
Bukit Batok - The $1.9m riddle, whose money?

What is this $1.9m upgrading package? To me it is a simple number  but why are the politicians fumbling with this number like a hot potato and could not get it right? Hey, I expect politicians to know how to count, to know how to get their numbers correct.  Murali said this $1.9m is part of the $24m package David Ong proposed for the people of Bukit Batok. Then why not say so, why not say it is $24m and not a miserable $1.9m. To those expecting and waiting for the $24m package, this looks like loose change, short changed.

Murali finally qualified to say that the $24m works out to be about $4.5m a year. He further qualified that some projects already completed, some work in progress, so the balance, does it work out to be precisely $1.9m? What is this $1.9m, work not started yet, new projects or projects initiated by David Ong? Or is the $1.9m projects the sole initiative of Murali so he has to say this separately to distinguish himself from David Ong? What is what now?

As a layman, what the Bukit Batok residents may want to know is where is this money coming from? Are they the resident’s money from the Bukit Batok constituency, or general tax payers’ money or are they the PAP’s money? This point is relevant to the question raised by the SDP about pork barrel politics, about vote buying.  The PAP said there is nothing to do with vote buying, so the money is rightly to be the residents’ money and the PAP is just managing the money and using the residents’ money to improve the estate. This sounds right, it is the people’s money and only how to use it in the best way to benefit the people. If it is the PAP’s money then the allegation by the SDP for vote buying may have some basis to work on.

Can I thus conclude that the money belong’s to the residents, is there waiting for the MP/Town  Council to propose how to use it in the best way for the residents? If this is the case, can Chee Soon Juan also promise to use the same money, the residents’ money to upgrade the estate that he thinks best when the residents give him the mandate by electing him as their MP? Can right?

So if Chee Soon Juan would to promise the residents that he would use the same many, the residents’ money to upgrade the estates for the residents’ good, would he be accused of vote buying? No right.

Let me organize the facts to make it clear to the residents of Bukit Batok and Singaporean.  The $24m is the residents’ money and David Ong had proposed how it should be used for the residents when he was the MP. Would this plan be changed because there is a change of MP? It should not right? Or even if it should, the money, the balance that has not been used should still be available to the new MP to use for the benefits of the residents right?  Oh, caveat, in a GE, when there is a change of MP, the money not used must be transferred to a reserves fund, cannot be touched by the new MP from another party even if it is the residents’ money. Don't ask me to explain the logic or stupidity of this provision. I am not a party to it. It looks mischievous. The money is not earned by the MP investing in some clever bonds. The money are contributions, collections from the residents. Why should a new from another party be deprived from using it for the good of the residents?

In the case of a by election, would the same rules applied, ie, the new MP cannot touch it if he is from SDP and not from PAP? I really dunno.  The basic question, whose money is it? The residents’ or the party’s?

There is this money paid by the residents, amounting to $24m, some spent, some on the way, some still available. Can Chee Soon Juan use this money to upgrade the estate and proposed his plans to the residents and not be accused of vote buying?

What is the issue, what is the problem? $1.9m or balance of $24m? If Murali can promise the residents with the residents’ money, why can’t Chee? It is definitely not the PAP’s money right?


The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo European American Jewish Zionism Against Asians and Africans

                              The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo European
American Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the

Previously I had written on how the West  (  The Europeans' )  foreign
policy and blue print for conquests and world domination was based on their
Doctrine of Christian Discovery and subsequently over the years expanded by
White Americans into a more evil Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny and
the monstrous  American Exceptionalism. I will not delve into these
doctrines in detail . These evil doctrines can be accessed in Google when
you type in the titles of the three doctrines. Briefly white men inclusive
of White Americans claim their God has given them the divine right to take
and conquer non-Christian lands and to kill all the natives of these lands
if they refused to be converted to their faith. American Manifest Destiny
deprive all native Americans of their rights and title to their lands and
properties and claims Americans have the right to expand its  frontiers
both on land and sea without limits. American Exceptionalism empowers White
Americans  -  USA  to assassinate foreign leaders who don't toe the
American line and to carry out regime change. To know who were the leaders
assassinated  and which  countries were regime  changed by CIA , just type
in Google ,  "Foreign leaders assassinated by CIA "  or  " Countries
subjected to regime change by CIA  and you will get the details.

