The aliens
have landed, more than 2m of them, in this little island Singaporeans called
home. And more will be coming according to the govt’s immigration and growth
policies. Singapore has no other means to generate economic growth,
productivity is at abysmally low, non existence. Its economic numbers are
propped up by the influx of foreigners that are hardly enlightening as a factor
for economic growth strategy.
Other than
the elite, the natural aristocrats and nobles, many Singaporeans are struggling
from hands to mouths and depending on govt subsidies in many things to get by,
from housing, medical, hospitalization, education, bringing up children etc
etc, Singaporeans are now so dependable on the subsidy crutch that removing it
will shatter the lifestyle of many. No subsidies many Singaporeans will be in
Many have
lost their good jobs to foreigners and many are waiting to lose theirs with the
impending expansion of the terms in the CECA, TPP and Asean Economic Community.
More than 50% of the population is foreigners. Many are hidden under the
category called locals, ie citizens, new citizens and PRs. How many are the
original Singaporeans?
The threat
against the existence of the original Singaporeans is reaching breaking point
and Singaporeans are voicing their anger and frustration. The govt is
responding with some lip service and vague comments to assuage the people that
their interest will be taken care of first as Singaporeans. But the influx of
foreigners continues though at a slightly slower pace in view of the GE. How
would the flow be like after the GE given that the one trick pony cannot think
of anything else better than adding more heads into the island?
must prepare for more influx of immigrants once the GE is over and to fight for
their life, their existence in the island they called home. The fear of losing
their jobs, their homes and their country is more real than in the movie
Independence Day.
Come 11 Sep,
Singaporeans will be voting for their Independence once again, after 50 years,
from being marginalized and booted from their country. It is a fight for life,
for the right to be the citizens of their country, to live the way they want
it. The GE is a fight to be Singaporeans, to have more rights than foreigners,
to keep the foreigners out from their home country, to be proud and take back
their self esteem instead of being bullied and pushed aside by foreigners.
Singaporeans be united to stand together to fight this last fight before they
go down to the foreigners, their country overrun by foreigners? Some are still
sleeping and think it is a little discomfort to be squeezing with the
foreigners in the train. There is clear and present danger that they will lose
their country if they continue to be apathetic and ignore the changes taking
place. There is a real risk of becoming a minority to the foreigners.
The aliens
are here. What are Singaporeans going to do about it? Fight or flight? Some
ministers have encouraged the Singaporeans to flee, go overseas and leave their
homes and jobs to the foreigners. Go and give away your homes and your country
to the foreigners..
This is a
fight not only for all Singaporeans but also for their children and future
generations. This is a fight for independence and self determination, not to be
swallowed by the hordes of foreigners. It is a fight for freedom, to breathe
easier and not to be ruled and controlled by a regime that arrogantly decided
everything for the people, including keeping their life savings and forcing the
people to pay for a medical insurance scheme they cannot say no, and will wipe
out all that is left of their life savings and…only allowed to read and see
what the regime approved.
Now you hear
the good news. Wait for the bad news after GE if Singaporeans failed to make
Independence Day happen. Would there be cries of Merdeka again after 50 years
of enslavement? Would there be any original Singaporeans left to do the