
Ensuring minority representation in Elected President?

The first red herring was a ‘rogue’ President. What is rogue to one may be a savior to another. Like Donald Trump, the American political elite are calling him a rogue for blasting at the elite for abusing the system for their vested interests. And the Americans see through the elitist farce and are telling the elite to go to hell. They want their ‘rogue’ President to fight for them and their interests, not the interests of the elite.

Are the elite here, like the Americans, trying to seal their domination and control of the system for the elite? Think about it, why must an elected President be an elite? Do the ordinary people have the right to become the President? It used to be but not anymore. You need to be the elite of the elite to be eligible to stand as a candidate for Elected President. Have daft Sinkies forgotten that this is a democracy and the country belongs to them and not to the elite?

The next red herring is minority as the Elected President. Is this really the solution, really what the Singaporeans want? Think very carefully and do not ask for things that could turn out to be a can of worms. If you still cannot get it, let me quote a blogger, Bapak’s comment in the TRE on this subject.

‘If they can use this minority representation as excuse to introduce GRC, l don’t see why not one day more minority representation for citizens with origin from Pinoyland, Ahnehland, Thailand, Jokertaland, Nigerianland,…etc. So where is this Singapore core they are talking about? Don’t you think they are good at talk one thing & do another thing? This GRC thing is very anti-Singaporean.’

Be very careful what you are asking. This minority thing has changed. We no longer are a city state defined by CMIO. Now minorities include Pinoys, Thais, Myanmese, Vietnamese, Indonesians and even Europeans and Africans. Where shall we stop if we open this Pandora box?

Just to rotate among every minority it would take half a century at least. Are we thinking? Are our politicians thinking? What is the beef?

Singapore is for everyone? Not for Singaporeans? And what is the new Singaporean? Like I said before, Singapore used to belong to CMIO. Today Singapore belongs to ‘chap cheng kia’. There are now at least 10 ethnic tribes in the Singapore equation. Ethnic minorities have taken a different shade and colour.  Don’t pray pray.

Do not allow another Benjamin to happen – Part 2

I wrote earlier about this. And I am worried that another case is waiting to happen. Remember the students of Tanjong Katong Primary School after the Kota Kinabalu disaster? What did the school did to the students that knew those who perished? Yes,, they counseled them, to make sure mentally and emotionally they were able to cope with the shocking event and the after shock. Children are just children and it is very difficult to know how they would react to stress, trauma and death of people they know. No one could envisaged Benjamin would take it so badly. It came like a thunderbolt.

And Shanmugam made a Freudian slip in Parliament by saying that the little girl could commit suicide. The parents and teachers must talk to her, counsel her and keep a close watch over her. Make sure she is emotionally supported and prepared to take this blow of Benjamin’s death. Be very careful and concern about this little girl.

And there are also the teachers and police officers to think about. Some may feel very guilty for what they did or did not do and guilt stricken for Benjamin’s death. Some may be so insensitive that it would just be water under the bridge and would not be affected in any way. But some adults, yes, some adults are very sensitive and vulnerable in a tragedy like this. They must also be counseled, the principal, the counselor, teachers, police officers, they are also human beans and would react like human beans.

Let’s hope the after shock would not hit anyone so badly to take his own life or go insane. The pilots that dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were also mentally affected. This poor Benjamin’s case would prick at the conscience of many who have a conscience in them and they would feel really bad about it.


The Truth Behind US Military Aggression In The South China Sea

Jeff Brown: The Truth Behind U.S. Military Aggression In The South China Sea

The islands in the South China Sea are mentioned in documents going back to China’s Han Dynasty in 200 B.C. Currently China occupies just 8 of the 52 occupied Spratly Islands, Yet, the overt U.S. military aggression in the South China Sea is directed specifically at China. Viet Nam occupies 25 islands, the Philippines occupies 10 islands, Malaysia occupies 7 islands, and Taiwan occupies some islands.

China occupies only 15% of the occupied islands, while U.S. political/military sock-puppet countries control the rest. What’s going on and why is the United States spending a lot of money militarily confronting China over these 8 islands?