But now an even more horrendous Anglo European American Jewish Zionism
policy is in the offing.  This satanic group is headed by the
Rothschilds,the Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and well known American
bankers in the Citi Bank , J.P Morgan , Well Fargo Bank ,Bank of America
and the Free Masons. They are working in collusion with the rogues and
scoundrels in the US government, the CIA, The Pentagon, Congress, The
Senate and the House of Representatives.

Why is this group so frightening and scary?  They say the world is  now
overpopulated  with Seven Billion people and there will not be enough
resources to serve everyone. They asserted that the world population should
be reduced come what may  to just about one and a half billion people.
They argued that majority of the world's population is found in Asia and
Africa and it is time to find ways and means to reduce the number of Asians
and Africans. They have decided that it is only  through a combination of
methods but largely through wars that  the Asian  and African population
can be reduced drastically. For the wars to accomplish its results they
must be fought in Asia and Africa and they always have plans for perennial
wars in Asia and Africa.

Their strategic new plans call for  (1) impoverishment of Asian and African
countries (2) Clinically and genetically manipulated changes of DNA of rice
seeds so that the  growing of rice will result in infertility of  rice
eaters. (3) Control of  pharmaceutical products for Asia and Africa
designed to a slow but long process of poisoning Asians and Africans
resulting in sickness like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, infertility and
other related diseases. ( 4  )  Chemical fertilizers that poisoned food
crops and the soil cumulatively over a long period,  ( 5 )  Insecticides
that poisoned the food crops and the soil like DDT.  ( 6) Wars of

The impoverishment of Asians and Africans are carried out  through two
distinct direct but related methods. One is to attack and weaken the
financial and economic structure and well being  of the countries of the
two continents. The other is to create instability and destability of the
Asian and African countries by provoking hostilities and wars among the
countries in the two continents.

In the financial and economic front the attack is frontal through the
manipulation of the American Petrol Dollar as a standard of international
exchange. Every country which wants to buy or sell products to America or trade round the world must
use the Petrol Dollar to trade. There is a clear disadvantage to Asian and
African countries because US is always manipulating the currency to its
advantage at whatever circumstances  it determines. US rogue bankers and
stock brokers will always cheat and swindle unsuspecting Asians and
Africans by selling them toxic financial products like mini-bonds . Be wary
of European and American private bankers who will use the billions of
dollars entrusted to them for sound investments by the  Asians and
Africans but instead they will always misuse it  to deal with endless
trading in derivatives which  is nothing but pure gambling. In such cases
win or lose the bankers will always first award themselves by the millions
or billions as service charges. Derivative trading is nothing but a super
casino which together with the Petrol Dollar and the financial toxic
products are a form of American financial terrorism  on unsuspecting Asians
and Africans. These financial loses will result in the decline and
weakening of  the Asian and African economy and ultimately a fatal blow to
human survival.

