
The recolonisation of the Philippines and Asean

The Americans have just announced that they have reached an agreement with the Philippines to station American troops and weapons in 5 bases in the Philippines. In the 16th century, the colonialists had to fight their way to colonise the Philippines. Today they are invited by the Philippines to recolonise the country.

The Americans now have bases in several Asean countries. The next American base would be in Malaysia. While the Americans are screwing Najib’s ass, his Defence Minister Hishamuddin has been sleeping with the Americans and talking about military cooperation with the Americans.  The Americans would be most happy to make him the next Malaysian PM in a regime change when they got rid of Najib. Then the Americans would have military bases in most of the Asean countries. The pivot to Asia would be complete.

None of the silly Asean countries are asking why is there a need for so many military bases when the Americans could use one carrier group to retake all the islands in the South China Sea?  What is the real intent and ambition of the Americans?  Do the silly Asean leaders understand the meaning of ‘pivot to Asia’? Put it simply, it is the recolonisation of Asia, starting with Asean.

The South China Sea is just a red herring, a convenient excuse to play up to deceive the daft Asean leaders who are scrambling to claim islands in the South China Sea in direct competition with China, claiming islands that China had claimed centuries ago, centuries before these countries were even countries, long before these countries regained their independence from their colonial masters.

Now, because of their wild ambitions, to claim little islands and rocks in the South China Sea, they are compromising their independence and inviting a colonial power to put soldiers in their countries. It is like inviting the wolves into the house to guard the chickens.

How daft can these Asean leaders be, wanting to fight for a bird in a thorny bush that was already claimed by someone else and risk losing everything, without getting the little bird?

MOM’s labour and employment data

What is MOM’s data on employment saying? Total growth in employment for 2015 is 23,300 compared to 131,300 and 122,100 in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Of these, local employment, or Singaporeans and permanent citizens took up 700 jobs compared to 82,900 and 96,000 for 2013 and 2014.

The data told of a shrinking economy with lesser jobs being created and lesser jobs going to Singaporeans and PRs. Of the 700 that went to Singaporeans and PRs, how many went to Singaporeans? 50% or less?

Each year’s citizen cohort by birth and coming into the job market is about 33,000. Even if only 50% of the cohort is seeking employment, that is 16,500. Add another 15,000 imports of foreigners, the total number of job seekers would be 31,500.

If the job market continues to shrink or remain at a level less than 30,000, many Singaporeans would have problem looking for a job. When job creation were in the 100,000s, things were ok though some Singaporeans were still finding it tough to land a job, especially the PMEs,  how bad would it become if job creation is in the 20,000 level?

Are we heading into a recession? Analysts are saying a recession is around the corner and the worse is yet to be.


Bukit Batok residents - Listen to him again

Chee Soon Juan may be the SDP candidate standing for Bukit Batok. I would advise the voters in Bukit Batok to listen to these two clips and hear him out once again in the quiet and leisure pace before the election campaign go into full swing. Assess this man and ask a few simple questions, is he a reasonable man, a sound man or as what people tagged him, a mad and rash man? Has this man grown up, mellowed and has he become a better man today?

The two clips were his speeches in the last GE. Make your own judgement and do not allow other people to plant their ideas and agenda on your mind. Be your own master. You deserve that, to judge freely on your own terms.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnJxdO-6nuQ

Animal Farm Revisited

One of the famous quotes of this classical political satire is that All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. This state of affair came to passé when the pigs usurped the power given to them by default by the other animals in the farm. The pigs conveniently took over the farm and treat the farm as their rightful inheritance and the rest of the animals as their slave workers.

In our Constitution, every citizen is equal under the law, has equal rights to what everyone should have as a citizen of the state. No one is more equal than others unless one achieves greatness, or appointed/employed to positions of power and authority when the power and authority are vested in those positions. Before that, everyone is just an ordinary citizen, everyone is an Ah Kow, Ahmad or a Muthu, equal under the law.

