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Yukawa and Goto – Déjà vu for Abe

Abe and his hawks are furious. It is like 911 happening to Japan. It is like the attack on Hebdo in Paris. All these were nothing compared to the massacre at Nanjing and the millions of Chinese and Southeast Asians killed by the Japanese during the invasion by the Japanese Imperial Army. But why are the Japanese up in arms asking for revenge? Abe said he would not forgive. The fucker expect the Chinese and silly Singaporeans to forgive Japan for the invasion and massacre in WW2. The rest of Southeast Asians also quite happy to forgive the Japanese for invading their countries, killing their people and looting their treasures.

Now why is Abe and his warmonger hawks so angry about? Oh it was the beheading of two miserable Japanese by ISIS. To the Japanese this is an earth shaking event. It is the perfect reason Abe is waiting for, to rearm Japan and return to the Japanese Imperial military past. Yes Japan now has a good reason to rearm and go to war. Japan is planning to send troops to fight the ISIS.

For the last part, sending Japanese soldiers to fight the ISIS, I support. I would like to see how good the Japanese soldiers are against the ISIS fighters. I would like to see how the ISIS deal with the Japanese Imperialists. I would like to see how the USA and the West come out in support of the rearmament of Japan as a military power and conducting warfare again like the past, like the Americans and the West.

Abe and his hawks must be celebrating and shouting ‘Déjà vu!’ It is a godsend excuse to rearm Japan and to go to war.

The sun rises from the West

This morning I was in a state of disbelief, that the sun rose from the West. When I opened the Today paper and this headline smacked me right in the face. ‘We need consensus before moving ahead: DPM Teo.’

What more do I need to say? What do you thing? Did we get a consensus on PWP? Yes, the consensus was in the Parliament. Did we get a consensus on the Medishield Life? Yes, the consensus was in Parliament. Did we get a consensus on the CPF? Yes the consensus was in Parliament. Did we get a consensus on the influx of foreign trash? Yes, the consensus was decided by dunno who. Was there a consensus on the out of this world salaries?

We need a consensus to move forward? ‘We’ means who, deaf frogs? Ya, did anyone say deaf frogs? The consensus of deaf frogs!

Can someone tell me what is this ‘We need consensus before moving forward’? Oh, I get it. It’s election time. We need the consensus of the masters. Did I get it right?

Clean city? Singapore not there yet: Vivian

The above is the title of an article by Samantha Goh in the ST on 2 Feb to hammer in the point that Singapore is a dirty country. It also implied that Singaporeans are still guilty of littering and needed to get their acts together. There was also a photo of the litter left on the Alexandra Arch Bridge, tissues, plastic bags, beer and liquor bottles, plastic bottles, food wrappers. Guess who did it? The jokers and jesters would immediately blame the Singaporeans.

The ordinary Singaporeans who have been walking around and knew who the culprits were do not need second guessing. It is the foreigners that littered the public places, stupid. Don’t blame it on the Singaporeans.

Singapore is not yet a clean city? Where have you been? For kids who were born yesterday, they can be forgiven for their ignorance. Are you a Martian? We were a clean city in the 70s and 80s. We were very proud of this fact and accolade. The whole world was in praise of our beautiful city, clean and green then. Every foreigner stepping out of Changi would be wowed by our clean and beautiful city. Of course you won’t know with the blinkers over your eyes.

What happened? Please look at your darling foreigners. They are the filth that were brought in here to litter and dirty the place. Get rid of your darling foreigners and we would be clean and green again. Get rid of them and the trains and buses would smell good and clean again. There are just too many of these filth living among us and bringing down the quality of life here, and the cleanliness of our once beautiful and clean city.

Please come down from high heavens and be real. Please say the right thing and do the right thing. If not, we would not only be a dirty country, we will slip from 1st World to 3rd World with the presence of so much filth in our midst, in your watch.

We have been there!


GE 2015/16 – Steady Ravi

Lawyer Ravi has placed his stake at AMK GRC for the next GE. He is going to stand as an independent. His stand, Singapore for Singaporeans and compulsory and equal importance to the four official languages. I think no Singaporean can disagree with his mission. His Singaporean First message is similar to Jee Say’s Singaporean First Party mission. The two can surely work out something if Ravi cannot find enough candidates to stand with him. For the moment there are natural and ready candidates like Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui. In fact he would have too many to handle if he were to include the other few who were charged together with Roy for the Hong Lim Saga. Just make sure there is no three corner fight.

Have no fear. Ravi already has a team comprising his legal colleagues of Charles Yeo, Liew Zheng Yang and Rubendran.

As for the promotion in the use of the four official languages, it is timely with all the changes taking place. This would preempt the call for other major languages to be included as official languages like Hindi and Tagalog. Luckily Chinese is already an official language or the PRCs would demand for Chinese to be included.

Looking further ahead into the future, the equality of the language will be a natural thing to be. The population composition could be, just an example, 40% Chinese, 30% Indian, 20% Malay and 10% Others. So getting everyone conversant with all the languages is something to look forward to. The problem is in the details. If English is going to be subplanted, and the other major ethnic groups would insist on speaking their official languages we may have another serious problem in the making. Ravi needs to think through this.

Anyway, let’s wait and see what Ravi can make out of it in his political quest to be the PM of Singapore and winning the AMK GRC. AMK is going to be a hotly contested GRC. Maybe it should be divided into two, then Ravi can contest in one and Jee Say in the other.

Just a glimpse of the future to come.