
Hate quitters?

Let me quote a paragraph from BK’s article in the TRE titled ‘Race and Patriotism’. ‘In 2002, Goh Chok Tong had called young Singaporeans with no sense of belonging and only too willing to go abroad as ‘quitters’. “These people are fair-weather Singaporeans … I call them quitters,” he said. In 2008, PM Lee HL had revealed that 25% of top ‘A’ level students who had gone abroad to study never returned. There are 212,000 Singaporeans abroad as of 2014 vs 157,800 in 2004.’

Quitters are fair weather Singaporeans who left to go abroad? ‘I call them quitters’, in other words undesirables or something unworthy. Now we have 2 million of these undesirables, unworthies here, and we are bringing in more, at least 20,000 annually and give them jobs, good jobs, even as political leaders. We even encouraged other countries' quitters to be here by offering scholarships and jobs and all kinds of perks.

Is there a change of heart? Are quitters now the darlings of Singapore, that we are opening our legs to welcome the quitters from everywhere, good, bad, shitty, never mind, quitters are good, foreign quitters are better. We love quitters? So would we be welcoming our own quitters home? Or would we be throwing the book at them when they returned, some to go behind bars?

What is what? We scolded our Singaporeans who went abroad and kissed the foreigners’ arses for coming here? There is a saying in the US, spoken by the native Americans, ‘White men speak with fork tongues’.


Japan expecting an apology from Obama

Obama’s visit to Hiroshima is raising expectations in Japan that the American President should offer an apology to the victims of the atomic bombs.  More 140,000 were killed in Hiroshima and 70,000 in Nagasaki. No American President has apologized. What for?

‘We would definitely like an apology to people who lost their lives, those who lost loved ones, parents who lost their children.’  Terumi Tanaka was only 13 and survived the bomb.

Compare what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the Rape of Nankin, just this incident alone caused more than 300,000 deaths, more than the combined death in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. So what is so big deal about Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The total death as a result of the Japanese Invasion of China and South East Asia came to many millions. There was no provocation but simply an act of aggression to conquer and control people and countries by the Japanese.

In the case of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the atomic bombs were brought down on the Japanese as a response to their invasion and killings of millions of innocent Asians and South East Asians, including Americans sleeping in Hawaii, the Australians, New Zealanders and British prisoners of wars.  And the massacres of Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Indians, Singaporeans, Filipinos, Indonesians etc etc.

Why should the American President have to apologise for a miniscule act that the Japanese brought it upon themselves by slaughtering millions of Asians and Southeast Asians, Europeans, Australians, and of course the innocent Americans, thousands of them and the sneak attack in Pearl Harbour?

There is absolutely no reason for the Americans to apologise to the Japanese. It is the Japanese that should be apologizing to the Americans for the sneaky attacks at Pearl Harbour and the invasion of China, Korea and Southeast Asian countries.  Did the Japanese sincerely apologise to the victims of their invasions, the tens of millions of innocent people that died in their hands, that were brutalized by them, the comfort women forced to be sex slaves?

11 year old student commit suicide – So sad

Read this in the TRE.  ‘According to the Lianhe Zaobao, an 11-year old boy had committed suicide by jumping off a block at 470A Fernvale Link yesterday (18 May). … the boy’s mother was seen crying next to the his body while his father apologised continuously. It is unclear why the suicide took place but the boy was supposed to go to school to collect his exam papers so that his parents can acknowledge his results and sign it.’

We are hearing more and more of such tragic stories of our young being stressed out and even committing suicide. We had Benjamin Lim, now this 11 year old, likely to be related to the stressful education system.

My advice to parents, please treasure your children. They are here for you to enjoy them, to share your love, joy, pain and unhappiness and whatever together. Love them and treat them well. Not every child will score straight As or do exceptionally well in school. A child is gifted in many ways, not just academically. Enjoy them, nurture them and look at their good sides and their blessings.

A child needs a lot of tender loving care and support from the parents and adults, including teachers in schools. The child is in the care of parents and teachers to grow up to be responsible and healthy adults, not just to score in examinations. They need to know that they are being loved and wanted by their families, precious to their families for what they are. And anyone that has no feelings or empathies for chlldren should not be teachers.  The MOE must get rid of them from the system.

Do not take it out on the children. Do not mistreat children, do not leave them in the lurch, in the hands of beasts when they are in trouble when they are  doing badly in examinations or socially. It is in such times that they really need the parents and the teachers. The last thing is for the parents and teachers to desert them like they are outcasts, lepers, to be left on their own in times of need when help and love are what they need most.

This 11 year old child and Benjamin would still be around if parents and teachers are there to give them a helping them in their hours of darkness and despair. Love your children, love the children. The last thing, do not treat every child as a hopeless case, a hardcore criminal. Only evil, wicked and irresponsible beasts would do that to hapless and defenceless children.

