Pole vaulter Rachel Isabel Yang, a 33 year of mother, probably past her
prime in her sporting career if age is concerned, could not believe it
herself. She returned to her sport after becoming a mother to compete in
the Malaysian Open.
She cleared 3.40m, 3.60m and 3.70m in her first attempt, like a breeze.
She attributed her success to Mr Lee. She said she thought of Mr Lee
before her attempts and Mr Lee was such an inspiration. Then she wanted
to attempt 3.80m but changed her mind and went for the record of 3.83m.
She cleared in her second attempt to win a gold medal, and a national
record and qualified for the SEA Games. Her mind was focused on Dear
Leeder when she vaulted.
And this was what she wrote, ‘Dear Mr Lee, I competed in memory of you
at Malaysia Open today. Before each of my attempts, I told myself, "Mr
Lee, this is for you, I will make you proud"’.
The power of the thought is simply amazing. And the power of inspiration
from a Dear Leeder is beyond words. I would like to suggest that all
the sports associations place a statue or picture of Dear Leeder in
their grounds for all sportsmen and sportswomen to take a bow before
training. The statue or picture would be a powerful inspiration to do
better for Dear Leeder. Coaches, are you reading? I can see a few
Olympic medals in the horizon.
Do not doubt the power of the mind and what Dear Leeder can do to make a
person perform wonders. And when the person is highly motivated and
wanted to do Dear Leeder proud, miracles can happen. It may be useful to
send a team to Pyongyang to learn from them how to erect the statues
and pictures of Dear Leeder to make it effective. They have been doing
it for decades and it is something we can learn from. People can be
highly motivated without the use of money but by their thoughts.
This is highly motivational.
Religious extremism – beware!
The words ‘religious extremism or fanaticism’ give people a very clear
idea of what they mean today. And the minds would simply wander off to
the Middle East, to Iraq, to Syria and some of the countries that are
homes to ISIS and the Al Qaeda.
Over the last few days, religious extremism in a different form is showing its signs in the world’s most expensive and supposedly cosmopolitan city called Singapore. A young boy of 16 insulted their ‘God’ in a YouTube broadcast and was met with threats of having his cock cut and shafted down his throat. Another gave a mild threat that the boy could be killed. Just imagine if the two were to say these to an MP like burning him? This is no joking matter. Yes, religious extremism can crop up anywhere, even in a cosmopolitan city, and the extremists could be the goody goody boy next door. In this case they are not boys but supposedly ‘responsible adults’ with good connections to the establishment.
Were they saying or uttering the threats to a boy as a joke? There were many calls for them to own up, for the police to investigate and find out what was their intent? These should be serious enough for them to realise that if they meant what they said as a joke or a figure of speech, they should explain, yes they should explain, and come out clean, that they were misquoted.
No, there was no explanation, no apologies. The big question, is this a joke, a figure of speech or an intended threat? If not, then is this in the mould of religious fanaticism, that the believers felt so aggrieved by words that hurt their ‘Gods’ and they were really furious, filled with anger and hate? Are they planning to carry out their threats? Is the boy’s safety at stake? Should there be a clarification of their intent or have they gone underground, untraceable, gone to their equivalent of the middle eastern hideouts to lie low when the heat is on?
Religious extremism can come in any form when people are easily provoked or excited or feel wronged and are strong believers of their beliefs and their ‘Gods’. Do not say anything to offend such extremists. Do not take social security and safety for granted. Do not take threats for granted. Be very careful in what you say, even in blogs and in YouTube.
PS. I too was threatened and I have to take it seriously until the asshole comes out with a statement that he did not mean it. Wherever I go, I am still watching my back all the time. And if something bad happens to me, please remember this threat against me and get the authority to go after him.
Just hope no harm goes to Amos when the extremists are still at large and did not own up. Do not take an open threat lightly no matter how subtle it is worded. You do not know what is in their minds and what is the real intent.
Over the last few days, religious extremism in a different form is showing its signs in the world’s most expensive and supposedly cosmopolitan city called Singapore. A young boy of 16 insulted their ‘God’ in a YouTube broadcast and was met with threats of having his cock cut and shafted down his throat. Another gave a mild threat that the boy could be killed. Just imagine if the two were to say these to an MP like burning him? This is no joking matter. Yes, religious extremism can crop up anywhere, even in a cosmopolitan city, and the extremists could be the goody goody boy next door. In this case they are not boys but supposedly ‘responsible adults’ with good connections to the establishment.
Were they saying or uttering the threats to a boy as a joke? There were many calls for them to own up, for the police to investigate and find out what was their intent? These should be serious enough for them to realise that if they meant what they said as a joke or a figure of speech, they should explain, yes they should explain, and come out clean, that they were misquoted.
