
The rise of China

In a short span of 65 years after the Chinese Communist Party fought their way to retake control of a disintegrated and bankrupt China, a victim of mismanagement and foreign aggression and looting, China is today the second largest economy in the world and on the verge of overtaking the USA. Militarily it is no longer a push over. A nation of hapless and impoverished humanity, China is boasting of billionaires and millionaires, the most lucrative market for luxury goods, cars, jewelry, paintings, arts etc etc. There is now a China Dream instead in the likes of the American Dream for the young Chinese and even westerners.

China has arrived at the world stage as a new economic and military powerhouse, without firing a single shot. China achieved and attained its wealth, amidst great obstacles, through peaceful and economic means. Compare this to the western powers, their wealth was built on conquest and butchery. The came, they saw, they conquered, was the right thing to do then, and glorified by the colonialists and imperialists that ignored the rights of the natives to live and to be owners of their land.

Today the West and some silly Southeast Asians are accusing China of being an aggressive country, expansionist and bullying the smaller countries just because China is staking its claims to the uninhabited islands in the South China Seas and building infrastructures for human activities. The Chinese claims to these islands have much more legitimacy than the British claim to Singapore, to Malaysia and all the colonized countries. The most hypocritical are the Americans, seizing the continent of North America from the natives and committing the world’s biggest genocide to ensure that the natives were decimated to extinction and have no chance to make any meaningful claim for the return of their land.

Japan, still claiming islands of conquest that belonged to China, Korea and Russia, are in the thick of things. With the recent visit to Washington, Japan could have sealed the right to conduct wars of conquest in partnership with the Americans. The Abe Administration is bragging about its new rights to shoot down missiles, to fight alongside the Americans and other American allies in war. And both the Japanese and the Americans are shouting at the top of their voice that they are for peace and wanting to maintain peace while the Japanese are tearing away their constitution forbidding them to engage in wars of aggression. The Americans have moved their war machine and arsenal to the western Pacific region while Japan is continuing on its military expansion and adventurism with the consent of the Americans.

China may not have fired a single bullet to become an economic power that the Japanese fought so hard by invading the countries of Asia and failed. Japan also acquired its post war wealth without having to go to war. The Americans lost half of its wealth by continuing to conduct wars all over the world.

The new reality, China might have to go to war with the Americans and the Japanese to protect its country and wealth from them. The latter two are arming themselves and signing military alliances with their allies in preparation for a war of aggression against China in the name of peace.

Countries that gained wealth from the barrel of the guns cannot forget or think it is possible to gain economic wealth peacefully. They will resort to the use of gun and military power to achieve what they wanted by provoking and starting wars, this time against China. To prevent a war of aggression from the Americans, the Japanese and their allies, China must be militarily prepared to mete this brute force with force.

There is no need for China to want to conduct war when it is able to achieve all the economic growth it needs to bring a better life to its people. Only the ex colonialists and imperialists are still conniving and scheming to do what they know best, to conduct wars of aggression.

The Americans and Japanese are for peace? Check your head. Who needs a war? Does China need a war? Who is pointing a gun at everyone?


Degrees, degrees and fake degrees

The job of HR a few decades ago was pretty straight forward when vetting through the qualifications and CVs of a job applicant. In that piece of paper that the applicant submitted, you could practically verify everything with a few phone calls. But most of the time it was unnecessary as very few would dare to submit fake resumes for fear of the law and being discovered. It was so easy to find out the truth. The schools, the universities, the teachers, the references could be know to the HR or could easily be traced. After a simple process of verification of the certificates, an applicant could be hired based on what he has submitted.

When the door was thrown wide open to the world, in comes a deluge of snakes, scorpions, crocodiles and worms and the HR has a problem they never knew before. Was the govt, the HR and the system prepared and ready to face the world of fakes and cheats or compromised half baked education systems and degree mills?

The problem has exploded right in our face. In fact it exploded the moment the foreigners came in but everyone was in a state of denial. How to check on the quality of the education systems, the universities, schools, the grades when everyone appears to come from another planet and sounded like one? It was so easy to think that their systems are just as rigid and proper as ours, their standards were just as high as ours, their gradings as stringent as ours. Of course now we know a degree is not just a degree, an university is not just an university and a referee, testimonial, can all be faked or bought.

Now we are setting up agencies with foreigners to check on foreigners who knew how to buy their way out and would have not problem buying the checkers out. Did we foresee the problems then, before opening our doors? With the exposure of more and more fakes, the disease is deep inside us, seeped into every little nooks and corners of our systems like bed bugs, ringworms, tape worms, viruses and bacteria, everywhere.

Can we afford to live with them or is there a need to flush them out? The easy way of is to pretend all is fine. Where got problem? Prove to me lah, show me proof lah. If you can’t then don’t anyhow say. See, no problems right?

Oh, HR, please ask the applicants which degree or job references should be ignored, not to count, just for décor purposes in the CVs and which are genuine and to be counted. See, so easy to solve. QED. Just pretend or believe everyone is a talent will do. Or nevermind, just hire them and see if they can work. If can work good oredy. No need to bother about the degrees and testimonials and whether they are real or unreal.