This is part of America’s grand strategy to destablize China – and to divide Korea, Japan, and the Phillipines from China – keep them at odds with each other. The old divide and conquer strategy. – Jeff Brown (44days.net) on Shadow of Truth

Prior to 1949, the Rand-McNally map always showed the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands as part of mainland China. When Mao Zedong and the Communist Party took control of China in October 1949, thereby establishing the Peoples Republic of China, he kicked out all of the western colonialists and Japanese imperialists. The Spratly Islands disappeared from the Rand-McNally map. The United States ever since has never stopped trying to overthrow the Communist Party since 1949.

So there’s 52 occupied islands and China occupies only 8 of them. What about all those other countries? This is the American Empire – the big bully – who hates the Communists and hates the Chinese and can’t stand the fact that it does not lord over Chinese resources. – Jeff Brown

China took two reefs and built two more small islands and and developed communities of economic activity.  If anything, because of its overt military aggression toward China over these legal Chinese legal island, the U.S is forcing China to place military assets on these islands in order for China to defend its interests.

What’s really going on here? China, South Korea and Japan are trying to form a free trade zone, something which the U.S. opposes. China was excluded from the TPP Treaty and this trade partnership among China/S Korea/Japan – which represents 20% of the global GDP – would partially undermine the U.S.-directed TPP Treaty in this region.

The presence of U.S. military power in the South China Sea region is extraordinary.  South Korea and Japan are de facto U.S. military occupied countries.  Viet Nam, the Philippines and Japan are essentially U.S. lap dogs.   The U.S. military aggression toward China is part of a military strategy to destabilize and reassume control over China politically and economically that dates back to 1949:

The U.S. will never stop trying to destroy China as long as the Communist Party is in power.  – Jeff Brown

The article above is written by Jeff J Brown , a well known international writer and blogger

Solar eclipse on 9 Mar 16 seen from MBFC

The bottom photo about 1/3 from the left looks like another planet. Not sure what it was.

Donald Trump – The rogue for the President of the USA

The Americans love him and are forming up behind this 21st century pipe piper for good or for the worst. But in the eyes of the American elite he is the father of all the rogues. Here are some accolades plastered onto this man by Martin Wolf in the Financial Times and reposted in the ST on 3 Mar. Here it goes:

‘Mr Trump is the promoter of paranoid fantasies, a xenophobe and an ignornamus  His business consists of the erection of ugly monuments to his vanity. He has no experience of political office…Mr Trump is grossly unqualified for the world’s most important polticial office.’

And according to a Robert Kagan in Martin’s article, ‘Mr Trump is also “the GOP’s Frankenstein monster”…’ What more glorious tribute could any American paid to this rogue called Donald Trump?

And it is precisely these attributes that made Trump what he is and what America is today, the Number One super power. And rogue or no rogue, Donald Trump is likely to be the Republican’s candidate for the Presidency and could be the President of the USA?

Singaporean leaders must be suffering in anguish at such a rogue that they would have to deal with when Trump comes calling in his Air Force One. Maybe we should erect a ERP in Changi Airport with a banner saying, ‘No rogue President in Singapore’.

No wonder Singapore can never be as great as the USA. The Americans will break any barriers, any rules, to be great. Singapore will play by the rules, by any rules, right rules, wrong rules, good rules, bad rules, as long as they are rules, Singaporeans will obey the rules. And the new rules coming up, No rogues can become the President of Singapore.

Donald, you get that?

Oh, let me return to say something good for Singapore in its pursuit for greatness. Martin’s article also mentioned about why Rome was great and this was what he said quoting Alexander Hamilton, ‘He notedthat Rome itself, with its careful duplication of magistracies, depended in it shours of need on the grant of absolute, albeit temporary, power to one man called a “dictator”.’ Martin went on to say that in the end ‘Augustus, heir of the popular party teminated the (farcical) republic and installed himself as emperor. He did so by preserving all the forms of the republic, while he dispensed with their meaning.’’  The world farcical is mine.

Singapore may not become as great as the USA with the prohibition of a rogue President but can become as great as Rome like the times of Emperor Augustus.