No, there was no explanation, no apologies. The big question, is this a joke, a figure of speech or an intended threat? If not, then is this in the mould of religious fanaticism, that the believers felt so aggrieved by words that hurt their ‘Gods’ and they were really furious, filled with anger and hate? Are they planning to carry out their threats? Is the boy’s safety at stake? Should there be a clarification of their intent or have they gone underground, untraceable, gone to their equivalent of the middle eastern hideouts to lie low when the heat is on?
Religious extremism can come in any form when people are easily provoked or excited or feel wronged and are strong believers of their beliefs and their ‘Gods’. Do not say anything to offend such extremists. Do not take social security and safety for granted. Do not take threats for granted. Be very careful in what you say, even in blogs and in YouTube.
PS. I too was threatened and I have to take it seriously until the asshole comes out with a statement that he did not mean it. Wherever I go, I am still watching my back all the time. And if something bad happens to me, please remember this threat against me and get the authority to go after him.
Just hope no harm goes to Amos when the extremists are still at large and did not own up. Do not take an open threat lightly no matter how subtle it is worded. You do not know what is in their minds and what is the real intent.
Education standards in Singapore universities going up again
In Singapore,
you pay a price for quality. And anything that is good is expensive, priced
according its quality. The SMRT is one of the best in the world. And it is so
good that it is raising its fares again to match its quality of service. Fares
will go up on 5 Apr 15.
Yesterday it was also announced that all the universities
will be raising their fees again for the next academic year. So if you put one
and one together, the quality of our universities will go up again. You pay for
quality. The quality is in the price you pay. The increases range from 1% to 8%
depending on the courses and the institutions. This must be good news for the
students eyeing for a world class university education in Singapore.
The rankings of these universities will definitely notch up a few more rungs.
At the rate they are raising the quality of university education by raising the
fees respectively, soon they will be better than Harvard or MIT or Cambridge
and Oxford. And of course they will
have equally high course fees to match.
But just be careful about job opportunities. It was reported
in the media yesterday that 60% of the local professionals, managers,
executives and technicians (PMET) that lost their jobs could not be reemployed
because they lacked the skills set. And they are the products of our world best
And the lack of skills set is not confined to the older
graduates from our universities. Fresh graduates also have difficulties finding
jobs due to lack of skills set. I quote a comment in a local social media, the
the PAP:
so if PMETs young and old have lack of skills, then what are the polytechnics and SIM, SMU, NTU,NUS teaching in their degree and diploma syllabuses??? all outdated stuff???
its like the educational institutions are still teaching DOS and Word Star and the outside world is using windows 8 and office 2013.
if you are a fresh grad from Poly and NUS and outside interviewers are telling you you lack the relevant skills, then what the f*ck are these educational institutions teaching???
education ministry sleeping and daydreaming still isn’t it??’
so if PMETs young and old have lack of skills, then what are the polytechnics and SIM, SMU, NTU,NUS teaching in their degree and diploma syllabuses??? all outdated stuff???
its like the educational institutions are still teaching DOS and Word Star and the outside world is using windows 8 and office 2013.
if you are a fresh grad from Poly and NUS and outside interviewers are telling you you lack the relevant skills, then what the f*ck are these educational institutions teaching???
education ministry sleeping and daydreaming still isn’t it??’
I can guarantee the students that the qualities of these
universities are definitely world class. But I am not sure world class in what
ways. The students must be mentally prepared that getting a degree from these
universities does not guarantee them a good job as the experience of the PMETs
and the fresh graduates are anything to go by.
My recommendation is to go the neighbouring countries, 3rd
World also good, if they want to get the right skills set to be employable. An
easier and cheaper way is to buy from the degree mills. Not to worry, many of
them are getting good jobs here and doing very well. Everyone is sleeping and
no one is checking. Be street smart, get a degree, fake also can, that can get
a job, not a world class degree that no employers want or worst, did not teach
you the relevant skills set to get a job.
What do you want, a good degree from a world class
university that cannot get a job or a fake degree or from an unknown university
but can get you a job? It is very easy to con or cheat the talented employers
in this 1st World city. They did not know what the hell is going on.
They are too busy counting their money. See the ‘Do Not Disturb’ signs on their
The angst and pain of being Singaporeans that assholes cannot understand
Below is a post by a commenter called Tham in TRE. If you can’t feel the pain and the frustration of this Tham, and the many filial children that shared the hapless feelings of Tham’s son knowing the financial problems they caused to their parents, you are inhuman. Read on to share the plight of being average parents in this extremely expensive city and trying to make ends meet. I just have to share this post to let the world know what the average Singaporeans are going through. This is the norm.
Tham: Readers out here, do share my grief; do share my agony; do share my anger; do share my frustration, when :
My son was graduated in NUS in year 2012 and the graduation ceremony was held in middle of July 2012 whereby more than 700 fresh graduates were waiting for their turns to be given the University Degree Certificate on stage…!!!!