PS. How to verify testimonials and recommendations from so and so of good work performance? Anyone wants to rely on such craps from crappy countries renowned for fakes and cheating?

Philippines want to build naval facilities in contested Spratley Islands

The Philippines govt has big plans to build a naval base in the Spratley Islands to challenge China’s claim in the South China Sea. The initial cost is $23.8m and another $200m for a full scale naval base. The plans are there but stalled for lack of funds. I would suggest they come to Singapore, look for a Singaporean to sell his good class bungalow and there will be enough money for the initial phase with money to spare. Or they could call on the Pinoy community here to make a donation and they could even have enough money to build the full scale naval base.

To be realistic, money is not everything. They would need the right equipment, the skilled manpower and the expertise to reclaim islands and building infrastructure. The best solution is for the Philippines to pay a courtesy call to Xi Jinping in Beijing. China would have everything the Philippines need, from cheap financing, skilled labour, engineering expertise and equipment to do the job in double quick time.

The Chinese could offer the Pinoys a comprehensive package and throw in some goodie bags as well. Be nice to the Chinese and everything would be done for them for a song.

Maybe the Americans could set up a military base on behalf of its colony in the island. The Americans would be most willing to gain a military foothold in the South China Sea to cause mischief. Ya, they could build their base in the Mischief Reef, for free. The Philippines govt need not pay a single cent. Just invite the Empire to be the masters again.

Singapore ranks top in education ranking

Singapore students score top marks in science and mathematics in a survey among 76 countries conducted by the OECD. The survey was on 15 year olds in Mathematics and for 14 year olds in Science in the Programme for International Students Assessment. Hong Kong was second, South Korea third, Japan and Taiwan joint fourth. The next 6th to 10th rankings were from Europe. The rest of the 3rd ‘World Asian countries were ranked far far away.

What does this survey say? Singapore students were the best at age 14 and 15. And this is not the first time the survey was conducted. The results of past years have been consistent. The strange thing is that Singapore students were found quite useless in later years and totally hopeless and unemployable. And Singapore is so desperate that there is no talents in Singapore, wondering what happened to the bright 14 and 15 year olds, that Singapore needs to import huge numbers of foreigners from the unranked 3rd World countries to help it to grow, and to provide jobs for the useless Singaporeans. Without the foreigners, Singapore will sink, perish from this world.

Can you believe that? Is that true, that top students at age 14 and 15 disappeared into thin air or became duds as they grew up? If not Singapore would be flooded with our own top talents in many fields. What could be the possible explanations for this queer phenomenon?

One explanation is that the survey is inaccurate and unreliable as the correlation did not make sense. Two, Singaporeans are born with a defective gene that self destruct and all Singaporeans will become stupid or daft as they grow older, ie after year 15.

A third possible explanation is that the young of the 3rd World continue to make rapid progress to leapfrog over Singaporeans in intelligence and ended up as the desirable foreign talents to replace the daft Singaporeans. Can this be it? Must be it.

A fourth and likely explanation is that somehow the 3rd World graduates have scintillating qualifications and job experience that are better than Singaporeans in all aspects, including street smartness, skills sets, bluffology etc etc that make them so impressive and so desirable as employees, including ability to do wonders. Actually everyone knows by now how easy it is to get all the top grades and top degrees, and CVs and job experience without having to work for it. They could just buy them from the shelf. Or the institutions would sell them directly for a fee. I think this is the likely cause.

Now, how can Singaporeans then do better than these 3rd World talents? My recommendation is that if you can’t beat them in cheating just join them in their game. With the talents of our students, I am pretty confident that if we want to cheat, allow them to cheat, they would be able to cheat betterer, with distinctions. But you need to have the authority on their side and not on the side of the foreign cheats. This is very important for daft Singaporeans to be successful, to be employable.

What do you think? Our young are top talents but never live past 15 years old? Who is cheating our young talents?


Amos Yee’s cartoon – A survey

‘The judge pointed out that the defence itself had acknowledged that such an image could encourage young people towards sexual experimentation.’ I quoted this from the ST.

I am thinking of conducting a survey on how the cartoon has actually affected the young and lead them to ‘sexual experimentation’. I heard more than a million people have viewed Amos video and if half are the young, it means half a million young people would have been exposed to this temptation.

I can expect some young and old reading Kamasutra or Kamasutra the movie would be tempted to indulge in some sexual experimentation by the vivid pictorial acts in the book/movie. How many would really be excited by the Amos Yee cartoon to really want to have a go at it? Was it really that sexually powderful?

Anyone got any idea? Anyone has actually done it after viewing the video, please kee chiu. I would like to take down the numbers to see how temptuous is that cartoon and how suggestive it has been to the young. Would be interesting to know, and the PR and advertising folks would learn something from it to work out their next project.

PS. I am very sure there are people who have not seen anything so ‘explicit’ before in their closet livestyle and would have gone bonkers and sexually berserk. And there will be people who would say ‘you mean that is suggestive’ Yawn?