There is now a Constitutional Commission to rewrite the laws and regulations on the eligibility to be a candidate to stand for election as the Elected President? Before this, it is already regulated that only some clever and powerful people have the right to be Elected Presidents, in other words more equal than other citizens. Is this a violation of the rights of the citizens provided in the Constitution?

So far no legal minds have stood up to say anything about this change, that some are more equal than others. Does this silence mean that it is legally right, constitutionally right, to legislate that some are more equal than others by virtue of wealth and position?

The Constitutional Commission is reviewing the eligibility criteria for the Elected President. Maybe, with the privilege of having two high court judges in the Commission, that this issue be aired and cleared once and for all. The privilege and rights of the people as equals provided by the Constitution is sacred and must not be violated and legislated away.

No, the Constitution can be changed and some should be made more equal than others? Would Singapore turn into an Animal Farm like the animals allowing their rights to be taken away without any resistance or protest?

What do you think? Anyone writing to the Commission wants to bring this point up? Non issue? Not important, no need to defend this right? Ok, I heard it, the legal minds and all the wise men and wise women have spoken, in silence. And they said silence is consent.

I rest my case. Four legs are good, two legs are better.


No more A Class ward for me

Still reminiscing the good old days when life was good, when many things were free. Dental and medical treatments were free for children. And as adults working in the civil service, hospitalization entitlement was free even for the wife, and in A Class ward. Many retired civil servants that opted out from the old medical schemes are kicking themselves silly today when the cost of A Class ward today is like paying for a Presidential Suite in a 5 star hotel.


Just a few decades ago, practically every Singaporeans, technicians and taxi drivers, would opt for A Class wards on admission to a hospital. A Class was affordable to the average Singaporeans with their large savings in their CPF. Today, you no longer hear the average Singaporeans asking for A or even B1 wards in privatized public hospitals. They know that one admission would make them a bankrupt or in debt forever. I have made up my mind that C Class is what I could afford should I ‘sway sway’ get admitted to a private public govt hospitals. And I am not even sure if I could afford to pay the medical bills even with subsidies and with the MediShield Life Scheme.


Below are a couple of comments from bloggers posted in TRE in an article by Phillip Ang titled, ‘PAP should not disguise a subsidy as a grant’.  But let me quote a para from Phillip, ‘The more citizens are assisted by the govt the worse off we are.  If our economy was really on steroids, why should we need an ever increasing amount of handouts? Something is very wrong here.’ And here is a comment by a Tuck Wan and a Oxygen.


Tuck Wan:  Phillip Ang, You are 100% right. I was billed $900+ after 80% subsidy for 3 days stay (C class). No surgery just medication, blood test and microprobing the stomach. If no subsidy then bill should be $4,500+.  Still scratching my head why so expensive…


Oxygen:  Quality of healthcare in C class care risk aggravation of patient’s health recovery from major surgery. The tragic result, if not eventuating in the death of the patient through breakout of infectious clusters, could prolong the stay of patients adding to their cost of hospitalization stay. Less in class C could well ended in a lot more for the unfortunate few – after hospitalization stay complication arising from lower quality care.


The hospital bill for a C Class ward has been inflated to such a huge sum that even after a 80% subsidy, the amount still comes to a substantial sum. And the people are not really paying for the services of world class doctors and nurses but those from the 3rd world countries where the medical training and standard are sub par from our very own medical professionals. And as Oxygen mentioned, and had happened several times, there is now a higher risk of getting infected in a breakout of infectious diseases due to lower level of medical standard. We had hepatitis C breakout that had never occurred before, then TB affecting children and babies and what else.


Everyone should be praying not to get sick, not just because of the hefty medical bills after subsidies and after Medishield Life but also the fear of the unknowns. How have we progressed? How many are still opting for A Class wards in privatized public govt hospitals? How many can afford this luxury?