As parents, both myself and my wife attended the grand convocation together with my daughter on that very evening.
There were thousands of parents serving as audience attended to this event held on that very day’s graduation apart from the volume closed to a hundred of convocation ceremonies held before this said date and immediately thereafter.
From the mother tongue these huge pool of audience attended to this ceremony alone, more than 70% are from PRC…!!!!
As a matter of courtesy and carried with joy witnessing the graduation of our children is something great…!!! We did not hesitate chatting freely with all these PRC parents who were there as audience giving their cheers and support to their children…!!!!
What really frustrate, angered and antagonized us is that parents of these PRCs were saying :
2) Even a BOND is required to be signed as a formality so that after their children are graduated and comes out to work, they will have this revenue source to repay back whatever Educational Loans so far extended to them BUT AT ANY TIME THEY CAN FLED BACK TO CHINA WHICH IS VAST ENOUGH FOR THEM TO TEMPORARILY HIDE THEMSELVES UP AND THEREAFTER GO TO OTHER COUNTRIES TO SEEK FOR A HIGH SALARIED JOB WITH GREAT PROSPECTS…!!!!
From here we need to ask ONE VERY BASIC SIMPLE QUESTION :
Why aren’t our own True Native Born Singaporeans being privileged with all these Benefits when they are eligible to enroll for a seat & their parents have been all along over the past contributed towards the building of this Nation…???
My son, a True Native Born Singaporean; served the two & a half years of Full Time National Service in the Army; his parents are both also True Native Born Singaporeans who have contributed for the past decades in serving this Nation and myself too served the Part-Time National Service for 12 years with 5 years in the Army and 7 years in the Police Force…!!!!
As a filial piety son, he was reluctant to take out borrowings from my CPF money to pay for his University school fees and tuition fees in view of my health & age, among others…!!!!
My son worked full time during the day as a simple technician and with his lean income, he saved hard to ensure he can afford to pay for his semester fee and tuition fee when falls due during his course of study at NUS…!!!!
Far 5 years back when my daughter studied at NUS, she borrowed from my CPF to pay for her semester fees and tuition fees…!!!!
We (our whole family) together with our relatives, friends and colleagues whom are acquainted with us do share this : UNFAIRNESS AND ABUSIVE POLICIES OF THE PAP GOVERNMENT OVER ON HOW THEY HAVE ILL TREATED ALL OUR TRUE NATIVE BORN SINGAPOREANS….!!!!
Least but not Last or Last but not the Least, rest PAP can be assured that from all those within our known circle who knew about our predicament will NEVER VOTE FOR THIS PAP FROM THEREON IN EACH GENERAL ELECTION…!!! Thank you very much…
Early signs of rebellion
Less than one week after the state burial of the founding
Prime Minister of Singapore, two incidents hogged the headlines. One is the
abusive tirades of a 16 year old boy in the YouTube against the man himself.
And this was taken very seriously, top priority and urgency. One day after it
hit the news the boy was charged in court for 3 offences. How could it be when
more than a million people paid their respect to the man, queuing for more than
8 hours just to walk pass his body lying in state over a whole week? And
immediately there was this big hooha by a boy that took a diagonally opposing
view that frayed raw nerves exposed by a week of mourning and public weeping.
To raise the temperature higher, some pro establishment
grassroot leaders made threatening remarks like cutting the cock of the boy and
shaft it in his mouth, and another insinuating that the comments by the boy
could get himself killed, … in this first world city! My God, we are not far
from the mentality of the medieval age or the tribes in the jungles.
Yesterday, the angry residents of an upper class public
housing estate found it necessary to air their grievances publicly in the
social media when they could not get the attention of the authority and the
main media to deal with their unhappiness. A state organisation, the Residents
Committee, in their zealous effort to help and bond with the residents,
insisted on building more facilities in the estate. They already have a big
presence but the residents are not happy with their generosity to help them.
The residents did not want more RC facilities in their midst. But the RCs are
adamant to build more facilities against the wishes of the residents. Strange
that the state wanting to help the residents but the residents rejecting the
‘Another resident told TRE, “We are being bullied by our RC and PA!”
“There is already an existing RC at our block and they want a 2nd RC. Seriously the residents don’t need 2 RCs within 5 blocks!” she explained.
She asked TRE to help spread the news. “We are really desperate and need your help to make this public as they are going to construct the RC soon. We have written several emails to the authorities but they are not addressing the issue,” she said. “This means a lot to the residents. We sincerely thank you loads.”’
Everyone is wishing the man to RIP and things are beginning to turn bad. How to rest in peace? You want him to jump up so fast? Leave the man in peace can?
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