industries, in medical schools and health ministry. In doing so USA is guilty of complicity in the war crimes against humanity especially against the Chinese .
Besides the wicked Hirohito also signed orders specifying the use of chemical weapons in China.Thus in 1937 tear gas was used against the Chinese army. In 1938 the Imperial Japanese Army began full scale use of many different kinds of poisonous gases against the Kuomintang and communist troops. The gases used were phosgene, chlorine, lewisite, , nausea gas ( red ) and mustard gas ( yellow )
In the Battle of Wuhan , August to October 1938, Hirohito perfsonally authorized the use of toxic gas on about four hundred occasions resulting in tens of thousands of death and lingering suffering. In the Battle of Yichang October 1941 , the Jap Imperial Army launched more than a thousand mustard gas shells and 1500 red gas shells at Chinese forces in which thousands of soldiers and civillians died. Later in 1944 the Japs started to use cyanide gas which killed even more Chinese soldiers and civillians.
Finally the Japs used widespread gruesome torture to gather military intelligence quickly. After interrogation and torturing, the prisoners were executed or buried alive. The Jap officers claimed they acted on orders from their senior officers and they were convinced that they were doing so in honour of their country. As one Jap officer said, " We carried out our duty as instructed by our masters. We did it for the sake of our country. From our filial obligation to our ancestors. On the battlefield we never really considered the Chinese humans. When you are winning, the losers look really miserable. We concluded that the Yamato race - the Japanese were superior."
From the above it can be seen that the Japanese will never change their beastly behaviour, their penchant for aggression and conquest. They still think they are superior to the Chinese yet they have to adopt many things from Chinese such as Chinese writing, tea culture, the kimono was a Tang Dynasty dress for cultured ladies of nobility and even martial arts. Since the Japanese elites think so highly of themselves and are itching for a fight and since their crimes can never be forgiven, China should take them on and present them with a hundred atomic or hydrogen bombs to make sure Japan will never be a menace to the Chinese and others again.
China should seek a modus vi-ven-di with USA before launching a full scale attack on Japan.
As an aside information, my father was tortured by the Japanese in Singapore Fortunately he was saved by a Taiwanese senior officer of the same surname, My mother too was kicked and slapped by the Jap soldiers for not bowing to them. The Japs also confiscated all the money and jewellery from my parents and up to now our family has not been compensated.
Thursday, 22nd September, 2016