A BBC news reported on 31 Mar 16 that an Australian Premier wanted to change the true history of Australia, that Britain invaded Australia, not discovered Australia. And I quote,
‘A top politician has backed university guidelines saying students should refer to Britain's "invasion" of Australia.
The University of New South Wales (UNSW) rejected claims on Wednesday it was "whitewashing" its curriculum.
Its Indigenous Terminology guide urges students to use the term "invaded" rather than "settled" or "discovered", and to avoid the word "Aborigines".
Queensland state Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said she supported universities teaching "the truth"….
"A lot of Indigenous people lost their lives, there were massacres and the truth always must be told."
When the premier was asked if this meant Australia had been invaded, she answered "yes"…. There were already more than 250 separate language groups of Aboriginal people living on the land.
Then began a process of colonisation and land confiscation which denied Aboriginal rights to land, citizenship and equal status - rights which in many cases were only finally bestowed in recent decades.’
This piece of news would not be of interest to the West or even people in Asia. Our New York Times would not be bothered with such news but would reported profusedly on the island dispute in the South China Sea because it serves a different agenda and the interests of those favoured. The indigenous people of Australia have lost their land. It is history. No point talking about them. The main purpose now is to prevent China from claiming the islands. It is easier to control the South China Sea if the islands are claimed by the Asean countries than by China. It is better to keep the dispute alive and let it fester and agitate the claimants to go after one another, then sell them more weapons in a divide and rule strategy. Keep reporting the dispute and tension and keep stirring hatred and conflict among these countries. Let it become second nature and the Empire will sail in to take control.
The Asean countries have retaken their land, regained their independence. The important thing to them is to go out and claim islands in the South China Sea like Britain claiming Australia and the Europeans claiming the world outside Europe in the seventeen century..
The status of the islands in the South China Sea is in a way similar to Australia, New Zealand, the continent of North America and many other pieces of land all over the world. The only exception is that the islands have no indigenous people, uninhabited. Yes, anyone can claim them. But the rule of this game is still the rule of yesteryears. It is finder’s keepers, and if there is a dispute, the claimant must be able to make the dispute go away, to make it a reality. It is a different ball game for any country going out to claim land or islands. Face the fact, you need the barrel of the gun.
The Asean countries are strong, military powers in their own right and thus are able to make competing claims against China. Go ahead and make your claims a reality, if you can.
Let me return to this BBC news. Who is this Premier? Read her name. Yes, she is an indigenous people. She is a minority that survived the massacre and lives to tell the truth and wants to claim the rights of her indigenous people. She wanted the truth to be told. Who asked her if it was discovery or invasion? Obviously the descendant of the invaders, and his truth was that they discovered Australia. That was why he had to ask if Australia was invaded. What, indigenous people the owners of Australia?
The Doctrine of Christian Discovery, a Papal Bull, gave them the authority in the name of God the Almighty that non believers were sub humans and had no rights to land ownership. And the superior Europeans had all the right to take their land and their lives in the name of God. The Europeans, in Australia’s case it was James Cook and his British sailors, discovered Australia. The indigenous people were like the live stocks in the land, no rights to anything. That was their truth. This is not worth reporting, not worth to know.
So, would Australia rewrite their history books after more than 200 years of British and western truths? There have been some changes in mindset and some left over surviving tribes were given some land, while the rest of the continent is still owned by the European settlers that ‘discovered’ Australia.
Can you live with the truth? Whose truth? White men don’t tell lies. They just tell their own truth. You can’t handle the truth.
PS. BBC reported this, ‘Meanwhile, the University of Queensland says it does not teach that Captain Cook "invaded" nor "settled" Australia’. So, what did they teach?
PS. People who did not know their history would be happily deceived.