Creating wars , instability and destability is the bench mark of American
foreign policy which devolve from their doctrine the American Manifest
Destiny  and American Exceptionalism. The Americans will always sow
suspicion , descension and create instability and hostility among the Asian
and African countries. It will then carry out endless propaganda of
misinformation and disinformation with a lot of  lies, half truths and
insinuations to a crescendo before it starts the wars among the
unsuspecting Asian and African countries. The Americans are the masters of
sheding blood behind the scenes. They have succeeded in making the Arabs in
the Middle East going after each others throats. The Americans will just
reap the harvest and enrich themselves by selling obsolete weapons to the
warring factions and at the same time test their new weapons in attacking
the factions which do not toe the American line. America is trying to
create the same scenario in Asia. It is trying to create civil and
international  wars among the Asian countries like divided Koreas, divided
Chinas  - Mainland China and Taiwan, foment wars between Japan and China,
between India and Pakistan, between India and China and between China and
the Viets and Pinoys. In this way the Anglo European and American Jewish
Zionism  led by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Illuminatis, Freemasons and
other big American bankers as well as the rogues in the American government
inclusive of the President, Senate, Congress , CIA and the Pentagon will
have succeeded to see how Asians will have died by the billions in a great
nuclear war among the Asians. This will definitely decimate Asian
populations by the billions and fit in the ruthless plans of the evil Anglo
European And American Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the
Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and the rogue and scoundrels of the American

The American pivot towards Asia especially in the East China Sea and the
South China Sea is just a cover for American covert and overt plans for
wars and destruction among Asians .  In the aftermath of these wars America
hope to seize the opportunity to dominate and control both the East China
Sea and the South China Sea and together the rich oil and other mineral
resources under the sea bed  and to dominate the whole of Asia under
American hegemony. It will be a hopeless dream for America for under such
scenario there is no guarantee that Russia and China will not carry out
full scale nuclear attack on America and thus resulting in not only mutual
destruction but ultimate total destruction of the entire humanity on earth.

A desperate bankrupt America must not be allowed to destroy the world under
whatever guise and pretext.


Friday, 29th April, 2016The h

By election to vote for a new MP for Bukit Batok?

Does anyone know what they are voting for in the by election? Sure, we are voting for a MP. What is a MP? A MP is a member of Parliament. Is it? I thought they are voting for an estate manager.

Ya hor, they all talk about improving the estate. Some want to do this, some want to do that. Do they know that they are supposed to be member of the Parliament? Or should they change the election to By Election for an EM? What is an EM? You did not  misspelt it for EP right? What EM? Estate Manager lah.

Ya ya, they better vote for estate manager. No need to attend Parliament sitting, got more important things to do than to attend Parliament. What for attend Parliament, talk, talk, talk and ask question only? Voting decided by the Whip, so no need to think, to agree or not to agree, understand or not understand the bills never mind, just vote when told to vote lah. No need to know what the bill is all about also. Absent from Parliament how to know? But when people ask, cannot say like that. Must you know what you are voting and you agree with the bills not because told to vote against your will, values, principles, or lagi best, dunno what the bill is all about.

What is more important in an election for an EM, oops I mean MP? To be representative of the people, to speak for the people, to make sure changes in govt policies, in laws, should benefit the people. But how to make sure when you can only vote what the party tells you to vote?  Or when you don’t even have time to attend Parliament? KNN getting $16,000 plus plus to be MP but got no time to attend Parliament. How can like that one?  Everything part time, attending Parliament also part time.

Ya hor, no wonder no need to attend Parliament. Like that all election should be called election for an estate manager. No need to waste time to attend Parliament. No need to call them MPs or Members of Parliament. No need to pay them MP allowance of $16,000, got bonuses some more, for not attending Parliament. Just pay them market rate for an estate manager enough leow.

What do you think? You know what is an MP or not? Yes, yes, an MP is an estate manager. Tiok, pass.


Vivian wants Japan to sustain its role in SE Asia

Vivian is in Japan and encouraging the Japanese ‘to sustain its role in SE Asia’, to be more involved as a part of South East Asia or Asia as ‘Japan is also integral to the stability and prosperity of Asia’. History students and the senior citizens of Singapore and Asia would have a very different view of what Japan meant to the stability and prosperity of Asia. Vivian better don’t ask them for a view on what he said in Japan.