Do not let this incident and Benjamin Lim to happen again. Parents, adults, teachers, police officers, you better take note.  Young innocent lives are at stake. Do not be the cause of tragedies of young lives. Do not take it out on young children. Do not abuse your authority. Do not be irresponsible.


USA – the international gangster complaining

Other than sailing ‘freedom of navigation’ warships into China’s territorial waters, the American gangsters are flying reconnaissance spy planes all over Chinese islands and near to the coast of mainland China, claiming ‘routine air patrol’. And worst, the gangsters are accusing China of adopting coercive tactics against its neighbours.  What do they think they are doing, and thinking the world is blind and stupid? China is not going to swallow such infringement of its territorial waters and airspace quietly. It is taking the cue from Putin and would harass the intruders with aggressive counter measures. These defensive acts are only natural to defend a nation’s territorial integrity. There is no need for China to apologise, to explain or to be defensive in  their reactions to encroachment and intrusion into their territories. Just do it.

Turn it around, how would the American gangsters and the Japanese yakuzas behave when Chinese ships and aircraft get near to their coastal waters or airspace. China should mount similar operations into Guam, Hawaii or the west coast of the USA and see how the American gangsters would react and then use the same reactions/precedents to deal with the American gangsters in the East and South China Seas. Both can play the same game. If the American gangsters dare to take down a Chinese ship or aircraft, China should reciprocate and do the same in the East and South China Seas to the American ships and aircraft.

China is no longer a weak and hapless nation. China can hit back and deal with the Americans confidently in military encounters.  The gangsters only understand the language of force like what Putin is doing. Only then would they back off.  China cannot adopt a weak and passive stance and let the Americans run all over the East and South China Seas.  If the American gangsters think they can fly and sail their warplanes and warships into Chinese territories and waters, China should do the same.

The world is watching what the Americans are doing in the East and South China Seas and also in the Middle East and all over the world.  When China did the same, or when Russians did the same, the Americans would have to stuff their shoes into their own mouths. This is the reality of the 21st Century. The American gangsters are not alone to be able to strut their stuff around to bully other nations with impunity.

Seniors coping with job transition, boom or bane?

The topic of concern in the main media these few days is about how seniors are coping with job transition. Let me quote a few paras to give an idea what the discussion is all about.

‘A job change is not a disaster, it can open doors to opportunities to new fields…To profit from these developments and best tackle job change, we must first stay positive and motivated, trust in our abilities and believe there are more good years ahead.’

If I were a natural aristorcrat, the above is very meaningful. A job change is opening the door to new opportunities, to better and cosier jobs, to continue to get paid handsomely or even more.  This does not apply to the many PMETs who were laid off. What happened to them is more like this, ‘The next step is to get to work, research jobs of interest, apply for them confidently and not hesitate to seek help in doing so.’  And prepare to send 500 resumes with no replies over a year or more, and then give up.

And yes, how not to be confident when the next job is several notches down the line, from a PMET to a counter salesperson or a waiter. With the kind of experience PMETs have acquired, they must be absolutely confident in applying for the next job if they can get by their ego. This is the fault, forget about ego, a job is a job.  That is what many silly Singaporeans have been told and accepting this dreadful fate. Just be realistic with the expectations and ‘be receptive to other work as well as remuneration arrangements.’ It is not business as usual. All your training, degrees, experience is not worth a half baked, dunno got degree or fake degree foreigners. Do not question their credentials. You are expected to be stupid to accept them as your replacement even if they are fakes, with lower qualifications or degrees from Timbuktu.

Oh this part is best, ‘It pays to approach new jobs with the same hunger as we did our first job, except we have the benefit of experience and wisdom to accompany the application.’  I would say approach the jobs like those jobless from the third world countries. These people never have the same angst as our PMETs in job transitions. Our PMET’s job transition often is a nightmare except for the natural aristocrats when a shop keeper can end up as the CEO of a big corporation. The experience of the third world jobless job applicants is always a pleasure, from out of job to fully employed. From being paid in third world currency, at minimum wage scale to being paid in Singapore currency and at Singapore rate.  They are chasing their dreams and rainbows here but our PMETs are chasing to see who would accept the lowest rung job available, and temporary somemore.

Job transition for the foreign job applicants is such a great thing to happen, but a nightmare and humiliating experience to our PMETs. Why so lidat? Something is wrong somewhere? Something mysterious? Maybe the brains of our PMETs are overused, overtrained and no longer usable.  But must trained some more so that they can downgrade their expectations.

The demand is for clean, young and unused brains from the third world countries. To these third world job hunters, what job transition are they talking about? It is like a trip to paradise, a sweet dream turning into reality, finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.