Japan was very active and destructive during the Second World War, to include South East Asia as part of their grand plan for a East Asia Co prosperity Sphere, ie the Japanese Imperialist Empire. And in their implementation of this plan for co prosperity of East Asia, it was not about stability but conquest. The plan was the invasion of Asia and South East Asia that led to great pains and sufferings and millions of death to Asians and South East Asians. The countries in the region were invaded and colonized and looted, their people raped and killed en mass.

When talking about stability and prosperity in Asia with the Japanese, one must not talk blindly, in a vacuum, unthinking and without reflecting on the meanings of such terms in the minds of the Japanese and to those who had suffered under Japanese brutality.  For children born after the war, and if they did not read history or their parents did not tell them what happened then, they may think that Japanese are all wearing suits and ties and very nice people. They have different plans for the Asians and South East Asians, and stability and prosperity in Asia meant different things to them. And inviting the Japanese to sustain their roles in SE Asia, without qualifications, without understanding history, is a dangerous and uncalled for remarks.

Japan should be invited to play an active role in the prosperity of Asia from the economic point of view ONLY, and not security and definitely not a military one. People who don’t learn from history are likely to ignore history and repeat history and suffer the same consequences of their forbears.

Japan was not an angel like they want to present themselves today. Japan’s role in South East Asia in the past was that of an invader, an occupier, colonialist, imperialist, and barbaric, killing and looting Asia and SE Asia. No one in his right mind would want to invite Japan to play the same barbaric role as invaders and conquerors of Asian and SE Asian countries all over again.

The militarization of Japan and the tearing away of the Pacifist Constitutions should be taken heed, that Japan is reverting to its military past and wanting to go to war again. The Japanese ambition as a military power at the expense of Asia and South East Asia must not be simply forgotten and taken lightly. Invite the Japanese to grow and prosper with Asia and South East Asia, but the Japanese must be reminded that their military ways would not be welcomed unless these countries would not mind being invaded once again. Do SE Asians want to suffer the same fate as their forefathers under Japanese rule?

Singapore would not want to be ‘Syonan to’ once again. Singaporeans would not want to sing the Japanese national anthem once again. Singaporeans would not want to be butchered and beheaded and shot at point blank by Japanese soldiers and buried in Tanah Merah or Blakang Mati Beaches. The Singaporeans killed were literary digging their own graves, forced by the Japanese soldiers.

Singapore must really teach history all over again to make the young Singaporeans smarter and wiser, especially to those born after the war. Many did not know what they are talking about.

SDP unprepared for By Election

Tharman has taken the first shot at the SDP that they were unprepared for the by election. That must be the truest of all the statements made so far. How could SDP know that there will be a by election coming so soon after the GE and be prepared for it? I don’t think anyone in the SDP could foresee that something like this would happen and be prepared for a by election. Only those who knew what is coming could be prepared for it.

Is the PAP prepared for this by election, knew that it is coming? Who knows better, but PAP is surely more prepared than the SDP or Tharman would not be using this as a strong point to use against the SDP.  SDP is unprepared, heheh, we are.  PAP is prepared and ready for the by election with its new programme launched by Murali. Is the new programme similar to the programme David Ong promised the residents of Bukit Batok? Some numbers were quoted, that David Ong’s programme was very comprehensive and amounting to $24m while Murali was talking about $1.9m. Please enlighten me on this.  Oh, before I forget, let me use the often uttered phrase by the rich people. What is $1.9m? This is even less than one year’s salary of a minister.  Maybe Murali was talking about a small portion of the programme or the $24m was the whole programme that includes other constituencies. SDP must be forgiven for being in the dark about this whole affair as they were not a party to it. Sure, they don’t know.

A word of advice to all the opposition parties, please be prepared for more by elections and not be caught with their pants down and got to make last minute plans and programme changes. The PAP is always prepared for all contingencies like surprise by elections. This is something that the opposition parties can learn from.

Ok, SDP, please admit that you did not see it coming and therefore not prepared for it, unless they knew what was happening in Bukit Batok’s grassroot affairs.